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“入世”对我国要素流动及收入分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 一、世贸组织成员地位对我国国内要素流动及收入分配的总体影响 通过将H—O定理与我国实际情况相结合,可以大致得出中美协议对于我国要素流动及收入分配的总体影响。在短期内,由于资本的不可流动性,劳动密集型产业中的资本报酬将会上升,而资本密集型产业中的资本报酬则会下降。同时,在两部门中,劳动  相似文献   

环境规制的“双重红利”被大多数学者肯定,但是环境规制的收入分配效应却较少有文献提及。本文将2018年环境保护税改革作为一个准自然实验,利用三重差分法研究了市场型环境规制对要素收入分配格局的影响。研究结果显示,环境治理的成本主要由高污染行业的劳动者所承担,环境保护税改革虽然可以促使企业进行绿色创新和环保投资,但同时也会增加企业创新投资的不确定性和降低企业的流动性,进而增加企业的资本成本。在劳动要素的调整成本较小且流动性受到限制的情况下,企业会通过降低劳动者报酬的方式将资本成本的上升转嫁给劳动者,导致劳动-资本要素价格比和劳动要素收入占比下降。异质性分析表明,在劳动者议价能力越大的企业,转嫁程度越小;在盈利能力越强的企业,转嫁程度越大;在劳动力越密集的企业,转嫁程度越大。本文的结论表明,提高劳动要素在不同行业和地区之间的流动性、畅通劳动要素市场,有助于实现环境规制的“三重红利”,缩小收入分配差距。  相似文献   

在我国,收入差距的扩大已成为不争的事实,根据《中国统计年鉴》的数据,我国劳动收入占国民收入的份额由1995年的约51.4%下降到了2012年的约45.6%,资本收入占国民收入的份额由1995年的约35.7%上升到了2012年的约42.8%。在收入差距扩大的原因中,要素收入分配的不公可能是一个主要方面。从理论上来讲,要素的边际产值是要素收入分配的依据,技术进步可以同时提高劳动力和资本要素的生产率,从而也应该相应的提高两种要素的收入,但是如果这种要素收入的分配没有按照各自的实际贡献进行,则会造成收入分配的不公。本文将对这一造成收入差距的可能原因进行相应分析,并提出改变这种局面的对策和建议。  相似文献   

要素收入分配研究具有重要的理论意义与政策价值,长期备受关注。劳动份额演进特征,集中反映收入分配随经济发展的内在关系,是要素分配研究的核心议题。文章基于国际与历史比较视角,发现劳动份额随经济发展阶段提高具有"■型"演进规律,"U型规律"和"要素份额稳定性"都可视为其阶段性特例。据此审视中国要素分配结构变化态势,剖析其问题及成因,并反思其政策涵义。  相似文献   

伴随着资本主义的发展,资本家的力量越来越强,资本的回报利润上升,劳动的回报工资出现下降的趋势,资本的利润与劳动的工资出现对立。劳动才是财富的唯一创造者,在未来30年后,人口减少的前提下,过去"资本报酬高,劳动报酬低"的要素价格差距较大的扭曲现象将会得到一定纠正。因为劳动相对资本稀缺,劳动的边际产出增加,劳动的实际工资要上升,资本的边际产出下降,资本的实际报酬下降。通过分析经济学论著的传统和激进思想,经济学关于经济发展是否任其自由还是干预方面,得出经济需要伦理的判断,和政府需要介入管理经济的伦理价值体系,自由、兼顾公平的伦理道德体系的建立,有助于未来经济动力的恢复和消除要素价格扭曲。  相似文献   

生产要素价格扭曲是形成中国居民收入差距加大的重要原因。本文在分析生产要素价格形成理论与机制的基础上,阐述我国要素价格改革的必要性,通过超越对数生产函数,估算了1988-2012年中国劳动、资本价格低估的程度,利用VAR模型分析了劳动、资本价格扭曲对分配差距的影响程度和持续时间。文章提出,解决收入分配差距问题需要采取提高劳动议价能力,放松垄断行业管制等措施。  相似文献   

李瑞琴 《财贸研究》2011,22(6):63-69
采用中国35个工业行业的面板数据,检验国际产品内贸易对中国行业内部熟练劳动力和非熟练劳动力收入分配的效应。研究表明:现阶段,与技术进步相比,国际产品内贸易并不是造成中国收入差距拉大的重要影响因素;同时,由于中国熟练劳动力要素禀赋的相对缺乏,国际产品内贸易发生的行业要素密集度不同,对收入分配的影响也不同,其中劳动密集型和资本密集型行业内不同性质劳动者的收入差距会缩小,而技术密集型及兼具资本密集型和技术密集型的行业内收入差距则会拉大。  相似文献   

通过建立一个完全竞争市场结构条件下的两个国家、两种要素、两种产品的动态模型来分析不完全专业化分工情况下储蓄率与要素禀赋、长期贸易模式的关系。在这样一个由两个国家所组成的世界经济中,无论两国初始时刻的要素禀赋状况如何,在封闭和开放条件下,储蓄率高的国家都比储蓄率低的国家具有更高的资本—劳动之比,且在开放条件下的均衡增长路径上,储蓄率较高的国家出口资本密集型产品,进口劳动密集型产品,储蓄率较低的国家则相反。因而储蓄率在长期内决定着要素禀赋和贸易模式。这意味着高储蓄率有利于我国的产业结构和贸易商品结构从以劳动密集型为主向以资本密集型为主转变。  相似文献   

“三农”问题的实质乃农民问题,解决农民问题就是要增加农民收入。增加农民的收入,必须开启农民要素收入的源头。在市场经济条件下,农民据以获取收入的要素有土地、劳动和资本三大基本范畴。开启农民的要素收入之源,就是要分别开启土地、劳动和资本三大要素收入的源头。  相似文献   

外资流入农业领域会拉升该部门流动要素的工资水平,影响土地等资本要素的收益,扩大它们的产品在国内、国际市场上的份额。由于农民既是劳动者又是土地要素的收入者,因此外资流入对农民的影响呈现正负效应。该文运用特定要素模型分析了外资与土地作为一种特定要素对农民收入分配的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines a tariff on an imported factor of production in a small, open economy with two domestic factors. Suppose the imported factor is intensive in export production, and labor in import competing production. The factor tariff would reduce export production and trade, but raise the wage. The flexibility afforded by the three factors raises the possibility that import spending might fall more than the decrease in output. That is, the factor tariff could raise income. Inelastic demand for the imported factor and a high labor share of income favor increased income.  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the second-best problem of choice of tariff level for period two given a positive tariff in period one. The models presented take the allocation of all factors of production except labor as fixed, and allow labor to transfer between industries at a positive cost. The period two tariff may then optimally be set to some positive level. Although these models involve voluntary unemployment, no adjustment to the goods market welfare triangle is necessary to compensate for the adjustment burden in computing the gains from tariff reduction. Lastly, it is shown that a staged reduction of tariffs may be preferred for income distribution reasons to a once-and-for-all reduction.  相似文献   

新的企业所得税法的出台,实现了内、外资企业适用统一的企业所得税法。短期内对财政收入有所影响;长期实行法定税率或名义税率的降低,将更有利于企业投资和扩大再生产,并对浙江省落实"十一五"规划目标,加快经济社会发展起到了积极的作用。并为浙江省经济持续健康发展和财政收入的稳定增长提供了坚实的保障。  相似文献   

This paper studies the welfare implications of revenue-neutral trade liberalization and fiscal reform programs for developing economies using a multi-sector dynamic general equilibrium model of a small open economy. We analyze how different combinations of tariffs – on imported consumption goods, intermediate inputs, and capital goods – and taxes – on consumption, labor income and capital income – affect the transitional and long-run welfare. We report three main findings. First, trade liberalization programs financed by consumption and labor income taxes tend to result in substantial welfare gains, but financing the lost tariff revenue through capital income taxes can have an adverse impact on welfare. Second, a significant fraction of welfare changes is due to transitional effects stemming from the allocation of resources in response to changes in tariffs and taxes. Third, trade liberalization and fiscal reform programs often translate into much larger welfare gains in countries that are more open to international financial markets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between trade and economic development using a two‐country, non‐scale growth model. Depending on the share of the expenditure for manufactured goods, we obtain two different results with regard to long‐run production patterns. Whether or not the follower country can catch up with the leader country in the long run depends on two factors: (1) the patterns of production in both countries and (2) the measure of economic welfare that is used, i.e. per capita income or per capita consumption.  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of trade reform and infrastructure investment on structural transformation and poverty alleviation in Guinea-Bissau using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model. We found that partial or complete tariff rate cuts accompanied by a scaling-up infrastructure investment funded by debt only positively impact macro-and micro-outcomes but do not generate structural transformation. Conversely, trade reform and infrastructure investment funded by a mix of debt and tax rates on the firm's income generate structural transformation with labor reallocation from agriculture to non-agricultural sectors. This structural transformation pattern favors the poor and contributes to reducing income inequality over time.  相似文献   

Many development experts worry that continuing reductions of tariff levels in high-income countries will limit trade flows from developing countries that benefit from preferential trade programs because of ‘preference erosion.’ Using a panel of US import data between the years of 1997 and 2005, I find that reductions in preference margins will significantly diminish imports of some products, particularly from lower-middle and low income countries; for example, a 1% reduction in the US tariff on a product that is currently imported duty-free from developing countries will decrease imports of that product from lower-middle income countries by an average of 2.6%. However, many products produced by developing countries fail to qualify for preferential tariffs, thus a gradual reduction in all US tariff rates is expected to have only a modest impact on trade flows from developing countries.  相似文献   

Our analysis reveals that, from Russia's perspective, there is no economic rationale to unify the price of natural gas it sells domestically and in Europe. We argue that pipelines allow Gazprom to segment the Russian market from the European (including Turkey) market and that Russia has market power in the European market. If Russia were to fail to exploit this market power in its European market, by selling its natural gas to Europe at only full long‐run marginal cost plus transportation costs, Russia would lose between $5 billion and $7.5 billion per year (almost two per cent of its GDP). If, instead, Russia were to raise its domestic prices to the prices it charges in Europe, Russian industry would incur very large investment adjustment and unemployment costs in the short run – adjustment costs that cannot be justified on the basis of comparative advantage. We estimate that the efficient world price would be achieved if Gazprom were to employ its optimal ‘two‐part tariff’. The optimal two‐part tariff would double Gazprom's annual profits in Europe, but it involves significant long‐term risks for Gazprom of lost market share.  相似文献   

Fanti (2014, Metroeconomica, 65, 619–645) showed that raising the mandatory retirement age always reduces capital accumulation and may lower per young income and pension benefit, under the assumption that old labor and young labor are perfect substitutes (or equivalently, the elasticity of substitution is infinite). We reexamine his analysis by assuming that the two labors are imperfect substitutes (the elasticity of substitution is finite), and prove that his results no longer hold when the elasticity of substitution is not sufficiently high.  相似文献   

This paper extends a Steindlian model of growth and income distribution to incorporate borrowing by consumers. It shows that borrowing by consumers can improve growth prospects in the short run by increasing consumer demand. However, in the longer run the effects of increasing consumer borrowing are ambiguous because, by increasing consumer debt, it redistributes income towards the rich who have a higher propensity to save, thereby possibly depressing aggregate demand and growth despite the borrowing‐induced expansion. The problem may be exacerbated by financial considerations involving the increase of the interest rate due to greater borrowing, but these considerations are not necessary for it. The problem is more likely to occur when autonomous investment demand is weak, i.e. when borrowing‐induced consumption increases are most required to counter tendencies towards stagnation.  相似文献   

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