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论新李嘉图主义对国际贸易理论的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对70年代以来在西方贸易理论界较为流行的新李嘉图主义理论及该理论对李嘉图比较利益理论,对H—O—S理论的发展作出了较为系统地介绍。认为它是一种动态的国际贸易理论,是对新古典经济学的第二次革命。同时对其不足也作了一些分析  相似文献   

产品内分工理论与价值链理论的渗透与耦合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾铮  王鹏 《财贸经济》2007,(3):121-125
本文通过分别介绍管理学和经济学在价值链相关理论上的研究,发现二者虽然在研究范式上不尽相同,但其研究框架和技术特点是相互补充和渗透的,并且存在着研究上相互结合的耦合点。由此,本文认为,在生产全球化的现实背景下,整合经济学和管理学在价值链理论研究上的优势,将有利于解释当今世界国际产品内分工盛行及发展的原因和影响。  相似文献   

会计专业分为理论和实务两部分,实务是对理论的有效应用。本文分析了会计理论与实务教学的现状,探究了会计理论与实务教学的相互渗透。  相似文献   

颉迪 《商》2013,(16):74-74
在过去的50年间,凯恩斯主义者和新古典主义流派一直都在相互斗争,也因此产生了很多火花。最近,新古典流派通过货币主义和理性预期假设得到复苏,而凯恩斯主义者们也不甘示弱,提出了不均衡状态分析理论。本文对这两种在宏观经济学理论中最为重要和新颖的思想——理性预期假设和不均衡状态分析进行介绍。  相似文献   

刘迎秋 《财贸经济》2003,(10):13-20
本文所阐述的新置换理论是对近些年来我国经济生活中出现的置换现象的系统概括、大胆抽象与深刻总结.作者首先从理论与实践相结合的角度,对新置换理论中的"置换"范畴进行了剖析与界定,并阐明了它的六层含义;然后,具体分析了新置换理论与其他置换理论的主要区别及其基本联系;接着,集中分析和阐明了支撑新置换实践的五大理念;最后,归纳指出了新置换理论的系统阐发对于推进经济学学科建设与发展、深化企业战略学研究和指导人们的社会实践所具有的重要意义.  相似文献   

中国近几年经济、科技和社会的飞速发展对高职人才培养提出了更新和更高的要求。"先做人,后成才"对所有学生而言是亘古不变的道理,也就是说,真正合格的高职人才应该是德才兼备的。英语课是高职学生长期所学的一门基础课,因而在高职教育中有着特殊的地位。通过分析高职学生的德育现状,结合高职英语教学,提出通过高职英语教育对学生进行德育渗透的几点建议。  相似文献   

论职业院校外语教学中的德育渗透   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德育教育旨在帮助学生完善人格,培养品质以及树立正确的人生观、价值观。在社会经济高速发展的背景下,德育教育在整个教育体系中的作用愈发举足轻重。英语教师在教学中注重并渗透德育教育,既有必要性,又有可行性。  相似文献   

作者简要讨论了德育素质教育的培养,并在此基础上探讨了在高校图书馆中卓有成效的德育教育,进而给出了相应的实施建议。  相似文献   

姜龙 《科技转让集锦》2012,(12):211-211
本文通过对物理学的学科性质、产生过程、研究方法及物理学成就的分析,分别论述了理论和实验在物理学发展中的作用及其相互关系。  相似文献   

本文介绍了新新古典综合的假设前提和研究方法,它吸收了凯恩斯主义和新古典宏观经济学各自合理的成分,强调不完全竞争的特征,同时运用了一般均衡的方法,把理性预期以及跨期最优引进经济学分析之中。  相似文献   

改革开放2 0多年来,中国经济增长异常迅速,中国的经济增长问题成为世界经济学界的热门话题,国内外学者的关于中国经济增长问题的综述,为我们提供了观察的视角,为我国经济的进一步稳定发展提供了很好的参考  相似文献   

施雷 《广告大观》2006,(8S):35-36
在此之前,同属WPP集团的五家以M打头的公司,Mindshare(传立媒体),Mediacom(竞立媒体),Mediaedge:cia(尚扬媒介),Maxus(迈势媒体)和Motivator(灵立媒体)成立了GroupM(群邑),属于一个集团的媒体公司合并其采购部,形成一个趋势,为未来的媒介购买体在中国的独资并纳入全球运营网络迈出第一步,博睿(CMX)也不例外。  相似文献   

浅析克鲁格曼的国际贸易新理论的局限性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
克鲁格曼主要用不完全竞争、规模经济等理论构造了一系列模型,构成了其国际贸易新理论,是新贸易理论的主要代表。其理论相对于新古典贸易理论更贴近战后现实,但未从根本上超出新古典贸易理论分析范畴和方法。本文即是对克鲁格曼的国际贸易新理论主要模型的简要分析,并主要从它与新古典贸易理论关系的角度分析其局限性。  相似文献   

It is often difficult to distinguish among different option pricing models that consider stochastic volatility and/or jumps based on a cross‐section of European option prices. This can result in model misspecification. We analyze the hedging error induced by model misspecification and show that it can be economically significant in the cases of a delta hedge, a minimum‐variance hedge, and a delta‐vega hedge. Furthermore, we explain the surprisingly good performance of a simple ad‐hoc Black‐Scholes hedge. We compare realized hedging errors (an incorrect hedge model is applied) and anticipated hedging errors (the hedge model is the true one) and find that there are substantial differences between the two distributions, particularly depending on whether stochastic volatility is included in the hedge model. Therefore, hedging errors can be useful for identifying model misspecification. Furthermore, model risk has severe implications for risk measurement and can lead to a significant misestimation, specifically underestimation, of the risk to which a hedged position is exposed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(4):505-517
Relations between U.S. and Chinese corporations are increasingly strained. In this article, we examine how differences in the key domains of corporate governance, underlying corporate philosophy, innovation, and dispute resolution contribute to this strained relationship. We illustrate these differences by examining the relations between Skyworks Solutions (U.S.) and ZTE (China). We discuss the three broad strategies available to U.S. managers in engaging with Chinese corporations, depending on the extent of their involvement and comfort with discord: (1) playing ball, (2) straddling the middle ground, and (3) decoupling.  相似文献   

A number of consumer and business reports suggest that slightly lower quality (or feature) versions of products are being sold through dominant retailers, while higher quality versions continue to be sold through weaker retailers and, customers are uninformed about such subtle differences. We study two intriguing questions based on this phenomenon namely (1.) why are lower quality-lower priced versions sold primarily through dominant retailers and not the weaker retailers? (2.) Why do sometimes the weaker retailers not inform customers about these quality differences? Using a game theoretic model, we find that when quality is noncontractible an increase in retail dominance leads to a decrease in quality offered by the dominant retailer vis-à-vis the weaker retailer. However, we show that the weaker retailer does not have an incentive to advertise its higher quality if quality differences are not too high. This situation arises endogenously when the dominant retailer is not too powerful as compared to the weaker retailer or when retail differentiation is high. The motivation for this result is traced to the threat of increased competition in the event of such advertising.  相似文献   

高宇 《商业研究》2011,(12):45-49
早期主要运用国际化理论和国际生产折衷理论的方法,对对外直接投资(FDI)进行研究。随着贸易产业组织理论的发展,国际贸易理论在一般均衡框架下不断发展,FDI理论也被纳入了国际贸易理论体系,并将跨国公司加入到经典的H-O理论中对FDI进行分析。随着新贸易理论的发展,在规模报酬递增和不完全竞争的贸易模型下分析FDI,新新贸易理论的产生是与FDI理论的发展密切联系的。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of threats in negotiations was examined by exploring two factors likely to affect it: implicitness, or the extent to which the threat mentions what action the perpetrator would take if the target does not comply; and timing, or the time when the threat is stated. Participants were given a negotiation scenario that differed only by the nature of the threat made by their counterpart. The design was a 2 (implicit vs. explicit threat) × 2 (early vs. late threat) factorial design with a control condition (no threat). The study showed that early-implicit and late-explicit threats were both more likely to elicit concessions than early-explicit and late-implicit threats. The two more effective threats were also the ones that made the perpetrator seem less aggressive. Further, perceived credibility mediated the positive effect that late-explicit threats had over late-implicit threats in eliciting concessions. These results support the claim that whether making the threats sanction implicit is effective depends on its timing, as the nature of bargaining moves and perceptions varies over time (Pruitt 1981). They suggest that the way in which a threat is stated may dramatically influence its effect on the target.  相似文献   

We analyze the development of employment in start-up cohorts, which is the direct gross employment effect of the new businesses. The data is for West Germany and covers the 1984–2002 period. While total employment in the cohorts remains above the initial level in manufacturing, we find a pronounced decline of employment below this level in the service sector. Only a small fraction of the firms create a considerable amount of jobs. The contribution that the start-up cohorts of the 1984–2002 period made to total employment in 2002 is nearly three times as high in services as in manufacturing.   相似文献   

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