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从低征税规则最初体现在WTO《反倾销协议》第9.1条。该规则在多哈回合谈判中引发热议。2007年11月发布的第一次主席案文删除了该条款。2008年12月谈判主席的第二次案文将删除的《反倾销协议》第9.1条恢复。至今各成员方就是否将从低征税规则作为一项强制适用的反倾销规则仍未达成一致。为此,对多哈回合从低征税规则谈判进行探讨。  相似文献   

多哈回合谈判中,澄清和完善实质阻碍标准成为其中的一个议题。埃及就该议题提交了提案,以埃及提案为基础2007主席案文纳入了实质阻碍条款,由于成员方对"正在建立的国内产业"的严重分歧,2008案文删除了该议题,2011主席沟通文件补充说明了该议题。中国作为发展中国家,实质阻碍标准对我国具有重要意义。在实质阻碍议题的谈判中,我国应更积极,促使实质阻碍概念条约化。  相似文献   

多哈回合反倾销规则改革的最新成果探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO规则谈判工作组的主席加尔米斯先生于2007年11月30日公布了一份有关《反倾销协定》的修订草案,这是多哈回合反倾销规则谈判所取得的最新成果,同时也构成了下一阶段谈判的基础和出发点。该草案在归零法、因果关系认定、反规避、日落复审等方面提出了重要的修订意见,并试图协调成员方的不同立场和利益。我们应理性地评估该草案的意义。  相似文献   

WTO规则谈判工作组的主席加尔米斯先生于2007年11月30日公布了一份有关《反倾销协定》的修订草案,这是多哈回合反倾销规则谈判所取得的最新成果,同时也构成了下一阶段谈判的基础和出发点。该草案在归零法、因果关系认定、反规避、日落复审等方面提出了重要的修订意见,并试图协调成员方的不同立场和利益。我们应理性地评估该草案的意义。  相似文献   

从低征税规则一直是多哈回合反倾销规则谈判的一个重要议题。从规则谈判工作组主席公布的最新修订草案及成员方的相关提案来看,从低征税规则虽然具有相当的合理性,但强制性低征税规则涉及到损害幅度的计算方法,成员方存在重大分歧,故强制性低征税规则在多哈回合反倾销规则谈判中前景暗淡,相关规定很可能维持原状。  相似文献   

作为盛行的几种主要贸易救济措施之一,反倾销在WTO体系中有着特殊的重要性。根据多哈《部长宣言》授权,各方应当在维持其基本概念、原则和有效性以及WTO现有制度和目标的基础上,“解释和澄清”《反倾销协定》相关条款。基于此,各方展开了激烈的谈判和争论。其中,以“反倾销之友”为代表的一方力主大力改革《反倾销协定》,限制反倾销滥用。而美国则要求谈判不得损害反倾销法的力度和有效性,同时力倡提高反倾销规则和实践的公开性和透明度。  相似文献   

刘勇 《国际贸易问题》2008,302(2):113-118
世贸组织《反倾销协定》具有理论依据缺失、明确与模糊的法律条款并存、同时许可与管制成员方采取反倾销措施等特点。基于《反倾销协定》的以上特点,尽管反倾销措施具有若干负面效果,文章认为它仍然将继续成为各成员方保护国内产业、消除国际贸易自由化所带来的消极影响的重要手段,同时有关反倾销的争论也将持续下去。  相似文献   

WTO《反倾销协定》具有理论依据缺失、明确与模糊的法律条款并存、同时许可与管制成员方采取反倾销措施等特点。基于《反倾销协定》的以上特点,我们可以认为,尽管反倾销措施具有若干负面效果,但它仍然将继续成为各成员保护国内产业、消除国际贸易自由化所带来的消极影响的重要手段,同时有关反倾销的争论也将持续下去。  相似文献   

WTO各成员方在2001年11月开始异常艰苦的多哈回合谈判,耗时八年有余,在去年年底举行的小型部长会议上各国表示了在2010年结束此轮谈判的愿望和决心。在过去的八年多,包括美国在内的各成员方就补贴的定义、禁止性补贴、进口替代补贴、出口信贷、严重危害、实质损害的救济、不可诉补贴、补贴通知、自然资源与能源定价,以及发展中成员方特殊和差别待遇等议题和反补贴措施程序方面的一些问题提交了提案,WTO也发布了两个有关的主席案文。由于美国一直以来都是多边补贴与反补贴规则的主导者,并且其在反补贴措施方面的运用也处于世界前列,美国的建议基本上代表了发达国家在WTO《补贴与反补贴协定》(ASCM)修订过程中的立场,在很大程度上也代表了ASCM未来的发展趋势。因此本文就美国在多哈回合谈判中所提出的建议进行梳理,希望对于研究和判断ASCM的未来走向提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

本文在界定WTO专家组、上诉机构合理“司法解释”权限的基础上,通过分析《反倾销措施协定》项下涉美争端解决的典型案件,得出结论认为,WTO专家组、上诉机构确有越权裁判、司法能动现象,在多哈回合中,中国等发展中国家成员方应通过谈判,修改争端解决机制和有关贸易救济的协定,确保贸易救济争端解决中不会出现司法能动现象。  相似文献   

我国农产品遭受反倾销的特点、原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着各国农产品关税大幅度降低以及农产品补贴逐步减少,利用反倾销进行农产品贸易保护的案例大量涌现,我国已成为国外农产品反倾销主要目标国。本文分析了1980-2009年我国农产品遭受反倾销的情况及特点,并依据农产品特性探讨了我国农产品遭受反倾销的主要原因,提出了我国政府及企业应对农产品反倾销所应采取的对策。  相似文献   

WTO《反倾销协议》和各国反倾销法对于反倾销实践中的损害确定标准在大多数情况下所适用的都是第一条标准,即"实质性损害"标准;而对第二条标准"实质性损害威胁"标准却鲜有适用;至于第三条标准,即"实质性阻碍一国产业建立"的标准更是很少提及。但是,随着中国与其贸易伙伴间贸易摩擦的不断升级以及中国国内新兴产业的日益发展,无论是在中国出口产品遭遇的反倾销案件中,还是在中国国内产业对外提起诉讼的反倾销案件中,适用"实质性阻碍一国产业建立"标准的情况均不断发生。  相似文献   

王赟  平一  李志刚 《中国市场》2011,(51):44-47
他被誉为"联想教父"、"中国企业家之父"。他的财富在富豪榜上排不上号,但每逢企业家们聚会时,大家会很自觉地将他排在第一位。美国《时代》杂志曾将他评为"全球25位最具影响力的商业领袖"之一。  相似文献   

This paper offers a political economy analysis of the Doha Ministerial Conference with special reference to developing countries. One of my key objectives is to understand the politics underlying the negotiations with a view to assessing the influence developing countries exerted on the outcome and the success they achieved in relation to the Uruguay Round Agreement, which is widely perceived as favouring mainly if not exclusively the developed countries. The main conclusions of the paper may be summarised as follows. First, with trade liberalisation as its central focus, the Doha negotiating agenda is to be welcomed from the viewpoint of developing countries. Second, the opposition by developing countries to the inclusion of at least some of the Singapore issues at Doha is defensible. Among other things, the countries lack the necessary negotiating and implementation capacity. Third, while the UR Agreement benefited both developing and developed countries, on balance, it benefited the latter more. The Doha outcome offers a better balance when taken by itself but does not go so far as to significantly correct the imbalance in the UR Agreement. Fourth, despite this better balance, the Doha negotiations offer little evidence of a shift in the relative bargaining powers of developing and developed countries. Nor can the superficially development friendly language of the Doha Declaration be viewed as signalling the softening of the tough negotiating stance developed countries took during the UR Round. Fifth, much of the negotiating power continues to reside with developed countries. Relatively equal levels of incomes gives greater coherence to interests of developed countries on issues that divide along North–South lines. Moreover, the presence of three large players – the USA, EU and Japan – allows them to exploit their bargaining power more effectively. Finally, to negotiate more effectively in the future, developing countries must improve their research capacity, think strategically and forge coalitions with other influential WTO members – whether developed or developing.  相似文献   

On November 13, Latvia-China Business Seminar was held in the meeting hall of CCPIT. Mr. Ludviks, Deputy Chair man of Riga City Council,Mr. Yu Ping, Vice Chairman of CCPIT, Le Jia, Director General of Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry attended the seminar and gave speeches. Mr. Ludviks introduced the economic and trade  相似文献   

All organizations have ethics programs which consist of both explicit and implicit parts. This paper defines corporate ethics programs and identifies a number of their components. Corporate ethics programs' structural and behavioral dimensions are proposed which may allow further examination of such program components and their impacts. Finally, fifteen propositions are suggested which describe the influence of founder values, competitive pressures, leadership, and organizational problems on corporate ethics programs and the manageability of such programs.Steven N. Brenner is currently Sponsored Professor of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility at Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. He served from 1983 through 1987 as Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in its School of Business Administration. Dr. Brenner has written articles forHarvard Business Review, The Academy of Management national MeetingsProceedings, The JAI PressResearch on Corporate Social Performance and Policy, and other publications. He has served as the Chairman and Program Chairman for the Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management and is Chairman of the International Association of Business and Society's 1992 meeting to be held in Leuven, Belgium. He teaches courses in corporate social responsibility, business ethics, managing in a regulated world, business/government relations, business policy and organizational politics. During 1989–90 he was on a sabbatical leave doing research on corporate social responsibility and acting as Chair of the Academy of Management's Ethics Task Force which wrote the Academy's Code of Ethical Conduct.This work was supported in part by a grant from the Chiles Foundation, Portland, Oregon.  相似文献   

本文总结了对华反倾销的特征,探讨了倾销与反倾销应诉的公共品性质,并分析我国容易遭受反倾销,且反倾销应诉率低、胜诉率低的原因。指出出口产业集中度低是形成当前对华反倾销应对困境的重要原因。并指出通过建立和发挥行业协会、商会等中间组织的作用,协调出口竞争,可以通过集体供给,提高企业参与反倾销应诉的热情,提高反倾销的应诉率与胜诉率,并在此基础上提出了集体应对反倾销的策略。  相似文献   

周灏 《商业研究》2007,(9):167-172
反倾销是世界许多国家普遍采用的一种保护国内市场和厂商的做法。中国在遭受国外反倾销的同时也拿起了反倾销的武器。通过我国对反倾销的一些数据统计,反映了中国对外进行反倾销中呈现的若干特点和趋势,说明了反倾销是维护了公平的贸易权,显著增强了国内对市场的有序竞争。为了更加完善我国对外反倾销;为了我国的正常利益,还要适当提高对反倾销的效率。  相似文献   

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