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11月18日,中科合资广东炼化一体化项目在广东湛江正式开工,该项目由中国石化和科威特石油公司按股比50:50合资建设,计划总投资590亿元。中石化方面表示,该项目是中国最大的石化合资项目之一,  相似文献   

时政 广东     
汪洋鼓励广东家具产业升级广东省委书记汪洋日前到惠州市调研产业升级工作,寄望和鼓励广东家具产业把握好转型升级机遇,再创新优势,要将广东省具有传统优势的家具产业继续发扬光大,提升品牌竞争力和国际竞争力。  相似文献   

中国物业管理从业者超600万 7月11至12日首届中国物业管理长江论坛存武汉举行。据悉,目前中闽物业管理企业总数达6万家,从业人员600多万人,住宅物业管理规模达到120多亿平方米.云南风雹洪涝灾害致烟农损失2亿多元 6月29日,云南特大风雹洪涝灾害给曲靖市、红河州、昆明市、玉溪市、文山州部分县(市)的烤烟生产造成严重影响。  相似文献   

How much, if any, does smoking contribute to absenteeism? Separate samples of employed men and women are drawn from the 1986 wave of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to answer this question. The 1986 wave is the most recent one with information on smoking. In the first analysis, single equation Tobit regressions are run explaining the absence rate. Independent variables include a binary smoking variable together with others for age, race, marital status, and so on. In the single equation models, smoking appeared to raise absence rates by 42 and 232 percent for women and men, respectively. In the second analysis, decomposition techniques, which also adjust for smoking and employment hazard rates, are applied to four separate samples of smokers, non-smokers, men, and women. The decomposition techniques lowered these differentials. Smoking appears to make a moderate contribution to absenteeism for men, but only a slight contribution for women. The decomposition suggests that it is the observed and unobserved personal characteristics of female smokers that account for most of the simple positive correlations between absenteeism and smoking among women found in the single equation models.  相似文献   

Politics and Organizational Learning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper it is argued that organizational learning is facilitated by a free and open form of politics in the workplace based on a system of political, social and civil rights and obligations within a framework of legitimate authority, parallel to the system that exists in the wider society. The argument is developed by examining issues at three related levels: why 'psychic' space is needed to nurture selfidentity and learning; the institutional pressures in the wider social environment that bring about learning within a whole business sector through open political activity; and how existing organizational learning theory and practice reveal numerous ways in which space for learning and innovation can be made available within work organizations through political processes. Finally, suggestions are made for ways of creating a framework within organizations that will enable such processes to develop.  相似文献   

Private Politics     
This paper introduces the subject of private politics, presents a research agenda, and provides an example involving activists and a firm. Private politics addresses situations of conflict and their resolution without reliance on the law or government. It encompasses the political competition over entitlements in the status quo, the direct competition for support from the public, bargaining over the resolution of the conflict, and the maintenance of the agreed-to private ordering. The term private means that the parties do not rely on public order, i.e., lawmaking or the courts. The term politics refers to individual and collective action in situations in which people attempt to further their interests by imposing their will on others. Four models of private politics are discussed: (1) informational competition between an activist and a firm for support from the public, (2) decisions by citizen consumers regarding a boycott, (3) bargaining to resolve the boycott, and (4) the choice of an equilibrium private ordering to govern the ongoing conflicting interests of the activist and the firm.  相似文献   

李国才 《价值工程》2011,(13):320-320
本文以火灾从起火点蔓延至整个建筑的不同阶段为时间线索,着重叙述烟熏痕迹形成过程。其中详细阐述了烟熏痕迹的形状、分布、浓重程度等特征。在火灾调查中充分考虑这些特征,有助于准确利用烟熏痕迹证明火灾事实。  相似文献   

Abstract . Henry George, the American social reformer and Single Taxadvocate, made six visits to Britain in the last quarter of the 19th century, a period crucial in British labor politics. George became locked in contest for the minds and hearts of British working men and women, as well as all classes, with the advocates of Christian and moderate socialism and with Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the chief advocates of State socialism through political revolution. Though it was Marx's adopted country, George won out for a time, and it was his program for competitive capitalism, with socialization limited to industries unsuited for market discipline, which influenced development of a mixed economy. New research complementing E. P. Lawrence's traces George's decisive impact on the founders of the British labor parties, some leaders of which almost achieved George's fiscal program. But it was the Liberals who later fought for his full program.  相似文献   

In the first of a new series analysing the micro factors which lie behind macro-economics statistics, Michael McCrostie(right), of the University of Buckingham, demonstrates how inflation in the private sector runs well below the government-sector rate. Government, he argues, is the guilty party.  相似文献   

A variety of methods of controlling imports is available to governments who wish to protect domestic producers from foreign competition. The political choice of which device to use will often be dictated by the diffusion of costs and benefits among differing interest groups in society. David Greenaway, Professor or Economics at the diversity of Nottingham, examines the political market for protection.  相似文献   

People must be given the maximum opportunities to opt out of state provision-both consumers and providers. Rational criticism of state welfare, including the historical evidence, should be encouraged. And the family, charities, churches and voluntary associations should be seen as the mostappropriate moral outlet for compassion.  相似文献   

The Urban,Politics and Subject Formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In contrast to more traditional debates about voting patterns, local versus state administrations, and individual rights and participatory democracy, this article addresses the question of urban politics through an analysis of subject formation. By taking subject formation as the analytical focus, research questions about ‘politics’ shift from traditional ones about local or state government and the development of consensus, for instance, to ones about the constitution of subjects who are governed and govern themselves in particular ways. Using the emergence of two increasingly commonplace subject forms in contemporary China — urban professionals and volunteers — as examples, the article considers how modes of self‐regulation become political problems and also how subjects may be of the urban as well as located in the urban. The problematizations of socialist state planning have led to new governmental rationalities and technologies that not only produced new subject positions, but also new urban spaces, landscapes, economies and lifestyles. From this view, the article is an intervention into discussions about the ‘where’ of urban politics. It also argues that it is critical to examine politics as problematization and normalization if we are to understand what is at stake in the constitution of potential ‘communities of action’.  相似文献   

In South Africa, as in many other countries, there appears to have been a demobilization of mass urban movements following the achievement of representative democracy. This apparent demobilization has led to a perception that South Africa's neighbourhood‐based civic organizations are in crisis. This article builds on existing studies by sharpening analysis of the nature of this ‘crisis’. We show that there continue to be high levels of popular engagement with self‐governing civic structures at the local level. The decline in mass direct action in civil society appears to be linked to public confidence in political society, i.e. in the political parties and elected councillors that provide mechanisms for local representation in representative democracy. The crisis facing civic organizations is in large part a crisis of adjustment, as civic activists redefine their roles in the new institutional context and accept that their roles will be more limited than in specific extraordinary periods in the past. What makes this task of redefinition so difficult is that civil and political society cannot be easily separated, but, rather, form a tangled web in the minds of civic activists (and, we suspect, ordinary citizens also). The lesson of this South African case‐study is that changing patterns of popular politics need to be located in a careful analysis of political society as well as civil society, and especially of the real and perceived links between them. En Afrique du Sud, comme dans de nombreux pays, une démobilisation se dessine, semble‐t‐il, dans les mouvements urbains de masse depuis l'accès à une démocratie représentative. Cette sensation laisse à penser que les organisations civiques de quartier sont en crise en Afrique du Sud. S'appuyant sur des études existantes, l'article affine l'analyse de la nature de cette ‘crise’. Il montre qu'il existe toujours des niveaux élevés d'engagement populaire avec, au niveau local, des structures civiques autonomes. Le recul de l'action directe de masse au sein de la société civile semble liéà la confiance générale dans la société politique, c'est‐à‐dire dans les partis et les conseillers élus qui assurent les mécanismes locaux de la représentation démocratique. La crise que connaissent les organisations de citoyens est en grande partie une crise d'ajustement, les activistes devant redéfinir leur rôle dans le nouveau contexte institutionnel et accepter que celui‐ci soit plus limité que durant certaines périodes du passé. Cette opération de redéfinition est particulièrement problématique, car il n'est pas facile de séparer société civile et société politique, celles‐ci étant étroitement m7ecirc;lées dans l'esprit des activistes civiques (et, à notre avis, dans celui des citoyens ordinaires). Cette étude de cas sud‐africaine démontre qu'il faut situer les nouveaux schémas de politique générale par une analyse précise tant de la société politique que de la société civile, notamment en ce qui concerne les liens réels et supposés entre les deux.  相似文献   

Proposed economic reforms often neglect to take into account the interests of groups which have benefitted from establishing or maintaining the status quo. Martin Ricketts, Reader in Political Economy at the independent University of Buckingham, assesses the political pressures that have produced regulation of the housing market, and suggests reform which accommodates realistic expectations of resistance from local politicians and subsidised tenants.  相似文献   

Lord (Joel) Barnett contrasts David Stockman's experience of running the US Budget with his own of pressures inside the UK treasury as Labour Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 1974 to 1979. He concludes that a democratic system of goverment contains a built-in check to the implementation of proposals for radical reform.  相似文献   

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