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本文从权利穷竭原则和平行进口的关系入手,分析了利用权利穷竭原则作为研究平行进口的理论基础缺乏依据,进而提出研究商标商品平行进口要考虑贸易利益和经济因素,并通过研究国外有关立法和国际公约的规定,提出了我国制定商标商品平行进口管理战略应采  相似文献   

平行进口问题自从有知识产权贸易以来就产生了,但对中国来说还是个新问题。文章从商标平行进口的定义、本质开始讲起,总结了解决商标平行进口问题的理论以及各国法律实践、我国的法律实践和面临的困境,并在文章最后提出了解决商标平行进口问题的建议。在经济全球化的今天,商标平行进口问题涉及多方利益,而商标功能的多元化并且逐渐呈现出来的竞争工具的特性,也让这个问题变得更加复杂。  相似文献   

付钰 《黑河学刊》2007,(6):29-30
随着我国加入世贸组织,以及世界经济一体化进程的进一步加快,商标产品平行进口问题在我国将会日益突出。因此,借鉴外国经验,填补及完善我国在平行进口领域的法律制度已是当务之急。我国在制定平行进口法律规范方面应考虑商标平行进口可能对我国经济建设造成的影响、平行进口各方经济利益的权衡以及对自由竞争秩序的维护等问题,并采取相应的立法对策。  相似文献   

刘彦  徐李明 《辽宁经济》2004,(12):57-57
一、从商标产品平行进口的内容看其合法性 商标产品平行进口(parallel import),又称灰色市场进口,是指在国际贸易中,进口商未经本国商标所有权人或商标使用权人许可,从境外进口经合法授权生产的带相同商标的同类商品,价格又低于商标权人在该国规定的价格,从而与本国经授权的经销商在本国市场上形成竞争关系的行为.  相似文献   

专利商品平行进口取向的法理思辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于专利商品平行进口取向在国际知识产权保护中的巨大影响及其对即将加入WTO的中国的特殊意义,本拟通过对专利商品平行进口取向的法理分析,结合我国的技术创新与贸易利益现状,为中国就此问题的立法取向提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

互联网环境下商标信息可以脱离现实的商品和服务无障碍地在网络上传播,由此带来了新形式的涉外商标侵权纠纷,尤其是"平行标识"等问题。在纠纷背后,虚拟无界的网络空间与现实有界的物理空间的交错对国际私法的内在逻辑造成了冲击。我国当前规定的"被请求保护地法"有所不足,应当以意思自治原则进行补充。  相似文献   

平行进口又称灰色市场行为,目前学术界对此现象众说纷纭。本文就中外学者对平行进口产生和发展的原因、可能带来的问题,其对产商利润及其研发活动的影响、对消费者剩余的影响、对社会福利的影响等所作的理论与实践分析进行了一番梳理与评价。笔者认为,平行进口是否会打击厂商研发活动的积极性取决于研发活动前后的利润之差,而不取决于研发活动之前或之后的单一利润水平。平行进口政策的一致化过程也未必是一个零和博弈过程,应该区别对待不同形式的平行进口。  相似文献   

商标是商品的生产经营者为使其商品与其它同类商品相区别而置于商品表面或其包装上的标记。本来,商标的使用是商品生产经营者的“私事”。但是,当商标的发展达到一定阶段的时候,就产生了需要由国家对之加以管理的要求。这样,商标就不再是可以由每个商品生产经营者自由使用的东西了,这就生产了商标禁忌,即,各个商品生产经营者在自己的商品上做标记时所受到的限制条件,当他决定使用何种商标的时候,必须遵守一定的禁忌。纵观世界,一百多个国家都有商标之法,商标法中都有关于商标禁忌的法律  相似文献   

商标法是市场经济重要法律之一。国外发达国家均十分重视商标立法,大都有成文的商标法律法规。所谓商标法,是指规定商标的注册、使用、管理,确认商标所有权,保护商标专用权,调整商标使用过程中所发生的社会关系的法律规范的总称。商标,即商品的特定标记,是指商品生产者或经营者为使自己生产或经销的商品与其他商品生产者或经营者的同一种商品或同类商品相区别而在商品表面上或商品包装上使用的标记。世界知识产权组织在其出版物上对商标所下的定义为:  相似文献   

今年3月1日,是我国《商标法》实施十周年。在我国进一步改革开放,逐步迈向社会主义市场经济的今天,重新认识商标在市场经济中的作用,加强商标管理,使市场经济运行规范化,其意义是深远的。一、市场经济需要商标及其法规商标,即商品的标记;而《商标法》,是社会主义经济法规的重要组成部分。商标及其法规,在商品生产和交换过程中,是规范经济发展的不可或缺的重要方面。第一、市场经济的竞争性特征,要求商品生产者在商品的生产与交换时需要运用商标。众所周知,市场经济即以市场为导向,资源的市场配置发挥基础性作用的商品经济。市场经济孕育着竞争,而竞争又促进了市场经济的发展。在市场经济条件下,产  相似文献   

We investigate competition between a domestic intellectual property right holder and a foreign imitator and consider how parallel imports affect their profits. We consider a two-country model. Country A is a developed country where intellectual property rights are highly protected, and country B is a developing country where protection is weak. The intellectual property right holder can sell the products for both markets while the imitator cannot export the products to country A. We find that permitting parallel imports can be beneficial for both players because it serves as a commitment device to soften price competition.  相似文献   

Gray marketing and unfair competition   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
With the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) relaxation of the definitions of cartels, price controls, and market manipulation in July 1998, the Court effectively banned the import of gray goods into the EU. This judgment, restricting parallel importation, raises arguments amongst trademark owners, gray marketers, and consumers. First of all, has the ECJ's judgment connived a situation of unfair competition? Secondly, can the import of gray market goods with genuine trademarks be considered a trademark infringement? Thirdly, is a gray marketer a free rider? To provide the answers to these questions, there is need to investigate the relationships of parallel importation, trademarks and market competition. In this study, the author uses a price dominant model to determine the positions of the trademark owner and the gray marketer. This study finds that parallel importation does not contravene trademark law. In the spirit of free competition, gray marketing activities can develop a situation of fair competition in which social welfare increases. Given the existence of heterogeneous preference of consumers, authorized distributors should offer better levels of service to gain market share. Therefore, the author strongly supports a parallel importation policy.  相似文献   

王卓亚 《特区经济》2011,(12):182-184
随着国家对"三农"问题的重视,运用地理标志保护农产品被日益提上了日程。我国地大物博、农产品资源丰富,对农产品进行地理标志保护可以提高农民收入、促进农业发展。国外对农产品地理标志保护实行专门立法保护或商标法保护两种模式,我国现阶段由农业部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家工商行政管理总局三部门分别对农产品地理标志进行保护,造成资源浪费,给申请者和消费者带来困惑。我国应建立地理标志保护协调机制,从长远角度来看制定统一的地理标志保护法。  相似文献   

This paper uses a model of trade in vertically differentiated products to examine the effects of “excessive wage” increases (i.e. above productivity) on the volume of commodity imports. The model predicts that if the domestic country has comparative advantage in producing high quality varieties of some products, then “excessive wage” increases may result in a decrease in the volume of imports for these products. The empirical validity of the model's predictions is demonstrated with the use of disaggregated Japanese import data for the period 1967–1995. We also find that the aggregate volume of Japanese imports is not responsive to “excessive wage” changes.  相似文献   

构建虚拟商店的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共管理的天职是提供公共产品、实现公共利益。社会要确保这一“公共”不被“私有” ,就既要加强法治 ;也要打造德治──公共管理伦理的制导与规范。当前应在公共管理学元理论的基础上 ,重点建设公共管理伦理的三大系统 :即政务道德、行政道德、公共服务道德系统 ;实现其四大  相似文献   

Based on the Statistical Classification of the Digital Economy and Its Core Industries (2021) released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China and the information and communications technology products released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to construct a digital product catalog manually, this paper analyzes the impact of digital product imports on Chinese firms' export product quality using a combined data set of the Annual Survey of Industrial Production and China Custom Records from 2000 to 2013. The results show that digital product imports have a significant positive effect on a firm's export product quality. To address potential endogeneity, this paper uses a series of instrumental variables (IVs) and constructs a multi-timing difference-in-differences model using the firm's first digital product import as exogenous shock, and finds strong supporting evidence. Digital product imports improve the quality of export products through three mechanisms: technology spillovers, productivity, and information-searching capabilities. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that digital product imports have greater impacts on foreign-owned and capital-intensive firms, and digital intermediate imports play a bigger role than do digital non-intermediate imports. The results of this paper have important implications for developing countries that wish to improve the quality of exports through digital trade.  相似文献   

We analyze the trade and price effects of China's retaliatory tariffs on imports from the United States in the period from January 2017 to May 2019. We apply the difference-in-differences approach to the up-to-date China Customs data on imports disaggregated by eight-digit HS product category and source country. We find large reductions in the value and quantity of imports from the US and an almost complete tariff pass-through onto import prices. These results remain robust to extensive changes in the specification and in data sample and to a variety of placebo tests using processing imports or exempted products that were originally included in the tariff lists but removed before implementation. We also find that the trade and price effects are heterogeneous across products, differing either in the end-use or in the ownership types of the importing firm. Similar to recent findings in the US (Amiti et al., 2019, Amiti et al., 2020), our estimates suggest limited terms-of-trade gain due to China's tariff hikes.  相似文献   

The European Community (EC)'s preferential trade agreements with Mediterranean countries have been subject to little ex post assessment. This paper analyses the preferences' impact on EC textile and clothing imports from Mediterranean countries. The preferred imports grew faster than world trade or OECD imports from developing countries, and as a proportion of EC imports and Mediterranean exports; EC preferences thus appear to have had a significant effect on Mediterranean countries' textile and clothing exports, although some recipients have taken greater advantage than others. Post-1977 EC protectionism in these products further benefited the preference-recipients, who were largely unimpeded by quatitative restrictions.  相似文献   

This paper uses the gravity model to investigate determinants of China's wood products trade from 1995 to 2004. The results suggest that trade partners' forest resource endowment and China's own logging restrictions policy affect its wood products imports and exports. China's exported wood products are shown to be inferior goods while China's imported wood products are labor intensive for the exporting countries. Due to rises in Chinese currency against other major currency, transportation costs, and foreign trade actions, China's wood products exports and imports may slow down. The results may have implications on trade and global forest resource conservation.  相似文献   

本文以2005年7月至2008年6月间月度数据为样本区间,通过建立面板数据模型就人民币实质有效汇率、经济增长对我国国有企业和外商投资企业农产品进口的影响差异进行了实证分析。结果表明,人民币实质有效汇率、经济增长对国企和外企农产品进口的增长具有促进作用,但对外企农产品进口方面的促进作用更为明显。  相似文献   

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