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贺庆凯 《广告大观》2006,(9S):141-143
刚刚过去的2006半年,对于省级卫视来说,注定不会轻松。因为从上游资源和覆盖投入的增加,到下游广告主的投入有效期别,2006年都将是省级隆视马太效应加剧的一年,甚至可以说是一些省级卫视发展上的分水岭。那么过去的半年,又出现了一个怎样的竞争格局呢?  相似文献   

Corporate parents have the potential to add value to their businesses through their influence on the stand-alone performance of the businesses, but for a variety of reasons, including what we call the 10% versus 100% paradox, they more often destroy value instead. This article examines four companies, Dover, BTR, Emerson and RTZ, which succeed in creating value through stand-alone parenting influence, and draws out the conditions necessary to do so. These are that (1) there should be a genuine parenting opportunity to improve the performance of the business, (2) the parent should have skills, management processes, and other characteristics that are suitable for realising the opportunity, and (3) the parent should have sufficient feel for the critical success factors in the business to avoid inadvertently destroying value through inappropriate influences.  相似文献   

吴清华 《广告大观》2009,(8):112-113
营销从来不是一件简单的事。全球经济陷入衰退低迷,又适逢营销传播环境大变革,企业因此背上了前所未有的营销压力。在这样的背景之下,“腾讯智慧·2009高效在线营销峰会”在北京、上海、广州三地启动,腾讯智慧旋风再次席卷中国营销界。  相似文献   

去年下半年,中国经济受全球金融危机影响疲态开始显现的时候,不少专家展望09年的广告营销市场,其中有一个观点得到了很多人的认同,即如果2009年有亮点,那一定会是互联网。7月10日,DCCI互联网数据中心发布的《2009年上半  相似文献   

合理提升EVC企业价值,可以提高企业运营效率。通过对EVC企业价值的涵义进行界定,对主要内容和评估方法进行分析,找出提升EVC企业价值创造能力的主要途径:提高内部驱动的管理支持层面的能力,加强经营业务层面的常态化管理,改进EVC企业价值链,积极弥补经营层面能力中的短板,建立以EVA为导向的绩效管理评价系统。  相似文献   

中职学生基础知识薄弱,并且缺乏学习的习惯和动力,这种条件下步入专业课程的学习,对教学来说既是无奈又是挑战.商品学专业课程在国内还是不够完善的一个课程,拉拼凑的现象比较多.面对这种状况,本文以就业为导向、课堂实操为主线的角度,讨论本课程的教学教法.所讨论的教学教法已在本人教学实践中尝试,在此,书写成文,用以同行和学者们交流与斧正.  相似文献   

本文从青海省藏药产业发展现状入手,构建青海省藏药产业供应商、制造商和销售商的产业价值链指标体系。用BP神经网络模型找出藏药产业核心增值环节,进而从三个子价值链上提出促进青海省藏药产业价值增值的对策建议。  相似文献   

This article aims to assist professors in introducing concepts of self, philosophy, religions, the universe, existential dilemmas, etc., in their basic international business classes. Using active learning and five-member student teams, a student organized and administered conference adds a very useful dimension of knowledge sacrificing only one teaching day. The article, capitalizing on more than 25 years of international business teaching and conference experiences, provides “how-to” suggestions to organize similar events.  相似文献   

Considering the increasing conceptualization of value co-creation, this study seeks to empirically understand the value co-creation process through a phenomenological approach to further understand the doctor-patient encounter process leading to value outcomes in a public healthcare context. Three key thematic areas of the co-creation process were identified: the encounter process, consumption experience, and value outcomes. The findings reveal the importance of trust, role clarity, and actor experiences in clinical encounters. Both actors placed emphasis on the emotional, cognitive, social, and behavioral responses in encounters that consequently affect their value outcomes that include receiving treatment, getting well, improved well-being, improved compliance, reduced visits to health facilities, and enhanced service engagement between the actors. This study contributes to these dyadic interactions to gain comprehensive knowledge of how these encounter processes and experiences are perceived by the actors to influence the effectiveness of public and professional services.  相似文献   

We examine a set of small, venture capital (VC)-backed manufacturing firms and compare it to a control sample of nonVC-backed manufacturing firms going public between 1990 and 1996. We use the degree of underpricing, three-year sales growth, three-year cumulative stock return, and three-year survivability as measures of success. First, we test if the presence of VC backing results in significant differences in success between the two samples. Next, we test if certain VC and deal characteristics are discriminators within the VC-backed sample of firms. Despite previous literature, which argues for either inferior or superior VC post-initial public offering (IPO) performance, these tests indicate no significant differences between VC- and nonVC-backed firms. Additionally, it is found that VC and deal characteristics are not discriminating factors within the VC sample.  相似文献   

近年来,建设幸福社会已成为我国各级政府施政的重要目标,东莞市亦提出"加快转型升级,建设幸福东莞"的口号。无疑,从社会发展要求,东莞人口主体,社会和谐基础和经济增长动力四方面来说,为东莞做出重大贡献的新莞人理应成为幸福东莞的分享者,因而增加新莞人幸福感具有非常重要的意义。政府相关部门可从工作条件、个人发展、居住环境、社会保障、城市归属、户籍制度和子女入学等方面采取有效措施增加新莞人幸福感。  相似文献   

江波 《国际市场》2002,(3):57-57
一、量入为出永远是积累财富的第一高招.尤其是对刚起步而收入有限的上班族,步入社会之后就会发现所有以前没想到的置装费、应酬交际费蜂拥而来.不过,自己若能制定各项花费的比例,可以省掉不少记帐时间.  相似文献   

赵雨 《市场研究》2005,(4):34-37
2004年,与处于低迷的轿车市场相比,重卡市场的兴旺无疑是汽车工业的夺目亮点。而重卡市场中最令人瞩目的就要数福田欧曼。令人惊叹的是,福田欧曼这家仅仅处于中重卡批量生产第二年的企业,以10倍于行业销量增长率的速度,排在一汽、东风之后,并紧随中国重汽,位居行业第四,冲入第一方阵。欧曼上半年在中重卡市场销售完成近18000台,超过去年全年总销量;销售增长率为170.4%,是行业平均增长率的10倍。如此迅猛的发展势头,引起业界瞩目。如果仅从产品与销量上看待福田欧曼在业界的成功,顶多一顶“黑马”桂冠已足够。但事实上。福田欧曼这个“速成巨人”的背后,蛰伏着许多成功的奥秘。  相似文献   

营养与保健油脂——山茶油   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了山茶油的理化性质、脂肪酸组成、功能成分以及保健功能作用,并对其发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

This study explores consumer empowerment in a maternity setting in the Republic of Ireland. Our results indicate that empowerment is a complex phenomenon influenced by many variables. While the current health services literature is focusing on active consumers of health services, our study shows that not all pregnant women have the same needs for and attitudes toward empowerment: some women do indeed seek to be overtly empowered in the maternity setting and equate empowerment with a high level of control over the service provision; others pursue a more passive role but may still experience such a role as empowering. A theoretical discussion focusing on the complexities of empowerment and issues of power and authoritative knowledge in cultural systems concludes this paper.  相似文献   

杨珺 《广告大观》2008,(3):28-29
各项调查报告显示,户外广告行业正处在一个高速发展的时期。近年来,户外广告市场每年都有20—30%的增长,户外广告市场的需求旺盛,带动了整个行业快速发展。同时,行业提供丰厚的投资回报和独特的增长空间,吸引资本不断涌入。  相似文献   

安玉洪 《商业研究》2001,(10):158-159
电子商务方兴未艾。但随着电子商务的发展也暴露出了一些问题。这些问题的存在严重制约了我国电子商务的进一步发展。为搞好我国电子商务应针对硬件建设、软件建设采取必要措施。  相似文献   

It is the second time for Chengdu Sacred Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd to take part in the China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT). The company mainly produces energy saving products-high-power energysaving lamps. During this exhibition, they start their business with businessmen from 11 countries including Italy and Austria. The total number of turnover intention has already reached about 30 million yuan. And this year's CIFIT comes to its 13th session, and last for four days, from September 8 to September 11, 2009 in Xiamen, Fujian, China.  相似文献   

工程技术管理的水平直接影响着企业能否可持续有力地进步、发展,并获取其最大效益.优质的工程技术管理成为当今紧缺的重要资源.本文首先明确工程技术的重要性,接着仔细分析,阐述提高工程技术管理的途径,以望有助于相关人士的参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

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