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The British police service is a highly visible public sector organisation that in recent years has come under mounting pressures from different stakeholders, including successive Conservative and Labour governments and also an increasingly demanding public. In this setting, various business and management models and concepts have been applied to contemporary policing, but only limited research has been undertaken to date on how marketing has been adopted and utilised across the police forces of the British Isles. This paper explores the context of modern policing and suggests why the police are now being compelled to address marketing more seriously than hitherto. It draws on recent empirical work conducted across the police service and situates this within the existing literature on internal marketing. The paper concludes that marketing is underdeveloped across the police service and argues that police forces should develop their internal marketing as a precursor to successful external marketing.  相似文献   

The consumption stickiness relationship established by community group buying is a typical complex social network. The network structure, member size, interaction frequency and purchase quantity are determined by the effective communication of customer perceived service quality (PSQ). This paper introduces the social reinforcement effect to construct a G-SCIR model of PSQ propagation in the community group-buying, and improves the calculation method of propagation probability and node status attributes. We use numerical simulation methods to explore how the social reinforcement effect can promote the spread of PSQ and achieve a steady state by influencing recovered nodes. The simulation results show that the G-SCIR model proposed in the paper has better stability and higher coverage than the traditional SCIR model. The change trend of the attributes of each node in the network is also closer to the real one, which can effectively simulate the propagation process and evolution characteristics of PSQ in the context of community group-buying. Meanwhile, the paper verifies that the steady state of PSQ propagation is usually affected by its initial conversion probability of community group-buying, its upper limit and social reinforcement factor, and there are significant Markov properties in the propagation process of PSQ. The findings may further enrich the community business and online group buying theory, and provide theoretical reference and practical guidance for community group-buying enterprises to optimize market layout and formulate scientific communication strategies.  相似文献   

Recent financial crisis has raised questions about the underpinnings and longevity of economic success in Asia, and has reminded us to be sceptical of pundits and the eponymous populist predictions relating to the region. Several perspectives can guide the analysis and evaluation of industrialization, from ‘state’ versus ‘market’, ‘internal’ versus ‘external’, and ‘macro’ versus ‘micro’. Companies in Korea as ‘latecomers’ have pursued ‘catch-up’ strategies. However, Korean corporate capabilities reside in a restricted number of industries, firms and functions (production), and are poor elsewhere, such as in marketing, technology (design and development) and organization, and small and medium-sized enterprises. Furthermore, many factors regarded once as sources of Korea's success are now seen as weaknesses. The future challenges facing Korea include its dirigiste economy, organizational structures and governance, financial transparency and labour market flexibility. While there are undoubted problems, its urgent tasks are not insurmountable.  相似文献   

When a passenger travels on an airplane of the China Northwest Aviation Company on scheduled flights from Xi'an—Beijing—Guangzhou—Beijing—Xi'an, he or she just sits in the seat, a hostess Providee a hot and wet towel to clean the face and hands. On watching TV, if he wants to listen to the sound, he can pick up the earphone in the right arm of the seat. If he wants to take a  相似文献   


Emergent research on customer engagement has focused on enhancing engagement within service relationships. Less attention has been given to how and why customers disengage from their relationships, and the potential interplay between engagement and disengagement has not yet been explored within the marketing literature. This study presents the findings from a qualitative exploration of the concept of customer disengagement, its initiating triggers, nature and the process by which it unfolds within functional/utilitarian (F/U) and participative/co-creative services (P/C). Rather than being mutually exclusive, it finds that engagement and disengagement are highly connected and that prior levels of engagement significantly influenced customers’ subsequent propensities to disengage. Specifically, customers’ propensity towards disengagement was higher within services considered F/U in nature and lower within services of a more P/C nature. In addition, the extent to which customers disengaged from their relationship was strongly determined by their prior levels of engagement with weak engagement for F/U services and strong engagement for P/C services. Relationships in the F/U category were subsequently transactional and volatile when compared to relationships within the P/C category that were comparatively emotionally bonded and enduring.  相似文献   

This study contributes to current literature by constructing a model to evaluate how using green marketing to promote brand image affects consumers' purchase intentions. First, the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method was used to explore the mutual influence on evaluation indicators, and an influential network relation map (INRM) of indicators and sub-indicators was constructed based on the results. The DEMATEL method was then combined with the analytic network process to create a DANP method to calculate weights for each indicator and sub-indicator. A modified Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method was then employed to explore the comprehensive performance of each indicator and sub-indicator using empirical data. Finally, conclusions were summarised and suggestions were proposed. This study's findings can serve as a reference for firms seeking to improve the tangible effects of their green marketing strategies by stimulating consumers' purchase intentions.  相似文献   

The study that biophilic store design (BSD) has a much higher perceived visual quality, increases the desire to patronize, increases willingness to spend retail stores shopping times is on the increase in the literature. The study of greenery in building environments has been vastly studied, however, the inclusion of greenery study in retail stores and its potentials to provide a strategic business advantage have been scarcely explored. This research work draws from the Attention Restoration Theory to unearth the impact of biophilic design attributes on consumer responses. Hence, this study asked: “How do attributes of biophilic design in retail stores impact consumers’ responses in retail stores”. A quantitative research method with an online questionnaire was employed; 177 participants were recruited. Multiple regression analysis was computed via SPSS and demonstrated that the four attributes (predictors) of biophilic design positively impact consumer responses. Findings for three attributes (biomorphic forms and patterns, material connection with nature, and complexity and order) were significant, while a visual connection with nature was not significant. These findings suggest that a biophilic design positively impact consumer responses; however, simply presenting or using natural elements is not sufficient to produce positive consumers' responses. Additionally, the t-test revealed that intent to purchase was significantly higher for a store low in biophilic attributes than the study hypotheses. The study's limitations and implications are discussed herein. This work contributes to the biophilic design paradigm of building projects by empirically demonstrating the restorative potential of lifestyle centers.  相似文献   

Therapiddevelopmentoftheservicetradeatahigherspeedthancargotradeisanimportantfeatureofthecurrenteconomicstructureadjustmenti...  相似文献   


This paper investigates the added value of an organic ingredient strategy and the transfer mechanisms at work when placing an organic label on product brands. We proposed and empirically tested an integrated model that included three stages: brand and label equity; transfer mechanisms; and product evaluation. We first selected an organic label and product brands and then tested our hypotheses with a sample of French consumers. The results confirm the positive influence of brand and label equity on transfer mechanisms (brand/label perceived fit and ease of transfer) and, in turn, illustrate how ease of transfer influences the overall product evaluation. A surprising result is that brand/label perceived fit does not directly affect the overall product evaluation; rather, it only influences brand/label ease of transfer.  相似文献   


In this paper, we explore consumers’ in-store experiences and their components, from both a consumer and retailer perspective. This is a replication of a study we performed in 2006 and thus we also examine how the role of the physical store has changed over the last decade. We use the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) to improve our understanding of consumers’ in-store experiences. Moreover, we conduct in-depth interviews with Swedish retailers to achieve an understanding of how retailers use aspects of the store environment to enhance the consumer experience. Interestingly, our results suggest that consumers’ in-store experiences to a large extent are created by the same aspects today as ten years ago (e.g. personnel, layout, atmosphere). Furthermore, while retailers today emphasize the importance of fulfilling new and more advanced consumer demands, they often still accentuate the weight and use of traditional values (e.g. personnel and layout) ahead of advanced technology.  相似文献   

Behavioral intentions (BI) are considered the key to understanding and predicting the trial/adoption of new technology. When choices of new technology adoption increases (and time compresses), it becomes correspondingly more difficult to predict consumers’ trial/adoption. Due to its greater temporal stability and potentially superior predictive ability, this article encourages researchers to consider behavioral expectations (BE) ahead of BI. However, this ultimately depends on the antecedents germane to the particular new technology adoption process under examination. Thus, researchers are encouraged to consider the key determinants of BE: experience, perceived behavioral control, facilitating conditions, self-efficacy, attitudes, subjective norms, and availability of information.  相似文献   

Nutrition labeling has been accepted by Chinese consumers as an information source to learn about food quality and safety. This paper uses Chinese consumers’ rice purchase as an example to study how consumers use food nutrition labels to make purchase decision of a familiar food product. The goal is to understand how consumers seek information from the labels to make purchase when extensive experience with the food has been developed. Survey data from 400 random respondents in Beijing were analyzed using an empirical framework and a Mont Carlo integral econometrics model. We find that more than 50% of the consumers in Beijing have heard of food nutrition labels in general, 36.50% carefully use label information even if they are familiar with the food, and nearly 70% consider mandatory food nutrition labels as beneficial. Those who are more knowledgeable about rice nutrition labels are more likely to use the labels when purchasing rice, no matter how familiar they are with the product. Frequent users of nutrition labels are more likely to consider food mandatory nutrition labels as beneficial. This study suggests that consumers still use the label information to reassure the quality and safety of food despite a history of consumption.  相似文献   


The sum total of the research produced by Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) researchers has enabled a spectacular improvement in our understanding of markets and consumption. Yet, this knowledge has struggled to penetrate the business world due to a dearth of practical proposals appealing to managers looking for action-guiding toolkits. Based on a relatively small corpus of CCT-related articles published in the main applied journals with academic values, the present article traces the contours of CCT managerial knowledge revolving around the concept of cultural branding and composed of four main approaches: relationship marketing, retromarketing, tribal marketing and collaborative marketing. The article also synthesises the contributions that CCT researchers propose for each of these approaches and discusses the limits of the heroicisation of the consumers. The conclusion looks at potential research paths for the dissemination of CCT applied kind of knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper’s objective was to explore low-income unbanked consumers’ perceptions of bank fairness and the way these perceptions were linked to consumer experiences of vulnerability. Qualitative data were used to analyse low-income consumers’ perceptions about banks’ services and communications. The study finds that although consumers’ financial inclusion is partially hindered by their personal circumstances, the perceived unfair treatment by banks has an even more negative impact on their financial inclusion. Low-income unbanked individuals report banks avoiding them, discriminating against them and impeding their financial inclusion. Banks’ perceived unfairness towards low-income consumers leads those consumers to experience vulnerability in numerous ways. Finally, we provide public policy implications for low-income consumers’ well-being and financial inclusion and to assist them in mitigating their vulnerability.  相似文献   

This paper presents an exploratory study of how social value creation and business models may be interrelated in the context of the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) business formation. We develop our analysis around five case studies of actual businesses set up in rural India by people in the BOP. We attempt to draw implications from the performance of the business models in the BOP for what MNE strategies of engagement with the BOP may learn from the processes we analysed.  相似文献   

We empirically examined how gasoline prices impact consumers’ shopping behaviors. Using individual panel data on gasoline transactions, we found that gasoline prices generally have a statistically and economically significant impact. However, our disaggregate analysis indicated that, across consumers, considerable heterogeneity was present in the underlying sensitivity to the price of gasoline and in the income effect, resulting from fluctuating gasoline prices. More interestingly, the significant effect of gasoline prices was largely driven by the consumers with large purchase volume, and consumers with the highest level of gasoline consumption remained almost perfectly insensitive to the price of gasoline. Such heterogeneity is also present in the effect of gasoline prices on grocery expenditures, and notably, consumers with the largest purchase volume were not associated with statistically significant changes in grocery expenditures. Theoretical background suggests that the financial constraints of consumers and primary vehicle use may explain about the differences in responses to gasoline prices. Results based on individual-level data allowed for a comprehensive understanding of how and how much gasoline prices affect consumer behaviors and showed that inelastic gasoline demand and the considerable income effect due to gasoline prices may not best describe the effect of gasoline prices.  相似文献   

This article provides a more integrative approach toward channel choice than previous research by considering all stages of the buying process (search, purchase, and after-sales), and by taking channel attributes, experience, and spillover effects into account when examining consumers?? channel choice intentions. The authors show that such an integrative perspective is important as channel attributes, experience, and spillover matter for consumers?? channel choices in all stages of the buying process. Notably, the study stresses the importance of channel experience and spillover effects for explaining consumers?? channel choice intentions in the different stages of the buying process. Channel experience effects occur when using the channel increases the likelihood that the consumer will use the very same channel on the next occasion. Spillover effects result when the likelihood of using a channel in one stage of the buying process affects the likelihood of choosing that channel in another stage. The results show that both effects influence consumers?? channel choice intentions over and above channel attributes. Importantly, the model results strongly pledge for studying attribute, experience, and spillover effects simultaneously.  相似文献   

Human concern for the environment has grown in tandem with recent economic development, particularly in emerging nations. This paradigm change has led Malaysians to pay more attention to synthetic plastics challenges, particularly in Malaysia. This study aims to determine the attitudes of young Malaysian consumers on the usage of biodegradable plastics to minimize the use of synthetic plastic in the country. Generally, two motivations—hedonic and environmental motivations toward switching intention from synthetic to biodegradable plastic among the young consumers were examined in the study. Environmental motivations (environmental concern, environmental knowledge), as well as hedonic motivations (adventurous spirit, novelty-seeking), are used in this study to broaden the theory of consumption value (TCV) into four additional factors that may positively impact the young consumer's attitude and increase switching intention towards biodegradable plastics. The data was collected utilizing an online survey approach and a standardized questionnaire. The data of 386 young Malaysian customers were analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM) using SmartPLS 3. The study's significant findings indicated that hedonic motivations, environmental motivations, and attitudes all impact switching intentions toward biodegradable plastics. This study also found that attitude is a mediator between hedonic and environmental motivations regarding switching intentions. These findings might aid the government in developing a new policy that encourages residents to adopt biodegradable plastics while also lowering pollution.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study designed to investigate the nature of compulsive-like buying behavior in the general consumer population. A previously tested compulsive buying scale was administered to a sample of 190 consumers. As predicted by the hypotheses, compulsive buying tendencies correlate negatively with self-esteem and positively with the extent of irrational credit card usage. Several other findings are reported and discussed. Thus women are shown to be higher on compulsive buying than men. Also, compuslive buying tendencies correlate negatively with age and positively with one's susceptibility to social influence. Finally, the data suggest that early consumption experiences may affect significantly the extent of compulsive-like buying behavior. Areas where further research should be done are identified.
Eine Untersuchung zwanghafter Züge im Verhalten normaler Konsumenten
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag faßt das Phänomen zwanghaften Kaufverhaltens als generellen Drang zum Einkaufen auf, der in unterschiedlicher Intensität auftreten kann und deshalb zwischen verschiedenen Konsumenten und zwischen verschiedenen Zeiten differenzieren kann. Nach diesem Verständnis empfinden zwanghafte Käufer einfach während der meisten Zeit ein höheres Ausmaß dieses Dranges. Berichtet wird allerdings über eine Studie, die zwanghafte Aspekte des üblichen Konsumentenverhaltens untersuchen will. Dazu wurde die von Valence, d'Astous und Fortier (1988) entwickelte Skala zur Erfassung zwanghaften Kaufverhaltens einer Stichprobe von 190 Konsumenten vorgelegt.Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Hypothesen, daß die Tendenz zu zwanghaftem Kaufverhalten negativ mit Selbsteinschätzung und positiv mit unvernünftigem Gebrauch von Kreditkarten korreliert. Gerade dieses letzte Ergebnis weist auf die Notwendigkeit hin, anfällige Konsumenten über die potentiellen Gefahren von Kreditkarten zu informieren.Einige weitere Ergebnisse: Frauen haben eine stärkere Neigung zu zwanghaftem Kaufen als Männer. Gründe dafür können in der Tatsache liegen, daß Frauen generell mehr Einkaufsgelegenheiten haben, die zudem wichtige Gelegenheiten für Sozialkontakte darstellen können. — Die Neigung zu zwanghaftem Kaufen korreliert negativ mit dem Alter (, was mit anderen Befunden der Verbrauchersozialisationsforschung in Einklang steht,) und positiv mit der individuellen Empfänglichkeit für Umgebungseinflüsse, was mit einer sozialen Anpassungsfunktion des Kaufens erklärt werden kann. — Schließlich führen die Daten zu der Vermutung, daß frühe Kauferfahrungen das spätere Ausmaß zwanghafter Kauftendenzen signifikant beeinflussen können.

Alain d'Astous is Professor of Marketing at the Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, J1K 2R1. The author would like to thank Sylvie Tremblay for her help in the data collection and analysis phases of this study and an anonymous reviewer for useful comments. Portions of this article were presented at the XVIIIth Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Athens, Greece, April 18–21, 1989.  相似文献   

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