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本文在研究文化背景(特别是西方文化和发展中国家文化)对员工激励的影响作用的基础上,对跨国企业通常采用的驻外员工薪酬激励模型进行评述,最后提出国际企业人力资源管理的几点建议。  相似文献   

企业海内外上市环境比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯莉  张明倩 《商业研究》2006,(14):135-138
近年来,在金融国际化、国内经济持续高速增长以及国内证券市场疲弱不振的背景下,大量企业海外上市已成为引人注目的热潮。企业为何不惜高额成本海外上市?必须就此问题对企业海内外上市环境做深入的比较分析,才能发现我国资本市场的制度性缺陷,从而采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

中国海外上市公司的PCA—SVM财务危机预警研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)方法的基础上融入主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)方法,可构建PCA—SVM财务危机预警模型。以我国海外上市公司为研究对象,运用PCA提取出对财务危机具有显著影响的特征指标,进而通过训练集在不同核函数下对SVM进行训练,最后运用测试集对经过训练得到的SVM财务危机预警模型进行性能验证与评价。实证研究结果表明,PCA.SVM财务危机预警模型在线性、多项式、径向基和sigmoid四种核函数下都具有良好的预测能力,而径向基核函数下的PCA-SVM财务危机预警模型具有更加优越的学习能力与泛化推广能力。  相似文献   

In the past two years,a financial crisis engulfed the entire world,bringing profound influence on the global economic pattern.Currently,some major western economies are still in downturn,  相似文献   

自协软件提供的内包服务,可能是中国软件业抗衡印度的新利器在全球软件业,印度整整占了“外包”业务的九成以上。中国如何能在尽可能短的时间内,扬长避短地迎头赶上?有  相似文献   

赵玮 《财经论丛》2016,(7):48-56
利用双边随机前沿模型研究我国上市公司海外并购的剩余效应,并探讨海外并购特征对并购交易价格的影响。结果发现:国外企业凭借其议价能力可获得53.2%的剩余,而我国上市公司可获剩余略小,为47.9%,因而我国上市公司将被迫接受一个高于均衡价格约5.3%的并购交易价格;非国有上市公司获得的净剩余较国有上市公司略多;我国上市公司海外并购的交易特征,如支付方式、是否重大购、是否资产收购、公司独立董事比例以及管理层持股比例等因素上的异质性,对该交易价格均具有显著影响。  相似文献   

2014年7月底8月初,内蒙古通辽市区以南百公里的科尔沁沙漠,烈日炎炎,连绵沙土间,一片片葱郁的松树林清晰可见.在数千里外的东京、上海,数十人的志愿者团队巳收拾完行李,整装待发.接下来在科尔沁沙漠的几天里,来自富士胶片东京总部工会、富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司(以下简称富士胶片(中国))的志愿者们,又一次开始了松树的种植以及剪枝、除草等工作.这是富士胶片连续17年在此开展沙漠绿化活动,一起参与的还有富士胶片在华关联公司的志愿者以及众多摄影爱好者.  相似文献   

Changes in the nation's social climate, the proliferation of different consumer life styles, and changing the consumer needs and expectations explain a good deal about the evolution of store formats-but not all of it. Technological, economic, and competitive factors also play a role. Fortunately, marketing theory provides a number of useful analytical tools for tying these factors together, and this can lead to a better understanding of food retailing's past-as well as future.  相似文献   

Overseas investment insurance is a non-profitable insurance provided by the government of a state for her enterprises which have invested in the developing countries or areas against political risks.Such a governmental guarantee system was first established in the United States in the middle of last century.  相似文献   

服务业企业海外市场进入模式选择的理论分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海外市场进入模式的选择是企业国际化战略的核心组成部分。由于产业特性、知识和技术等方面的差异,导致服务业企业在海外市场进入模式的选择上与制造业存在不同,同时服务业本身也不是同质的,不同类型的服务业企业由于内在属性的不同,其国际化战略和海外市场进入模式也不一样。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国企业获得较快发展,一批企业挤身世界500强行列。但必须看到这些企业多数是国家垄断型行业,竞争型行业的企业寥寥无几,且排位靠后。同时,这些企业与优秀的跨国公司相比仍有差距,其原因之一在于我国企业在财务战略的选择上缺乏规划。因此,本文从企业财务战略的类型、企业财务战略的目标、我国企业的财务战略现状、生命周期不同阶段的财务战略安排4个方面进行分析探讨,理出了我国企业财务战略选择的基本思路。  相似文献   

随着中国每年出境人数的急剧增加,海外华人利益的保护就逐渐成为中国政府高度关切的课题。中国作为国籍国对海外华人利益的保护包括外交保护、领事保护和应急保护机制。这3种既相互联系但又有区别,而在最近发生的国际重大事件中,应急保护机制不断显现出其现实性和实用性。本文从应急保护机制及其相关概念的深入剖析入手,结合目前他国和我国应急保护机制的做法,提出了完善我国应急保护机制的重大意义和相应做法。  相似文献   

Recently, accountants were instructed by President Bush to get their acts together. Indeed, the Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and other recent corporate financial reporting failures have prompted a loss of faith in accountants and accounting. To a large extent, this loss of faith involves corporate balance sheets and it is warranted. Corporate managers and shareholders have a vested interest in addressing balance sheet shortcomings. This article highlights the pervasive shortcomings of contemporary corporate balance sheets, identifies the underlying foundational tensions creating those shortcomings, offers proposals to address those tensions, and discusses the potential implications of our proposals.  相似文献   

在金融全球化的进程中,证券市场的国际化表现十分突出,它的迅速发展为各国企业到海外资本市场融资创造了十分有利的条件。当前我国企业海外融资面临着按照国际化要求规范上市公司运作、加快经营机制转换、提高上市公司素质和经营业绩、加强信息沟通和完善信息披露等问题。无论从国际金融环境还是从国内及企业所具备的条件来看,我国企业特别是国有大型企业进行海外融资的前景都十分广阔。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the consumption of the everyday services that sustain living in contemporary Britain, many of which are now provided by private sector organizations operating in the global marketplace. It aims to highlight the differential access to and cost of those services to people living stressed and disadvantaged lives in marginalized neighbourhoods. Drawing on recent empirical research, it highlights the way in which the exclusion and marginalization of some customers exacerbates both their financial poverty and the stress associated with it.  相似文献   

本文通过建立理论模型的方式,采用静态均衡分析的方法,讨论了竞争效应对外商投资企业向国内企业技术外溢的刺激作用。通过分析,本文证明了当东道国劳动力工资受到内外资企业劳动力需求的影响,且国内经济有一个有效的研发部门时,那么外商投资企业生产技术的改进会通过竞争效应推动国内企业的技术进步,且东道国的整体国民收入亦会随着外商投资企业技术水平的上升而增加。  相似文献   

1. How are Chinese companies selected? The procedure of selecting and finalizing Chinese host companies to the EU China Partenariat 2006 is as follows: i. First round of selection: Over 1300 companies filed applications with us to show interest in the EU China Partenariat 2006 through local CCPITs all over the country. Companies with obvious flaws such as irrelevant sectors,  相似文献   

Recently,the M&A market shows a new trend.One important new development is that the domestic enterprises purchase squeezed enterprises in foreign countries.Particularly,when the European debt crisis arises,many a enterprises offers attractiveprices.Jia Dianan,lawyer from Baker and Mckenzie told the reporter from China's Foreign Trade magazine that lots of Chinese enterprises,in particular those in the auto spare part and machinery manufacturing domains begin to purchase assets or shares in Europe on a large scale.As an expert,he delt with many cases focusing on China enterprises purchasing squeezed companies,what should Chinese companies pay attention to? He shared us his professional suggestions.  相似文献   

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