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我国农业政策性银行处于改革的十字路口.笔者认为,农业发展银行的改革不仅不能脱离政策性银行的性质,而且必须紧紧围绕现代农业经济发展需求这一主题,这样才能使农业发展银行的改革更好更快地进行.本文通过对我国农业政策性银行业务发展概况的阐述,分析在现代农业经济金融需求不断加大的背景下,农业政策性银行改革与发展中存在的问题,以此探讨我国农业政策性银行改革与发展的功能定位和目标趋向.  相似文献   

文章主要从福建省农业政策性银行服务"三农"的必要性进行分析,并对服务"三农"过程中产生的问题进行分析,并提出相应的基本路径选择,切实发挥农业政策性银行服务"三农"的职能,努力把农业发展银行建设成为服务"三农"的现代银行.  相似文献   

粮棉油收购资金实行封闭运行,确保国家农业政策性信贷资金安全是农业发展银行的重要管理任务之一。本拟通过对农发行不良贷款形成原因剖析,就如何防范贷款风险,提高信贷资产质量管理谈点看法。一管之见。作权引玉之砖。  相似文献   

浅谈农业政策性银行金融风险的防范陈宝林吴海佳一、政策性银行金融风险状况目前,我国农业政策性银行不仅存在金融风险,而且更为严重,主要表现在:1.不良贷款数额大,比例占用高,上升趋势尚未得到有效遏制。葫芦岛市农业发展银行截止1996年末,在全行13.6亿...  相似文献   

关于我国政策性银行改革的几点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓政策性银行,主要是指由政府创立或担保、以贯彻国家产业政策和区域发展为目的、具有特殊的融资原则、不以盈利为目标的金融机构.我国目前共有三家政策性银行,即国家开发银行、中国进出口银行、农业发展银行三家政策性银行,均成立于1994年.  相似文献   

财务指标最为优良的国开行将先行一步,成为三大政策性银行(国家开发银行、中国进出口银行、农业发展银行)的改制先行者,将继续以中长期金融业务为其业务范围,进行政策性银行的市场化试点,最终改制成商业银行。[编者按]  相似文献   

鲍建林 《发展》2005,(12):90-92
当前,我国粮食流通市场化改革取得突破性进展,粮食购销市场和粮食价格的全面放开,收购资金供应和管理政策不断调整,这些必将对政策性收购资金产生很大影响.农业发展银行作为国家农业政策性银行,属于银行范畴,也面临着与其他商业银行一样的经营风险问题,而信贷风险则是最主要的风险.其金融属性决定了必须建立相应的补偿机制和管理机制,赋予有效防范经营风险的职责,以保证其作为政策性金融调控工具的完整性和连续性.加强农发行职能转型期风险管理,确保在执行政策的同时,有效防范和化解信贷风险,事关农业和农村经济的发展,事关农发行的可持续发展,是一项重要课题.  相似文献   

经济全球化带来的民办金融迅猛变化和国内农业产业化的调整,粮食购销企业转换经营机制和资产重组后给农业发展银行的信贷资产带来了较大的风险问题,为此研究信贷资产的保全与风险防范师,有利于银行资产的有效运用,有利于政策性银行职能的发挥。笔者认为建立完善与职能相适应的资产保全工作和强化管理职能是防范化解风险的最好方法。  相似文献   

"三农"问题关系党和国家事业发展全局,推进新农村建设是我国现代化进程的重大历史任务,是一个长期而艰巨的历史进程。当前,我国新农村建设正处于关键时期,辽宁农业发展银行作为全省唯一一家农业政策性银行,在"十二五"时期需要紧紧围绕党中央、国务院强农惠农政策,立足全省"三农"发展和新农村建设需要,精心谋划发展走向,在新的历史时期进一步发挥自身的职能作用。  相似文献   

管理会计代表着先进财务管理理念和财务管理系统。文章分析管理会计在政策性银行中的应用现状,并提出搭建管理会计平台、加强对人才的培养以及实行多种绩效考核方式等方法,从根本上解决管理会计在政策性银行中的问题,推动政策性银行效率的提高,促进政策性银行的平稳发展。  相似文献   

We empirically investigate whether firms doing business in regions characterized as having high social trust receive preferential treatment on loan contractual terms by foreign banks. Tracing cross-border syndicated lending activities in China, we document that firms located in provinces with higher social trust scores obtain significantly low costs of bank loans and experience less stringent collateral requirement. To address the potential endogeneity issues, we adopt an instrumental variable approach and a two-sided matching model, and report consistent results. We also estimate a system of three equations through three-stage-least square estimator to accommodate the joint determination of price and non-price terms in loan contracts. In addition, we find that the effect of social trust on cost of bank loans is more prominent for firms located in provinces with relatively less developed formal institutions.  相似文献   

This paper examines and compares the profitability of banks in the USA and China. The USA has the largest market‐based banking system and the financial system of China is still bank‐based. Our analysis indicates that in terms of profitability, banks in China outperformed those in the USA during our study period (2008–2014). Real estate loans had an adverse effect on US bank profitability during the financial crisis and no effect after the crisis but consistently improved the profitability of Chinese banks. Interest margins have no effect on US bank profitability but a consistently positive effect on Chinese banks, confirming that China is a traditional bank‐based economy. Interbank loans have a positive and significant effect on Chinese bank profitability, while interbank domestic loans have a negative effect on US bank profitability. Finally, size had a positive effect on US banks after the financial crisis period, confirming the scale economies of large US banks, but a negative effect on Chinese banks, indicating diseconomies of scale.  相似文献   

SMEs (small and micro enterprises) in developing countries are in general financially depressed; business owners thus resort to other financial instruments (here, personal credit cards) when access to bank loans is prohibited. By investigating two different types of SMEs (namely, informal businesses and formal SMEs) in China, we find that SMEs turn to credit card debt as a substitute when they fail to obtain bank loans. Specifically, we find that households with informal businesses are more likely to use credit cards when their businesses are financially constrained. We also find that when financially constrained, formal SMEs are more likely to carry credit card debt and are also carrying more. This relationship persists after selection issues are addressed. However, credit card debt and bank loans are hardly perfect substitutes as these two instruments may function differently. Consistently, we find that even with bank loans, formal SMEs still carry substantial credit card debt. Additionally, compared to those with no fund need and thus no bank loan, formal SMEs with bank loans are carrying more credit card debt.  相似文献   

银行贷款的风险管理是关系到整个金融系统稳定的重大问题。本文利用logit方法以及人民银行提供的信贷数据库,根据相关的变量建立模型,并分析了该模型对贷款违约的预测能力。与以前的研究不同,我们的研究着重考虑了违约成本在贷款决策中影响,给予一类、二类错误不同的权重,这样的预测模型能更好地符合银行实际操作的需求。本文的研究也可以作为银行内部风险管理的参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of nongovernmental stake, ownership balance, and nonexecutive directors on bank performance and risk taking in city commercial banks (CCBs) in China. We find that ownership balance can improve CCBs’ financial performance and reduce their bankruptcy risk as well as nonperforming loan level. Nonexecutive directors can help reduce bankruptcy risk, but have no significant effect on performance or nonperforming loans. The impacts of ownership balance and nonexecutive directors become more prominent when the nongovernmental stake is relatively high, suggesting that mixed ownership reform can promote bank performance and risk control via these two avenues.  相似文献   

我国颁布的《商业银行并购贷款风险管理指引》通知明确允许符合条件的商业银行开办并购贷款业务,这标志着并购贷款业务正式开办。文章指出,并购贷款在给商业银行带来新的利润增长机遇的同时,也给其带来了巨大的风险,所以,商业银行应该重点关注并购贷款的风险。文章分析了并购双方企业、并购整合以及商业银行操作等并购贷款的风险来源,总结归纳了并购贷款的风险特征。文章针对并购贷款的风险提出了贷前严格审查、贷后跟踪调查和规避操作风险等风险防范措施。  相似文献   

边俊杰 《特区经济》2008,235(8):82-83
农发行两类业务经营管理体制改革的方向是:科学、合理地划分两类业务,划准政策性贷款,科学、合理划分商业性贷款业务的范围;合理设置机构或配备两类业务人员;分别建立两类业务的信贷、财务等经营管理制度;分别建立两类业务的信贷运营机制;合理地对两类业务进行经营指标的考核。  相似文献   

李鹏 《特区经济》2008,(12):70-71
1992年,中国建设银行首次发放了个人住房抵押贷款。从此,商业银行为自己找到了一个优良的贷款方向。但是个人住房抵押贷款期限一般都比较长,这就致使风险的暴露需要一个缓慢的过程。因此,个人住房抵押贷款的风险问题已经成为金融机构关注的焦点,同时也成为理论界研究和讨论的热点问题之一。基于以上背景,在对个人住房抵押贷款市场中的各种风险进行透彻分析和对我国的具体国情进行详细考究的基础上,本文有针对性地提出了一些银行债权保护的具体方法。  相似文献   

关于战争时期土地价格和银行贷款的关系,主要是以这一时期不动产担保抵押贷款作为两者联系的纽带.在20世纪20年代到30年代期间,日本不动产金融问题越加明显,土地价格下跌对银行贷款产生重要影响.分析显示土地价格变化方向和普通银行及储蓄银行贷款增减变化方向几乎相同.41个道府县的普通银行、储蓄银行贷款增长率与农耕土地价格增长率具有较强的相关性.表明由于战争时期土地价格的下跌,抑制了银行贷款.这一时期,随着借款者拥有的不动产之担保价值下降,使银行资产遭受损失,导致银行防范风险能力下降.  相似文献   

不良贷款和信贷风险一直是影响着金融市场稳定发展和经济增长的核心问题,牵系着国家经济命脉。后金融危机时代,我国信贷高增长引致了银行不良资产大量积聚的潜在风险。本文试图从宏观经济视角出发,分析影响不良资产形成的诸多因素,研究商业银行不良贷款的现状,并预测在全球经济逐渐回暖的背景下可能出现的变化趋势。  相似文献   

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