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企业融资结构与企业集团治理效率具有重要的相互影响作用。本文在全面回顾企业融资结构理论和企业集团治理理论的基础上,系统总结了国外学者在企业集团治理效率、融资环境、融资价值、融资选择等领域的研究进展,并对其中的一些内容进行了扼要评述。  相似文献   

超产权理论刍议——兼评“超产权论与企业绩效”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产权理论是以产权为基本分析工具来研究企业的治理结构与绩效的关系。而超产权理论试图改变这一基本分析范式,以“竞争性”代替产权作为企业治理结构与绩效的基本分析工具。比较和分析这两种理论可看出,超产权理论所主张的竞争性分析方法并不能取代传统的产权分析,产权结构是决定企业治理结构和绩效的最基本制度因素,产权理论仍然是进行企业分析的合理有效的基本方法。  相似文献   

资本结构是企业筹集资金过程中的融资决策行为。企业的融资影响其融资成本、市场价值和企业治理结构,并通过企业行为和资本市场运行来影响总体的增长与稳定。不同的资本结构对企业的资本运做成本、风险分担、净收益以及公司治理等方面存在差异性,企业必须选择最适合自身的资本结构。资本结构理论就是关于这方面的理论。  相似文献   

中小企业板上市公司治理结构与企业价值的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在借鉴国内外有关于公司治理结构与企业价值的相关理论的基础上,以2006年113家中小企业板上市公司为样本,从股权结构、董事会结构和高管激励等治理机制综合考虑了中小企业板上市公司治理结构与企业价值之间的关系。  相似文献   

胡焱 《商业时代》2011,(16):51-52
主流企业理论较多的从融资结构探讨公司治理问题,其认为企业在本质上是一个契约组织,这种对企业"规制"属性的过分强调导致对企业"生产"属性的忽视,即忽视了企业首先是一个生产组织,因此要重视与之相关的各种资源及其结构。本文从企业的契约性和生产性两个方面深入对公司治理问题进行研究,明确其理论结合点是控制权,在分别讨论融资结构与控制权配置、资源结构与控制权配置之后,最后剖析了公司治理与控制权配置的关系。  相似文献   

新制度经济学与马克思经济学都探讨个人与社会分离情况下微观经济主体的行为特点,都是对传统“市场机制和谐论”的某种反思.但二者在人的基本行为假定、经济绩效准则以及企业性质、企业规模和边界、企业内部权利结构安排等企业理论的具体层面上,存在诸多不同.本文通过对新制度经济学与马克思经济学企业理论的比较研究,提炼出其中的精华部分用于指导我国企业的改革与发展实践,对于推动我国国企改革的进一步深化和大型国际企业集团的健康成长有重要意义.  相似文献   

分工、交易与协同劳动创造价值乃是资本主义企业生产的一般形式,基于劳动价值论对剩余价值生产过程的分析可以被作为马克思企业理论的主体内容。《资本论》第1、2、3卷分别从历史维度、逻辑形态和具体形式三个方面全面阐述了马克思的企业理论。企业是劳动合约的实体形式,劳动者通过协同在企业中创造价值,劳动价值论作为马克思经济学的基础,统领着马克思经济体系的各个范畴,建立在劳动价值论基础之上的马克思企业理论依然需要更多的关注和挖掘。  相似文献   

王慧娟 《商业科技》2014,(32):276-276
资本结构是企业各种融资方式及融资数量的比例关系,是公司治理机制的基础和核心。公司治理结构是一种协调股东和其他利益相关者的机制,它建立在资本结构基础之上并反作用于资本结构。本文运用国内外资本结构与公司治理相互关系的研究成果,将资本结构与公司治理用企业价值最大化进行统一,构建出我国资本结构与公司治理相互作用的机制,以期对我国理论研究和实践提供有用指导。  相似文献   

佟岩 《商业研究》2006,(22):149-151
根据利益相关者共同治理理论和人力资本理论,对中国民营企业内部治理问题进行了产权、控制权以及人力资本方面的综合分析。研究结果表明,针对民营企业产权结构单一、权利制衡机制缺失的情况,应该逐步实现产权公开化、引入社会资本、改变产权结构,将企业整合为最具价值的社会资源,以实现产权与控制权的分离与统一;针对股东本位治理结构的痼疾,应采取人力资本产权化的激励方式,使人力资本与货币资本一道分享企业的剩余价值索取权。  相似文献   

马翔 《现代商贸工业》2011,23(11):154-155
良好的资本结构与股权结构,不仅有利于改善公司治理效率,而且有利于提高企业的价值与培育公司核心竞争力。通过构建模型以2003-2009年沪深300家上市公司Panel面板数据为样本,试图从公司资本结构、公司治理的角度研究其与公司绩效的关系,旨在说明股权构成、股权集中度等六大治理指数对公司绩效的理论与实际影响。得出的结论是:上市公司绩效与公司资本结构、公司治理存在显著相关关系,优化资本结构,加强公司治理是上市企业提升公司绩效的根本途径。  相似文献   

监督机制、企业家创业能力与绩效关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于制度理论和动态能力观点,建立了一个分析监督机制、企业家创业能力与绩效关系的理论框架,并提出了3条假设。基于195家企业样本的实证分析表明:董事长与总经理两职分离与企业家创业能力发挥正相关,股权集中度与企业家创业能力发挥负相关;企业家创业能力发挥有助于提升企业绩效。  相似文献   

We examine corporate governance diversity within a Coasian framework of stakeholder rights, where the central role of governance is to ensure that necessary firm-specific investments are made. This Coasian perspective on stakeholder theory offers a unifying framework towards a global theory of comparative corporate governance, bridging the gap between economic theories of the firm and stakeholder theory, also offering an economics-based alternative to agency theory that explicitly accounts for stakeholder rights. The Coasian perspective encompasses a diversity of corporate governance systems, but does not imply a unique global corporate governance benchmark. We posit that governance is firm dependent and endogenous conditional on the constraints imposed by a national governance system; consequently, there should be no systematic relationship between governance and firm performance once the national constraints are controlled for. However, the same national corporate governance system constraints confer comparative advantages to firms whose efficient levels of firm-specific investments are favored.  相似文献   

This paper examines owner commitment and relational governance in the privately-held firm. The proposed model goes beyond agency theory to include research on organization commitment and organization citizenship behaviors, as well as stewardship theory, organizational social capital theory, social identity theory and social exchange theory. Results support predictions of stewardship theory and organizational social capital theory that owner commitment and firm performance are positively related.   相似文献   

We investigate how governance structure and power influence alliance exploration strategy. Adopting a real options perspective and the agency view, we suggest that innovation strategies differ based on the firm's governance authority. We find that the motivations of corporate venture capitalist firms, venture capitalists, and firm founders may have an impact on the formation of exploratory alliances among adolescent firms. Using a sample of 122 adolescent firms, we examine the influence that governance structure has on the firm's alliance portfolio and innovation potential. While the influence of corporate venture capitalist firms alone do affect alliance formation strategy, corporate venture-backed firms with founders having high influence (knowledge or ownership in the firm) are more likely to form innovation-focused alliances. In contrast, venture capitalist-backed firms tend to avoid innovation-focused alliances, preferring more exploitive ones, even when founders have high influence within the firm.  相似文献   

This article provides a definition of corporate␣governance and highlights the challenges in adapting understanding of governance to the privately-held firm. We emphasize the need to develop the scope of governance in privately-held firms beyond the traditional agency theory focus in the financial economics literature relating to large publicly-listed corporations. There is a need to draw on and integrate an array of theoretical perspectives from both economics and other social science disciplines as well. We present a schematic model of corporate governance which places the contributions presented in the special issue in context and which serves as a guide to highlighting gaps in the research base. We review the principal issues relating to corporate governance in privately-held firms which relate to: governance in different organizational contexts (institutional context; the industrial sector within which the firm finds itself, the ownership context of the firm, and the stage within the firm’s life-cycle); the scope of corporate governance; and other internal governance mechanisms to be considered We identify areas for further research on corporate governance in privately-held firms with respect to processes of governance, organizational contexts, assumptions about the owners, executive remuneration, financial reporting, the nature of the dependent variable relating to the expected outcome of different approaches to governance and various methodological issues. We suggest a need to develop governance codes for privately-held firms that are flexible enough to take account of the different types of governance needs of firms at different stages in their life-cycle.   相似文献   

For decades leading international business scholars have assessed the benefits accruing from successful governance mechanisms. Although the critical importance of initiating and maintaining good relationships with export channel partners is recognized within the literature, there has been little research focus placed on the optimal approach for governing intangible aspects of these relationships. We offer the first integrated definition of export brand governance of channel partners (EBGoCP) and investigate its influence on export performance. Drawing from relational governance theory and contingency theory, we develop and test a model of the contingent effects of different country specific advantages and firm characteristics on the performance upshots of EBGoCP. Using survey data from UK exporters, our findings validate the hypothesized enhancing effects of EBGoCP on export performance outcomes. Furthermore, consistent with our contingency based predictions, we find country-of-origin-image, firm size and scope of exporting moderate the impact of EBGoCP on export performance. Along with providing fresh insights from the results, this study opens up a new stream of international business governance research and offers productive future research paths to follow.  相似文献   

企业本质新认识:基于资本裂变的视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王仲兵 《财贸研究》2004,15(5):41-48
本文将现代西方企业理论的主流观点归纳为四种 ,对它们进行了总结性评论并指出其存在的逻辑悖论。在系统比较马克思企业制度理论与现代西方企业理论的基础上 ,以企业的契约性为逻辑起点 ,利用资本概念作为一种分析工具来研究企业本质问题 ,并将其界定为不完备要素使用权资本化交易合约履行的过程。不仅如此 ,本文基于现代企业资本范畴的演进逻辑 ,将财务资本、人力资本、组织资本与社会资本整合到一个逻辑一致的企业理论体系中 ,是对企业本质的新认识。  相似文献   

人力资本观念变革与财务理论体系创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人力资本所有者(包括核心人力资本所有者与一般人力资本所有者)在知识经济时代将取得与物质资本所有者平等的地位,甚至胜过物质资本所有者,并将与物质资本所有者共同分享企业剩余索取权,从而使人力资本所有者的激励与约束成为企业治理的关键问题。人力资本观念变革促使企业治理理论产生深刻变化,而财务治理是企业治理的核心,因而人力资本观念的变革必将引起包含财务治理在内的财务理论体系的深刻变化。“以人为本”的思想向财务理论全方位渗透,触发了“人本财务”范畴的提出,进而推动财务理论体系的创新。  相似文献   

This paper examines venture capital (VC) governance in innovation processes. The VC literature often presents the relationship between a VC firm and a start-up as dyadic and analyzes it with agency theory. In contrast, this paper deploys the resource interaction framework presented in Håkansson and Waluszewski (2002) to governance and innovation in networks. The paper reports an in-depth case study of Pyrosequencing, a Swedish biotech firm financed with VC. The results from this study reveal how the relationship between a VC and a start-up company is embedded in a wider network and how the governance of the VC spreads in the surrounding network and influences a start-up's possibilities to develop organizational and technical resource interfaces to critical counterparts such as suppliers and customers.  相似文献   

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