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目前,我国针对科技型中小企业国际化方面的政策扶持力度远远不够,而提供有效且易懂的政策扶持信息对其发展至关重要。从信息提供与交流这一视角,参考了大量欧盟国际化政策和中小企业扶持项目,从信息提供内容、信息提供方式、信息交流促进3个方面,探讨了欧盟在促进科技型中小企业国际化发展方面采取的措施,并与我国信息提供现状进行对比,以期为我国科技型中小企业国际化政策制定带来一定启示。  相似文献   

日韩中小企业扶持政策及其对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中小企业在促进经济发展、维持社会稳定、调整产业结构、推进技术创新等方面发挥着重要作用。本文通过系统总结归纳日本和韩国中小企业扶持政策的目的、方式、措施、项目以及实施机制,旨在通过对日韩经验的系统总结与介绍,提出相关于政策程序和中小企业扶持措施的有利政策例子。  相似文献   

金融危机对中小企业发展的冲击及应对策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金融危机以来,我国中小企业的发展受到严重冲击,部分企业已陷入资金紧缺、市场萎缩、人才流失、成本上升等困境.原因主要在两方面,一方面是政府没能为中小企业发展提供一个良好的发展环境,服务不完善,扶持力度不够,另一方面是企业自身自主创新能力缺乏,结构调整不到位,企业家信心严重不足.因此,面对当前金融危机的严重挑战,政府和企业必须双管齐下,对政府来说,一要切实为中小企业发展创造良好的法律政策和市场环境;二要提升面向中小企业的金融服务和行政服务水准;三要加大对中小企业的财政、税收和信贷扶持力度;对中小企业来说,则要始终坚定信心,一要不断提高自主创新能力,加强自主品牌建设,二要加快结构调整,促进产业转型升级.  相似文献   

美、日、德发展中小企业的扶持政策、措施及其借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李宏勋  李新民 《经济师》2002,(7):88-88,90
美国、日本和德国为支持中小企业的发展 ,采取了一系列的扶持政策与措施 ,为中小企业的发创造条件。我国也是一个中小企业占绝大多数的国家 ,积极借鉴他们的成功经验 ,合理制定对我国中小企业的扶持政策 ,对促进我国中小企业的发展 ,增强中小企业的竞争力是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

为充分发挥中小企业在吸纳就业、改善民生和促进社会和谐等方面的重要作用,美、欧、日等重视为中小企业提供创业教育、培训、投融资和创业环境等方面的扶持。为此,本文提出借鉴国外经验,从加强创业教育与创业培训、强化直接资金与信贷担保支持、完善融资扶持政策、发展创业投资产业和优化创业环境等方面,扶持我国中小企业创业发展。  相似文献   

在知识发展的今天,科技型中小企业技术创新能力的提高,对于一个国家维系其在全球市场上的竞争力和保持经济可持续发展至关重要。政府如何有针对性地制定关于扶持科技型中小企业技术创新能力的政策,对于解决科技型中小企业发展中面临的问题,加快科技型中小企业发展,支撑引领经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展具有重要的现实和长远意义。为改善中小企业技术创新状况,本文从大力推进市场化建设、改善技术创新人才环境、增强对科技型中小企业技术创新资金支持、推动产学研的合作网络建设、支持企业开展模仿创新和和合作创新、加强地方知识产权政策、健全技术创新支持服务体系等七方面进行分析,以期为政府提高中小企业的技术创新能力提供建议。  相似文献   

欧盟鼓励中小企业创新的政策与措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文分析了欧盟促进中小企业发展与创新的政策和措施。“首先想到小的”已成为欧盟制定政策的原则。本文指出,《欧洲小企业法》总结了多年来欧盟积极鼓励中小企业发展的一些好做法,是欧盟第一个促进中小企业发展的综合性政策框架,该文件提出了促进中小企业发展的十项原则。介绍了欧盟支持中小企业创新的主要措施,并提出了成立政策性金融中介机构、扶持中小企业创新要有针对性以及加强政策集成等政策建议。  相似文献   

中小企业作为国民经济的加速器和稳定器,其作用日益明显。如何扶持中小企业的发展,一直是理论界和产业界讨论的问题。美国、日本对小企业的扶持政策很具特色。中国大陆的中小企业已超过1000万家,占全国企业总数的99%以上,中国政府正着手制定对中小企业的扶持政策。本文对美国、日本及中国的中小企业扶持政策进行对比,并阐明了中国中小企业扶持政策的对策思路。  相似文献   

中小企业信用担保体系的发展路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的信用担保体系建设起步晚、发展快,目前已基本形成以中小企业信用担保机构为主体的担保业,为缓解中小企业融资难、担保难等方面发挥了重要作用.为促进中小企业信用担保业健康发展,必须深入探索中小企业信用担保体系建设存在的突出问题,加大政策扶持和资金支持力度,加强对信用担保业的规范与监管,完善风险防范机制,以保障信用担保业在解决中小企业融资"瓶颈"方面有效发挥作用.  相似文献   

中小企业信用担保体系的发展路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘佳琪 《经济视角》2010,(12):47-48
我国的信用担保体系建设起步晚、发展快,目前已基本形成以中小企业信用担保机构为主体的担保业,为缓解中小企业融资难、担保难等方面发挥了重要作用。为促进中小企业信用担保业健康发展,必须深入探索中小企业信用担保体系建设存在的突出问题,加大政策扶持和资金支持力度,加强对信用担保业的规范与监管,完善风险防范机制,以保障信用担保业在解决中小企业融资"瓶颈"方面有效发挥作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we first rely on small area techniques to derive from EU statistics on income and living conditions (EU‐SILC) survey new indicators of compensatory and social‐investment policies at regional level. While compensatory policies have mainly the goal of protecting individuals from “old” risks (e.g., old‐age), investment‐related social policies tend to focus more on “new social risks” (e.g., skill deficits). We rely on these new indicators to perform a data‐driven structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) analysis to investigate the causal relationships between youth labor market outcomes and these two types of spending. Our results support the view that social‐investment policies are effective for tackling new social challenges. (JEL C18, C54, E02)  相似文献   

Economic Analysis of Public Policies for Controlling Heroin Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Policies for controlling heroin use are surveyed. Motivations for harm minimisation and abstinence policies are derived. Pursuing abstinence alone using supply-oriented policies increases heroin prices possibly creating social harm. Pursuing harm minimisation alone reduces user costs that compromise drug abstinence objectives. These tradeoffs between policy objectives are examined for a number of proposed policies including (i) the public provision of heroin to addicts, (ii) the use of safe injecting rooms, (iii) methadone programs and (iv) drug use prevention policies. Coupling legal sanctions that impact specifically on new users with harm minimisation policies, enables relaxation of some policy tradeoffs but penalises a class of users who impose low social costs.  相似文献   

我国现行粮食价格政策面临的问题与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔡贤恩 《技术经济》2007,26(9):78-83
我国现行粮食价格政策面临许多问题,应借鉴主要发达国家与地区对粮食价格干预政策的经验,完善粮食最低收购价格与种粮直接补贴政策,增加种粮农民收入,推进粮食产区新农村建设。  相似文献   

《2012年美国新经济指数》报告为了测量美国各州的经济结构,根据新经济的典型特征和发展重求,使用一系列指标对美国50个州的经济情况进行了综合评价。马萨诸塞州因拥有众多由世界项级大学支持的软件、硬件和生物制药公司而排名第一。基于评价结果,报告提出了减少零和竞争、刺激“双赢”经济效果、支持制造业竞争等一系列有针对性的政策建议。该报告带给我们的启示是:创新是推动经济发展的主要引擎,地方经济发展应关注开放和协同,新经济发展应关注经济结构的合理性、应重视人才培养,高科技企业是引领新经济的主力舰。  相似文献   

A central hypothesis of this paper is to consider that changes in the economic and political environment invite us to appraise the status that industrial policies can have in the making of contemporary macroeconomic policies. This perspective is first referred to the post-war debate on standard and radical Keynesianisms. The main trends in the fields of public interventions up to the 80s are recalled. It helps to stress the change of context in the 80s and 90s, especially regarding the forms of competition prevailing on product markets. All of which set opportunities to reshape industrial policies and all the more so given that macroeconomic policies are losing momentum. Despite their renewed legitimacy and efficiency, the question of the macroeconomic impact of these coordinated industrial policies remains open, still depending on the scale that central and local authorities are willing to give us to these new schemes.  相似文献   

数据已被视为一种重要的战略资源,是全球经济中新的资本要素。开放数据可给世界各国带来巨大的经济效益,催生大量新企业的诞生,并有助于新产品和新服务的创造,推动一些科技领域飞速发展。美国在开放数据方面走在世界最前列,奥巴马政府出重拳推动开放数据以促进创新创业和经济增长,并将科研数据开放视为数据政策和重要组成部分。我国应进一步控掘开放数据对于创新创业及经济增长的推动作用,充分认识开放数据有助于进一步推动企业成为创新主体,同时要注重开放数据的制度化。  相似文献   

A model of illicit, addictive drug use is proposed when users have foresight. Impacts of drug use penalties, penalties on drug use‐related crime, support for drug user rehabilitation as well as the effects of health‐related, harm‐minimisation policies are analysed. In the short run, government policies impact only on the drug use intensities of existing addicted and casual users. Longer term policy‐induced user‐cost changes impact on new user and addict numbers through their effect on recruitment into addiction and quit dynamics. Effects of policies on user numbers, usage intensities and impacts on long‐run social costs are analysed over this long‐term horizon. The model provides a setting for analysing the long‐run effects of illicit drug management policies on the social costs of illicit drug use and allows assessment of drug use abstinence and harm minimisation policy tradeoffs.  相似文献   

The results of a Delphi study on the future of the Indian tea industry are presented. Most of the information obtained for the study helps in formulating and validating a system dynamics model. The model also considers the occurrence of new events as visualized by the panelists. It is shown, however, that the policies recommended by the panelists yield poor industry behavior when Delphi-predicted new events operate in the environment. This may be due to lack of comprehension of the complexity of interaction between policies proposed and new events visualized by the panelists. On the basis of this investigation, it is proposed that Delphi and system dynamics studies should complement each other in arriving at viable policy decisions.  相似文献   

The agreement to abolish the quotas on textiles and clothing introduced under the Multi‐fiber Arrangement (MFA) will create a new and much more competitive world market for India's exports of textiles and clothing. India's inefficient and costly policies, such as cotton export quotas, the hank yarn obligation, and the restrictive policies on foreign investment that have held back productivity in the Indian apparel sector, will impose serious costs. The authors consider the implications of reforming these policies in an open trading environment using a multiregion, applied general‐equilibrium model. They find that the costs of these policies to India increase substantially following abolition of the MFA; the benefits to India from domestic reforms are considerably enhanced when there is global free trade in textiles and apparel.  相似文献   

吴志军 《当代财经》2012,(4):90-100
国家的高度重视和一系列稀土调控政策的出台促进了我国稀土产业的良性调整和快速发展,同时也引发了新的问题。通过对我国稀土产业政策的现状和初步取得的成效进行整理,同时对当前政策所引发的新问题以及尚存的潜在风险进行反思,针对这些问题的解决并结合稀土产业的发展趋势探讨未来政策的完善方向。  相似文献   

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