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Six Sigma has been gaining momentum in industry; however, academics have conducted little research on this emerging phenomenon. Understanding Six Sigma first requires providing a conceptual definition and identifying an underlying theory. In this paper we use the grounded theory approach and the scant literature available to propose an initial definition and theory of Six Sigma. Our research argues that although the tools and techniques in Six Sigma are strikingly similar to prior approaches to quality management, it provides an organizational structure not previously seen. This emergent structure for quality management helps organizations more rigorously control process improvement activities, while at the same time creating a context that enables problem exploration between disparate organizational members. Although Six Sigma provides benefits over prior approaches to quality management, it also creates new challenges for researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Six Sigma: The role of goals in improvement teams   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The tenets of goal theory have been well established as a motivation mechanism in the management literature. However, some quality-management advocates, such as W. Edwards Deming, often criticize the use of goals. This research investigates the tension between goals and quality management in the Six Sigma context. We find empirical support that goals can be effective in Six Sigma improvement teams when teams adhere to the Six Sigma tools and method. However, challenging goals are counterproductive when Six Sigma teams do not use the tools and methods rigorously. This research reconciles the differences between quality management and goal theory by showing that the Six Sigma tools and method interact with goals.  相似文献   

Organizational practices related to Six Sigma are believed to have resulted in improved organizational outcomes. The academic community, however, continues to lack understanding of the constructs and causal relationships underlying Six Sigma. Hence, discussion of Six Sigma is buffeted by anecdotal experience reported from practice. We evaluate Six Sigma through the lens of literature on theory development to explain why the Six Sigma constructs, assumptions, and causal relationships are inconsistent with theory development principles. Dr. Anilkumar N. Kharkar has retired from Corning Incorporated.  相似文献   

肖平  万文君 《物流科技》2007,30(7):98-101
建立和强化以顾客为中心的服务质量意识是入世后国内物流企业参与国际竞争的前提和基础。6σ(西格玛)质量管理在提高物流企业的服务水平、降低企业成本、提升企业核心竞争力等方面具有重要作用。本文分析探讨了6σ管理在物流企业的实施方法与途径。  相似文献   

基于六西格玛管理的材料库存优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽华 《物流科技》2010,33(7):104-107
提高材料库存管理效率是企业赢得并保持竞争优势的必然选择。首先介绍了六西格玛管理的概念和实施方法。然后将其运用于某电器企业材料库存管理,通过定义、测量、详细的数据分析,制定流程改进方案,并实施控制,实现了从上到下的材料库存管理流程优化。  相似文献   

Previous information systems (IS) research has significantly improved the success rate of IS projects, but the result is still far from satisfying. The effort to advance IS project management theories continues. One notable effort is Ravichandran and Rai (2000). Based on quality management principles, they developed a model (the R&R model) describing a qualityoriented organizational system that leads to software development quality performance. This study analyzed Six Sigma to propose major revisions to the R&R model. Six Sigma is a recent approach to quality management with proven effectiveness. The analysis of Six Sigma suggested that several constructs in the R&R model need to be respecified, leading to the definition of a new quality‐oriented organizational system. More importantly, the revised model posits that the new organizational system leads to IS project success that can be measured by organizational performance improvement. This study contributes to the literature and provides practical guidance to IS project managers.  相似文献   

基于六西格玛流程改进的库存管理优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙一苇 《物流科技》2007,30(7):92-97
库存管理是企业用来控制实际库存问题的方法,主要帮助企业经营者确定何时补充订货、补充订货多少以及安全库存等问题。现有的库存控制研究往往只关注数学建模阶段的精确性,而对库存波动根源认识不足,导致数学模型越来越复杂、完善,但库存仍然居高不下、难以控制。本文针对该问题,提出了在库存管理中糅合六西格玛管理理念的思想,通过六西格玛方法揭示库存积压的根源,从源头着手,进行流程改进,从而达到库存优化、提高客户满意度的目的。文章通过实际案例证实了基于六西格玛理念的库存优化管理的有效性。  相似文献   

张汉民  张璐 《价值工程》2007,26(10):82-85
高度自动化是现代制造系统的主要特征,自动化设备的广泛采用对质量提出了越来越高的要求。这就要求产品的质量不断的改进和提高,而六西格玛(6σ)理论是一套建立在统计学基础上的质量管理系统模式。它的本质是不断减少偏差,持续追求高品质。文中综述了现代产品的质量研究改进和六西格玛管理理论。  相似文献   

本文以数据和事实为驱动,探讨了供应链引入六西格玛管理的关键技术,以及如何提高供应链精准管理水平。  相似文献   

根据目前中国企业实施6σ管理的现状,从我国中小企业的现状和特点出发,运用SWOT分析法来说明我国中小企业实施6σ管理的必要性和可行性,运用动态演进的方法导入6σ管理并建立管理体系。  相似文献   

王礼凤 《价值工程》2013,32(5):113-117
现今,精益六西格玛管理方法已被越来越多的企业所用,它所能够创造的价值也被更多的企业所认知。文章通过具体的实例对精益六西格玛在企业的应用进行总结,并就如何做好持续改进进行有益的探索。  相似文献   

王文  蒋斌 《价值工程》2010,29(16):120-121
本文从介绍六西格玛质量管理基本内容入手,就当前高职招生管理中的一些突出问题,有针对性地提出应用六西格玛质量管理方法加以改进的意见与措施。  相似文献   

栾庆国 《价值工程》2014,(21):185-187
六西格玛管理创建于上世纪80年代,时至今日仍热潮不减,但其在国内制造类企业中的应用,成功范例较少。本文以L公司为例,分析了六西格玛在制造类企业实施中普遍存在的问题,并提出一些解决方案和策略,为更多企业提供参考,以充分发挥六西格玛管理更大的作用。  相似文献   

崔宝 《价值工程》2012,31(2):131-132
随着六西格玛管理的迅速推广,不少中国企业通过实施六西格玛取得了显著的效益,当在实施六西格玛管理过程中也存在很多问题。因此,了解六西格玛在中国的实施现状,总结适合中国企业实施六西格玛管理的模式至关重要。文章基于对六西格玛管理关键成功因素的分析,构建了适合中国企业的六西格玛管理实施模型。为中国企业通过实施六西格玛管理建立一套持续改进的管理模式奠定了基础。  相似文献   

孙孟彦 《价值工程》2011,30(16):136-137
激烈的市场竞争要求企业具备低成本、高质量。六西格玛管理能有效识别并消除变异、提高质量、持续改进,是企业增强竞争优势的有效途径。本文通过分析六西格玛管理模式的内涵,提出当前金融危机环境下实施六西格玛管理的必要性。通过分析我国实施六西格玛的现状,阐述了当前我国企业实施六西格玛的重要现实意义。作为一种有效的质量管理模式,六西格玛不是单纯的技术方法的引用,它代表了先进的质量管理发展方向。此研究将有助于我国企业管理层科学地认识六西格玛,也有助于该方法在我国企业的推广。  相似文献   

汽车工业的精细化发展对汽车产品质量提出了更高的要求。在外观质量感知方面,自主品牌汽车与合资汽车存在一定差距。论文将六西格玛设计中流程化的思想,应用于汽车外观间隙改进,分析如何改进外观间隙,实现设计质量的提升。  相似文献   

基于十八大强调发挥文化软实力的背景,提出装备质量建设中推行六西格玛质量文化的论述,分析了六西格玛质量文化的内涵及特征,并从装备质量建设实际出发论证了推行六西格玛质量文化的必要性,最后给出装备质量建设中推行六西格玛质量文化的方法策略。  相似文献   

Six Sigma has already become an efficient improvement technique adopted by a great number of enterprises. Numbers of Sigma has become a tool of measuring process capability in some enterprises. But some of enterprises still use process capability indices (PCIs) to measure the process capability. So numbers of Sigma and PCIs both can be used to measure the process capability. The paper will research the relationship between PCIs and numbers of Sigma. In bilateral specifications, the paper will research the relationship between the PCIs which are Cp, Cpk, Cpm and Cpmk, Spk and numbers of Sigma. In unilateral specifications, the paper will research the relationship between the PCIs which are Cpu and Cpl and numbers of Sigma. If supplier and buyer use different tools to measure the process capability, then the communion bridge to Six Sigma and PCIs can decrease the communicate noise.  相似文献   

Green Lean Six Sigma has been recently clarified to improve the environmental sustainability performance of operations, but it seems glaringly scarce and in need of cutting-edge studies to integrate the concepts of green, lean, and Six Sigma into one unified application. This paper is accordingly aimed at constituting the application of Green Lean Six Sigma as a cleaner production. In doing so, a Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC)-based approach that is one of Six Sigma's well-known methods was proposed to systematize a Green Lean tool—environmental value stream mapping. Thus, this paper as one of the preliminary studies aligns environmental value stream mapping with DMAIC through presenting the proposed methodological approach, which relies on the five DMAIC phases—Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control—and considers green wastes in each phase simultaneously. To support the narrow body of knowledge, this proposed approach was validated via the action research-oriented case study implemented in the substrate manufacturing system that seeks to develop the environmental sustainability of its production processes and subsequently its general competitiveness. The findings indicated the effectiveness of a DMAIC-based approach in systematizing environmental value stream mapping and improving its efficacy to achieve environmental sustainability. The case analysis revealed that the application can significantly lessen the consumption of chemicals and energy in the system by 28% and 21%, respectively.  相似文献   

实施六西格玛的四大陷阱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先简述了六西格玛管理的应用,进而详细分析了实施六西格玛管理中的人才配备陷阱、项目管理陷阱、实施力度不够陷阱以及急于求成的心态这4个方面的常见陷阱,以帮助企业搬开六西格玛成功之路上的绊脚石。  相似文献   

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