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On March 18, Shaanxi Branch of China Development Bank (CDB) and the administration committee of Xi'an Qujiang New District held a signing ceremony in Qujiang Pool Relics Park, announcing that the Darning Palace has won CDB's cultural industry funds of RMB 6 billion. This is so far the largest funds from CDB to invest in cultural industries, and also the first case in the country.  相似文献   

Xi'an, called Chan'an in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was a famous open city then and a tourist attraction today. First built at the time of the Western Han (206 BC-8 AD), Chang'an was 70 kilometres from the present-day Xi'an. After Chang'an was destroyed by war, emperors of the Sui Dynasty built a new city Daxing between 582 and 681 on the site of the present-day Xi' an and made it the capital of the state. When the Tang  相似文献   

Intangible Cultural Heritage on Verge of Extinction? With the acceleration of globalization and modernization, dramatic changes have taken place in China's cultural ecology: intangible cultural heritage is confronted with great challenges and a lot of orally and behaviorally transmitted cultural heritage disappear one after another; a great deal of traditional craftsmanship is on the verge of extinction; a large number of precious objects and materials of historical and cultural values are destroyed,deserted or lost in foreign countries; arbitrary misuse and excessive exploitation of intangible cultural heritage occur from time to time. Therefore, the protection of intangible cultural heritage brooks no delay.  相似文献   

Du Le Temple     
According to the historical record, the Du Le Temple, situated at north of Xiguankou of the county proper, was first founded in Tang Dynasty, and rebuilt in Liao Dynasty, dating back almost 1000 years. With so long a history like that, it has experienced and seen many vicissitudes of life. Moreover, there is a 16-meter-high clay figure of Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) seated in it, the largest of its kind in China, so it is no wonder that so many visitors swarm into the temple from afar to have a look at the temple, where, it is said, Guanyin finds pleasure in helping all living creatures tide over  相似文献   

Xi'an, called Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), was a famous open city then and a tourist attraction today. First built at the time of the Western Han (206 BC-8 AD), Chang'an was 70 kilometres from the present-day Xi'an. Tang rulers adopted an open policy from Emperor Taizhong——the second  相似文献   

千年珠玑粤人故里Nanxiong:A Millennial Pearl, Hometown of Cantonese County administration had been stated to be established in today's Nanxiong City since the first year of Guangzhai in Tang Dynasty, over a thousand years before. Nanxiong is located in the northeast of Guangdong Province, at the southern foot of Dageng Mountain, and borders on Dayu  相似文献   

The art of stone sculpture in Quyang, beginning with the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), was passed down from successive dynasties including the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming for about one thousand years and became famous in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Quyang stone carvings won second place in a world sculpture exhibition held in Panama at the end of the Qing Dynasty.  相似文献   

Xuan paper, one of the four treasures of China, is ideal for calligraphy and painting. Itwon a gold prize at the Panama Fair a century ago. Xuan paper was first made in Xuanzhou (Anhui Province today) during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The paper gets its name from Xuancheng where the raw materials for making paper were bought and sold. There are two kinds of Xuan paper—raw Xuan and processed Xuan in different lengths. The first is good for calligraphy and flower and bird paintings and the latter is best for figure drawing.  相似文献   

Each Spring, Huangxicai, a slightly salty wild herb, covers the Laizhou Bay area in Shandong Peninsula. The green herb turns red in the Autumn and contains black seeds. For thousands of years, Huangxicai has been an edible and notable herb. During an expedition in the Tang Dynasty, many soldiers suffered from a thyroid gland related disease. When they arrived in Shandong the local people recommended Huangxicai as a cure. Later when the commander took over control of the state,, Huangxicai was included in the court menu. Huangxicai has been used as a  相似文献   

On the cliffs of the Jinlong Gully of Hengshan Mountain and 2,000 metres above sea level stands a temple consisting of several buildings. This is the famous Hanging Temple. The Hanging Temple, located in Hunyuan County of Datong City, Shanxi Province, has a history of more than 1,400 years. Li Bai, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, was so taken with the view that he wrote  相似文献   

长期以来,由于受思想观念守旧、旅游人才不足、服务标准不高和建设力度不够等因素影响,使位于牡丹江的、目前国内保存最为完整的中世纪宫城遗址———唐代渤海国上京龙泉府遗址,这一有其独特的历史文化资源始终没有得到充分利用,限制了历史文化景区的发展。开发建设渤海国遗址旅游品牌,有利于推动精品景区集群的建设进程,有利于推动旅游及其休闲娱乐度假系列产品的形成,有利于弘扬优秀民族文化。加快渤海国遗址旅游品牌建设,政府部门应摆上日程,着力做好旅游人才的培养,加大软硬件设施投资和招商引资力度,突出地方特色,提高文化层次和吸引力,发掘现有景观独特的文化魅力,使品牌竞争力得到显著提升。  相似文献   

两宋时期佛教史学人才辈出,著述颇丰。这些文献著录了许多唐五代史事,是研究唐史的又一个史料宝库。它大大补充了唐五代佛教史研究的史料来源,是研究唐五代佛教发展的重要依据之一。另一方面,宋代佛教史籍也是研究唐代世俗史的重要史料之一。诸如社会变迁、唐代士大夫政治斗争、宦官与佛教之间关系、民间社会生活状况等问题在宋代佛教史籍中都有不同程度的反映。  相似文献   

秦仲维 《中国市场》2010,(51):46-46
<正>宫廷大兵、八旗娃娃、大明潮人……200余款Q版故宫纪念品亮相淘宝网,让网友大呼"可爱",原来古老的故宫博物院如今也走起了新潮,在淘宝网开上了网店。古老的故宫如今也开始走新潮。日前,故宫网店在淘宝网悄然开张,主推一系列Q版文化商品:宫廷大兵、八旗娃娃、大明潮人……借由网络手段使购买故宫纪念品不再有地域限制。在名为"故宫宫廷宝贝"的淘宝店铺里,与人们以往对于博物馆纪念品印象颇  相似文献   

Being over 2,200 years old, Nanchang is a city with significant historical relevance. As the capital city, it is undoubtedly the political, economic and cultural center of Jiangxi province. Nanchang belongs to the sub-tropical monsoon climate; therefore it will bring you mild and pleasant weather for almost all the year round.  相似文献   

合会是一种古老的民间信用互助形式,在我国有着悠久的历史,然而合会究竟起源于何时至今尚无定论。关于合会的起源,民间有庞公创始说、竹林七贤遗传说、青苗法演变说,学者认为起源于唐宋或隋朝等。从目前有据可考的史料记载看,我国合会雏形于汉代,成型于唐代,初步发展于宋代。  相似文献   

岭南钦州的宁氏兴起于南朝末,活跃于隋唐,与高州冯氏、冼氏并称,是岭南地区的少数民族首领,在隋唐文献中被称为越人。许多学者仅仅根据清代民国出土的两方隋唐宁氏家族墓志,就得出宁氏为“汉族移民后裔”的观点。而将有关宁氏家族的文献记载与出土墓志进行对照分析,可以发现岭南宁氏的真实身份为当地土著,宁氏将自身族属建构为“汉族移民后裔”,实际上反映了王朝制度在岭南民族地区的渗透与岭南边疆的内地化进程。  相似文献   

Chinese ancient Silk Road can be divided into Silk Road on the land and on the sea, the latter of which was developed with the development of international shipping industry. Guangzhou, the birthplace of Marine Silk Road, had the port town of foreign trade in the beginning of West Han Dynasty, which continued to exist in Jin, Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties.  相似文献   

史官文化地位很高;诸子百家的历史叙述各不相同;稗官小说积极参与历史叙述;这些特殊的社会文化土壤,促成中国口述史小说发生很早。讲唱文艺在唐代以后蓬勃兴起;平民社会不断壮大;这为口述史小说提供更坚实的社会基础和更有活力的形式。口述史小说在中国小说史上不断发展和演变,叙述了很多重要历史内容;它在艺术方面也有不可替代的独特魅力,都值得重视和研究。长期以来古代口述史小说被忽略的研究局面应当改观。  相似文献   

孙思邈是唐代著名道士,医药学家。他主张养生的关键就是养气、养性。养气就是随着四时天地之气的变化,人的五脏六腑之气的盛衰亦随之而变化,根据五行相生相克之理,即时养五脏六腑之气。养性首先是养德性;其次就是修心养志,即控制七情六欲,还要在劳动、行立坐卧等方面亦莫过度。可见养性命之道就是“法则阴阳,和于术数,饮食有节,起居有常。不妄作劳”。  相似文献   

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