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矗立在美丽的维多利亚港湾的中银大厦作为香港岛的一个地标性建筑,吸引着游人的目光。除了这座贝聿铭先生杰出设计的大厦,中国银行(香港)(以下简称“中银香港”)作为香港金融界的重要力量,其在香港经济中所起到的积极作用,更是吸引了各界的广泛重视。  相似文献   

中银信用卡(国际)有限公司日前宣布,推出全香港首个符合安全电子交易(SET)标准的网上购物城。该购物城名为“中银至 IN网域”,以全球最先进的安全电子交易标准,提供24小时服务,防止网上资料遭人盗用,使信用  相似文献   

程继明 《国际融资》2002,(11):34-39
2002年10月9日上午,上海证券交易所交易大厅中,随着中国联通董事长杨贤足和上海市副市长严隽琪轻轻敲响开市的铜锣,中国联通首期27.5亿A股成功挂牌上市.联通A股以3.05元开盘,上市开盘价较发行涨幅为30%.……  相似文献   

经过一年多精心筹备,中国银行香港(控股)有限公司(中银香港)7月25日正式在香港交易所挂牌上市,成为香港第三大上市银行股.  相似文献   

鲁宁 《国际融资》2003,(11):53-55
“速达——中小企业融资的典范”,专注——维护世界第一中小企业管理品牌、跟踪业界一流信息技术、传播经营管理理念。  相似文献   

曹颖 《华南金融电脑》2005,13(12):29-29
10月27日,代号为“0939”的中国建设银行股份有限公司在香港联合交易所挂牌上市。这是国务院决定对国有独资商业银行实施股份制改造两年以来,首家实现公开发行上市的中国国有商业银行,受到海内外关注。  相似文献   

9月22日,招商银行(3968.HK)在香港联合交易所正式挂牌上市。当日,招行高调入市后立即呈现出活跃交投态势,总成交量超过10亿股,成交金额约为116亿港元。每股最高报11.14港元,收市报10.68港元,较招股价每股8.55港元上升约24.91%。  相似文献   

经中国人民银行和香港有关监管机构批准 ,中国银行成功将其在香港地区的 10家银行重组为一家当地注册的银行 ,即中国银行 (香港 )有限公司 ,简称“中银香港” ,并于10月 3日正式对外营业。通过重组 ,中银集团中的 10家银行机构合并为“中银香港” ,南洋商业银行、集友银行以及中银信用卡 (国际 )有限公司作为“中银香港”的子公司继续经营。“中银香港”承继中国银行香港分行的发钞权 ,成为香港的发钞银行。重组前宝生银行、华侨商业银行、新华银行和广东省银行在内地开设的分行 ,依法履行更名手续后将转为“中银香港”的内地分支机构。重组…  相似文献   

颜延 《会计研究》2004,(2):64-67
可比性这一会计信息质量特征,实际上已经成为反倾销法的核心理念。反倾销法对于涉及被调查产品的产品分配方法并无任何偏好,但是将分配方法是否“公允”作为采集数据的标准。盎格鲁-撒克逊会计模式与法典式会计模式的差异,对美欧反倾销法的立法和执法有着一定的影响。  相似文献   

On the Determinants of SME Cash Holdings: Evidence from Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract:  This work analyses the factors that might explain the level of cash holdings in a sample of 860 small and medium-sized firms from Spain during the period 1996–2001. The empirical results show that firms have a target cash level to which they attempt to converge. The level of this target is higher for firms with more growth opportunities and larger cash flows. In contrast, the target level for cash holdings falls when the use of bank debt and the presence of substitutes for cash increase. Moreover, when the interest rates in the economy increase firms reduce their cash holding.  相似文献   

We find that firms mitigate refinancing risk by increasing their cash holdings and saving cash from cash flows. The maturity of firms’ long‐term debt has shortened markedly, and this shortening explains a large fraction of the increase in cash holdings over time. Consistent with the inference that cash reserves are particularly valuable for firms with refinancing risk, we document that the value of these reserves is higher for such firms and that they mitigate underinvestment problems. Our findings imply that refinancing risk is a key determinant of cash holdings and highlight the interdependence of a firm's financial policy decisions.  相似文献   

唐运祥 《银行家》2004,(4):1-11
随着中国金融市场的一步开放,分业经营将使中资金融机构放于报为不利的地位。  相似文献   

This paper studies the relation between corporate liquidity and diversification. The key finding is that multidivision firms hold significantly less cash than stand‐alone firms because they are diversified in their investment opportunities. Lower cross‐divisional correlations in investment opportunity and higher correlations between investment opportunity and cash flow correspond to lower cash holdings, even after controlling for cash flow volatility. The effects are strongest in financially constrained firms and in well‐governed firms, and correspond to efficient fund transfers from low‐ to high‐productivity divisions. Taken together, these results bring forth an efficient link between diversification and corporate liquidity.  相似文献   

Transparency and International Portfolio Holdings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Does country transparency affect international portfolio investment? We examine this question by constructing new measures of transparency and by making use of a unique microdata set on portfolio holdings of emerging market funds around the world. We distinguish between government and corporate transparency. There is clear evidence that funds systematically invest less in less transparent countries. Moreover, funds have a greater propensity to exit nontransparent countries during crises.  相似文献   

We find that acquirers’ announcement returns decline with their cash holdings, but only when at least part of the payment is in the form of stock. We further find evidence that acquirers that use stock payment are overvalued, especially when they have excess cash that they could have used instead. Collectively, our results suggest that investors interpret announcements of stock acquisitions as a signal that the acquirers’ equity is overvalued and that high cash holdings intensify this signal. However, our results are inconsistent with the common belief that cash holdings induce value‐destroying acquisitions.  相似文献   

Institutional Holdings and Payout Policy   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
We examine the relation between institutional holdings and payout policy in U.S. public firms. We find that payout policy affects institutional holdings. Institutions avoid firms that do not pay dividends. However, among dividend‐paying firms they prefer firms that pay fewer dividends. Our evidence indicates that institutions prefer firms that repurchase shares, and regular repurchasers over nonregular repurchasers. Higher institutional holdings or a concentration of holdings do not cause firms to increase their dividends, their repurchases, or their total payout. Our results do not support models that predict that high dividends attract institutional clientele, or models that predict that institutions cause firms to increase payout.  相似文献   

2008年4月初,法国第一夫人布吕尼的一幅黑白照以高价拍出,售价达91万美元,高出原来的沽价30多倍,而这个买家恰恰是一位中国的收藏家。2007年10月,离异的法国新任总统萨科齐闪电式于2008年2月初迎娶了布吕尼.这消息立即传遍全球,布吕尼也由此水涨船高.身价百倍。同时,前所未有的肯定和不菲的报价,大大高估了这张照片所拥有的实际价值。对于国人来说,问题还不在于这位口出狂言的绯闻女王有多少美丽,我们关心的是什么时候中国人开始在世界艺术品收藏市场表现出如此高涨的投资热情?  相似文献   

胡妍斌 《新金融》2006,(8):41-42
房地产信贷,对商业银行来说是一项重要的业务,也是利润的主要来源之一.同时,房地产信贷又是一项充满风险的业务,银行由此导致严重亏损的例子不胜枚举.作者较全面地介绍了香港银行业防范房地产信贷风险的一些措施,并认为,研究香港的经验,对于内地银行防范房地产价格波动带来的风险,具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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