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Cultural dimensions in management and planning   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
The nature of management skills is such that they are culturally specific: a management technique or philosophy that is appropriate in one national culture is not necessarily appropriate in another. The paper describes the scope of (work-related) cultural differences as they were revealed by research in more than 50 countries around the world and discusses how these differences affect the validity of management techniques and philosophies in various countries within the functioning and meaning of planning.The author is with the Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation, the Netherlands. This paper is a shorter version of the first part of a report MAN DEV/28. Culture and Management Development, written on behalf of the UNDP/ILO Interregional Project Co-operation among Management Development Institutions and published by the International Labour Office, Management Development Branch, Training Department, Geneva 1983.  相似文献   

(一)自1972年6月联合国发表《环境宣言》以来,一场绿色革命开始了,包装界也开始了绿色包装,继《里约宣言》中提出绿色经济可持续发展的战略及五大要求:(1)人类处于环境与发展的中心,环境与发展密不可分;(2)为持续发展制定政策,在制定政策,制定社会、经济发展规划和法规时,要将环境与发展作为一个整体考虑;(3)不损害环境的工业发展和适度的消费规模;(4)管理目标的优生顺序应反映适用于环境与发展范畴;(5)加强为发展的资源保护和管理。由此,绿色包装的立法管理也进入了一个崭新的、以强调与环境和谐兼容的、适应生态环境的物资闭合循环管理阶…  相似文献   

Many planning and organisational aspects of 48 Australian organisations were examined. The empirical information tends to suggest that the process of adopting the strategic management concept is well advanced in some Australian organisations. Irrespective of size and ownership status, some organisations have already adopted strategic planning, and the process of evolution is continuing towards the final stage of strategic management. The increasing environmental volatility and growing international exposure of organisations in Australia and elsewhere in the Asia Pacific region will increase the pressure to implement international management systems, including strategic management.  相似文献   

An empirical study involving 97 manufacturing firms that averaged $20 million in annual sales yielded a strong positive correlation between the degree of planning formality and firm performance. Additionally, interactive analysis disclosed that this relationship pervaded various grand strategies; the implication being that formalized strategic planning was consistently a positive factor associated with high levels of organizational performance.  相似文献   

Abstract The authors' purpose is to improve the coupling between technology development and corporate strategic planning in multinational firms by providing a much needed technology planning framework. The framework, which is developed in some detail, divides the planning process into three stages: technology scanning, strategy development (product level) and implementation (country level). In the first stage an answer is sought to the question, “What technologies (as distinct from businesses) are we, or should we be in?”. in the second, the aim is to develop a strategy for each of the products from the chosen technologies; in the third stage, details of implementation on a country-by-country basis are worked out. Although presented as a sequence of three stages, the framework is to be applied iteratively. The authors argue that technology for all its vital importance to a global company, cannot be treated as a profit centre. This is part of the difficulty in implementing the technology management function, especially in multidivisional and global firms. They believe that use of this framework will make it easier to integrate technology development into the strategic planning process. In addition it will serve to integrate managers from different parts of the company into a formalized technology planning exercise.  相似文献   

移民安置规划设计工作反映着有关各方的利益格局,关系着工程项目能否顺利开工和建设。规划设计工作必须严格遵循国家和各行业部门制定的法律法规和技术标准,全面规划,统筹安排。工程项目业主和地方人们政府应高度重视规划设计工作,在各个阶段充分发挥各自作用,有力保证移民安置规划设计工作的顺利实施。  相似文献   

As the cost of clinical trials continues to rise organisations are looking at ways of managing this part of the drug development process as effectively and efficiently as possible. As a tactical response, many pharmaceutical companies outsource the management of clinical trials to clinical research organisations on a fixed-price contract basis. This paper presents an alternative approach based on the concept of Product-Based Planning. Key elements of the approach are the creation of a deliverables budget and the establishment of project management-related deliverables. The conceptual developments described in the paper are supported by a telephone survey of 10 UK practitioners. The survey confirms the prevalence and limitations of fixed-price contracts while highlighting a willingness to try a deliverable-based approach – initially through small pilot studies. The key barrier to implementing a new approach is resistance from key stakeholders, such as finance departments, which can be addressed through selling of the business case.  相似文献   

Top management team conflict and entrepreneurial strategy making in China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
How does top management team (TMT) conflict influence entrepreneurial strategy making of new ventures? With a sample of new ventures in China’s technology industries, this study examines the conditions under which TMT cognitive conflict and affective conflict are associated with entrepreneurial strategy making. We found that cognitive conflict among TMT members had a positive relationship with entrepreneurial strategy making. Further, the positive relationship between cognitive conflict and entrepreneurial strategy making was moderated by dysfunctional competition and team deftness.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study of new ventures which examine the relationships between performance and the experience of a new venture's management team, its choice of competitive strategy, and its use of various cooperative arrangements. The findings of the moderated regression analysis indicate that cooperative arrangements are most beneficial to those new ventures whose management teams possess the most experience.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary research centres (IRCs) in the UK were originally set up by the UK Advisory Board for Research Councils (the ABRC) to foster cross-disciplinary basic research. This activity was seen to be a fruitful way to help British industry overcome some of its current technological shortcomings. The author describes the strategy pursued by the ABRC in setting up the IRCs, their location, staffing policies, relationship to industry and other characteristics.
The author indicates the problems faced by IRC managements in the present situation. There is financial stringency, they have to ensure continuity of expertise, a problem posed by the ABRC's insistence on a very small permanent core staff at each centre, and they have the difficult task of directing basic research, which has its own internal logic, towards externally defined objectives thought to be relevant to the British national interest.
The author believes that only radical change can guarantee a successful future for the IRCs but is pessimistic that the ABRC's present tactics will procure it.  相似文献   

This study reveals the importance of viewing planning processes within the context of strategic orientation. Information‐processing theory is used to examine the differences in planning processes given variable strategy content in the banking industry. Findings suggest that banks implementing different strategies require their planning systems to focus on different kinds and amounts of information. Moreover, the relationship between planning and bank performance is clarified when information requirements of a specific strategy are considered. It appears the strategy moderates the relationship between planning and performance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drawing upon contingency theory, we analyze the antecedents and performance consequences of chief strategy officer (CSO) presence in top management teams (TMTs). We argue that strategic and structural complexity affects the decision to have a CSO in the TMT and its effect on firm performance. The results of a sample of S&P 500 firms over a five‐year period reveal that diversification, acquisition activity, and TMT role interdependence are positively associated with CSO presence. However, we also find that the structural choice to have a CSO in the TMT does not significantly affect a firm's financial performance. This first systematic analysis of CSO presence informs research on CSOs and contributes to the emerging literature on TMT structure. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies sheltering network planning and operations for natural disaster preparedness and responses with a two-stage stochastic program. The preparedness phase decides the locations, capacities and resources of new Permanent Shelters. Under each disaster scenario, both evacuees and resources are distributed to shelters in the response phase. To address the computational burden, the L-shaped algorithm is applied to decompose the problem into the scenario level with linear programs. A case study for hurricanes in the Gulf Coast region of the US is conducted to demonstrate the implementation of the proposed model.  相似文献   

山两经济实质上就是煤炭经济,而煤炭销售是长期以来制约山西煤炭经济发展的瓶颈。山西煤炭产业集中度低,市场主体过多过滥,内部竞争无序。加之多年来形成的“铁路运力紧张”的惯性思维,以及各企业争夺计划、争抢车皮,致使企业每年被迫给铁路部门和中介机构以高额点装费、中介费、协议费、代理费、自备  相似文献   

During the past years R&D management has been broadened into technology management, and the fruitfulness of its integration into strategic management has become clear. Empirical research has shown that R&D contributes relatively more to conventional output measures of firms that capital, and might therefore be expanded. However, whether its strategic direction should be aligned with that of other business functions is less than clear. Better information, including competitor technological intelligence information, is needed to better support strategic decisions.  相似文献   

从国内外大公司战略规划管理的实践入手,重点分析了BP、壳牌、IBM、华为公司、华润集团及长安汽车公司的战略规划管理体系,研究了这些企业从战略规划制定到战略规划执行的有益经验,提出了顶层驱动、闭环管理、战略考核、管理日历、战略评价、组织变革和管理协同等主要建议,从企业实践的角度,对战略规划管理理论进行了有益补充.  相似文献   

Sales practice and scholarship have each called for optimizing the manner in which sales managers strategically interject themselves in the sales process. As a unique approach that reflects the high incidence rate of failure within sales, managers may strategize for salespeople to fail fast as an agile implementation of intelligent failure. Fail fast strategy allows managers to intervene early on in the business-to-business sales process in order to optimize resources and exert greater control over failures within their sales teams. With this strategy in mind, the following questions remain: Does fail fast strategy have a beneficial or deleterious effect on salesperson behaviors? What organizational- and individual-level factors direct a sales manager's strategic attention toward failing fast? The authors use an attention-based view to theorize the drivers of fail fast strategy, as well as investigate the moderating effect of sales force resources on the relationship between fail fast strategy and salesperson extra-role behaviors. The authors test the model using survey data of 274 business-to-business sales managers. The conceptualization, operationalization, and theory around fail fast strategy contribute to a better understanding of failing fast in sales. The results provide contributions to theory and practice as well as guidance for future research opportunities.  相似文献   

The success of latecomer firms from the emerging economies challenges the conventional wisdom on entry timing and resource-based competence. Building on research on institutions in emerging economies and the resource-based perspective in strategic management, we propose a model to explain how resource poor latecomer firms in emerging economies catch up with the multinational incumbents. We classify latecomers based on their strategic learning intent as either emulators or blind imitators. The strategic learning intent depends on a firm’s complementary assets and its absorptive capacity. Firms that choose emulation develop flexible routines, while firms that choose blind imitation end up with rigid routines. Over time, when there is a need for resource renewal, firms that have flexible routines are better positioned to respond. We take the Chinese mobile phone industry as an exemplar to illustrate the core issues in latecomer catching up of emerging economy firms.
Rajiv Krishnan KozhikodeEmail:

在天然气与管道业务实现跨越式发展但仍面临诸多压力与挑战的背景下,中国石油天然气与管道分公司针对规划管理工作中存在的突出问题,开展一体化规划管理体系建设工作,建立了以系统最优为目标,以目标管理为核心,涵盖规划编制、监控、调整、评价全过程,包含“两级三类”的规划动态闭环管理体系.共建成目标、内容、评价、技术支撑、监控与组织保障五大分支体系.应用后可显著提高规划管理效率,具有优异的管理和经济效益提升能力,推动规划管理实现四大转变.  相似文献   

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