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The article provides a conceptual and analytical discussion of the group faultline notion introduced to organizational research by Lau and Murnighan (1998). Group faultlines can be thought of as patterned multi-dimensional diversity, and recent attempts to measure faultline strength differ in the way they specify and operationalize this patternedness. I evaluate the comparative validity of these competing measures by scrutinizing their analytical strengths and weaknesses and by applying them to a number of illustrative group constellations that represent different faultline strengths. I conclude that at the current early stage of group faultline research, and given the shortcomings of the available indices, scholars are well advised to use multiple measures of faultline strength in empirical studies so as to better gauge the validity and reliability of both their results and the indices applied. I also caution against excessive hopes with regard to the explanatory power of the faultline concept in empirical research. This article was written while the author was teaching at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and an earlier version was presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting in New Orleans, August 6–11, 2004.  相似文献   

Procurement has faced major challenges due to the collapse of global supply chains in the course of the SARS-COV2 pandemic, and non-critical items have become critical bottlenecks. Additive manufacturing (AM) is an emerging technology that serves as a local supply source and can mitigate some of these bottlenecks. For example, it was possible to source medical spare parts and protective equipment via AM, even when the globally arranged traditional (formative or subtractive manufacturing) supply sources failed. To that end, this research examines how supply risks change when sourced via an AM supply source rather than through supply sources that use traditional manufacturing (TM). This study assesses supply risk using a Delphi study from July to October 2020. The findings were further explored using discriminant analysis. A mix of TM supply sources with AM (‘hedging’) can minimise the overall supply risks. The discussion conceptualises a portfolio model to determine whether to source demands via TM, AM, or by hedging. The implications of hedged manufacturing are linked to the modern portfolio theory.  相似文献   

新疆尼勒克煤田吉伦台-塘坝4勘查区位于天山褶皱带西部,具山间盆地特征。文章通过煤岩特征与含煤性、煤层与空间展布、煤质特征、煤质类型与风氧化特征等分析,阐述了八道湾组三段含煤性与煤质变化特征。  相似文献   

黄少英  孙立莉 《价值工程》2007,26(11):50-52
青岛颐中集团历史悠久,近些年来取得了更加突出的业绩。颐中集团独特的人才战略的实施是其成功的主要原因之一。颐中集团独特的人才战略主要表现为:人力资源管理基本战略的制定;采用移动商学院和网络培训等新模式对员工进行培训;"首席技术工人、技师聘任制"取得初步成效;实施"人才管理工程"。  相似文献   

本文基于利益相关者理论,并借鉴平衡计分卡的原理,设计了集团公司对子公司的绩效评价体系。并以S集团公司为案例,按照所设计的绩效评价体系,运用突变级数评价法对该集团公司18个子公司的绩效进行了计算和评价。运用平衡记分卡设计的评价体系更加全面,且考虑了诸多利益相关者的诉求,选择的突变级数评价法计算简单,不存在确定权重的问题,减少了主观性。  相似文献   

The paper explores issues of human resource diversity in the multi-ethnic societies of sub-Saharan Africa, arguing that ethnicity constitutes a primary dimension of diversity. The influence of ethnicity on employment relations in organizational life in this region is examined and whether the discourse of managing diversity could be applied to manage such diversity. The paper argues that, if the ethnic diversity found in African organizations is well managed, this could enhance organizational harmony and effectiveness. Further, if organizations in Africa deliberately embrace approaches of 'inclusion' rather than 'exclusion' in managing their human resource and appreciate the inherent employee 'difference', it could improve the image and effectiveness of organizations operating here. At the same time, there is a need to adapt such approaches to the cultural specificity of local contexts.  相似文献   

Recent attempts to incorporate time to the study of groups reveal temporal factors can impact group functioning. However, studies of group diversity to date are largely cross-sectional and capture the relationship between diversity and its outcomes at one point in time. The present research attempts to overcome this shortcoming by analyzing the interplay between diversity and emotional conflict across time. At the same time, the current study aims to establish an empirical basis for the commonly stated assertion in intergroup relations research that the basis of categorization shifts from surface-level attributes to deep-level attributes as groups mature. Finally, by incorporating shared leadership, this study aims to suggest a contextual lever that can help groups avoid potential disadvantages of diversity. In a longitudinal study of 301 individuals from 81 groups, the present study found that surface-level diversity was negatively linked to emotional conflict in the beginning and the end of groups' interaction whereas deep-level diversity was positively linked to emotional conflict in the middle of groups' interaction. Shared leadership was found to moderate the relationship between diversity and emotional conflict. Implications for human resource management are discussed.  相似文献   

对失地农民的集中安置模式虽然能够高效地推进安置工作,但其所引发的居住空间分异,却带来了城市内部新的"城乡"分裂以及城市居民与失地农民之间新的隔阂.作为一种解决方案,"大混居、小聚居"的安置模式既能促进失地农民社会网络的再构与生长,又能促使各群体共同生活背景的形成,加快失地农民的城市化进程.  相似文献   

新型城镇化新型度评价研究——以环长株潭城市群为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在分析了新型城镇化的新型度内涵的基础上,从环境、经济、社会三个层面构建了新型城镇化新型度的二级评价指标体系,综合运用熵权法和多目标线性加权函数法,构架了新型城镇化新型度的定量化评价思路和框架。并选取我国环长株潭城市群为例,采用2009年统计数据,对长沙、株洲、湘潭、衡阳、岳阳、常德、益阳、娄底等城市的新型城镇化新型度进行了定量评价。研究结果显示,长沙、湘潭、株洲的新型度总体情况相对最好;在环境保护方面,娄底、常德相对较好;在经济发展方面,长沙的水平最高;在社会建设方面,长沙的情况最好;衡阳、岳阳均不具有比较优势。研究为新型城镇化的新型度评价提供了定量化研究的新视域。  相似文献   

李炜 《价值工程》2011,30(26):319-319
弱势群体的保障问题是构建和谐社会中一个非常重要的问题。本文在以西安市弱势群体调查的基础上提出了在解决弱势群体问题中他们所应承担的社会责任,这对加快构建和谐西安具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to explore how potential donors' perceptions of their own susceptibility to the negative consequences of not making a donation may moderate the relative persuasiveness of gain‐framed and loss‐framed fundraising messages (defined by messages that highlight corresponding gains or losses as the result of making or not making donations to a charitable organization). It found that as participants' perceptions of their own susceptibility to the negative consequences of inaction increased, the loss‐framed message became more effective than the gain‐framed message in increasing donation intention. The relative persuasive advantage of the loss‐framed message was statistically significant among participants with higher levels of perceived susceptibility. The findings not only speak to the important role played by perceived susceptibility to the negative consequences of inaction in determining the relative persuasiveness of gain‐framed and loss‐framed fundraising campaigns but also provide the guidelines that practitioners can use when designing campaign messages. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李秋琳 《上海管理科学》2010,32(1):109-112,F0003
上海世博会的风险防范与安全管理早已引起了相关机构和研究者的高度重视,本文试图从提升参观者素质的角度考察其与世博会风险防范与控制的关系,并找出难点和重点所在,进而提供一些具体的建议,希望能为有关机构提供参考。  相似文献   

实证研究表明,管理者过度自信与企业财务困境之间存在一定的关系,但现有文献并未清晰地回答管理者过度自信对企业财务困境形成的影响机理。本文通过理论分析和案例研究建立了管理者过度自信与企业价值之间相互影响、递进上升,最后导致企业陷入财务困境的分析模型。文章提出了用OC系数来衡量管理者过度自信,是对管理者过度自信研究方法的一个贡献;建立了管理者过度自信、企业价值与企业财务困境之间的关系模型,能够比较清晰地解释管理者过度自信对企业财务困境形成的影响机理,丰富了管理者过度自信和企业财务困境的理论研究成果。  相似文献   

韩子岩 《价值工程》2013,32(1):164-167
本文将就集团客户多业务在IP化的城域网这一运营商最为倚重的业务传送平台的承载以及管理为切入点进行分析和论述,研究一种在运营商转型期的IP城域网重点客户综合业务运营的新方式。通过对当前城域网的客户群进行宏观分析,提出了城域网客户群定位思路;同时,在对当前城域网市场业务需求进行宏观分析后,提出了比较清晰的业务定位,对转型期电信运营商宽带城域网规划建设具有较强的策略指导意义。  相似文献   

近年来,我国对房地产行业的调控与监管日益增强,房地产企业融资成本提高,负债压力高居不下,盈利水平下降。在这种背景下,房地产企业需要通过调整自身经营战略,改善资本结构和经营模式,规避风险,创造利润。论文以R集团为例,探究其资本结构与盈利能力的关系现状,并对优化R集团资本结构、提升盈利能力提出合理建议。  相似文献   

Using a sample of unionized faculty, this study investigated whether faculty members' militancy intentions and general union attitudes affected their level of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). OCB was divided into three dimensions (OCB-teaching, OCB-faculty, and OCB-university), and separate predictions were made for each. Results indicated weak relationships at best between the predictor variables and OCB, suggesting that unionization is not likely to affect this important aspect of job performance.  相似文献   

The over-representation of ethnic and cultural minorities in Special Education Programs (SEPs) is a problem for education systems whenever objective features in each subject cannot explain this excess. In contrast to what is normally claimed, the problem lies not in over-representation of minorities, but in bias against these groups. In this article, bias is defined as the difference between the probability of being included in a SEP conditioned not only by belonging to an ethnic minority group, but also by the presence or absence of objectively-identifiable problems.The normal procedure for determining over-representation is based on an analysis of the remainder from a logistic model in which the dependent variable is given by an odds ratio. However, over-representation does not necessarily show the presence of bias. In this article, we argue that the presence of bias can be demonstrated using the density of minorities in each district as a predictor of over-representation.In order to determine the presence of bias, this article proposes three methodological changes to the normal procedure for the measurement of over-representation. First, a modification is suggested for the calculation of the traditional odds ratio, taking as the reference group the culturally dominant group, independent of its size in the given district. Second, the criteria for the determination of over-representation are the statistical significance of the difference in the proportion of minority students when compared to the reference group. Finally, the density of minorities is used as a predictor of statistically significant differential placement (SSDP).To illustrate the method, data from The Fall 1994 Elementary and Secondary School Civil Rights Compliance Report (U.S. Department of Education, 1994) is used. Using this data we will describe the pattern of Differential Placement (DP) of ethnic minority students in the disabled programs of Serious Learning Disabilities (SLD) and Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) using the variable of minority density in the district.Results show ethnic minority membership implies a higher chance of being placed in the SEP mentioned below. However, as minority group density increases, this probability also increases to a maximum point. At this point, the probability of minority students being diverted towards a Disabled Program starts to decrease. This inflexion point in the distribution of placement changes according to ethnic minority group and SEP. The innovative feature of this work is the study of the density of minority groups as the main predictor of over-representation in SEPs.  相似文献   

刘巍  叶茂林 《物流技术》2011,30(1):126-128
首先对广州港集团及其管理信息系统进行简要介绍,接着将公司业务人员提出的查询功能进行整合分类,并对选择MyEclipse企业级工作平台、PL/SQL Developer 7.0、润乾报表v4.5作为综合查询主要开发工具的理由进行了阐述。其次是结合实例从视图编写、报表文件制作J、SP页面布局三个步骤理清了综合查询的开发思路,最后从用户应用过程中出现的问题及如何解决对后期维护提出了大致思路。  相似文献   

基于制度创新和战略联盟理论,以广州岭南国际企业集团为例,研究了战略联盟作为制度创新的一种方式给联盟企业带来的优势.这些优势主要表现为提高联盟内企业的竞争力和在企业间进行资源共享与相互学习.  相似文献   

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