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An attractive package of investment incentives is necessary to entice foreign investors into the Greek tourist sector, in order to reap potential economic and other benefits resulting from the orderly development of tourism in Greece. This article examines the extent, role and importance of foreign direct investment in the tourism sector of the Greek economy. In particular, the sectoral and regional breakdown of foreign investment are demonstrated. Finally, the governmental incentives and regulations which apply to the tourism sector are assessed and their implications highlighted with respect to the five-year tourism development plan 1983–87.  相似文献   

提升区域旅游业竞争力的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石长波  徐硕 《商业研究》2007,(11):152-154
旅游业的发展离不开旅游资源的存在和旅游者活动的开展,但是旅游资源的地域特征和旅游者活动的空间转移特点,决定了旅游业的发展必然要与相应的空间地域结构联系,呈现出一定的区域特点,这也决定了区域旅游业竞争存在的必然性和必要性。因此,提升区域旅游业竞争力的策略研究,已成为各地区域旅游业发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

This article examines the concept of cooperative marketing and reviews the wider range of elements that constitute cooperative marketing. Subsequently, the article considers its potential for small‐ and medium‐sized hotels (SMHs) in Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey, and suggests strategies that might stimulate such cooperation. Finally, the article concludes with the implications of cooperative marketing for tourism destinations in general. It is expected that this analysis will help to explore the possibilities of cooperative marketing in the hotel subsector within the limits of the local economies, as well as offering lessons for other countries in the Mediterranean region. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

At a time when tourism is the preeminent global industry, the Mediterranean is one of the most important tourist regions in the world, accounting for approximately a third of total tourism revenues and half of international arrivals. Because the traditional sun, sand, and sea tourist product of the Mediterranean is experiencing a crisis with subsequent market shifts toward other regions and alternative tourist products, the region has begun to lose its share of the international travel market. The time is ripe for the 21 Mediterranean countries to evaluate their tourist industries in the context of sustainable development strategies, begin to consider restructuring their industries to increase efficiency and competitiveness, and form strategic alliances for cooperative marketing efforts in order to maintain a competitive edge in the global tourist market at the threshold of the third millennium. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   

郴州市国内旅游者行为特征初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄静波  徐飞雄 《商业研究》2006,(17):176-179
利用实地问卷调查数据,分析郴州市国内旅游者人口学特征、国内旅游者空间分布特征、旅游者动机和行为。研究郴州市国内旅游者特征及行为,可为郴州开发旅游产品,规划旅游设施,制定市场营销策略和旅游服务质量标准,提供决策依据。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of dark tourism in constructing narratives and stories which co-create and reinforce national identity. By focusing on the voice of the tourist and their consumer experience, we develop an understanding of youth behaviours and motivations associated with dark tourism and the effect of social influences in forming narratives. This empirical study comprises 20 interviews with young American dark tourist site visitors, 11 of whom were re-interviewed. The emic insights suggest dark tourism experiences can be used to (re)affirm individual roles, enhance feelings of national identity and co-create a self as well as a national identity. An etic conceptual model is proposed that is specifically designed for dark tourism sites. It provides a novel explanation of national identity co-creation and recognises the relationship between tourist motivation, experience and co-creation.  相似文献   

白洋  李晓东  刘亚军 《江苏商论》2012,(12):82-84,91
本文采用目标市场指数选择法,对新疆入境旅游的目标旅游市场进行分析和排序;搜集1996~2005年旅游统计数据,对新疆入境旅游客源市场进行聚类分析,从而为新疆制定入境旅游市场营销策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   

郭英之 《商业研究》2002,(22):32-35
以历史文化名城徐州市为例 ,从旅游动机、消费结构、信息渠道与产品评价等方面 ,分析了徐州市的入境旅游客源市场特征 ;从目标市场定位原则出发 ,研究了徐州市入境旅游客源市场的定位方略 ;提出了徐州市的入境旅游客源市场的营销策略 ,如旅游形象营销策略、区域整合营销规划、公众营销宣传形式以及旅游重点促销方案等  相似文献   

Relationship banking (RB) philosophy has become a topic of increasing importance in strategic marketing management. RB concerns inter alia the applying of customer-driven strategies using advanced information technology. This study investigates RB in the Greek banking industry overall and also under different ownership status (privately owned vs. stated-controlled vs. foreign banks). Based on a wide field of research during the period 2005–2006, indeed, we find that banks in Greece apply the philosophy of RB; however, privately owned and foreign banks implement RB strategies more systematically and effectively in comparison with state-controlled banks. The usefulness of our results is twofold: they satisfactorily justify the considerable growth of the private banking sector in the Greek economy and significantly enrich the service-profit chain of this specific industry.  相似文献   

城市竞合发展正成为增强地区整体旅游业竞争力的重要路径。由于产品同构性、地域临近性、客源市场及规划定位相似等因素,海南省海口和三亚两市旅游业竞争激烈,忽视了合作的可能性及其潜在收益。在合理进行差异化目标市场定位的基础上,两市可以合作推进旅游管理创新,组建跨区域旅游集团,打造区域旅游精品、联合促销开拓客源市场,促建跨市域旅游服务体系等,共同提升海南"国际旅游岛"的竞争力。  相似文献   

在消费社会中,旅游营销的重点是针对旅游者的精神需求提供旅游产品的符号价值。在旅游符号营销过程中,创意成为影响编码与解码质量、决定营销活动绩效的重要因素。同时,旅游产品的固有属性、日趋激烈的竞争态势和日渐丰富的旅游消费经验推动旅游营销进入创意营销阶段。旅游创意营销是以创意为核心驱动力的营销理念,它以概念独特、形式新颖、绩效显著为外在表现,以创新理念、引导需求、提高价值为内在特征。究其实质,它是在运用创造性思维方式对旅游产品天然属性、旅游需求的文化属性和其他领域的相关要素进行组合而形成营销概念的基础上,借助现代大众媒体进行的价值创新与传播活动。  相似文献   

目前,微博已成为人们交流、分享、互动的普遍方式。旅游业属于典型的信息密集型产业,利用微博进行旅游产品营销具有很大优势。本文对微博的传播特点、营销价值和目前在旅游产品营销中的现状进行了阐述,通过分析在新浪微博上收集到的350篇旅游微博,从微博发布者、微博内容、发表时间等方面进行归类统计后,有针对性地提出了微博旅游营销建议。  相似文献   

许小虎 《商业研究》2002,(4):99-100
当前许多企业在竞争中力不从心 ,究其原因 ,很多是由于营销观念的落后 ,企业应积极转变营销观念 ,树立以客户为导向的经营观念。在这个过程中为防止走入改革的误区 ,企业应明确自己的目标顾客 ,同时在顾客导向与竞争者导向中追求一种平衡。企业在树立顾客导向时应明确的抓住组织结构、信息系统、企业文化、组织制度四个要素。  相似文献   

随着旅游目的地竞争的加剧和构建责任政府背景下“财政问责”制度的日益完善,政府旅游公共营销绩效问题逐渐成为各界关注的焦点。然而,我国政府旅游公共营销巨大投入背后的绩效考评制度缺位,使得旅游公共营销支出低效使用的隐患挥之不去,构建政府旅游公共营销绩效评价理论体系已成为一个亟需解决的重大课题。文章从过程视角出发,将政府公共支出过程的一般规律与政府旅游主管部门进行公共营销的专业化职能相结合,构建基于“投入-过程-产出-效益”(IPOP)逻辑的政府旅游公共营销绩效研究理论框架,并从旅游公共营销投入、过程、产出和效益四个方面分别构建多维综合评价指标体系。文章旨在提出一套既适合国内体制特征的,又与国际接轨的政府旅游公共营销绩效研究框架,为政府旅游公共营销绩效提升提供理论依据。  相似文献   

旅游整合营销内容范畴探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整合营销传播理论适应了现代营销环境和市场需求的变化,对指导市场营销实践具有重要意义。旅游业与旅游市场需求有自身的特点与发展规律,旅游整合营销体系不仅包括营销"传播",而应包含更广泛的内容,至少包括旅游目的地公共营销组织整合、旅游行业部门优化整合、旅游产品开发整合、旅游品牌形象整合与旅游营销区域整合等。  相似文献   

黄月玲 《江苏商论》2012,(5):117-121
旅游是休闲的方式之一,但休闲旅游的内涵则主要表现在二者的交集上,且优于普通的大众旅游。休闲旅游成为传统旅游地旅游优化的方向和目标。研究以桂林为代表的传统旅游地休闲旅游及休闲旅游体系构建,对旅游地升级转型具有重要的意义。在界定和说明传统旅游地、休闲旅游及休闲旅游体系等相关概念内涵的基础上,阐述了传统旅游地建立休闲旅游体系的意义,分析了桂林作为传统旅游地建立休闲旅游体系的条件和必要性,并从桂林休闲旅游产品、休闲旅游管理、休闲旅游服务及保障等方面提出了体系建立的相关策略。  相似文献   

基于区位重构的浙江海洋旅游产业发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用旅游空间理论对浙江省海洋旅游目的地各种区位因子进行考察评价,说明浙江海洋旅游目的地存在着资源储量、品质与旅游发展水平不对称,客源市场发育不完全,目的地内外交通联结度不高,空间感知效应不平衡等状况;揭示出浙江省海洋旅游业总体发展不平衡,区域内各旅游地之间的发展水平差距较大,扩散效应小于极化效应。据此,本文提出重新构建“一轴三群三带一核心”的海洋旅游空间新格局以及相应的旅游产业发展策略。  相似文献   

移动电子商务在旅游中的应用模式与营销创新   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
当前,移动电子商务在旅游业的应用还处于探讨阶段,还没有真正进入到旅游行业应用。本文通过对移动电子商务的内涵分析,提出了在旅游业发展移动电子商务可行的三种模式,并指出其在旅游服务中应用价值,最后,从4个方面详细阐述了移动电子商务对旅游营销活动开展具有创新性的推动作用,为旅游服务供应商利用移动电子商务开展旅游营销指明方向。  相似文献   

张承津 《商业研究》2006,(7):189-190,203
生态旅游迎合消费者崇尚自然的意愿,是国际市场上颇为流行的一种时尚需求。分析黑龙江旅游资源的区域组合和消费流行情报源构成及生态旅游需求产品与目标市场营销,探索黑龙江省生态旅游消费流行和相关情报源及影响因素,对东北老工业基地旅游市场营销具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Estimates presented of the size of the international tourism markets of the European CMEA countries, the USSR and Yugoslavia show that only Yugoslavia is an established centre for tourist development. Data on tourist arrivals and tourist receipts are presented. International tourist receipts account for approximately two per cent of National Product in Yugoslavia and Hungary and are much smaller in the other economies as far as can be ascertained. The major constraints on further tourist developments in CMEA countries are political and economic planning constraints, the cost of development of tourist amenities and the low priority assigned to tourism. Short-term increases can be brought about by improved marketing and promotion of the considerable attractions of Eastern European countries as tourist destinations.  相似文献   

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