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近期,我们通过对某地2008年的城镇下岗失业人员、失地农民、农村进城务工人员就业培训补助资金的审计调查,发现就业培训补助资金管理使用过程中存在一些不容忽视的问题。如政策宣传不够、培训补助标准低、培训质量不高、就业率不理想、重复培训的现象较突出、培训资料不规范等等。对此,我们建议:  相似文献   

大足县近年来一直把培训工作作为就业再就业工作的重点之一来抓.始终把促进就业、再就业.服务地方经济发展为己任.在培训工作中,坚持充分发挥县就业培训中心的示范作用.以社会力量办学单位、行业部门及企业为依托,紧密围绕市场需求,积极开展各类就业训练、再就业培训和农民工转移培训。2005年.全年培训失业人员结业938人。培训后再就业率达75%以上.县就业培训中心开展就业训练和农村劳动力转移培训1560人。  相似文献   

2014年,云南省昆明市盘龙区积极创新开展就业创业工作,多梯次搭建平台,驱动高校毕业生就业创业,全方位助推就业。全年共收集有效就业岗位35919个,城镇新增就业20904人,其中,安置城镇下岗失业人员实现再就业7239人,帮助6109名就业困难人员实现就业,3114名实名登记的高校毕业生实现就业,就业率达到90%以上;转移培训农村劳动力10743人,就业6444人,城镇登记失业率控制在2.04%。  相似文献   

2009年,湘潭市就业培训工作紧紧围绕全年就业培训目标任务及要求,以再就业培训工作为中心,创业培训为重点,创新工作方式,强化服务管理,促进市场就业,鼓励自主创业。全市全年共培训下岗失业人员12615人,培训合格率96%以上,培训后再就业率75%以上;组织开展农村劳动力转移就业培训25570人,其中,农村劳动力扶贫培训8232人,  相似文献   

寿光市劳动保障局结合当前经济发展形势,以提高下岗失业人员的就业能力、创业能力和适应职业变化能力为目标,牢固树立为企业服务、社会服务的指导思想,调整工作思路,狠抓培训质量,突出特色,全面开创下岗失业人员培训工作的新局面。今年以来,共免费为下岗失业人员举办就业和创业培训班12期,培训1212人。其中,有800多人顺利实现了再就业,就业率达到75%以上。  相似文献   

吴强 《中国就业》2006,(12):47-47
马鞍山市大北庄社区位于该市中心城区,有2400户,7600多人,辖区内有下岗失业人员928人,持优惠证人员625人。近几年来,大北庄社区把全心全意为下岗失、世人员服务作为工作理念,将社区再就业作贯穿于各项丁作之中,千方百计帮助辖区下岗失业人员重新就业,使社区再就业工作稳步扎实地推进,社区就业率达到95%以上。  相似文献   

李双俊 《中国就业》2010,(10):27-28
“我们不可能帮助每位就业困难人员找到理想工作,但我们要让每位就业困难人员都能感受到党和政府的温暖与关怀。”秉承着这个服务承诺,近年来,江西省人力资源市场工作人员的身影经常出现在南昌市的社区、校园、乡村和就业困难人员的家中。他们给零就业家庭、残疾人、低保对象、破产企业失业职工和就业困难的普通高校毕业生送就业岗位、送素质测评、送政策咨询、  相似文献   

现状及问题 随着我国经济社会的发展,职业培训工作已受到高度的关注并得到了长足的发展。北碚区仅2005年就组织城镇失业人员职业培训89期,涉及专业18个,培训合格人数为5489人,培训就业率达到65%;创业培训开班4期,结业207人,创业率达87%;组织建筑行业农民工培训600人,就业率100%;农村富余劳动力转移就业培训开班126期,涉及专业16个,培训合格6222人,培训就业率达到90%。在工作中,区里采取了六条措施抓落实。  相似文献   

张怀文 《中国就业》2013,(11):52-53
女性失业人员职业技能培训现状为进一步了解女性失业人员职业技能现状,改进职业培训服务,促使经济社会发展与妇女就业良性互动,笔者近期围绕如何加强女性失业人员职业技能培训展开调研。调查抽取了7个街道办事处的全部女性失业人员为样本,共有24836人。  相似文献   

下岗失业是社会的沉重负担,就业和再就业对群众来说是天大的事。近年来,从中央到广东地方连续下发了一系列扶持就业和再就业的政策,其力度之大,含金量之高,前所未有。国家实行的积极的就业政策,不仅给下岗失业人员带来了巨大的实惠,同时也为企业提供了一座挖掘不尽的金矿。广大企业积极投身就业和再就业工作,吸纳、帮助的下岗失业人员越多,名气就越重,利益就越大。吸纳下岗失业人员可以享受哪几个方面的好处?概括而  相似文献   

基尼系数与样本信息含量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基尼系数是度量收入不平等的主要指标,采用何种方法估计总体基尼系数取决于样本的信息含量。对于“分组数据”样本,需要使用参数法对总体收入分布或洛伦兹曲线进行假定来估计总体基尼系数。本文提出通过计算样本基尼系数的上下界来检验总体收入分布或洛伦兹曲线假定的正确性,并运用该方法对程永宏(2006)关于农村家庭人均纯收入分布的假定进行了检验。  相似文献   

Athanassios Katsis 《Metrika》2005,62(2-3):323-329
We propose a double sampling scheme with two classifiers to address the problem of optimal sample size when misclassification among binomial observations is observed. The classifiers vary with respect to the classifying cost and precision. Furthermore, since the data are unknown, an additional constraint is set on the probability of observing ``undesirable' data. The method is developed following the Bayesian point of view.  相似文献   

银行信用风险评价是判别不同银行风险的大小。它对于测算不同银行违约率的大小提供依据。根据银行的资本充足性、资产质量、管理水平、盈利水平、流动性和社会敏感度等六个准则的指标体系,通过最优主客观赋权确定指标权重。通过对评价得分的分布检验找到评价得分的分布规律。根据评价得分的分布规律模拟生成数据,扩大样本数据。进而根据扩充的数据划分银行的信用风险等级。本章的创新与特色一是通过对评价得分的分布规律进行检验,揭示了商业银行信用风险评价得分服从对数分布规律。这解决了面对商业银行的样本数据极为有限的现实世界、如何在信用评级中进行数据扩充的难题。二是根据统计检验揭示出的对数分布规律进行数值模拟,对符合分布规律的、拓展原始样本1000倍后的评级得分数据进行信用等级划分,解决了小样本无法进行信用等级划分的难题。三是大样本的实证研究结果表明,本研究对已评级结果的序关系与国家权威机构评级结果的序关系是一致的。  相似文献   

Financial support for this paper was provided by a C.A. Anderson Fellowship of the Cowles Foundation. I wish to thank Donald Andrews, Moshe Buchinsky, Oliver Linton, and Peter Robinson for helpful discussions. I also wish to thank three anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions. I am, of course, responsible for any remaining errors. A popular two-step estimator of the intercept of a censored regression model is compared with consistent asymptotically normal semiparametric alternatives. Using a root mean squared error criterion, the semiparametric estimators perform better for a range of bandwidth parameter choices for a variety of distributions of the errors and regressors. For error distributions that are close to the normal, however, the two-step parametric estimator performs better.  相似文献   

This paper studies the association between trade reform, growth, and trade adjustment assistance in a sample of developing countries that underwent trade reforms during 1987–2004. Our analysis explicitly differentiates between a group of countries that received trade adjustment loans from the World Bank and a non-recipient group. The results suggest that trade adjustment assistance is positively associated with economic growth after trade reform in the medium to long run. In comparison to a pre-reform period and to the non-recipient group, the recipient countries registered 0.2 percent higher growth of real GDP per capita, 5.0 percent higher import growth, and 2.5 percent higher export growth over a period of three to five years after trade reform.  相似文献   

主要阐明应用国家标准GB2828在保证验后被接收批具有期望的质量上的实用价值,指出正确应用GB2828的几个重要因素及与GB6378组合应用的好处。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to provide a logical overview of the literature which exploits survey data to examine issues of expectations formation and risk aversion in financial markets. Our survey suggests that: short term expectations are excessively volatile and exhibit bandwagon effects, while longer term expectations appear to be regressive and therefore stabilising; in bond and foreign exchange markets the standard result of forward rate biasedness is due in part to time-varying premia; recent research using disaggregate foreign exchange survey data demonstrates the importance of heterogeneous expectations.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of panel data models with sample selection when the equation of interest contains endogenous explanatory variables as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Assuming that appropriate instruments are available, we propose several tests for selection bias and two estimation procedures that correct for selection in the presence of endogenous regressors. The tests are based on the fixed effects two-stage least squares estimator, thereby permitting arbitrary correlation between unobserved heterogeneity and explanatory variables. The first correction procedure is parametric and is valid under the assumption that the errors in the selection equation are normally distributed. The second procedure estimates the model parameters semiparametrically using series estimators. In the proposed testing and correction procedures, the error terms may be heterogeneously distributed and serially dependent in both selection and primary equations. Because these methods allow for a rather flexible structure of the error variance and do not impose any nonstandard assumptions on the conditional distributions of explanatory variables, they provide a useful alternative to the existing approaches presented in the literature.  相似文献   

采用在不同磨损行程和不同试样伸出长度的情况下测定了橡胶试样的相对体积磨耗量;并在标准环境温度条件下,在不同相对湿度的情况下测定橡胶试样的相对体积磨耗量。根据实验结果,分析了测试条件对橡胶试样相对体积磨耗量试验结果的影响。  相似文献   

Prior research has emphasized the relevance of adequate statistical power for covariance-based structural equation modeling (CSEM). Nevertheless, reviews in domains other than supply chain management (SCM) found that the magnitude of power tends to be inadequate. This finding is worrisome because statistical power directly affects the meaningfulness of the conclusions based on CSEM. The issue is particularly relevant for the field of SCM in light of the increasing use of CSEM. An investigation of the statistical power of CSEM published in seven major SCM journals since 1999 confirms this criticism. Specifically, an analysis of 988 applications of CSEM indicates that 32% of all applications have too little power, increasing the probability of Type II errors, and that another 43% of all applications exhibit excessive power, increasing the probability of Type I errors. This paper emphasizes the importance of adequate statistical power for CSEM in SCM.  相似文献   

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