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Various policies have been implemented to encourage the development of family farms and cooperatives in the past decade in China. New technology adoption is a crucial part in promoting the performance of family farms. However, empirical evidence on whether and how cooperatives would facilitate family farms to adopt new technologies remains unclear. To address the gap, this paper examines the impact of family farms’ cooperative membership on new technology adoption (i.e., new varieties, new machinery, new fertilizers, new pesticides, new pest control techniques, new production methods and new management methods). Using novel survey data from 848 family farms in China, and employing both propensity score matching approach and endogenous switching probit model, we find that for family farms, cooperative membership has positive and significant impacts on new technology adoption. When looking into different types of technology, we find that the impacts are larger on the adoption of new methods than new techniques. Moreover, the impacts are larger for family farms with lower operation income and smaller size. The findings provide important insights for policymakers tasked with promoting agricultural technology adoption.  相似文献   

依据河北省藁城市种植设施蔬菜农户的调查资料,运用两项Logit模型,对农户采用蔬菜农艺节水集成技术意愿的影响因素进行实证研究。研究表明,蔬菜农艺节水集成技术应该重点向家庭年均总收入高、种植业收入占家庭总收入比重高、劳动力占家庭总人口比重高、户主男性、户主文化程度高的农户示范和推广;应加强引导示范户的示范、带动作用;通过各种途径强化节水宣传教育,使农户增强农业节水意识;政府应制订政策,合理提高农业水费,促进农户节水;进一步加大科研人员传播蔬菜节水技术信息的力度;政府应反思其工作方式,采用多数农民满意的扶持方式;尽量少用村干部、培训会方式宣传蔬菜节水技术信息。  相似文献   

The adoption of pollution prevention and abatement practices is examined in the context of a model of exhaustible resource use with a backstop technology. For the sake of concreteness, the paper focuses on the problem of water-logging caused by the subsurface accumulation of agricultural drainwater. In modelling this problem, a region's underground capacity to store drainwater is considered an exhaustible resource, while the installation of subsurface drainage is viewed as the corresponding backstop technology (or abatement practice). The exhaustible resource is typically over-exploited due to common access problems, which forces a suboptimally fast adoption of the abatement practice. Conservationist irrigation technologies, such as drip and sprinkler systems, tend to reduce drainwater generation, and their adoption could increase social welfare by delaying the abatement stage. Public policies are suggested to increase the adoption of such conservationist technologies. Data from California is used to illustrate the results and to demonstrate the efficacy of the model for policy purposes. While the setting used for the analysis in this paper is quite specific (i.e., water-logging), the same general modelling ideas may be applied to many other problems of environmental degradation.  相似文献   

京郊现代农业节水灌溉技术运营绩效分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩青  袁学国 《技术经济》2009,28(8):50-53
本文对京郊现代农业节水灌溉技术的运营模式和运营绩效进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:集权化运营模式下的制度安排成本较高;私人运营模式中技术设施投入较高和技术适应性差等导致私人的技术采用意愿不足;虽然在理论上农户参与灌溉管理模式的运营绩效应好于前两种模式,但其实际运营绩效受到协会组织形式、社区经济发展水平、协会负责人的威望和能力及政府政策支持方式等因素的影响。本文进一步从制度6层面提出了促进现代节水灌溉技术推广应用的政策建议。  相似文献   

This article reports on the findings of a survey undertaken in late 2001-early 2002 on the determinants of environmentally sound technology (EST) adoption by 98 plants in eight developing countries. We review the literature on technology diffusion and technology capabilities as well as empirical studies with an exclusive focus on developing countries that explicitly addressed environmental performance or EST adoption to formulate our heuristic model that guided our investigation. We examine in some detail the determinants of both prevention and abatement technologies, which has seldom been investigated, in developing countries.In full recognition of literature that cites a host of reasons that cause plants to adopt EST we take into account both contextual and plant-specific factors. We use an ordered choice model that revealed that plant-specific factors assume a pre-dominant role in explaining the adoption of higher order of complexity EST. Plant-specific factors, specifically environmental commitment, technological capabilities, and ownership, and market factors, specifically foreign involvement and water and energy price perception, matter in determining the type of technological response and thus in explaining the adoption of higher-order complexity EST. Two governmental factors, regulatory implementation strategy and international donor assistance, also play a role in the adoption of EST. However, civil society, in particular community pressure that has been identified as an important determinant of environmental performance, does not play a role because of the way the dependent variable is constructed to capture higher orders of technological complexity.  相似文献   

本文从我国目前生态城市建设中的现状和问题出发,讨论了水资源短缺、产业结构配置和污水处理能力问题的严重性。并以对现状的分析为基础,提出我国生态城市建设中合理利用水资源的政策途径,包括城市水系统规划、产业布局调整、提高节水技术以及培育城市水权市场等。  相似文献   

提高农业水资源绿色效率对促进黄淮海平原农业可持续发展和保障粮食安全极其重要。通过超效率SBM模型和Tobit模型对黄淮海平原农业水资源绿色效率和其影响因素进行了研究。结果发现:黄淮海平原农业水资源绿色效率整体趋于上升且存在明显的地区差异;技术进步变化是导致农业水资源绿色效率变化的主要动因;除农作物种植结构外,经济发展水平、节水农业发展水平、供水结构等因素均对农业水资源绿色效率有着显著影响。基于以上结论,提出以绿色发展理念指导农业产业结构和用水结构升级、充分发挥节水潜力提高农业水资源绿色效率水平和完善水价水权市场机制优化农业水资源配置等对策建议。  相似文献   

基于虚拟水视角的东北粮食作物发展战略分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘哲  李秉龙 《技术经济》2009,28(12):66-70
本文主要研究我国东北地区主要粮食作物的虚拟水含量以及东北三省的虚拟水流量,一方面旨在为东北地区粮食作物的布局和贸易战略调整提供依据,另一方面也为我国粮食安全和水安全的宏观调控提供政策依据。本文基于联合国粮农组织提供的CropWat软件以及ClimWat数据库来计算粮食作物虚拟水含量,采用联合国教科文组织水资源教育研究院提供的虚拟水相关公式来计算虚拟水流量,得出了东北三省五种主要粮食作物2000—2007年的虚拟水含量及该地区虚拟水的时序流量。最后得出结论:东北地区的粮食作物具有普遍的节水种植优势;东北地区的虚拟水输出量可观,进入量稀少。  相似文献   

农业在埃及经济社会发展中历来占据首要地位。在当今世界粮食短缺、粮价暴涨、发展中国家粮食安全受到严重威胁的特殊时刻,积极促进农业发展,努力增加粮食产量,是目前埃及政府面临的头等大事。本报告通过分析埃及现阶段的环境、地理和人口概况,以及埃及在全球粮食危机冲击下受到的诸多影响,阐述农业发展和粮食供应对于埃及的重要意义。通过研究埃及最新的农业发展情况和一些重要数据及指标,以及《埃及经济社会发展第六个“五年规划”2007—2012》中有关农业发展的若干政策,介绍埃及的农业技术研究体系和推广体系,结合我国科技援外总体战略,就未来中埃农业科技合作提出建议:探索以育种和种质资源合作、农业机械化技术合作、沙漠化治理、土壤改良及旱作农业作为重点领域;建议突出科技在中非农业合作中的重要性,强化培训、建立农业科技示范试点和规划农业战略基地。通过加强中埃及中非农业合作,推动我国农业国际化进程。  相似文献   

预见水体净化技术发展趋势有助于实现“美丽中国”建设目标。已有技术预见方法缺乏定量客观依据,相关评判指标也不够全面。从Innography数据库检索2008-2019年发布的3552个污水处理技术专利,运用多维标度分析和K均值聚类法,基于专利静态指标分析专利技术发展潜力,采用技术生命周期分析法从动态视角判断每类技术的发展前景。研究发现:①污水与污染物双重回收可持续性技术在多个静态评价指标方面均优于其它技术,且处于从引入期到发展期的过渡阶段,具有较大的发展空间;②以去除特定污染物为目标的功能单一技术已被淘汰,市场开始应用污水处理原理不同的多种技术联合处理方式。据此,提出企业应选择污染物回收率高、二次污染物排放少、整体“净效益”为正的污水处理技术,并采取新旧技术联合处理方式降低企业采用新技术的转换成本。  相似文献   

The industrialization of eco-agriculture has applied modern science technology in accordance with eco-logical principles and has promoted agricultural production. As a subsystem of agricultural industrial clusters, the industrialization of eco-agriculture is the specific applications of cluster concept in the industrialization of eco-agriculture development. Industrialization of eco-agriculture cluster will achieve eco-agriculture and interact with industrial cluster which forms eco-agriculture integration and composite industry and ultimately realize the new benign circulation eco-agriculture model. According to the ecological engineering basic principles of recycling of the overall coordination, industrialization of eco-agriculture is focusing on the main systems operating coordination between the various subsystems and its various factors, and will maintain a reasonable ecological and economic structure to ensure the recycling of natural resources. Industrialization of eco-agriculture in Yunnan has adjusted the agricultural production structure to keep the stability of the gross grain production and economic development and has taken effective measures to vigorously improve land use and land productivity. Various ways of improving soil fertility has vigorously promoted other water-saving agricultural technologies. Ecological protection of rice no-tillage, cultivation of crop cultivation of the integrated control crop disease pests grass and agricultural production have taken the sustainable development.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、人口的增长以及城镇化的推进和都市不断的大型化,水资源的管理面临严峻的挑战.尤其在公众环保意识和环保要求较高的情况下,工业废水的回收和处理技术、农业节水技术以及家庭节水与净水技术等要求也越来越高。未来对水资源的利用必然是一个节约、环保、安全、便捷、可循环和可持续利用的模式。通过研究日本在水资源利用、精细化管理以及水利用相关技术研发方面的做法,期望为我国节能城市等的建设提供有益参考  相似文献   

农田灌溉水资源因其"公共池塘"属性而导致行政和市场手段低效,从而产生抽水竞赛的公共悲剧。节水型社会建设衡水试点的节水制度是通过建立用水者自治组织,由用水者参与管理,利用经济手段进行水价调节来提高水资源利用效率。通过对试点区节水制度实践进行分析,从公共池塘资源、集体行动、选择性激励、补贴、制度变革角度对节水制度及变革的内涵进行经济学阐释,以期对农田灌溉管理的取向提供参考。  相似文献   

How should the world economy adapt to the increased demand for exhaustible resources from countries like China and India? To address that issue, this paper presents a dynamic model of the world economy with two technologies for production; a resource technology, which uses an exhaustible resource as an input and an alternative technology, which does not. I find that both the time path of resource extraction and the adoption of the alternative technology depend on the optimal allocation of capital across the technologies, and on the size of the capital stock in relation to the resource stock. In particular, if the capital stock is low, only the resource technology is used initially and the alternative technology is adopted with a delay. Next, I use the model to analyze the effects of industrialization of developing countries on the extraction of oil and technology choice for energy production. As a result of industrialization, the alternative technology for energy production is adopted earlier.  相似文献   

基于江西省11市47县(区)1488份农户调查问卷数据,运用多元有序Logistic模型,分析并探究农户生态耕种采纳行为的影响因素。结果表明:家庭总人口具有显著的负向影响;兼业程度、农业收入占比、家中是否有村干部、是否参加新农保、是否有农业补贴、是否为家庭农场、是否加入合作社、近年耕地质量变化、相关信息获取难度等9个变量具有显著的正向影响。农户对生态耕种行为采纳的均值只有4.74项,总体偏低,生态耕种行为有待推广与应用。论文探究了农户生态耕种采纳行为的影响因素,为生态耕种的推广、实现耕地资源的可持续发展、激励农户生态耕种政策的制定提供了参考。  相似文献   

Modern irrigation technologies have been suggested as a means of conserving scarce water and reducing environmental pollution caused by irrigated agriculture. This paper applies an economic model of technology selection that provides a general framework to analyzing adoption of irrigation technologies under various environmental conditions. Data from the San Joaquin Valley of California is used to verify the theoretical relationships. Results suggest key variables to be considered by policy makers concerned with adoption of modern irrigation technologies. Among these variables are crop prices, water technology costs, farm organization characteristics, and the environmental conditions of the farm or the field. Policy implications were discussed and analyzed.This research was conducted while the first author was a visiting scholar with the Dept. of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis, and USDA-ERS, USA.  相似文献   

适应气候变化的科技政策是该领域科技活动的重要保障。以2007—2020年期间212份适应气候变化的中央科技政策文件作为分析样本,采用共词和聚类方法,分析不同时期适应性科技政策主题聚焦点演进和变化。研究结果显示,“技术研发”“技术成果应用推广”“资金保障”“监测应急能力发展规划”“水利科技发展支持”等主题发生了明显的政策逻辑变迁。整体来看,适应性科技政策呈现密切结合国家气候适应战略演进而深化发展的特点,未来中国适应气候变化的科技政策应进一步引导适应技术科研方向,助力气候适应科技成果转化,提供财政、信息等资源支持。  相似文献   

农业结构调整中的政府失灵分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国当前的农业结构调整中,政府充当了一个积极的角色,由于二元经济结构的制约以及现行农业政策安排的偏颇,政府失灵严重的影响着当前的农业结构调整。如何有效的防范政府失灵,成为当前农业结构调整的一个重大课题。  相似文献   

尽管绿色技术一直被认为具有广阔的发展前景,但这些技术在企业间的扩散率却很低。企业在非绿色与绿色技术创新关系上存在“厚此薄彼”的现象。基于1992—2019年中国制造业上市公司专利数据研究发现,相较于非绿色技术,绿色技术的前向引用次数更多,且产生了更大的知识溢出效应,对整个社会后续创新具有更大的正向影响力。此外,由于高能耗行业存在转化成本高、自身知识储备不足等问题,随着能耗水平提升,绿色技术对后续创新的正向影响力逐渐减弱。相较于非国有控股企业,国有控股企业绿色技术对后续创新产生了显著正向影响。该结论对政府设计绿色与非绿色创新“双赢策略”,促进企业从“厚此薄彼”转向绿色与非绿色技术双创新具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent-based model of the diffusion of water-saving innovations. The empirical foundation of this model is a study, which was carried out for that specific purpose. As an example case, the diffusion of three water-related innovations in Southern Germany was chosen. The model represents a real geographic area and simulates the diffusion of showerheads, toilet flushes, and rain-harvesting systems. Agents are households of certain lifestyles, as represented by the Sinus-Milieus® from commercial marketing. Agents use two different kinds of decision rules to decide upon adoption or rejection of the modeled innovations: A cognitively demanding deliberate decision rule and a very simple decision heuristic. Thus, the model integrates concepts of bounded rationality. The overall framework for decision-making is the Theory of Planned Behavior, which has been elaborated using innovation characteristics from diffusion research. The model was calibrated with empirical data stemming from a questionnaire survey and validated against independent data. Scenarios for the nearer future show that water-saving innovations will diffuse even without further promotion, and different promotion strategies that relate specifically to both innovations and lifestyles can be pointed out.  相似文献   

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