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“白领”、“蓝领”,是以往职业人士的划分。最近,“时髦灰领”这一新兴职业的划分正随着媒体宣传而被大家所熟知。那么,这到底是怎样的一个职业族群呢?他们的生活方式是怎样的,从他们的职业发展中我们又能得到哪些启示呢?就让我们一起到“灰领”的背后来看看吧!  相似文献   

前言在我国经济向市场经济的转轨过程中,曾几何时,相当多的年轻人以能当上“白领”为荣,人才市场上高级白领长期独领风骚,蓝领技工不被看好是人才市场多年的老大难,导致作为我国国民经济重要支柱的制造业出现了产业工人相对缺乏的现象,有些企业已经出现“将多兵少”  相似文献   

中国正在形成一个庞大的蓝领阶层,这个观点近期频频出现在西方主流商业媒体上。然而,在中国,蓝领却始终是被商家“瞧不上”的一块市场。调查显示,蓝领的消费总量明显高于白领。但这样一支庞大的消费群体,在泱泱不可计数的商品品牌中却难觅属于他们这个阶层的品牌。  相似文献   

每到招生季节,都会出现家长争着交择校费让孩子上名牌高中的情形,这些望子成龙的家长们都想让子女挤过高考“独木桥”,大学毕业后做白领,而觉得上职校做蓝领不但“苦、脏、累”,还低人一等。  相似文献   

江西省于都是赣州市人口第一大县,也是一个劳务输出大县,外出务工群体大、数量大,总人口95万多人,外出务工人员占三分之一。但是务工人员特别是贫困农户家庭的务工人员文化不高、技能偏低,就业质量也差,绝大部分从事一些劳动强度大、技能要求低、简单机械性生产行业,“蓝领”技术人员和“白领”管理人员等能对企业的生产运营产生重要影响的微乎其微。  相似文献   

据报道,有人对我国杂志的女性读者进行了“五领划分“,即银领、金领、白领、粉领和蓝领.银领指那些具有文学艺术修养或从事文艺创作的女性;白领指具有文化和独特专业技能中等收入的打工女性;金领指进入管理层的高文凭、高收入女性;粉领指那些中低收入而又特别爱美的女性;而蓝领则多指普通市民中的女性或打工仔(妹).……  相似文献   

黄平 《沪港经济》2005,(9):40-43
香港本是多元社会,财富、职业、语言、籍贯、宗教信仰及政治立场的多种多样,将680万市民区隔成不尽相同但互相关联的利益群体(小圈子),笔者惟对其中一个社会现象始终不甚理解,这就是过节放假也有等级之分:白领、蓝领待遇不同,劳心者优于劳力者。常有内地朋友问起“香港每周休息几日?”简而答之,行政管理及白  相似文献   

与蓝领相比,白领对可以享受的失业保险待遇并不重视,个中缘由可能是口袋中尚有结余,看不上区区几百元“小钱”。也可能是抹不开脸面:堂堂白领怎能去领失业救济金。而更多的却是大多数白领对领取失业救济金程序并不了解。我国失业保障制度规定,领取失业保险金的失  相似文献   

当生活里充满了品牌的时候。生活方式也跟着品牌起来。谦虚的人说“我只去三联书店买书”,张扬的人说“我的袜子都在王府饭店一层买”。而名牌喜欢用给人划分层次的方法给自己定位,比如“成功人士”的用品。比如彰显“帝王尊贵”。品牌的制造者也试图通过塑造文化品味去引导人们消费。 但是。消费者并不是品牌的奴隶。他们对心动的品牌忠诚,同时也没有忘记自己的钱袋。 要挣钱、要消费、要生活,蓝领、白领和金领过的是怎样的品牌生活?[编者按]  相似文献   

我们以职业人的状态在这个社会中生存,我们的职业生涯深刻地影响着我们的生活,从观念到细节,无孔而不入。现代人的人生历程在某种意义上说就是其职业征程,现代人的生活故事在某种意义上说亦是他们的职业故事。由此,职业的选择成为了现代人众多选择中最重要、最关键亦是最需要审慎作出的选择。随着中国于11月11日加入世界贸易组织,当代中国社会各个领域都会发生重大变迁,一些如日中天的行业将不再辉煌,一些看似“灰姑娘”的职业将大放异彩;已有的就业观念和职业取向将发生根本性改变;更多意想不到的机遇将出现在人们面前,这一切变化带来的最直接后果是打造出一批又一批新兴“职业贵族”——金领阶层。相对于蓝领和白领而言,“金领”有着稳定的就业岗位,丰厚的经济收入和令人羡慕的社会地位。他们位居社会金宇塔的顶部,他们是人群中最耀眼的一族。这里,我们从九州出版社出版的《金领28》一书中,经过精挑细选,选取了10种“入世”后将崛起的金领职业,作为此次排行。在此,向该书作者及出版单位致谢。需要特别指出的是。本次排行所列出的金领职业。许多因目前尚属“丑小鸭”而未引起世人的注意,但却蕴藏着巨大的生机。也许。谁能慧眼识珠抢得先机,谁就能够在未来的职场生涯中左右逢源。  相似文献   

从一定程度上讲,文化已经成为白酒市场竞争的一个重要因素,未来五年,白酒不仅要在内部竞争,还要和包括洋酒在内的其他酒类竞争。但是,随着消费者的年轻化以及消费需求的个性化,白酒文化将何去何从?[编者按]  相似文献   

三月,是梦幻的季节。女人,是季节里最美的花儿,在春风中摇曳,在阳光下多彩。于事业激情、于家庭仁爱、于心智淡泊,她们在不同的领域描绘生活的精彩、诠释人生的价值、播撒知性的魅力、分享收获的智慧,微笑着、感动着、浪漫着、努力着,她们坚强执着地顶起了"半边天",一路前行,梦想在她们脚下延伸……  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the determinants of the living arrangements (coresidence behavior) of elderly parents and their children (whether elderly parents live with their children, and if so, with which child) in Japan using micro-data from a household survey. Our results provide support for all four explanations of coresidence behavior but especially for the life cycle and dynasty models (both of which assume selfishly motivated parents) and social norms and traditions: the fact that parents who were self-employed before retirement are more likely to live with their children, the fact that parents are less likely to live with sons who adopt their wife's surname, and the fact that parents are more likely to live with daughters whose husbands adopt their surname constitute evidence in favor of the dynasty model. The fact that parents who were (relatively wealthy) executives before retirement and parents who are homeowners are more likely to live with their children and the fact that parents are more likely to live with less educated children constitute evidence in favor of the selfish life cycle model (or the altruism model). And the fact that parental attitudes toward their children affect their coresidence behavior, the fact that parents are more likely to live with their eldest child if their eldest child is a son, and the fact that parents are most likely to live with their eldest son even if he is not the eldest child constitute evidence in favor of social norms and traditions.  相似文献   

由于流通体系重组和流通信息化的发展,批发商在流通系统中的主导权正在被零售商所取代,传统的批发功能也逐渐被削弱,面对生存危机,日本批发商近年来加速了批发功能的调整,特别是在物流功能的丰富和完善上采取了不少措施,主要内容是加强商业后勤管理能力,强化零售服务和支持系统,引进第三方物流和建立多频度小批量的配送体制等。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代开始的日本经济衰退,让日本经济体制上的弱点暴露无疑。日本人一直想走出经济停滞不前的怪圈,但结果是屡战屡败,因此不得不从深层次上分析其失败的原因。现在日本已在全面谋求经济转型、对外开放,但日本的保守势力太强,而且无处不在。对外开放就像日本人心中的一个“死结”。日本人希望自己的经济高速发展,却不愿意对全球开放市场,也不愿放弃习惯的思维模式,因此错过了经济发展良机。  相似文献   

This paper explores the firm-level impact of the 2011 flooding in Thailand, specifically, the impact on procurement patterns at Japanese affiliates in Thailand. We find that, first, small firms are more likely to lower their local procurement share, especially their share of procurement from other Japanese-owned firms in Thailand. Second, young firms are more likely to increase their share of imports from Japan, whereas old firms are more likely to look to China. Third, there is no impact on imports from ASEAN and other countries. These findings are useful for uncovering how multinationals adjust their production networks before and after natural disasters.  相似文献   

On the basis of themes emerging in current debates on rural development in Latin America, this paper develops an analytical framework for analyzing rural livelihoods in terms of their sustainability and their implications for rural poverty. The framework argues that our analyses of rural livelihoods need to understand them in terms of: (a) people’s access to five types of capital asset; (b) the ways in which they combine and transform those assets in the building of livelihoods that as far as possible meet their material and their experiential needs; (c) the ways in which people are able to expand their asset bases through engaging with other actors through relationships governed by the logics of the state, market and civil society; and (d) the ways in which they are able to deploy and enhance their capabilities both to make living more meaningful and to change the dominant rules and relationships governing the ways in which resources are controlled, distributed and transformed in society. Particular attention is paid to the importance of social capital as an asset through which people are able to widen their access to resources and other actors.  相似文献   

Soon after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many governments began extending financial and other forms of support to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and their workers because smaller firms are more vulnerable to negative shocks to their supply chain, labor supply, and final demand for goods and services than larger firms. Since MSMEs are diverse, however, the severity of the pandemic’s impact on them varies considerably depending on their characteristics. Using online survey data of MSMEs from eight developing economies in South, Southeast, and Northeast Asia, this paper attempts to deepen our understanding of the impact of the pandemic on MSMEs, especially their employment, sales revenue, and cash flow. It also characterizes those firms that began participating in online commerce and tries to determine how their use of online commerce and their employment are related in this difficult time. This paper also examines the government support that MSMEs have received and the extent to which it has satisfied their support needs.  相似文献   

The development problems of small enterprises are studied. It is shown that despite the important role played by small enterprises in the market economy, which is recognized by the government and by other economic entities, the relative scope of their activities and their output of goods (services) are still insignificant while their innovation initiative is clearly insufficient.  相似文献   

This comment reviews the meaning and significance of the econometric results relating to money demand in Singapore in a paper by Daquila and Phua (1993). I argue that there are a number of confusions and faults in their analysis that could account for their results being incompatible with earlier studies and with monetary events in Singapore. An explanation of their perplexing findings is offered, simple re-estimates are made to justify this point and then some implications for economic methodology and research are offered.  相似文献   

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