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Utilising new empirical research this study adapts an existing literature-based competency framework into a hierarchy of competencies needed for education middle managers in England to be effective in their role. The study involved a national survey (n = 164) of further education middle managers and is the first quantitative study investigating the role since 2002. The original contribution of the study is the development of a new ladder of competencies for education middle managers which outlines a suggested ordering of competency development with due consideration to prior training and qualifications. This can enable an improved approach to recruitment, selection and development of education middle managers. The paper presents parameters for consideration when developing competency frameworks for roles more widely which include: prior training, experience, expectations, and challenges of the post-holder as well as the external working environment. It highlights the value of such considerations and demonstrates the importance in paying due regard to them.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of the top management teams' (TMTs) characteristics, including tenure and international experience, on the degree of firm internationalization. In addition, this study explores the moderating effect of the size of middle managers (MMs) on the relationship between the TMT characteristics and the degree of firm internationalization. This study use the information-process perspective to emphasize that MMs provide information processing capabilities that assist TMTs as they cope with the high information-processing demands of the strategic decision-making process in international markets. We test the hypotheses using a sample of listed manufacturing firms in the electro-optical and textile industries during the 2006–2010 period. The findings indicate that TMT tenure has an inverted U-shaped relationship with firm internationalization and TMT international experience has a positively affect the firm internationalization. Furthermore, we find that large MM size positively enhances the inverted U-shaped relationship between TMT tenure and firm internationalization.  相似文献   

Certifying quality systems has become standard practice in a wide range of companies the world over. However, studies on these systems' underlying motivations and these motivations' effects on performance have focused primarily on industrial firms, leaving the service sector largely unexplored in this regard. In this article structural equation modelling is used to analyse the reasons that underlie certification and the effects of these motivations on performance parameters within the hotel industry. The findings in this study show certain significant differences from the academic findings for industrial companies. The conclusions may help managers of hotel companies to better incorporate quality as a strategic, proactive tool with which to confront changing or adverse economic circumstances.  相似文献   

This study focuses on a critical mechanism of the international human resource management process: performance management. The study specifically explores how the process of global performance management is perceived by the country managers of multinational corporations' subsidiaries in Australia. The study reveals that a multinational corporation's systemic demand for short-term profit has the potential for inhibiting employee–supervisor relationships and perceived effectiveness of performance management appears to be dependent on the relationship and level of trust between the country manager and her/his supervisor. On the basis of the research findings, relational communication and psychosocial factors such as trust play an important role in the functioning of a country manager vis-à-vis their perceptions of the performance management process. The study suggests that, with the current approach to global performance management for country managers, despite the expense involved in the process, many of the potential benefits may not be realized. Social exchange theory is proposed as the foundation for developing more effective and fluent global relationships based on trust.  相似文献   

This study conducted meta-analyses of the relationships between financial literacy and both financial behavior and financial well-being. Peer-reviewed articles published on financial literacy in the field of consumer studies were collected by July 29, 2020. Fourteen articles were eligible for the meta-analyses. The results showed positive relationships of financial knowledge with desirable financial behavior and financial well-being. Our comparison of objective and subjective financial knowledge indicated that subjective knowledge had stronger relationships with both financial behavior and financial well-being than objective knowledge. These two types of knowledge also had different paths to financial well-being in that subjective knowledge had both direct and indirect effects on financial well-being through financial behavior, whereas objective knowledge only had an indirect effect. The relationship between financial knowledge and financial behavior appeared stronger in cross-sectional data than in longitudinal data. The implications of these results and possible directions for future consumer science research were discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of national culture on adult financial literacy levels in 12 countries. Contrary to earlier financial literacy studies, our results are directly comparable across countries given that we use the standardized OECD/INFE financial literacy survey data and Hofstede's, 2001, cultural dimensions to capture financial literacy and national culture. In line with the financial socialization theory, we find that uncertainty avoidance positively influences financial literacy, while individualism negatively influences financial literacy. We conclude that national culture affects financial literacy and that it is important to account for cultural dimensions in future international financial literacy research.  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into young adults' financial habits and decision-making considerations as they enter the workforce. We use 28 semi-structured interviews with Australian university graduates to explore how their motivation to engage with personal finances and their subjective financial literacy, i.e., self-reported, support healthy financial habits. Our findings show that a young adult's social context and exposure to financial hardship rather than their financial confidence determine the health of their financial habits. We observed research participants in a romantic partnership as more focused on their future. This future focus motivates them to engage more with their finances and manifests as explicit goal setting, formal budgeting, or adherence to strict bucket systems. These insights might be useful for policymakers and educators: social context matters when designing financial health interventions, while financial education programs predominately should aim at demystifying complex long-term financial decision-making such as investments and retirement.  相似文献   

The interest group theory of financial development predicts that the incumbents' opposition to financial development will be weaker when an economy is open to both trade and capital flows. Based on regressions of financial development on trade and financial openness, existing studies only provide indirect tests of the hypothesis and deliver mixed findings. This paper proposes models for direct tests of interest group theory for China. Using Chinese cross-province data, we define and measure interest groups based on the close tie between state-owned enterprises and local government in China. The empirical results show that the opposition from interest groups to financial development cannot be weakened in provinces with high trade or financial openness alone. However, the opposition is indeed weakened in provinces with high levels of both trade and financial openness. These results provide robust support for interest group theory in accounting for cross-province differences and time-series variation in financial development in China.  相似文献   

内部控制是企业为了提高会计信息质量,保证资产的安全、完整,确保有关法律法规和规章制度的贯彻执行等而制定和实施的一系列控制方法、措施和程序。是保证企业的平稳发展的重要手段。而财务管理作为内部管理的核心环节,在内部控制中所起到的作用是举足轻重的。那么财务部门一定要提高人员素质,加强财务制度建设和夯实基础工作,这样才能为企业真正把好资金关口,促进企业良好健康发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of institutional structures in the relationship between trade openness and financial development in sub-Saharan economies. The study is based on empirical data from sampled sub-Saharan African countries for a period of 1996–2017. The system generalized method of moment was employed to estimate the models. The findings suggest that, even though trade openness has a positive significant influence on the level of financial development in sub-Saharan African economies, this relationship is enhanced through the presence of good institutions in these economies. Thus, for these economies to realize the full benefit of the effect of trade openness on financial development, they need to strengthen their institutions.  相似文献   

This study examines how household financial risk tolerance is affected during the period of 2007 and 2009, which covered the eve and trough of the financial crisis in the United States and what types of households are associated with the change of risk tolerance. Risk tolerance is measured by two objective indicators, narrowly and broadly defined stock ownership, and a subjective indicator, risk taking attitude. Using panel data from 2007 to 2009 Survey of Consumer Finances, results show that during the financial crisis, the households in general are more risk averse, indicated by withdrawing from stock markets and holding a less risk taking attitude. In addition, Black and Hispanic households are more likely and households with higher education are less likely to withdraw from stock markets. Older households are less likely to change in risk tolerance during the financial crisis, as are richer households. The findings show panel data could generate novel results and contribute to the literature of financial risk tolerance.  相似文献   

The recent banking collapse has called into question all activity related to financial services, from regulation to consumer protection, to financial education. Since the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development's 2005 ‘Recommendations on Principles and Good Practices for Financial Education and Awareness’, there has been an increase in financial education activity, yet the world is a different place. The role of financial education, its scope and its potential, must now be critically analysed to help ensure its efficacy in supporting financial rectitude in challenging times. The authors draw on several years’ experience in the design and delivery of financial education programmes and debt prevention interventions, informed by their perspective as educationalists. In this theoretical commentary, they seek to influence the discourse on financial education, and position education as a foundational discipline in financial education. The authors identify potential risk to the future of financial education, engaging with the literature that questions the validity of financial education as an endeavour in consumer protection, which points to the dearth of empirical evidence to support its effectiveness, and which queries the efficacy of resourcing such initiative development. They argue that financial education focused on consumption cannot serve the citizen; rather, financial education must be rooted in the needs of the individual. Through these analyses, the authors highlight areas of further research, which when undertaken, can lead to more effective outcomes for all. This article introduces the concept of financial edification as an approach to financial education, predicated on the needs of the individual. In repositioning financial education as a pedagogical endeavour, the article asserts that financial education, when not driven by education, cannot achieve its true potential; it is time for Cinderella to go to the ball.  相似文献   

A number of theoretical approaches to ethicaldecision making in the business context arecriticized as being too complex and cumbersometo be useful in day to day decision making. Byway of a potential solution, the authorspresent a universalistic, real-time model forassessing and resolving ethical decisions. Utilizing this model requires students andpractitioners to evaluate their decisionsaccording to two dimensions. In the firstdimension, stakeholders are identified aseither ``insiders' or ``outsiders' relating tothe differential advantages and/ordisadvantages a decision has on these twogroups. With the second dimension, consequences for the short term and long termfor these two stakeholder groups are assessed. The paper concludes with an illustration fromreal financial services business decisions asviewed through the model. These examplesprovide readers a sense of the model'spotential for consulting and pedagogicalpurposes.  相似文献   

近年来,金融服务外包已成为全球金融业的一大发展趋势,并引起欧盟经济社会的广泛关注.欧盟金融服务业在离岸外包的机遇和挑战中积极参与全球竞争。因此分析欧盟金融服务离岸外包的发展现状和趋势,欧盟银行服务外包的模式、业务范围和动机,讨论银行业务外包所涉及的主要风险以及相关的监管原则和措施,以及研究欧盟金融服务外包市场的特点与发展前景,均对我国发展服务外包承接业务有参考意义。  相似文献   

The requirement to build economic resilience in people has become a concern for the UK Government, regulators, and the financial services industry. Transposed to the realm of financial literacy education (FLE), the resilience doctrine performs particular effects in relation to the naturalisation and individualisation of financial market relations. At the same time, it tends to speak of the inevitability of market failures and crashes. I argue that based on these features, the effect of the resilience doctrine is to mask the “empty promise” of FLE programmes: the irreconcilable gap between the empowerment discourse surrounding what such agendas are meant to achieve for ordinary people and the latter's actual success in securing their security and well-being through financial markets. The paradoxical element of resilience talk is that it at once serves to further legitimise financial education attempts, while providing an opportune reason for failures judged even on its own terms.  相似文献   

浅析金融创新理论与金融体系创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融创新的主要目的是为了提高金融机构竞争能力,提高金融效率、优化资源配置等。我国的金融创新应从宏观和微观两个方面同时进行,重点在于强化产权制度创新、经营体制创新、组织体系创新、金融监管创新,为金融业务和金融市场营造更广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

This study examines the impacts of inventory and financial instability on the basis of the crude oil market. The results show that, first, the basis rises with inventory, and this effect is higher during low inventory regimes. This validates the theory of storage in the crude oil market. Second, the basis rises with financial instability, and this effect is higher during turbulent regimes. These results warn the oil market participants that, to make decisions based on the basis variation, traditionally known as a signal of scarcity or abundance, the underlying cause of the variation has to be considered.  相似文献   

With increased competition across the hotel industry for frequent travelers, who generate a disproportionate portion of revenue, loyalty programs appear to be a rational response to the competitive environment. The question remains, however, as to whether these programs are effective at increasing the profitability of hotel operators. This study analyzes the impact of customer loyalty programs on the industry specific performance metrics of occupancy rate, revenue, and operating margin. Utilizing a comprehensive database of 36 different hotel brands (e.g., Marriot, Hilton) encompassing 31 loyalty programs and 435 different hotel properties, we examine whether a loyalty program is indeed an effective tool to increase operating margin. In summary, empirical results suggest that investment in hotel loyalty programs has a positive impact on occupancy rates and profitability. And although the overall effect is modest, these results have several managerial implications for the hotel industry.  相似文献   

Religion is an indelible force in society, yet research examining its influence on consumption, particularly in the context of financial well-being is lacking. Thus, this paper presents a conceptual framework of factors influencing, and outcomes associated with, the effects of religion on financial well-being. Specifically, this paper introduces a conceptual framework aimed at understanding how religion influences financial decisions and well-being, both from a consumer and a business perspective. Focus groups were conducted with consumers and financial practitioners to support the development of the conceptual framework. Most novel to this framework is the identification of potential process mechanisms explaining this relationship, including trust, affect, risk propensity, and perceived personal control. The framework concludes with potential interventions targeted at consumers and businesses to improve financial well-being. This propositions-based conceptual framework serves as a research agenda to guide and aid scholars, consumer advocacy groups, policymakers, and marketers in promoting greater financial well-being.  相似文献   

FDI and economic growth: the role of local financial markets   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In this paper, we examine the various links among foreign direct investment (FDI), financial markets, and economic growth. We explore whether countries with better financial systems can exploit FDI more efficiently. Empirical analysis, using cross-country data between 1975 and 1995, shows that FDI alone plays an ambiguous role in contributing to economic growth. However, countries with well-developed financial markets gain significantly from FDI. The results are robust to different measures of financial market development, the inclusion of other determinants of economic growth, and consideration of endogeneity.  相似文献   

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