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The old days of multilateral trade rounds are over. Mercantilist bargaining is doing more harm than good. The World Trade Organization (WTO) should adapt to the new realities by promoting liberal ideas and facilitating sound policy-making at domestic level. In particular, the trade policy reviews written by the WTO Secretariat should become more compelling arguments for trade liberalisation.  相似文献   

The government of Indonesia frequently has stressed the need for decentralization to achieve effective regional development, but yet has hesitated to proceed because of fears that such action would undermine national unity and disrupt centrally defined national priorities. Furthermore, the entrenched bureaucratic hierarchy, reinforced by the persistence of patrimonialism, would have to surrender its planning and decision making authority to popularly constituted bodies. This paper examines this dilemma and argues that deconcentration of planning and implementation functions to lower administrative levels does not constitute decentralization. The analysis concludes by suggesting that collaboration between government and non-governmental organizations might be the appropriate means for encouraging popular participation for sustainable development.  相似文献   

In the December 2005 issue of Economic Affairs , a collection of authors considered alternative institutions for planning and managing urban affairs. Following up the idea of 'planning by contract', this paper reflects on the role of negotiation in securing gains from trade over contested local environmental resources. The idea of an obstructive classical planning game is contrasted with the concept of creative negotiation by reference to two case studies.  相似文献   

加强技术创新、培育企业核心技术对国企的振兴与发展、企业市场竞争力的提高、产业结构调整下企业经营方式转变、企业可持续性发展能力提高乃至实施国家可持续发展战略都起着至关重要的作用。要实现国企效益的普遍提高 ,必须克服现有企业技术创新系统中存在的科技、经济脱节和技术创新激励机制弱化等问题 ,使企业成为真正的创新主体。  相似文献   

This survey essay reviews close to 200 papers in arguing that in order to achieve sustainable and inclusive development, foreign aid should not orient developing countries toward industrialization in the perspective of Kuznets but in the view of Piketty. Abandoning the former's view that inequality will fall with progress in industrialization and placing more emphasis on inequality in foreign aid policy will lead to more sustainable development outcomes. Inter alia: mitigate short‐term poverty, address concerns of burgeoning population growth, train recipient governments on inclusive development, fight corruption and mismanagement and avoid the shortfalls of celebrated Kuznets’ conjectures. We discuss how the essay addresses post‐2015 development challenges and provide foreign aid policy instruments with which discussed objectives can be achieved. In summary, the essay provides useful policy measures to avoid past pitfalls. ‘Output may be growing, and yet the mass of the people may be becoming poorer’ (Lewis). ‘Lewis led all developing countries to water, proverbially speaking, some African countries have so far chosen not to drink’ (Amavilah). Piketty has led all developing countries to the stream again and a challenging policy syndrome of our time is how foreign aid can help them to drink.  相似文献   

Sustainable technology development implies large changes in technological systems. The illustrative process ‘hydrogen fuel cell in a boat’ is used here as an example of a learning process concerning a transition towards a hydrogen economy. Theoretically the concepts of constructive technology assessment, back-casting and social niche management are combined in this approach.  相似文献   

Abstract. The use of CGE models has gained much popularity among policy analysts in LDCs and there is a fast growing body of literature on this area of economics. In this survey, the advantages of general equilibrium approach over partial equilibrium approach in analysing a wide range of policy issues are highlighted. The evolution of CGE modelling is discussed and more than 60 CGE applications related to different policy issues in LDCs are surveyed. This comprehensive survey shows that the CGE models have become quite popular analytical tools among policy analysts in LDCs over the last decade or so. The debate in the economic profession regarding the value and appropriateness of using CGE models for policy analysis is examined in the final section of this paper. Some of the criticisms levelled at CGE models are discussed and it is argued that despite this criticism such models are capable of providing insight into important policy problems.  相似文献   

一次偶然机会,听到从美国回来的朋友介绍他在美国亲历的业主大会见闻,在惊讶感慨之余,也给了我们很大的启示. 故事是这样的,朋友夫妻二人在某大学读书并做研究,由于租房不合算,决定在学校附近买一套公寓.由于初来乍到,不熟悉当地环境和购房、居住的特点,仓促间按照在国内的习惯选择了一处距离较近、环境幽静、空气清新、价格适宜的公寓.但入住后的经历让他不胜烦恼:入住不久,他就接到参加业主大会(为了便于理解,暂且使用我国的称谓)的通知,他婉言谢绝了(有物业管理经验的人都知道,国人不喜参加业主大会是普遍现象,这样做等于不行使自己的权利,把权利让给少数人,又不进行必要的监督,受侵害的往往是让出权利的本人).但第二天业主大会的书面通知又到了,称这位朋友不参加业主大会让人遗憾,但业主大会的决议程序合法有效,所有业主都必须遵守,而昨天业主大会的决议竟然是今后不许使用明火炒菜,避免产生大量刺鼻气味(国人总是以为业主大会讨论决定的往往是炒掉或选聘物业管理公司、物业管理费涨价或降价、维修资金的使用等大事,没想到在美国这样关于生活习惯或邻里纠纷的事情也通过业主大会来解决).  相似文献   

未来城市可持续发展论坛暨中国地产经济主流峰会论坛是由中国房地产业协会、中国市长协会指导主办,由中国房地产最具影响力媒体《房地产导刊》联合《广州日报》、《北京青年报》、《天津日报》等权威媒体发起并主办的中国目前规格最高、影响最大的房地产专业论坛和城市发展论坛。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with two questions: what is it that is unsustainable about the process of urbanization and growth of cities in developing countries?; and why do countries persist with strategies that are evidently unsustainable? Making use of data from India, which today has the second largest urban population in the world, and taking note of increasing global concern for sustainable urbanization, this paper points out that the developing countries have to move beyond a general acceptance of the concept to see it being put into practice.  相似文献   

借着欧美日等主要经济体经济回暖、国内经济企稳向好、房地产市场蓬勃发展、海南岛加快建设国际旅游岛的东风,合景泰富将在海南开辟一番新天地。  相似文献   

Abstract.  It has been argued by some that the distinction between orthodox economics and heterodox economics does not fit the growing variety in economic theory, unified by a common methodological approach. On the other hand, it remains a central characteristic of heterodox economics that it does not share this methodological approach, but rather represents a range of alternative methodological approaches. The paper explores the evidence, and arguments, for variety in economics at different levels, and a range of issues which arise. This requires in turn a discussion of the meaning of variety in economics at the different levels of reality, methodology, method and theory. It is concluded that there is scope for more, rather than less, variety in economic methodologies, as well as within methodologies. Further, if variety is not to take the form of 'anything goes', then critical discussion by economists of different approaches to economics, and of variety itself, is required.  相似文献   

Motivated by the gained momentum of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) under the umbrella of the United Nations organization, in the light of the SDG‐7, which stipulates the access to affordable, sustainable, and modern energy, this paper explores the dynamic relationship between renewable energy and the pillars of sustainable development. Its insights are driven using a simultaneous equation model based on a panel of 25 African economies covering the period 1990–2014. The results show that renewable energy is important for sustainable development and that higher levels of renewable energy can increase sustainability. The findings also confirm the positive influence of renewable energy on the economic, environmental, social, and institutional dimensions. These positive effects stem from investment in clean energy in the whole of Africa, combined with structural changes promoting the use of clean energy and the achievement of the millennium development goals. The findings should be useful for policymakers in Africa. Aggressive renewable energy policies will be crucial for achieving energy‐policy goals and the “multiple benefits” of renewable energy, such as reducing climate change and air pollution, improving energy security, and increasing access to energy.  相似文献   

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