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Debt-to-GDP ratios have grown to unprecedented levels in many industrialised economies. To combat this threat, the authors call for a global debt brake following the Swiss or German example. The debt brakes should be incorporated into national constitutions and monitored by independent transnational fiscal councils, which should conduct regular evaluations of national budget plans in order to ensure that they meet the requirements stipulated by the debt brake.  相似文献   

The transnational Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme has been one of the most popular official business training programmes amongst Thai business practitioners. Although the numbers of transnational business schools and MBA programmes are rapidly increasing, the programmes face numerous challenges from both local and global factors. This empirical study discusses the concept of learning in transnational MBA programmes in the Thai business training and cultural context. By investigating experiences from various key stakeholders, the study highlights various problems related to learning style and culture, learning and languages, the transferability of the Western managerial concept to the Thai context, and the value of Western learning resources for Thai business learners. The implication of the results of this study for the management of transnational programmes is that such management needs to respond to local conditions, regional forces and global factors rather than being locked into a standard model.  相似文献   

Professional development is the key to curriculum‐based reform, yet there is little empirical evidence upon which to base decisions of design or implementation of training and development programmes. This study examined the training and development needs of Ghana's polytechnic teachers in an existing curriculum reform scenario as they became involved in curriculum design. Forty‐four teachers and four heads of mechanical engineering departments and representatives of the leadership of four polytechnics granted comprehensive interviews and responded to questionnaires. Findings revealed that updating subject knowledge through industrial attachments was a major training and development need for teachers. Teachers indicated that they were keen to get more involved in curriculum design and argued for their subject knowledge to be improved to give them the confidence to do so. The results of the study suggest higher education teachers have training and development needs in relation to effective curriculum design and implementation. It is proposed that polytechnic–industry links are strengthened and that teachers should draw on teamwork to plan and undertake industrial attachments.  相似文献   

The ventures of transnational entrepreneurs (TEs) are a new business phenomenon, representing a fluid context in which established arrangements may be expected to change. In terms of one particular relationship, motivation has been found to be a key construct in international entrepreneurship (IE) research, with two established features of motivation comprising entrepreneurial vision and its implementation. At the same time, nationality has been found to be a consistent influence on entrepreneurial orientation through the impact of culture. Employing qualitative case study methods, this paper investigates these relationships in the new context of the internationalization of Chinese TEs socially embedded in their host and home countries. Subtle changes in established patterns of IE motivation are detected, and Chinese cultural influence may also be weakening to meet the environment of host countries.  相似文献   

The role of Japanese Transnational Corporations (TNCs) in the economic development of the host Southeast Asian countries is at the heart of contemporary discussion on knowledge transfer. This paper is an empirical analysis of the existence of knowledge transfer from Japanese TNCs to their local suppliers in the Malaysian Electrical and Electronics sector. A logistic regression model enables to define the factors that determine the existence of knowledge transfer between Japanese affiliates and their local suppliers.  相似文献   

Will the impact of baby boomers, as they age, be a bonanza or a bust for the healthcare system? A range of perspectives prevail, from increasing in-patient admissions capacity to accommodate the sheer numbers, to the creation of a variety of healthcare services and delivery channels that address their unique requirements. This case study presents a top 100, regional hospital's approach to this dilemma. The strategic marketing process using segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) was employed to guide the administration's planning and decision making.  相似文献   

Many studies refer to the importance of farmers' markets for both food producers and for visitors. For producers, the ability to obtain higher returns and/or market part of their produce as value‐added products can be strong incentives, while for consumers benefits include having access to fresher, often tastier foods or simply visiting as a social activity. Relatively few studies, however, explore visitors' needs and wants with regards to their farmers' market experience, that is, from visitors' perspective. The present study explores this dimension, comparing visitors' views in two different farmers' markets, one recently developed (since 2009) in a rural area vs. one already established (since 2004) in a university town (urban area). A total of 356 farmers' market visitors participated in the study. Respondents' comments from the two different farmers' markets are very much in agreement in the context of their needs and wants. Primarily, visitors want more product variety, an extended season, that is, not only limited to the summer season, and more vendors. The fact that more than half of the respondents regularly visit farmers' markets demonstrates their need and interest in locally produced foods. Given such strong interest, the potential for beneficial producer–consumer interactions in the sites studied appears to be enormous. Furthermore, farmers and other food producers have an ideal opportunity to increase the interest of consumers, ‘convert’ them to their foods and realise important benefits in the process. The overall findings also suggest opportunities for the establishment of other farmers' markets in a state (Alabama) with a long agricultural tradition.  相似文献   

In this paper, we link the discussion on the differentiated multinational corporation (MNC) with organisational mechanisms for knowledge development and sharing. The aim is to explore the impact of different organisational mechanisms on knowledge development and sharing. Using case-study data—drawn from the same MNC—to explore two different organisational mechanisms, a Centre of Excellence and a transnational team, the findings illustrate how multifaceted knowledge development and sharing are. The organisational structure of the two organisational mechanisms partly determines whether knowledge development occurs locally or globally. This, in turn, has consequences for how knowledge sharing evolves. The sharing process is like a double-edged sword: how to share globally while allowing for local adaptations or how to share locally while developing global knowledge.  相似文献   

The globalization process together with the extraordinary growth in the use of Internet offer firms new growth opportunities. Retail firms are using a multichannel approach, involving the Internet, in their internationalization strategies. Website traffic as measured by unique users and online awareness is among the measures for assessing the success of the online channel. There is little evidence, however, linking website traffic and the characteristics of the retail multichannel internationalization process. In order to fill this gap, this paper analyses the factors explaining the retailer's international website traffic. Website traffic data for a sample of European fashion apparel retailers are modelled as dependent on characteristics of the organization and of its physical and virtual internationalization strategy. Following the results of several linear regression models, we infer the complementarity of online and offline channels in the international operation, as well as the contribution of social networks as traffic generators.  相似文献   

陈建勋  刘黎 《财贸研究》2013,24(1):55-61
从网络关联和组织演化两个方面,通过案例分析的研究方法,对欧美跨国公司的成长经验进行归纳和理论梳理。研究表明:在网络关联方面,欧美跨国公司的成长表现为网络广度的不断扩展与深度的不断加强,并且作为网络中心的母国或母公司在加强网络深度时更侧重于对发达区域的投资;在组织演化方面,欧洲和美国的跨国公司的组织模式选择存在差异性。在此基础上,结合中国跨国公司的成长与发展现状,从网络关联程度与组织模式选择两个方面提出中国跨国公司成长的相关策略。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):79-99
This article is a first attempt to explore the relationship between training and entrepreneurship in Spanish family firms. It examines changes and continuities over time, and relates the evolution of the training practices of Spanish family firms to the technical and economic conditions of the first and second industrial revolutions. The article demonstrates the interaction betweeen technical and educational ideas, the creative adaptation to the entrepreneurial needs of regions and economic sectors, and institutional conditions. It is organised in three main sections. The first briefly introduces new institutional and sociological theories applied to the study of the formation of business groups. The second summarises existing literature and research that deals with knowledge transference and business training in Spanish family firms, and provides a general survey of informal and formal business education in eighteenth to twentieth-century Spain. The third presents case studies of changing training practices in big and old family firms, and relates this evidence with theoretical and institutional insights.  相似文献   

This study aimed to gain an understanding of training and development (T&D) as a philosophy and practice in Jordanian electricity companies and to explore factors that shape T&D. Data were gathered through in‐depth interviews, observation and document analysis. Results indicate that T&D was interpreted in terms of learning, was development focused and emphasized a utilitarian outlook. The T&D role was perceived as being ‘instrumental’, showing an inclination towards a functionalist philosophical perspective. T&D activities were found to have a reactive role, designed to meet particular or short‐term needs. Findings support the general argument proposed in the human resource development literature about the role of T&D philosophy in guiding actions, but also indicate that the way of thinking about T&D is shaped through the prism of ‘situation needs’ and T&D ‘utility’. Furthermore, this study argues that the perceptions, understanding and application of T&D are shaped in the crucible of industry and organizational internal specification.  相似文献   

Maintaining a healthy work force is becoming increasingly important to apparel manufacturers today. The purpose of this study was to examine the issues involved in worker health and safety, particularly that of educating and training production workers. Data were generated from responses to a mailed questionnaire by 134 upper level managers in companies located throughout the United States. Results indicated that educating workers was an important concern for managers, ranking second to controlling workers' compensation costs. Chi-square analysis showed that there was a significant difference between those who used education and training as a cost-reduction strategy and a decrease in workers' compensation costs. Education and training was reported as a component of ergonomics and safety programmes by over three-quarters of those who were developing and implementing such programmes. The findings from this study suggest that apparel manufacturers should seriously consider the importance of education and training programmes as a cost-reduction strategy as well as a means of improving the safety and health of production workers.  相似文献   

While traditional models of training such as behavioral modeling (BMT) have been found to enhance training transfer, research suggests that more active learning strategies such as error management (EMT) and team‐based learning (TBL) may be more effective. This paper analyzes BMT, EMT and TBL strategies to train employees on new enterprise resources planning (ERP) software and discusses which training leads to successful procedural and declarative knowledge transfer, knowledge retention and application, and tangible business outcomes. TBL was predicted to be the most effective training type, as it models several components needed to use ERP software in the actual job setting. Overall and procedural knowledge as well as knowledge application scores improved most for TBL participants, while declarative knowledge improved the most in the EMT condition. During training, all conditions showed significant improvement in knowledge application; however, the TBL condition showed the highest knowledge application gains. This paper discusses the elements of TBL that support its use as an effective strategy to increase knowledge transfer in an organizational context.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the largest Spanish corporations concerning the status of corporate ethics policies. The research project, the first of its kind in Spain, has two parts. First, the types of formal documents the companies use are analysed, including those dealing with ethical values or norms. Three groups of companies are distinguished: the first group has no formal documents dealing with ethical values, and the reasons given for not having any ethical statement are discussed. A second group has one document mentioning ethical values (generally the vision and/or mission statement), and a third group has in place two or more documents (one generic and the other more detailed, such as a code of conduct). The findings show that the latter group is more proactive than the former in implementing measures for promoting business ethics throughout the organisation. In the second part of the research, the study analyses the differences between companies whose headquarters are in Spain, Europe and USA regarding the arguments, the focus and the practices used to formalise business ethics.  相似文献   

随着社会主义经济体制制度的不断完善,人们的生活水平发生了翻天覆地的变化.在信息化和知识化的市场背景下,人力资源已经成为了促进和推动科技进步,帮助企业健康城战的核心要素,与此同时还担当着促进人类财富增长,经济进步的重要任务.高等教育是在知识经济体系下应运而生的栽体,负责向社会输送具有专业化的知识人才,它的发展必须时刻的走在知识经济的前沿地位,在知识经济的发展过程当中起到重要作用,本文结合个人多年实际工作经验,就知识经济企业人力资源需求的高校人才培养展开探讨,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

This paper assesses consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for European Union geographical indication quality labels [Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI)], organic farming label and other product quality cues. Using a choice experiment, random parameter logit model and olive oil as product of interest, results suggest that respondents are willing to pay the highest premium price for a product with a PDO label, followed by organic farming label, a quality cue describing the product as extra‐virgin olive oil and then a PGI label.  相似文献   

The Ethiopian economy has grown significantly and the government has prioritized industrial skills development and expanded technical and vocational education and training (TVET). However, mismatches between the skills available and the skills required are widespread and the unemployment rate for TVET graduates is high. Little scholarly effort has been made to empirically identify the exact types and domains of skills in which these supply–demand mismatches happen. The present study relies on interviews with 30 vocational trainers, 19 employees, 13 factory managers and 3 garment industry experts. To measure the perception gaps between the supply and demand sides of worker skills and explain why mismatches occur, we conducted an assessment in which assessors from among the factory managers and vocational trainers along with the three industry experts concurrently graded the garment‐manufacturing vocational skills of the same workers. For this purpose, we developed a unique instrument that captures the knowledge and skills of workers in real work environments. The analysis reveals that TVET trainers expect students to have comprehensive skills and grade the skills of workers more generously, whereas factory managers expect not variety but quality, and score workers’ performance more critically. Differences in the educational backgrounds and practical experience of assessors contribute to these gaps. The evidence from this study suggests that the vocational skills assessment instrument we have developed for our research is valid and can serve as a basis for future large‐scale performance assessments.  相似文献   

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