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Chinese advertising has long been inseparable from the Chinese na- tional culture from late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty when Jiang Ziya beat sword to spread sound to the 21st century when the badge of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games sweeps the whole world. With cultural trait as one of its fundamental character, advertising naturally becomes one  相似文献   

童盈 《中国广告》2020,(1):63-64
由中央广播电视总台推出,泸州老窖·国窖1573独家冠名、光明乳业独家特约的原创文化节目《故事里的中国》一播出,便好评如潮。它是继《朗读者》和《国家宝藏》之后的又一顶级制作,它创新了《朗读者》中的谈话模式,丰富了《国家宝藏》中的戏剧表现,并且制作精良、多重创新突破。  相似文献   

通信作为人类社会的“神经系统”,不论是对物质文明还是对精神文明的建设,都具有深远的影响。进入现代,发明一项科学技术或者制造一项科技产品都是团队的成果,标志新一代手机的典型技术就是现在人们注重的芯片!  相似文献   

Dining Chinese     

With the growing popularity and consumption of Chinese cuisine, it is crucial for restaurateurs to acquire knowledge of consumer expectations and dining satisfaction. The purposes of this study were: to determine patrons' perceptions and attitudes Chinese restaurant dining and to determine if there is a difference between diners of Chinese descent, other Asians, and all other patrons with regard to their expectations concerning dining at Chinese restaurants. A structured questionnaire was used to determine the dining preferences of 192 customers of eight full service Chinese restaurants. The results indicated that slightly over 60% of the respondents considered themselves to be knowledgeable of Chinese regional cooking. Fifty-one percent of the respondents felt that the food in the restaurants was similar to the food prepared in restaurants in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan; however, 53% said the food was adjusted for American taste. Over 63% of the respondents wanted the restaurant to appear somewhat authentic. It was found that there were no significant differences between the subgroupsstudiedonthe questions.  相似文献   

Chinese Zodiac     
<正>~~  相似文献   

我国中小企业与民营经济融资渠道初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发展中小企业对缓解我国日益突出的就业压力具有特殊意义。中小企业发展的最大障碍就是融资困难,其存活率、信用度和三角债使得债权融资难度极大,而成功企业的高回报又使得股权融资有一定的基础。文章认为,疏通融资渠道是促进中小企业存活与发展的关键,中央和地方政府应该是中小企业融资渠道的主要疏通者;要在注重债权融资的同时,加大对创业投资的政策引导和资金支持,这是加快经济发展,缓解就业压力,全面推进小康社会建设的重要途径。  相似文献   

The cheongsam is a body-hugging (modified in Shanghai) one-piece Chinese dress for women;the male version is the changshan(长衫).It is known in Mandarin Chinese as the qipáo(旗袍),and is also known in English as a mandarin gown.The stylish and often tightfitting cheongsam or qipao (chipao) that is most often associated with today was created in the 1920s in Shanghai and was made fashionable by socialites and upper-class women.  相似文献   

邓广梼 《广告大观》2009,(11):167-167
每年的中国广告节有一项“中国元素”奖项,据说将来还会增加一些与中国元素有关的其他行业也会包括在这个奖项内,未知这么神奇的国医国药,是否也算中国元素?  相似文献   

"中国品牌"的困境 困境一:品牌营销战略 雷同发达国家企业对于品牌营销战略工作都极其重视,不惜花费巨资进行品牌规划,创造出了众多各具特色,拥有巨大感染力、让人回味无穷的品牌,从而迅速占领国际市场.而典型的中国企业在品牌营销战略上没有突现特色与个性,而是盲目跟风和雷同.近年来出现一些现象足可说明,如保健品"补钙"热,服装业"保温内衣"风,彩电业"数字化"概念……太多从众、跟风,该细分的没细分,该定位的没定位.结果产品在技术、工艺、特色上没有进步,市场无序、混乱,似乎永远创不出企业的营销个性.  相似文献   

Chinese Wrestling which has been exercised for thousands of years, has a history of as long as the Chinese People China's Foreign Trade exclusively interviewed 72-year old Mr. Li Baoru, Head of the Chinese Wrestling Team. He stressed: "Chinese Wrestling will not become extinct, because it is the symbol of the Chinese Spirit."  相似文献   

Most of the foreign-funded enterprises in China are in fact funded by overseas Chinese. They have made indelible contributions to China‘s remarkable economic achievement. Their pioneering spirit has already been written into the glorious annals of China‘s economic development!……  相似文献   

<正>"As soon as possible"I meet a schedule problem almost everyday.As a team player in a working team,there are always numerous tasks from various channels;colle...  相似文献   

舒静  王姗姗  徐昙 《中国市场》2010,(47):30-31
<正>荧屏上,一部钩心斗角、明争暗斗的谍战大戏《黎明之前》正在上演。现实中,一部相互攻讦、血雨腥风的商战片也热闹开演,众多明星企业纷纷上阵,拉开你死我活、穷追猛打的架势。而场面越是喧闹混乱,就越是说明,中国企业真正成熟壮大的黎明  相似文献   

What are you up to? It's the expression short for 干嘛去 (gan ma qu), but 干(gan, means do) is often omitted in daily language, especially in northern part of China. It's used as greeting when two friends meet each other, but it's not necessary to answer it seriously. Because people who asked this question don't really want to know where are you going, just a way to say' Hi', or 'Good morning', 'Good afternoon'.  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on data from a survey carried out in Beijing and a correspondence analysis, Chinese consumers are categorized into four types. Among them, 50.8% are the ‘pragmatic’ type, who seek practical aspects of consumer goods and ignore commercial information, 33.9% are the ‘commer cialized’ type, pursuing commercial information and brand name products, 11.7% are the ‘sociable’ type, getting information mainly from friends, and only 3.6% are the ‘conservative’ type, resenting commercial information and disliking social changes. According to the trend of demographic and economic factors, more Chinese will become the ‘commercialized’ type in the future.  相似文献   

Established in September 27, 2003, Zhejiang Gonow Auto mobile Co., Ltd. is a private company specialized in the manufacture of pickup and sport-utility vehicle (SUV). The company is located in Luqiao District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China. It covers an area of 268, 000 square meters in the first  相似文献   

Means: fake, pirated one.
In ancient China, this word means a mountain villa built by robbers. Now it mostly used to describe those fake or pirated products.  相似文献   

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