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消费者对转基因食品的认知、态度及购买意愿研究——基于广州市消费者调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
转基因食品发展迅速。但长期以来,也因其安全性等方面的问题也受到了很多的质疑,其支持者和反对者各执一词。但广大的普通消费者具体又是如何看待转基因食品的呢?笔者以广州市200多名消费者为样本,就消费者对转基因食品的认知、态度和购买意愿进行了调查。结果显示消费者对转基因食品的认知程度相对是比较高的,但是了解程度比较低;而对转基因食品的态度整体来说比较积极和乐观;在购买意向上对转基因水果和蔬菜的意向最强,而消费者对转基因食品的态度和购买意向与人口统计学特征之间的关联不是很明显。在此研究基础上,笔者提出了几点建议和一点将来研究方向。 相似文献
本文在生活方式与消费行为研究的国内外相关文献综述的基础上,建立了我国消费者生活方式对消费行为影响的相关理论模型,通过问卷调查及其数据的处理,发现生活方式、消费意向、消费态度与消费行为之间的关系路径,以期为我国居民消费行为的研究提供依据。 相似文献
本研究以大学生群体为研究对象,通过实验方法测量负面信息对品牌态度的影响。实验采用了2×2两因素实验设计,以自我建构、自我联结作为自变量,品牌态度作为因变量。通过研究得出以下结论:消费者的品牌态度极易受到负面信息的冲击,但当消费者与品牌之间形成了高的自我联结就能够淡化负面信息对品牌态度的影响;面对负面信息,消费者的自我建构对品牌态度起调节作用。 相似文献
信息搜集与处理是消费者购买决策过程的核心,同时也是厂商信息搜集、渠道布局的基础.本文以消费者信息搜集与处理行为的变化为研究对象,通过对消费者信息搜集与处理行为变化趋势的归纳总结,提出消费者信息决策模型,采用结构方程对模型和假设进行实证研究,结果表明,消费者具有复杂决策网络与决策数据智能依赖特征,同时消费者信息搜集与处理... 相似文献
本研究利用2×2×2组间因子实验对不同类型的产品稀缺信息影响购买意图的效果及品牌概念和购买渠道对这种影响效果的调整作用等问题进行了实证分析。结果发现产品的限量销售信息比限时销售信息能更为有效地刺激消费者对稀缺产品的竞争购买心理和对产品价值的感知,两种稀缺信息对购买意图的影响效果差异在购买象征意义较强的品牌时更为显著。本研究结果可为营销人员利用稀缺信息提高促销效果提供借鉴和参考。 相似文献
基于2017年中国西部三个省市的812份老年人调查数据,利用列联表交叉分析和回归分析方法,探讨健康信息获取渠道对西部地区城市老年人健康信息素养的影响。研究发现:与媒介传播渠道相比,通过人际传播渠道获取健康信息的城市老年人健康信息素养水平普遍要低;通过杂志图书和电视获取健康信息对城市老年人健康信息素养产生正向影响作用;通过杂志图书和电视获取健康信息、受教育水平高、汉族、自评经济状况好、具有慢性病患病经历、主动获取健康知识的城市老年人更有可能具备充足的健康信息素养。 相似文献
There exists a paucity of research attention afforded to understanding consumer information search behavior on the Internet, vis-a-vis existing information search models such as an interactive, consumer experience in the offline realm. Thus, the present study investigates whether the factors inculcated within traditional cognitive processing models remain significant in the online information setting. Grounded in the contributions of Punj and Staelin (1983) and Srinivasan and Ratchford (1991) in the context of offline information search, this study proffers an empirical model of consumer online information. The empirical findings reveal that Perceived Risk and Perceived Cost do not significantly contribute to the consumer online information Search Effort. Rather, both of these conventional antecedents and Enjoyment significantly impact the satisfaction of young consumers' online information search endeavors. We recommend further studies to examine consumer information search behavior in other contexts (e.g., mobile phones) across countries. 相似文献
当前OTC市场存在进入壁垒低,产品同质化严重,市场竞争激烈等问题.政府部门应继续完善药房、药店的监督管理法规并保障其执行;继续加大对药剂师的认证与培训工作的力度,杜绝社会上一些不良风气对药剂师的侵蚀,以提高其在消费者心目中的地位,更好地指导消费者合理用药.企业应把平价大药房和社区药房作为现阶段的营销重点,更多地运用媒体广告来向消费者传递信息,同时,努力把握消费者购买决策的全过程,以期在各个阶段都能有效地对其施加影响. 相似文献
An examination of consumer information search literature reveals that the effects of several antecedents (cost, price dispersion, knowledge, prior experience) on offline information search vary greatly in terms of the directions and magnitudes of the determinants’ effect sizes, particularly indicating the possibility of inverted-U shaped relationships. Also, despite a wide range of studies undertaken, there remains a need for identifying an overarching framework for consumer information search. This article synthesizes previous empirical studies on offline information search literature, and attempts to provide and test a framework that advances our understanding of the current state of this literature. The review identifies significant antecedents to offline information search, and also tests the moderating effects of demographic variables and study conditions on the direct effects. In the context of the main effects, findings suggest that the nature of relationships of several antecedents with the central construct is indeed inverted-U shaped. Further, moderator analyses identify the boundary conditions under which specific theories hold. The closing section provides future research directions. 相似文献
An autoregressive consumer response function was derived and showed that response to general heart health information for the domestic cracker market is small and positive when the consumer adjusts consumption among several products. These results suggest that, when general health information affects various foods, not all of which may be specifically addressed in that information, the response to a particular food product is difficult to predict a priori in magnitude and direction, particularly when the food is relatively inexpensive and comprises a small percent of expenditure. 相似文献
文章在总结分析现有物流信息平台服务模式及其特征基础上运用云计算理论、商业生态系统理论和双边市场理论提出了基于云生态的物流信息平台服务模式创新。文章首先对云生态和物流信息平台服务的内涵与特点进行了分析;然后根据物流信息平台的功能和作用将其分为五类,并从平台性质、价值创造、核心功能、盈利模式、是否参与具体运作、典型企业、适用企业、存在的问题等八个方面对现有各种物流信息平台服务模式进行了对比分析;接着提出基于云生态的物流信息平台服务模式,并分析了其概念模型、结构、业务功能、价值创造、盈利模式;最后给出了研究结论及展望。结论表明该模式在概念模型、主体要素、核心业务功能、价值创造、盈利模式等方面取得了创新,对云经济时代物流行业的健康可持续发展具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
随着人民币国际化进程的不断推进,离岸与在岸的人民币即期汇率市场之间开始有均值(或波动)的相互影响。该价格信息传导机制具体表现为:两个市场之间存在均值和波动溢出效应,并且均值溢出效应不太稳定,波动溢出效应相对稳定;内部因素的变化往往会改变价格信息传导的方向和作用,而外生冲击的影响则相对有限;当期升值较快的市场往往会主导均值溢出效应,但波动溢出效应是由受政策预期影响的在岸市场所主导;利好消息会减少离岸市场的波动,但会加大在岸市场的波动。 相似文献
Jorge Behrens Cecilia Martins Nilda D. M. Villanueva Tatiana P. Nunes Mariza Landgraf 《食品市场学杂志》2013,19(4):358-374
This study investigated the effect of information on the acceptability and purchase intention of an irradiated watercress salad and its non-irradiated counterpart among Brazilian consumers (N = 236). Both the irradiated and the non-irradiated products were fairly accepted (ratings about 6.0–7.0 in the hedonic scale). Significant effects (p ≤ 0.05) of gender, education, and age were also observed: acceptance and purchase intention was lower among male participants who received both information and an identified irradiated product, and higher among female participants who received only information about the process. Adults (30–39 years old) were more critical, and the higher the educational level, the lower the acceptability and purchase intention ratings. Brazil is one of the major irradiators in the world, but there is still a lack of consumer studies focusing the acceptability of irradiated foods. So the findings presented herein would favor Brazilian producers and regulators to develop effective communication strategies and to promote the irradiation technology. 相似文献