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本文首先对顾客投诉的概念及对组织的重要影响做了介绍,接着分析了产生顾客投诉的原因。在此基础上,对企业加强顾客投诉管理的措施进行了阐述,包括提高全员对投诉的认识、理顺投诉处理的流程、提升投诉处理人员的素质、建立投诉的预防和改进机制四个方面。最后,得出结论:企业投诉管理水平对能否有效解决投诉事件,从而保持和提升顾客满意度有着直接的关系,因而企业要重视投诉管理。 相似文献
社交网络兴起为全渠道供应链中顾客渠道选择行为带来较为深远的影响.本文基于全渠道供应链,从社交网络环境的平台利用满意度、主观社交需求度、购物便捷性、增值服务便捷感受度、风险感受度、信息质量六个维度考察其对顾客渠道选择行为的影响.结果显示,社交网络环境中平台利用满意度、购物便捷性、增值服务便捷感受度、信息质量、风险感受度对... 相似文献
本文从媒介沟通渠道角度探讨顾客抱怨管理。以顾客抱怨理论为基础,建构顾客抱怨的媒体沟通渠道,通过分析抱怨渠道中常用媒介的特性,提炼出媒介沟通渠道使用中应该考虑的方面。 相似文献
论顾客投诉处理与顾客忠诚度的培养 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
顾客投诉对任何企业来讲都是不可能完全避免的。积极有效的顾客投诉处理对保留顾客,培养顾客忠诚度具有十分重要的意义。本文基于国外研究消费者行为的文献,对顾客投诉的意义,影响顾客投诉行为的因素进行分析,并提出建立有效投诉处理策略的原则。 相似文献
随着市场经济的繁荣,消费者越来越理性,对商品和服务的要求也越来越高,企业越来越不能做到每次都让所有顾客满意,顾客投诉时有发生。本文通过分析顾客抱怨产生的原因与顾客投诉对企业的好处,提出了三点建议,试图通过良好地处理顾客投诉达到顾客满意。 相似文献
顾客因投诉得不到妥善解决采取吵闹、堵门、打架群殴、长时间向媒体投诉等非理性过激行为。本文在冲突双方当事人心理剖析的基础上,分析引发投诉过激事件的主要原因有商家投诉管理不到位、顾客缺乏专业知识产生误解和顾客为了经济利益无理取闹,并提出了应对策略。 相似文献
消费情绪归因及其对顾客忠诚的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
从营销者和消费者视域建立不同归因的消费情绪对顾客忠诚度影响关系的概念模型,实证分析营销者引发的积极情绪和消极情绪,以及消费者引发的积极情绪和消极情绪与顾客忠诚度之间的关系,认为消费情绪对顾客忠诚有直接的影响,积极情绪会提高顾客忠诚,而消极情绪则会降低顾客忠诚。 相似文献
顾客投诉在不少商家不同程度地存在着,要从根本上有效减少顾客投诉现象,必须深入剖析导致顾客投诉生成的深层原因,以便采取措施,对症下药,着眼防范,有效解决。 相似文献
Cynthia R. Jasper 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2013,23(2):137-151
This exploratory study analyzes the effect of distance-shopping channel choice (i.e. the format first used by consumers in a retail transaction) on consumer complaint behavior, with a special focus on the Internet channel. It analyzes 2011 Eurobarometer data using a logistic regression model controlling for sociodemographic and country-specific variables to measure the impact of using the Internet, post/catalog, and telephone channels on complaint behavior. The results indicate that consumers using the Internet channel exhibit the greatest likelihood of complaint behavior when compared to consumers using traditional distance-shopping channels. Implications and suggestions for retailers are discussed, as are the contributions to the consumer complaint behavior literature. 相似文献
This study investigates consumer perceptions of price-quality-value based on shopping channel attributes as antecedents of channel choice and usage in multichannel shopping environments. Findings indicate that channel usage intention is directly influenced by consumer perceptions of channel value and indirectly by consumer perceptions of channel quality and channel price. Consumer perceptions of channel attributes most important to channel usage intention include utilitarian and hedonic value, service and merchandise quality, and monetary and non-monetary price. Managerial implications for retailers suggest a need for strategic management and differentiation of channel attributes to enhance channel value perceptions and increase channel usage intention. 相似文献
Ran Kivetz 《Marketing Letters》1999,10(3):249-266
Research extending over twenty years in behavioral decision theory has led to the development of two important research streams—mental accounting and reason-based choice. This paper explores recent research on the role of mental accounting and reason-based choice in the construction of consumer preferences. Evidence suggests that the principles of mental accounting often regulate the purchase and consumption of luxuries and that reasons may play an important part in this process. In particular, buying and consuming luxury goods tends to call for reasons and justification and can evoke intra-personal conflict that might be resolved with the aid of mental accounting. Moreover, reasons can serve as important building blocks in the formation and grouping of mental accounts. The current paper also discusses the construction of preferences as a process where, in certain cases, consumers choose reasons rather than options. Among other things, focusing on reasons can lead to discrepancies between decisions and consumption experiences, preference intransitivity, and unconventional choices. Directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
本文运用效用理论与消费者行为理论,在经典模型基础上加入时间约束参数,从而放宽消费行为不需要时间这一假设,从消费者的商品边际效用和时间边际效用方面对消费者选择的理性行为进行研究,并从工资率的变化出发,对均衡条件进行比较静态分析。基于时间约束条件的分析表明:消费者实现效用最大化时应使花费在各种消费品及休闲上的最后每一元钱所获得的边际效用相等;替代效应的正负取决于商品的相对时间密度,当某商品的时间密度与其他商品相比较小时,替代效应为正,反之为负;工资率收入效应的正负取决于商品的性质,正常品和高档品对应的工资率收入效应为正,低档品对应的工资率收入效应为负。 相似文献
促进消费与流通渠道建设是一个问题的两个方面。其中,消费是拉动国民经济发展的基本动力,适度提高消费率是现阶段我国经济发展必须解决的重大课题。为提高居民消费率,必须处理好消费率与投资率的关系、城镇居民消费与农村居民消费的关系、消费需求与进出口贸易的关系、即期消费与储蓄的关系;必须通过改革消费体制,提升消费能力,调整消费政策,夯实消费基础,改变消费观念,优化消费环境,研究消费周期,培育消费热点,建立扩大消费的长效机制。流通渠道建设是货畅其流、物尽其用的根本,流通渠道水平是衡量一国综合国力的重要标志。流通渠道主要包括物流通道、资金流通道、信息流通道、供应链流程优化、流通节点布局、城乡一体化与内外贸一体化运行模式等六个方面。为更好地推进流通渠道建设,应针对当前流通渠道中存在的主要问题,加快综合运输体系建设,有效降低物流成本;推进现代流通方式发展,减少流通环节,提高流通效率;大力发展供应链管理,实施供应链集成;改变中国工业"大而全、小而全"的生产模式与农业小农经济生产模式;加快要素市场的培育与市场化进程;加快推进流通渠道信息化、标准化建设,加大流通人才培养力度,提升流通渠道科技含量,进一步与国际接轨。 相似文献
Customers’ disposition to register a formal complaint about an inferior product or poor service is often mediated by attributions of responsibility. However, the anger or fear that people happen to be experiencing for totally irrelevant reasons can also influence this disposition. Two field studies and four laboratory experiments indicate that when people feel angry at the time they encounter a service failure, they are more likely to blame the service provider for the failure and more likely to register a complaint. When they experience fear, however, they are uncertain about the cause of their misfortune and decrease their negative reactions relative to conditions in which fear is not experienced. The effects of these incidental emotions are evident both when a service failure is personally experienced and when it is only observed. These effects are eliminated, however, when individuals do not have the cognitive resources available to assess the reasons for the service failure and the conditions surrounding it. 相似文献
The becoming productive of consumer culture has been an important theme for social research. Within neoliberal discourse, the link between consumer culture and new forms of immaterial production has been conceptualized as “creativity.” This paper uses the experience of Bangkok's fashion markets to begin to articulate an alternative understanding of the relation between consumer culture and immaterial production, a different kind of “creativity.” We suggest that Bangkok's fashion markets manifest a kind of creativity where innovation is highly socialized, as opposed to being oriented around the notion of individual genius and individual intellectual property; where participation is popular as opposed to elite-based and where the ambiguous relation between creation and commercial success that is intrinsic to Western notions of creativity is replaced by an embrace of markets and commerce as vehicles for self-expression. Bangkok's fashion markets represent an example of a market-based commons centered innovation economy. 相似文献
优化城市基础设施对于提升居民消费水平具有积极意义。交通与通讯两类基础设施对居民线上、线下消费的影响存在差异。在普及网购的同时改善城市居民出行条件,使实体店在展示产品、现场体验等方面与电商形成互补,将有助于实现线上、线下渠道的积极互动。以2011—2016年全国近300个地级市构建的面板数据进行计量分析,验证了基础设施对居民消费的促进作用,并发现当前交通、通讯两类设施的交互作用主要体现为协同效应。进一步的研究表明,以完善基础设施支持线上、线下渠道共同发展,还能够适应居民家庭年龄结构变化的新特点。上述结论说明,以完善基础设施促成渠道协同,将对全面优化消费者体验、提升居民消费水平产生重要作用。 相似文献
Andrea Walton 《非赢利和公共部门市场学杂志》2013,25(3):202-221
This study investigates three independent variables; types of service failure, service expectations, and attribution on postfailure responses in healthcare. A between-subjects 3?×?2?×?2 experimental design using written scenarios was used. The findings demonstrate that customer responses to service failures in hospitals are extensively influenced by the type of service failure, the level of service expectation of the provider, and, to a lesser extent, the controllability of the cause of the failure. Core service failures lead to greater increases in negative responses for satisfaction, emotional, and behavioral responses than supplementary service failure with high service expectations protecting the provider against overall dissatisfaction, negative word-of-mouth, and switching behaviors. Interestingly, perceived high controllability leads to greater dissatisfaction but not to increased negative emotional or behavioral responses. The study applies attribution theory to explain the results. The article concludes with managerial implications. 相似文献