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This paper models industry location as a process of successive stages of agglomeration, dispersion, and reagglomeration. External economies lead firms to agglomerate in an industry center. Agglomeration drives up wages in the center, compelling firms to move low-skill activities to low-wage regions. A pioneer firm provides intermediation services between outlying regions and the center. The result is a regional production network: an industry center served by high-volume production sites, where pioneers are active, and low-volume production sites, where they are not. Evidence from the Mexican garment industry supports the theory.  相似文献   

Geography, as the discipline responsible for describing the organization of space, has developed several ways of dealing with the phenomenon of the central city and its surrounding hinterlands. One of the most prominent of models used is von Thünen's Isolated State, a predictive model of how rural hinterlands organize agricultural production in relation to an urban center. Despite today's globalized food provisioning system, there are still some agricultural commodities that remain in U.S. city hinterlands. The most prominent of these is milk. The spatial organization of dairying is therefore a topic in which von Thünen's notions of centrality are still pertinent. In addition, outside of geography, his ideas had a significant effect on the agricultural economists who formulated dairy marketing policy. This paper will examine von Thünen and notions of centrality in the formulation of dairy policy in the United States. His contribution has been very important to agricultural economists and agricultural geographers but less important to sociologists of agriculture, who see the spatial organization of food production around cities due as much to contingent, local political outcomes as to law-like notions of centrality. Comparative historical method in sociology has been particularly useful in determining the role of predictive models and contingency in determining the spatial organization of milksheds.  相似文献   

In the current debate on local and regional development and after several ‘turns’, dominant critical models have found some security in institutional, cultural and evolutionary approaches. Interest today centres on success and competitiveness and how they are reproduced in a few paradigmatic regions. A distinctive feature of these regions and places is the embeddedness of certain non‐economic factors such as social capital, trust and reciprocity based on familiarity, face‐to‐face exchange, cooperation, embedded routines, habits and norms, local conventions of communication and interaction, all of which contribute to a region’s particular success. Although these approaches may not deny the forces of the capitalist space economy, they do not explicitly acknowledge them or take them on board and so they tend to discuss non‐economic factors and institutions as autonomous forces shaping development. This essay provides a critique of these concepts based on their (1) inadequate theorization, (2) depoliticized view of politics and de‐economized use of economics and (3) reduction of space to territory. The essay concludes that we need a far more penetrating renewal of radical critique of the current space economy of capitalism. Old concepts such as uneven development, the social and spatial division of labour, the geographical transfer of value, accumulation and imperialism must be combined with cultural and institutional issues, with those non‐economic factors mentioned above.  相似文献   

The article concerns some European thought on the issue of city and country. We discuss the contributions of Henri von Storch, Gustav von Schmoller, Werner Sombart, Wilhelm Röpke, and Friedrich Hayek and attempt to translate these theories into practice in documenting the case of the city of Marl.  相似文献   

由李小建教授独著、科学出版社2016年出版的《中国特色经济地理探索》在同行中引起较大反响。李小建教授在新作中第一次明确提出创建"中国特色的经济地理学",为中国经济地理学的发展提出了一个新方向。全书分为经济地理学理论探索、农户地理研究、公司地理研究、经济地理学的小尺度研究、区域研究,共5篇48章。此书基于作者30多年的研究,对国际背景下中国特色经济地理学进行了多视角的探索,充分反映了李小建教授的创新性学术思想、脚踏实地的研究态度,包括从中国特殊国情探索建立中国特色经济地理学,主张经济地理学的"地理"传统,一贯坚持经济地理学微观研究、"学"有所用和实证研究。  相似文献   

在已有的关于城市群经济空间的研究及2009年世界银行发展报告提出的3D理念的基础上,建立系统的评价城市群经济空间的3D框架指标体系,运用多个关键指标反映城市群密度、距离和整合3个维度的状况,采用主成分分析法对我国16个城市群进行实证分析,发现我国共有3D城市群3个,2D城市群3个,1D城市群2个,0D城市群8个.城市群呈现金字塔等级结构,但1D城市群需要0D城市群发展补充.评价结果符合城市群发展趋势,同时为城市群未来发展提供政策建议.经济空间3D理论框架可以继续完善并扩展到城市维度.  相似文献   

Paul Krugman has clarified the microeconomic underpinnings of both spatial economic agglomerations and regional imbalances at national and international levels. He has achieved this with a series of remarkably original papers and books that succeed in combining imperfect competition, increasing returns, and transportation costs in new and powerful ways. Yet, not everything was brand new in New Economic Geography. To be precise, several disparate pieces of high-quality work were available in urban economics and location theory. Our purpose in this paper is to shed new light on economic geography through the lenses of these two fields of economics and regional science.  相似文献   


This paper adds a factor of production, land, to the standard core-periphery model of the New Economic Geography to analyse the effect of land rent on the price index and spatial structure. The result indicates that when production of the manufacturing sector has high dependence on land, and high demand elasticity for differentiated goods, the price index of the core region is higher than that of the periphery, and that the price index could rise with a degree of agglomeration. Meanwhile, the market forces cannot generate a core-periphery structure, which indicates the significance of the price effect on spatial structure.  相似文献   

在新一轮全球经济整合与重组的激烈竞争中,城市群已成为区域经济研究中的热点。在所有空间问题中,城市空间处于核心地位,空间异质性引发的空间分工已不容置疑地影响着城市群的发展与区域空间一体化。建立在空间异质性和空间价值基础上的城市群分工已成为区域空间一体化的力量源泉。长三角城市群产业空间演化的证据表明,区域空间一体化本质上是城市空间价值与产业价值链耦合发展的结果,同时,只有建立区域空间多样化和城市空间专业化合作与互补的区域经济关系,方可实现真正意义上的区域经济一体化发展。  相似文献   

知识溢出、产业聚集与中国区域经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业的发展和动态演进与知识溢出密不可分。不同的知识溢出方式对产业聚集以及区域经济发展都会产生重要影响。本文通过分析知识溢出对产业聚集的影响方式,进一步探讨中国区域经济发展问题。面板数据分析表明,在中国,区域产业发展效应不是通过专业化和多样化效应,而是通过波特效应即竞争效应体现出来。竞争效应在一定程度上会导致产业向发达地区的转移,从而加剧了区域经济的差距。为此,应进一步明确区域间产业分工的布局,改善知识溢出的渠道和方式,提升企业知识水平和吸收能力来改善区域经济发展的差距。  相似文献   

刘战平 《价值工程》2010,29(14):235-236
推进新农村建设是破解"三农"问题,城乡协调发展的理性选择。本文阐述了新农村建设的内涵,从物质基础、市场基础、群众基础、生态基础、体制基础等方面对新农村建设促进城乡协调发展的机理进行了分析,最后提出建设新农村的"三个机制"和"五村行动"。  相似文献   

社会经济发展过程就是城市化与生态环境耦合协同的过程,为了实现城市群的可持续发展,我们必须正确认识资源环境与经济发展的辩证关系及作用机理,树立符合国情的城镇化发展理念,确立新的城市发展核算体系,建立紧凑型城镇与开敞型区域相结合的城镇空间形态,加快产业结构调整,加强以节能为中心的技术改造.  相似文献   

A bstract . Neoinstitutional economics , exemplified in this instance by the contributions of Gunnaar Myrdal and John K. Galbraith , exhibits a basic proclivity toward fragmentation. It is argued that a further advance of the Veblen-Ayres general theory of economic development will serve as the foundation to reverse such centrifugal tendencies and provide a basis for integration and synthesis. The key conceptual framework for analysis and theory resides in culture and its evolution. The core of culture is transformed through the processes of economic development fed by the dynamics of technological change. In a modified Veblen- Ayres matrix, social institutions are assumed to be integral to the organic whole of technology. Given further modifications of mainstream institutional economics contained in the "dichotomy of useful knowledge" and the "wheel of economic development," it is suggested that the cultural approaches of Myrdal and Galbraith might then be integrated into the culture-analysis of economic evolution inherent in mainstream institutional economics  相似文献   

李秀敏  刘冰  黄雄 《城市发展研究》2007,14(2):76-82,87
以我国211个主要地级及地级以上城市为研究对象,其中包括除拉萨以外的30个省会城市、5个计划单列城市以及176个地级市.收集了1989-2003年及2000-2005年各城市的连续时间序列数据,构建了城市集聚与扩散的Panel-data模型,并运用该模型分别估算了各城市的相对规模收益和相对外部成本,然后通过收益与成本的对比分析,判断城市发展所处的阶段,找出城市以集聚为主向以扩散为主转换的城市规模.研究发现:目前,除上海市处于扩散阶段外,我国其它城市都处于以集聚为主的发展阶段,且在这些城市中,绝大部分城市的规模收益的增长速度要快于其外部成本.  相似文献   

This article draws on critiques of ‘global cities’ to conceptualize Birmingham, the UK's second largest metropole, as a ‘global’ city by highlighting forms of economic globalization that draw on the city's residents, their histories and their social and cultural networks. The article illustrates some of the diversity and significance of minority ethnic economic activity within Birmingham and the potential this holds for its future economic development, focusing on examples from three transnational networks (Chinese business networks, ethnic food manufacturing and the Bhangra music industry). The article signals a rather different understanding of ‘global’ as it relates to economic advantage, transnationalism and ethnic diversity within cities in general, and Birmingham in particular. We suggest that this different understanding of the global has important policy implications, not simply in terms of economic representations of the city, but also in terms of developing the possibilities of such transnational networks and engaging with the constraints facing them. We argue that encouraging a more relational way of thinking about cities like Birmingham has the potential for advancing social wellbeing by influencing socio‐economic policy and practice. We use the example of Birmingham, therefore, to engage broader debates about alternative paths of ‘global’ economic, social and cultural investment for UK (and other) cities. A partir de critiques des ‘villes planétaires’, cet article conceptualise Birmingham (deuxième métropole britannique) en tant que ville ‘planétaire’ en soulignant les formes de mondialisation économique qui s’appuient sur les citadins, leurs histoires et leurs réseaux sociaux et culturels. Pour illustrer en partie la diversité et la place de l’activitééconomique ethnique des minorités à Birmingham, ainsi que le potentiel afférent pour son essor économique futur, ce travail s’intéresse à des exemples issus de trois réseaux transnationaux (réseaux d’affaires chinois, fabrication d’alimentation ethnique et secteur de la musique indienne Bhangra). Il repère une compréhension assez différente de ‘planétaire’, selon que le terme est liéà un avantage économique, au transnationalisme et à la diversité ethnique au sein des grandes villes, et de Birmingham en particulier. Cette perception multiple a d’importantes implications politiques, à la fois au plan des représentations économiques de la ville et en termes de création de possibilités pour ces réseaux transnationaux et de prise en compte des contraintes à affronter. Encourager un mode de réflexion plus relationnelà l’égard de villes comme Birmingham permettrait de promouvoir le bien‐être social en influant sur la pratique et la politique socio‐économique. Le cas de Birmingham sert donc à lancer des débats plus larges sur les options d’acheminement de l’investissement économique, social et culturel ‘planétaire’ pour les grandes villes britanniques (et étrangères).  相似文献   

This article introduces an innovative, experimental, adaptive, and iterative approach to creating legal and institutional frameworks based on urban polycentric governance to foster commons‐based urban policies. First, the theory of urban/local governance is introduced, based on an urban co‐governance matrix. A new type of regulatory system is then described that aims at transforming people in distributed nodes of collective action. Citizens and institutions can be myriad nodes of designing and problem solving in the public interest. Urban co‐governance aims at taking advantage of this galaxy of networks. I then examine design principles and a methodology to implement the urban co‐governance matrix. The concluding question concerns the need for a new research methodology to investigate the ongoing process of state transformation and institutional genesis at the urban level.  相似文献   

论文基于河北省2000-2018年的相关数据,构建河北省工业产业集聚与经济发展的向量自回归模型,运用单位根检验、Johansen协整检验、脉冲响应函数等统计方法进行研究。通过研究分析发现,河北省工业产业集聚与经济发展之间存在互相促进的正面效应。在数据分析的基础上,对河北省工业产业集聚与经济增长提出了有针对性的、合理化的对策建议。  相似文献   

田超  王磊 《企业活力》2015,(3):135-141
产业集聚与经济增长是一个相伴相生的过程,产业集聚在带来正外部性的同时,也可能产生拥塞效应。基于理论上的可能性,文章提出产业集聚与经济增长存在非线性关系,并利用长江中游城市群2006—2011年工业数据,采用动态面板GMM估计的分析方法对产业集聚与经济增长的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明,整体上工业集聚与经济增长呈现倒U型关系,但是对产业进一步分类后发现,资源密集型产业的集聚与经济增长存在倒U型关系,劳动密集型、资本密集型和技术密集型产业的集聚与经济增长存在U型关系。据此,政府应该根据行业特性和产业集聚效应的差异,优化调整产业结构,以利于集聚的可持续发展和产业的健康成长,增强城市群的竞争力。  相似文献   

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