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股权结构、股权再融资行为与绩效   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
我国上市公司一方面在再融资方式的选择上存在着强烈的股权再融资偏好,另一方面却是股权再融资的绩效低下。本文认为我国上市公司特有的股权结构是上市公司过度的股权再融资行为和再融资绩效低下的根本原因,并据此提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国上市公司再融资的规模远大于新股首发(IPO)的规模,且存在现金分红回报率低的弊端.本文论述了上市公司通过优先股的方式再融资,可以克服“重融资、轻回报”的再融资弊端,并对上市公司、投资者和整个证券市场带来诸多好处.本文还探讨了我国引入优先股融资方式存在的制度障碍和发展前景,并对实施优先股融资的制度安排提出了建议.  相似文献   

我国上市公司的再融资行为可以概括为:以管理层的政策制定为约束条件,选择、设计能为市场接受,且符合公司股权结构的再融资工具。本文从实证角度分析了1991年以来上市公司再融资工具选择上的变化,并且通过考察证券发行监管审核制度变迁与上市公司再融资工具选择之间的关系,得出上市公司股权再融资工具将围绕着全流通而进行设计,可转债及其衍生物融资比重进一步提高、债权融资即将真正意义上的出现并占到合理比重等结论。  相似文献   

再融资是上市公司发展壮大的重要支撑力量.能否进行再融资以及再融资的方式、数量以及质量直接决定了上市公司的经营绩效和长期发展.相较于中国其他省份,吉林辖区内的上市公司在再融资上存在规模小、能力弱、融资方式单一、受政策影响大等问题.本文通过对上述问题的剖析,针对辖区内上市公司的具体情况,提出了提高公司质量、开展多元融资等建...  相似文献   

上市公司再融资问题是经济学研究中一个非常重要的问题。随着股权分置改革的不断深入,全流通市场上市公司再融资问题已经提到了比较急迫的日程上,因此,对上市公司再融资方式进行研究,在现阶段有非常现实的意义。本文针对上市公司再融资的现状、成因进行分析,提出了解决再融资问题的建议。  相似文献   

针对我国上市公司股权再融资偏好以及再融资资金使用效益不高的现状,本文利用DEA分析的相关信息,定义了上市公司再融资指数,并以电子行业数据为例进行了实证检验。再融资指数可用来评价上市公司再融资要求的可行性,能为管理者确定上市公司再融资资格提供参考。  相似文献   

上市公司股权再融资创新的比较与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过比较分析武钢股份、宝钢股份和鞍钢新轧三家钢铁行业上市公司(以下简称三家上市公司)再融资方案,本文从行业、目标、财务变化、发行方案以及二级市场表现等方面,剖析了三家上市公司再融资创新的共性和差异;在阐述三家上市公司再融资创新的启示和借鉴意义基础上,提出了完善我国上市公司再融资制度的若干建议。  相似文献   

上市公司再融资问题是经济学研究中一个非常重要的问题。随着股权分置改革的不断深入,全流通市场上市公司再融资问题已经提到了比较急迫的日程上,因此,对上市公司再融资方式进行研究,在现阶段有非常现实的意义。本文针对上市公司再融资的现状、成因进行分析,提出了解决再融资问题的建议。  相似文献   

股权再融资行为是当前上市公司融资的主要方式.本文深入分析了上市公司股权再融资定义与特征,探讨当前上市公司股权再融资行为的现状和风险,并相应提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

二元股权结构是中国股票市场的一大特色,由此引发了一系列问题,对中国股票市场的发展以及上市公司和投资者的行为都产生了重要影响。其中一个热点问题就是其对上市公司再融资行为及其后果的影响。非流通股股东似乎在这个问题上有一点矛盾,一方面,通过盈余管理等手段提高自己的经营业绩(陈小悦等,2000等一系列文章),尽可能达到再融资的要求。表现出了强烈的再融资偏好(李志文,宋衍蘅,2003);另一方面,又不惜以降低持股比例为代价放弃了自己的配股权。目前对这个矛盾比较流行的解释是大股东“圈钱”侵犯小股东利益。事实是否如此?流通股东的利益是否被“侵犯”了?原因何在?  相似文献   

We examine executive stock option exercises around a sample of 1,268 seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) from 1996 to 2004 focusing on a subset of exercises we identify as potentially informed. Consistent with the theory that firms issue equity when stock is overvalued, we document a surge in informed exercise in the months surrounding the SEO. From six months prior to the announcement date to six months after issuance, an average 1.76% of the total market capitalization for issuing firms is exercised and sold. Interestingly, we find a positive association between informed option exercises and long-run performance. Overall, our collective evidence indicates that insiders are not particularly good at timing exercises around SEOs.  相似文献   

本文建立了一个模型来分析股权再融资过程中盈余管理产生的机理,分析了盈余管理与配股后运营业绩和股票长期收益的关系。研究表明:上市公司在配股过程中存在系统的盈余管理行为;上市公司配股后的经营业绩出现滑坡,配股前3个年度和配股当年的异常应计利润与配股后的经营业绩具有负相关关系;上市公司配股后的股票长期收益和异常收益下降,配股前3个年度和配股当年的异常应计利润与配股后的股票收益具有负相关关系。本文认为,上市公司配股过程中的盈余管理误导了投资者的决策,造成了股票价值的高估和资本配置效率的下降。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the stock price reactions to announcements of new security offerings by Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). REITs offer a unique setting in which to study these events because they do not pay taxes at the firm level. Theory suggests that the net tax gain to corporate borrowing is unambiguously negative for a REIT. Contrary to some recent studies, however, we find a positive stock price reaction to debt offerings, while the negative equity-issuance effect is preserved. Further empirical evidence lends support to signalling as the explanation for the positive significant debt-issuance effect.  相似文献   

Prospect and information‐momentum theories predict that insiders can offer fewer shares in an initial public offering (IPO) to create informational momentum and obtain higher prices in follow‐on offerings. I find that dilution and insider participation in the IPO are negatively related to the number and size of follow‐on offerings, consistent with the prediction. However, insider selling in follow‐on offerings is positively related to IPO selling, contrary to the theories. Returns around follow‐on offering announcements are more negative for newly public firms than older firms, but for newly public firms do not differ by whether the announcement comes before or after the lockup expiration date.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the underpricing and long-run performance of initial public offerings (IPOs), using a unique sample consisting of 54 British, French and Swedish property companies, which became publicly listed during the period 1984–1999. Similar to common stock IPOs, the European property share IPOs in our sample outperformed the benchmark on the first day of trading, on average with 2.55 percent. However, these property share IPOs tend to underperform their benchmark over the twelve-month period subsequent to the initial offering. We also examine explanatory factors such as issue size, the degree of debt financing, ex-ante uncertainty, and the underlying property types of the companies involved. The results are in line with those previously found for common stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper investigates the long run share price performance of 454 Malaysian IPOs during the period 1990 to 2000. In contrast with developed markets, significant over performance is found for equally-weighted event time CARs and buy-and-hold returns using two market benchmarks, though not for value-weighted returns or using a matched company benchmark. The significant abnormal performance also disappears under the calendar-time approach using the Fama-French (1993) three factor model. While the long run performance of Main and Second Board IPOs does not differ, the year of listing, issue proceeds and initial returns are found to be performance-related.  相似文献   

Managerial share option schemes are widely used as a means of motivating and rewarding corporate performance. Such schemes normally adopt a static exercise price; when additional exercise criteria are employed they are often based on earnings per share. A static exercise price does not adjust for economic changes outside the control of management, and earnings per share hurdles have similar limitations. This paper presents a ‘phantom’ managerial option based on relative performance, together with a pricing model for the valuation of the option. The option is developed and demonstrated using an abnormal performance index. It offers a structure which could be used for different forms of performance measurement, and resolves some important criticisms of the reward and incentive effects of traditional schemes.  相似文献   

在高新技术创业公司中,很多公司发行了内部的员工股票期权.本文着重分析员工股票期权对公司股权价值评估的影响,并以国外公司的数据资料为题材介绍如何处理评估中遇到的这个新出现的实际问题.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between trading activity, the measurement of security returns, and the evolution of security prices by examining estimates of systematic risk surrounding equity offerings and share repurchases. In contrast to prior studies, we find no evidence of changes in systematic risk following either equity offerings or share repurchases after correcting for biases caused by infrequent trading and price adjustment delays. Moreover, changes in ordinary least squares beta estimates are significantly related to contemporaneous changes in trading activity. Our results have implications for studies interested in the properties of security returns, particularly those examining periods in which trading activity changes.  相似文献   

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