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The measurement of quality for a service product is very difficult and consumers have to rely heavily on the brand name reputation of the supplier. This paper examines whether the brand name reputation of accounting firms, who supply audit services, earn premium audit fees. The sample data uses accounting firms who switched brand names and the effect of this switch on audit fees is analyzed. The results indicate that the repositioning of brand to that of a high prestige name leads to higher audit fee revenue. Brand name reputation appears to be important in the provision of audit services.  相似文献   

Audit standards require auditors to conduct audits being independent in mental attitude from their clients. Regulators and financial statement users are concerned that auditors compromise their independence by allowing clients that contract for consulting services, i.e., non-audit services, more financial statement discretion relative to clients that demand relatively little non-audit services from their auditor. This paper begins by discussing the role of auditing in the capital markets and the various stakeholders that rely on audited financial information in making their capital allocation decisions. The paper continues by explaining the ethical dilemma inherent in audit contracts in general, and more specifically, how the provision of non-audit services threatens auditor independence. The paper concludes by summarizing research studies that report conflicting evidence that there is a violation of auditor independence due to the provision of non-audit services to audit clients.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between corporate philanthropy (CP) and audit fees. Using corporate donation data from China, our investigation finds that CP is significantly positively associated with audit fees. Resource-seeking purpose and the enhanced publicity effect may be plausible channels behind this relationship. We further find that the frequency and intensity of donations reinforce this positive association. Additional analysis reveals that the resource-seeking effect exists in any type of enterprise, while the enhanced publicity effect only exists in non-SOEs. Our main results remain robust to a battery of additional tests. Overall, our findings suggest that by increasing audit workload and prospective audit risk, CP could make auditors more conservative such that they charge a higher audit fee. This article emphasizes the dialectic institutional stakeholder perspective in understanding the economic consequences of CP. Both the theoretical contributions and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to provide an effective whistle-blowing system, it is expected that companies would provide employees with a high level of disclosure regarding the whistle-blowing process. This study investigates variation in the extent of whistle-blowing disclosures. As a measure of whistle-blowing implementation, this study further examines the provision of a hotline channel. The results suggest that the extent of whistle-blowing disclosures is positively associated with the permissibility of anonymous reporting and organisational support for whistle-blowing, the number of external directors on the audit committee, and the existence of concentrated shareholdings. The mere existence of whistle-blowing disclosures could simply be symbolic. The findings also indicate a greater likelihood of the provision of hotlines when companies are larger in size, have a higher level of current inventory, are cross-listed in the US, and permit anonymous reporting.  相似文献   

近年来,国际内部审计协会对内部审计从概念、本质、内容、作用等方面进行不断深入、科学地界定,内部审计活动不仅包括确认活动,还包括咨询活动;内部审计内容从传统财务审计发展到管理审计、战略审计;由单纯的防护性作用提高到建设性作用;从事后审计向事前审计发展;从账项基础审计向风险导向审计发展。内部审计已被看成是与董事会、高级管理层和外部审计构成有效公司治理的四大基石之一。在这样的背景下,分析我国公司内部审计可以提供的服务内容,了解内外部利益相关者对内部审计的需求和期望具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the moderating role of industry regulation on the effectiveness of audit committees in restricting earnings management. Using comprehensive panel data of S&P 1500 firms between 2003 and 2007, we find that the proportion of CEO directors on an audit committee is positively associated with earnings management in unregulated industries, while this association is significantly weaker in regulated industries. Further, the proportion of financial experts on an audit committee is negatively associated with earnings management. Our results also indicate that the average board tenure of audit committee members is negatively related to earnings management in regulated industries, but positively affects earnings management in unregulated industries. Finally, audit committee members’ average directorship increases earnings management in regulated industries, but reduces earnings management in unregulated industries. Overall, our results suggest that the effectiveness of audit committees in reducing earnings management and improving financial reporting quality is influenced by industry regulation.  相似文献   

内部审计外包与审计独立性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石恒贵 《商业研究》2011,(8):150-155
近年来,同一家会计师事务所提供审计服务和内部审计外包服务,其独立性备受各界争议。本文以2007-2009年发生内部审计外包服务且披露非审计费用的A股上市公司为研究对象,以操控性应计利润作为审计独立性的替代变量,旨在验证内部审计外包对独立性的影响情况。  相似文献   

在外部审计师依赖内部审计功能的研究中,国内外学者认为环境因素会影响内部审计的规模和质量,进而影响外部审计师依赖内部审计的功能。不少学者认为内部审计作为管理培训的会计风险、内部审计资源的安排和调整所产生的固有风险等因素都会影响外部审计师依赖内部审计的程度。另有学者认为外部审计师依赖内部审计的功能主要受内部审计外包的调整、非审计服务和客户的压力、内部审计资源调整等因素的影响。在今后的研究中应着重考虑治理质量因素的相互作用对外部审计师的影响和内部审计资源的影响因素以及这些因素如何影响外部审计的可靠性等方面。  相似文献   

文章以我国上市公司为对例,实证研究了事务所行业专长和客户谈判能力对审计费用的影响,研究结果表明:在总体上,我国审计收费与事务所行业专业化水平显著正相关,与客户谈判能力显著负相关,行业专业化水平愈高的事务所,审计收费溢价愈多;谈判能力愈强的企业,折价愈多;相对而言,有行业专长的事务所和国际"四大"的专业化收费溢价更多;但在客户谈判能力较高时,事务所的专业化溢价水平较低;客户谈判能力的折价效应仅在"非四大"审计时存在,"四大"审计时不存在;在无行业专长的"非四大"审计时存在,有行业专长的"非四大"审计时不存在;在企业的谈判能力强时存在,企业的谈判能力弱时不存在。  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):85-86
This article traces the historical development of management consulting in Australia. While some observers have argued the origins of management consulting involved primarily executive and board-level advice over corporate strategy and structure, as was the case in the United Kingdom, Australian management consulting began with a dominantly Taylorist focus on shop-floor productivity before diversifying into the broader range of general management services. It is argued that while economic and technological changes have played a role in such diversification, of equal importance has been the ability of consultancies to reinvent themselves and create demand amongst clinet organisations for an ever increasing range of services. The article concludes by arguing that modern management consulting is a diverse and segmented industry that has been involved as much in the provision of advice and expertise over shop-floor efficiencies, as it has in boardroom strategy.  相似文献   

以异常审计收费作为审计合谋的代理变量,研究分析师是否能发现审计合谋行为。研究发现,分析师跟踪人数会随异常审计费用的增加而显著减少,这说明分析师能觉察到审计合谋可能带来的风险,并通过放弃跟踪该公司的方式向市场传递信息;进一步研究发现,分析师对上市时间较长的公司,以及民营上市公司的异常审计费用更为敏感,跟踪数量下降较为明显。  相似文献   

审计师规模、审计费用与审计意见购买   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文引入审计师规模作为审计师特征的代理变量,区分审计费用的异常升高与降低以及审计意见的改善与恶化,并进一步考虑到审计师规模对异常审计收费和审计意见之间作用关系可能存在的调节效应,研究以审计师规模为代表的审计师特征和实际发生的异常审计费用对管理层审计意见购买行为的影响。  相似文献   

This article takes up the theme of the growing importance of the need to market financial and professional services by an examination of the case of accountancy services. Recent relaxations on the advertising of accountancy service call for an examitration of the appropriate marketing strategy for accounting firms. Discussion in the article indicates that firm size will have an important influence on the appropriateness of advertising and the form that it fakes. Advertising should form part of an integrated marketing strategy and not be seduced by the relaxation of the controls into focusing attention solely on this one aspect of marketing. As regards industry effects, advertising may be seen to reinforce concentration in the provision of both audit and particrtlarly non-audit services. There are benefits to smaller firms, however, through the use of advertising to emphasise specialist skills. In terms of conduct, advertising may help build up a barrier to entry into the provision of certain services, but is unlikely to replace price competition for the capture of audit clients as a key to the provision of non-audit services.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine whether gender diversity on audit committees (hereinafter, ACs) influences financial reporting quality by using panel data of Spanish listed firms. The financial reporting quality of firms is measured by the type of opinion received in the audit report. We estimate various panel data models of audit opinions and control for factors that are traditionally found to impact audit opinions. This study provides evidence to support the hypotheses that the percentage of females on ACs reduces the probability of qualifications due to errors, non‐compliance or the omission of information. Furthermore, the results also find that the percentage of female directors on ACs, the percentage of independent female directors on ACs and ACs chaired by females increase the likelihood of further transparency by disclosing audit reports with uncertainties and scope limitation qualifications.  相似文献   

The article looks into the importance of the work performed by external consultants and consulting as a function in Spanish public and private small and medium-sized industrial organizations that could potentially seek the services of an adviser. The study was conducted by asking them whether they considered the results of the adviser's project to be useful, and about its quality. The aim of the research was to examine what was felt by public and private organisations concerning the use of specialised external advisers, bearing in mind the different reasons that influence politicians, in the case of public companies, and the directors of private companies to engage such services. The former sought to obtain as many votes as possible in the next elections (since the basic purpose underlying the analysis carried out by the external adviser is to maximise the welfare of society). The directors of private firms, on the other hand, sought to obtain returns from the capital invested in engaging the adviser and, thus, maximise the company's profits. Data were obtained by means of personal interviews conducted in organisations that had used consulting services.  相似文献   

Liu  Jihong  Wang  Yaping  Wu  Liansheng 《Journal of Business Ethics》2011,103(4):621-638
Two types of guanxi have a close association with auditor independence in China: firm-level connections derived from state ownership and personal connections developed through management affiliations with external auditors. This article examines the effects of these two types of connection and their joint effect on audit quality. We find that state ownership and management affiliations with the external auditor both increase the probability of receiving a clean audit opinion in China. Furthermore, the probability increment brought by management affiliations for non-state-owned enterprises (NSOEs) is greater than that for state-owned enterprises (SOEs). These results suggest that state ownership and management affiliations are two important types of connection that impair auditor independence, and that management affiliations are of greater importance to private-sector firms than to SOEs.  相似文献   

Governance and the Common Good   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The importance of corporate governance in ensuring reliable financial reporting is examined in this article, and the roles of individuals involved in the governance process are examined from the perspective of ensuring the common good. Initially, adopting the positivist tradition that dominates the academic literature in accounting, the relations between financial reporting quality and the activities of senior management, the board of directors and its audit committee, and external auditors are examined. Unlike much of the academic literature, this article also adopts a normative perspective and offers suggestions as to the proper roles of these parties. Finally, suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

We describe a pricing structure for the provision of IT services that ensures trust without requiring repeated interactions between service providers and users. It does so by offering a pricing structure that elicits truthful reporting of QoS by providers while making them profitable. This mechanism also induces truth-telling on the part of users reserving the service.  相似文献   

李明娟  颜琦 《商业研究》2020,(4):132-138
审计质量作为第三方会计师事务所为公司提供的服务,可以独立于公司之外对上市公司投资活动进行监督。根据产权理论,产权性质不同的经济组织从事的经济活动不同,审计质量对不同产权性质的上市公司投资效率的影响也不相同。本文以2014—2018年沪深两市上市公司作为样本,实证检验了审计质量、产权性质与公司投资效率间的关系。研究发现,审计质量与上市公司投资过度显著负相关,与投资不足负相关但作用并不明显;在国有上市公司中审计质量对投资过度行为的抑制作用更明显,在非国有上市公司中审计质量可以在一定程度上防止投资不足行为的发生但作用并不显著。研究结论有利于启示各不同产权性质公司的利益相关方,客观认识审计师的作用功能及其局限性,有针对性、有效率地利用好审计服务,改善公司投资效率。  相似文献   

"四大"在全球资本市场中扮演着重要的角色,很多学者直接将"四大"作为高质量审计的代名词。本文对"四大"于2003至2006年期间在中国A股证券审计市场的行为进行了研究,研究发现:"四大"的市场占有率逐年提高,同时各成员所之间也存在着激烈的竞争,较之"非四大",其选择的客户的规模大、财务质量高、ST(或*ST)客户比例低,另外,"四大"的独立性强,在相关行业已培育了显著的行业专长,能够提供高质量的审计服务,同时收取较低比率的审计费用。  相似文献   

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