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This paper examines the transmission of information from German and the U.S. markets to domestic markets using daily price and volume data of 264 stocks from 26 countries that are traded in their home country and cross-listed outside their home market as depository receipts (DRs); in the German market as Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) and in the U.S. as American Depository Receipts (ADRs). We identify days with significant news arrivals in a market through minimum thresholds for both significant absolute price change and trading volume. DR returns and volatilities are affected by the shocks in the markets where they are cross-listed controlling for domestic shocks. Contemporaneous and/or lagged shocks to the cross-listed markets are transmitted to domestic stock returns and volatilities. South American DRs are affected mostly by U.S. shocks, while Eastern European DRs show greater reaction to the German shocks.  相似文献   

This paper studies the dynamics of price discovery for markets with bilateral cross-listings. Using a sample of four Australian stocks cross-listed in New Zealand and five New Zealand stocks cross-listed in Australia for the period January 2002 to December 2007, we assess Hasbrouck (1995) information shares and Grammig et al. (2005) conditional information shares over time. We observe that in both cases the home market is dominant in terms of price discovery. However, when studying price discovery over time, we find that the importance of the Australian market (the larger of the two markets) is increasing for both Australian and New Zealand domiciled firms. Finally, using panel regression analysis, we find that the growth in the importance of the Australian market is positively related to the growth in the size of the firm and negatively related to the size of the percentage spread in the Australian market, implying that as firms grow larger and their cost of trading in Australia declines, the Australian market becomes more informative.  相似文献   

Informed Trading in Stock and Option Markets   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
We investigate the contribution of option markets to price discovery, using a modification of Hasbrouck's (1995) "information share" approach. Based on five years of stock and options data for 60 firms, we estimate the option market's contribution to price discovery to be about 17% on average. Option market price discovery is related to trading volume and spreads in both markets, and stock volatility. Price discovery across option strike prices is related to leverage, trading volume, and spreads. Our results are consistent with theoretical arguments that informed investors trade in both stock and option markets, suggesting an important informational role for options.  相似文献   

This study employs macroeconomic news announcements as a proxy for new information arrivals and examines their impact on price discovery. We compare the price discovery of 38 Canadian companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) for the period 2004–2011. First, we observe that price discovery shifts significantly during macroeconomic news announcement days. Second, the NYSE becomes more important in terms of price discovery, regardless of the origin of the news. Third, we examine the relation between price discovery and market microstructure variables. After controlling for liquidity shocks, we find that the impact of news announcements persists. Intraday analyses of price discovery on periods surrounding news releases further support these findings. Overall, our findings suggest that there is a difference in information-processing capability of the two markets, with the U.S. market being better at processing information than the Canadian market during macroeconomic news announcements.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the association between earnings management and information asymmetry considering environmental uncertainty. Results show that a complex and dynamic environment weakens the relationship between discretionary accruals and information asymmetry measured as share price volatility and bid-ask spread. More specifically, the positive relationship between earnings management and information asymmetry is weakened for diversified firms, those intensively investing in R&D, and those facing high sales volatility. This highlights the difficulty for investors to assess earnings management in an uncertain environment. Finally, in such a context, discretionary accruals are more likely to be detected by investors for firms cross-listed on a U.S. stock exchange, a more liquid and transparent stock market compared with the Canadian stock market.  相似文献   

Option prices vary with not only the underlying asset price, but also volatilities and higher moments. In this paper, we use a portfolio of options to seclude the value change of the portfolio from the impact of volatility and higher moments. We apply this portfolio approach to the price discovery analysis in the U.S. stock and stock options markets. We find that the price discovery on the directional movement of the stock price mainly occurs in the stock market, more so now than before as an increasing proportion of options market makers adopt automated quoting algorithms. Nevertheless, the options market becomes more informative during periods of significant options trading activities. The informativeness of the options quotes increases further when the options trading activity generates net sell or buy pressure on the underlying stock price, even more so when the pressure is consistent with deviations between the stock and the options market quotes. JEL Classification C52, G10, G13, G14  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study extends the cross-listing literature by examining how, and to what extent, the trading of cross-listed China-backed ADRs on the New York Stock Exchange contributes to information flows and price discovery for the corresponding stocks traded in China's A-share market. We find that the cross-listed US prices and Chinese prices are not cointegrated in the long-run and the home market plays a far more important role in both price discovery and volatility spillover than does the US market. The home bias hypothesis still holds for the segmented Chinese A-share market and the location where price discovery actually originates is the essential factor in the process of international information transmission.  相似文献   

Chinese public holidays of differing durations celebrated in mainland China and Hong Kong provide a unique trading gap when the A-share markets are closed but the H-share market is not. In this study, we examine how these non-overlapping trading gaps caused by holidays affect price transmission between cross-listed stocks in the A-share and H-share markets. We find that the price movements of H-shares during trading gaps are positively associated with post-holiday drifts in the A-share markets. This positive association is stronger when the length of non-overlapping holidays is longer, and when firms have a weaker connection to Hong Kong market. Moreover, our evidence reveals that investor distraction rather than sentiment during holiday periods may be the reason for this positive association. Finally, our results show that a portfolio trading strategy based on our findings can be profitable, indicating the economic magnitude of our findings.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of price discovery for Canadian firms cross-listed on the main US stock exchanges over the period 1996–2011. Sampling at a one-minute frequency, we compute Gonzalo and Granger Component Shares (CS) and employ a system GMM approach to control for persistence in price discovery and endogeneity between CS and its determinants. We find that price discovery is highly persistent and that there is strong evidence of simultaneity between CS and its determinants. We conclude that lower relative spreads and higher relative trading activity increase an exchange’s contribution to price discovery. We also document that it is small trades that drive price discovery, particularly since the introduction of decimalization.  相似文献   

Most stock markets are characterized by a number of parallel operating trading systems which interact intensively with each other. Usually, smaller trading platforms take the leading domestic main market as a benchmark in the price discovery process and for closing open trading positions. But what happens if the smaller trading systems suddenly have to act without this benchmark platform? We examine the effects of the reduction of the daily business hours of a screen based main trading system while a parallel floor based trading system keeps on operating. We provide evidence that liquidity improves while informed trading and informational efficiency of prices decrease at the floor based trading system as a result of the no longer operating main market. While prior research on parallel trading focuses on changes due to a growing number of trading venues, we present the first evidence on market effects when the main trading platform reduces trading hours.  相似文献   

We investigate the inter-market return and volatility linkages for an atypical case of firms with foreign IPOs that subsequently cross-listed in their domestic market. In particular, our data set consists of a unique sample of 29 Israeli firms that went public in the US (host market) and then cross-listed in the Israeli market (home market). To estimate the spillover effects, we employ bivariate GARCH models, assuming both constant and dynamic conditional correlation specifications. At the aggregate market level, we find unidirectional mean and volatility spillovers from the US to the Israeli market. For the portfolios of Israeli cross-listed stocks, we report significant spillovers, at both the mean and volatility levels, from the underlying stocks in the Israeli market to their American Depository Receipts (ADRs) but not vice versa. Thus, the home market dominates the host market in the price discovery process in this atypical international cross-listing case, providing new evidence in support of the home bias hypothesis. We also find that external shocks originating from the Middle East peace process have no impact on the conditional correlation between the two markets but external shocks originating from the world and regional markets impact the conditional correlation positively.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine whether social media information affects the price-discovery process for cross-listed companies. Using over 29 million overnight tweets mentioning cross-listed companies, we examine the role of social media for a link between the last periods of trading in the US markets and the first periods in the UK market. Our estimates suggest that the size and content of information flows on social networks support the price-discovery process. The interactions between lagged US stock features and overnight tweets significantly affect stock returns and volatility of cross-listed stocks when the UK market opens. These effects weaken and disappear 1 to 3 hr after the opening of the UK market. We also develop a profitable trading strategy based on overnight social media, and the profits remain economically significant after considering transaction costs.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of locally informed investors on market efficiency and stock prices using large power outages, which are exogenous events that constrain trading. Turnover in stocks headquartered in an outage area with 0.5% of U.S. electrical customers drops by 3–7% on the first full day of the outage, and bid–ask spreads narrow by 2.5%. Firm-specific price volatility is 2.3% lower on blackout dates. This effect is larger for smaller, lesser-known stocks and in higher income areas. Consistent with a valuation discount and higher expected returns for stocks with more informed traders, firms with a one-standard-deviation higher local trading propensity have market-to-book values that are 5% lower, Tobin's Q that is 6% lower, annualized four-factor alphas that are 1.2% higher, and average spreads that are 6.5% higher. Together, the evidence suggests that informed investors contribute disproportionately to both liquidity and price discovery, and that these contributions are reflected in valuations and expected returns.  相似文献   

We examine the contribution of cross-listings to price discovery for a sample of Canadian stocks listed on both the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) and a U.S. exchange. We find that prices on the TSE and U.S. exchange are cointegrated and mutually adjusting. The U.S. share of price discovery ranges from 0.2 percent to 98.2 percent, with an average of 38.1 percent. The U.S. share is directly related to the U.S. share of trading and to the ratio of proportions of informative trades on the U.S. exchange and the TSE, and inversely related to the ratio of bid-ask spreads.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution of cross-listing to price discovery for a unique and comprehensive sample of firms listed abroad. Using an extended measure of the common factor weight, we find that foreign market contribution to price discovery is more important for multiple-listed firms compared to cross-listed ones. Our results also show that US exchanges are more conductive to price discovery than do foreign European markets. On a univariate regression, we find new evidence that order driven markets and those which are more integrated with the world contribute significantly to price discovery of stocks listed abroad. On a multivariate regression, information asymmetry measures seem to have the most important effect on foreign market contribution to price determination.  相似文献   

We examine whether market reactions to earnings announcements vary according to differences in the cultural values of firms' countries of origin in the case of cross-listed firms in the U.S. stock market. To deal with time-varying volatility returns, market reactions are determined using the market model adjusted for GARCH. We also apply the Fama-French three factor model to determine market reactions. Using the dynamic panel generalized method of moments estimator, we analyze 5562 firm-year observations from 30 countries over the period 2000–2014. We find that market reactions to the earnings announcements of cross-listed firms are significantly negatively (positively) associated with firms’ home countries characterized by the culturally- based accounting values of conservatism (optimism) and secrecy (transparency). Overall, the results suggest that the informal institutional influences of culture relating to the financial performance of cross-listed firms are priced by the U.S. stock market.  相似文献   

Sarbanes–Oxley [SOX, hereafter] was expected to improve the overall quality of financial reporting. A large amount of research has documented the influence of SOX on companies' reporting behaviors and how those behaviors have impacted the capital market as a whole (Cohen et al., 2008; Engel et al., 2007; Lobo & Zhou, 2006). While the assumption is that the far-reaching regulation impacts all U.S.-listed companies, this paper considers whether SOX has had a differential impact on the earnings quality of foreign filers that cross-list on U.S. exchanges. Despite some minor exceptions, these foreign companies are expected to meet the same reporting standards as domestic U.S. companies. Using a sample of cross-listers around the enactment of SOX, the results suggest that cross-listed companies do not strictly comply with SOX. At the same time, a size-matched sample of domestic U.S. companies shows significant improvement across the same set of earnings quality measures. This differential impact raises concerns about the ability of domestic regulations to impose compliance on foreign filers. While some may believe that cross-listed companies are bonding themselves to U.S. regulations and reporting quality, the evidence in this paper suggests that foreign companies are more interested in the reputational gains associated with a listing in the U.S.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of trading activities on price discovery in the Bitcoin futures markets. We find that trades of hedgers are positively correlated with the modified information shares in both CME and CBOE futures markets, suggesting that their trading promotes futures market efficiency. Retailers’ trading activity relates negatively to the price discovery of the CME Bitcoin futures and thus destabilizes the market. Speculators exert positive (negative) impact on the price discovery in the CME (CBOE) Bitcoin futures. Our finding that CME’s Bitcoin futures exhibit superior price discovery than CBOE’s provides plausible justification for CBOE’s decision in March 2019 to suspend further listings of Bitcoin futures contracts.  相似文献   

We examine the existence of real and accrual-based earnings management before and after cross-listings on the U.S. market. The results indicate that firms actively manage their earnings around cross-listing events, using both accrual and real earnings management, but real earnings management is dominant. American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) cross-listed at Level 1 and sponsored ADRs show the largest increase in real earnings management from before to after the listing. Firms that have adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) display lower increases than firms under domestic GAAP. Finally, our results confirm a significant negative relationship between long-run performance and real earnings management before and after major corporate events.  相似文献   

Numerous studies in the finance literature have investigated technical analysis to determine its validity as an investment tool. This study is an attempt to explore whether some forms of technical analysis can predict stock price movement and make excess profits based on certain trading rules in markets with different efficiency level. To avoid using arbitrarily selected 26 trading rules as did by Brock, Lakonishok and LeBaron (1992) and later by Bessembinder and Chan (1998), this paper examines predictive power and profitability of simple trading rules by expanding their universe of 26 rules to 412 rules. In order to find out the relationship between market efficiency and excess return by applying trading rules, we examine excess return over periods in U.S. markets and also compare the excess returns between U.S. market and Chinese markets. Our results found that there is no evidence at all supporting technical forecast power by these trading rules in U.S. equity index after 1975. During the 1990s break-even costs turned to be negative, –0.06%, even failing to beat a buy-holding strategyin U.S. equity market. In comparison, our results provide support for the technical strategies even in the presence of trading cost in Chinese stock markets.  相似文献   

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