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Retail superstores in Great Britain have been the subject of much research and discussion. This article examines a neglected facet of superstores, namely employment, and considers some characteristics of superstore employment and their relationship to the size of superstore development. On the basis of the regression analyses undertaken, a predictive model of superstore employment and the scale of store is presented.  相似文献   


Studies considering links between store image and store loyalty, especially in an Asian context, are sparse. This article explores the relationship between store image and store loyalty in the Hong Kong fast-food industry. A survey of 200 users of fast-food restaurants revealed that functional attributes of store image are more accurate than psychological attributes when predicting the degree of store loyalty. Functional attributes of particular importance are waiting time for a seat, store environment and store location. However, some psychological attributes have an influence on store loyalty. Furthermore, the findings show that the more favorable the store image, the more likely consumers are to consume in a particular restaurant.  相似文献   

校企合作是发展技师学院安置就业的有效途径,符合高职教育发展的内在规律,有利于促进高职教育发展;符合企业培养人才的内在需求,有利于企业实施人才战略。高校与企业合作,应该是多层次、多形式、多方位的,注重学生知识能力和技能的综合发展,使校企合作的模式丰富多样。  相似文献   

传统百货业路在何方   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>近几年,国内传统零售企业正面临越来越激烈的市场竞争,各地除少数老牌绩优大型综合性百货商厦尚有不至于太差的利润外,多数企业已面临经营困难甚至是难以为继的局面,其中有些零售企业连起码的生存关都  相似文献   


As a result of the increased competition between self-service chains, retail managers to an increasing degree try to strengthen store identity and customer loyalty. Based on a broad range of consumer choice and environmental psychology theories, this article discusses a number of reasons why the fruit and vegetable department can be one of the keys to differentiating retail chains and creating positive store image. The article describes the results of two empirical studies (a focus group and a survey) which explore customer-perceived quality dimensions of the fruit and vegetable department and the extent to which these dimensions influence customer attitudes towards the fruit and vegetable department and store image in general.  相似文献   

<正>便利店,俗称"邻居购物中心",上世纪60年代崛起于国外,目前在我国北京、上海、广东等地发展迅速,通常营业面积较小,一般在60~100平方米左右,经营品种在3000种左右,营业时间可达24小时,可以满足人们的应急性消费和便利性消费,销售的商品主要以顾客日常的必需品为主。这种便利店一般不以低价取胜,而以提供便利为主,其价格稍高于超市,专家预计,便利店将继超市之后成为中国发展最快的零售业态。  相似文献   

连锁经营的模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
连锁店作为新兴产业业态,成为商业发达地区广泛应用的经营模式。连锁店必须以统一为导向开展自身的连锁工作,总部与各分店统一经营管理模式实行统一管理标准,以利于连锁店一致协调发展。  相似文献   

The incorporation of greenery in retail areas has scarcely been explored in environmental psychology studies. In a 2 × 2 experimental design, the effect of in‐store vegetation on consumer emotions and responses toward the store was studied, considering the moderating role of the information rate of the retail setting. While introducing foliage in the store environment did not evoke feelings of excitement, it was found to elicit pleasure and to reduce stress in a “complex” store interior. Given the impact of pleasure and stress on consumers’ approach/avoidance responses, these findings support the potential of integrating greenery, particularly in “spatially dense” stores.  相似文献   


E-tailing threatens store retailers with more efficient forms of on-line sales. This threat is exaggerated if technology improves traditional intermediary efficiency as much as direct manufacturer-to-consumer efficiency. Channel remediation is an alternative hypothesis in which hybrid channels shift some retail functions on-line while maintaining many functions of traditional retailers.  相似文献   

网店与实体店的交易实质虽然相同,但是在交易的形式上却有很大的不同。认真比较两者的成本要素,发现它们各有成本的优势与劣势。O2O电子商务业态的出现,完美地结合了网店与实体店各自的成本优势,使得网店和实体店实行同品同价成为可能,从而形成网店、实体店和顾客"三体共赢"局面。  相似文献   

Always low price (ALP) and low price guarantee (LPG) are store-price signals that retailers frequently use to induce favorable store-price image and discourage consumers from comparing prices across stores. Although both policies signal low prices, only LPG is an obligatory promise to beat rival stores’ prices. Results of two shopping simulations show that when consumer search costs are relatively low, ALP may effectively discourage consumer search whereas LPG may trigger more search. Paradoxically, consumers tend to evaluate ALP stores less favorably (as having lower integrity and higher self-serving intention) than LPG stores even when both signals appear to be credible. These findings suggest that LPG is a superior tactic for creating a favorable store image while ALP is more effective for discouraging consumer search. The results also indicate that consumers visit fewer stores when the LPG is not a credible signal of lowest market price than when it is credible. This is because consumers are inclined to either claim discounts or refunds at the non-credible LPG store or to purchase at the competing store with a lower price rather than continue searching.  相似文献   

Multi-unit franchising (i.e., one franchisee owning and operating multiple units) is no longer the exception; it is the norm. Nevertheless, because of the decay in managerial performance associated with the increasing span-of-control, systems built on multi-unit (versus single unit) expansion strategies may be jeopardizing some of the efficiencies which fueled franchising in the first place. Many franchisors have adapted to this problem by developing rules of thumb for allocating new outlets to new or existing franchises. This paper formalizes had compares several different strategies for allocating new outlets. In doing so, we specifically incorporate the effects of managerial performance decay on the various strategies. Using empirically obtained starting values for the rate of decay, we calcualate the reults for a hypothetical ten store expansion. The starting values are then varied systematically revealing complex relationship between decay rates, population variance, and managerial performance not accommodated in the less formal strategies currently employed.  相似文献   

Over the past five years, retailing in the United States has been going through many changes. As a result of these changes the traditional American department store, as an insititution, has been steadily on the decline. We provide an explanation for this devline by focusing on environmental factors an ordganizational changes. Environmental factors include changing consumer attitudes toward mass marketing, demographic changes forcing a suburban as opposed to urban focus, competition and overstoring, and new store social class distinctions. Organizational changes include the introduction of "Just-In-Time" (JIT) as a retail concept, a "trading up" in the merchandise mix, declinging customer services, the increased cost of reaching customers, maintenance of high gross margins, the move from local to regional to national presence, expansion leading to a loss of operational control, and the erosion of consumer trust in the institution.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(4):440-457
While store remodeling can increase customer sales, not all remodeling efforts are successful. In this study, two treatment stores from a large national retailer are matched with control stores in a field experiment. Even though the cost of remodeling the treatment stores was the same, and the remodeled stores had identical layout, color, furnishing and interior design, one store had a 12% lift in sales while the other had only 1%. We show that a key determinant of remodeling success is the perceived magnitude of change between the initial and final condition of the store. Indeed, customer psychological and sales responses are greater when the perceived magnitude of change between the condition of the store prior to remodeling and the store after remodeling is larger. Importantly, these positive effects continue for as long as 12 months after remodeling. We further find that the profile of customers drawn to the remodeled stores differs based on the perceived magnitude of change, as do the environmental attributes that contribute to customer perceptions of the remodel.  相似文献   

差异化行为是百货企业高速成长的必要条件.百货企业要实现高速成长,必须实施差异化战略,包括差异化定位以及在定位基础上的零售经营要素差异化;必须至少在某一经营要素上为顾客带来竞争对手不能提供或提供较少的突出利益,且这些利益也为顾客所关注和接受;必须注重有效了解顾客需求、制定正确的战略、提高企业的执行力等.但是,差异化并不必然带来企业的高速成长.  相似文献   

A tool retailers often use to improve their negotiating position with brand manufacturers is to delist - or threaten to delist - the manufacturers’ brand. Because brand manufacturers rely mainly on retailers to sell their products to consumers, a brand delisting will cause a sales loss for the brand manufacturer. Therefore, many brand manufacturers feel enormous pressure to give in and improve buying conditions to favor the retailer. The question thus emerges: Can a brand manufacturer resist a retailer's threat to delist its brand(s)? If a brand delisting severely hurts retail sales, it is easier for a brand manufacturer to resist. The authors study the impact of brand delistings on store switching and brand switching using a controlled online experiment and in-store shopper survey. They develop and test a conceptual model with several antecedents of consumers’ reactions to a brand delisting and conclude that brand equity, market share, and the products’ hedonic level drive store and brand switching.  相似文献   

中国连锁门店店长胜任力模型实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
连锁经营已经成为我国商业企业经营的主要模式之一,一个门店经营的成功与否在很大程度上取决于其店长的素质与能力,店长胜任力模型的建立至关重要.文章以文献研究和门店店长调查为基础,采用关键行为事件访谈法形成能力特征清单,采用因素分析和相关分析方法确定连锁店店长胜任特征要素,制定胜任特征评量表,描述连锁店店长岗位胜任特征,对连锁店店长胜任力进行实证研究.研究结果表明,连锁店店长胜任力模型包括店长素质、基础能力、专业能力三类.其中,店长素质包括一项,我们将五项店长素质胜任力指标统称为店长素质;店长基础能力包括两项,即解决问题与学习能力、沟通与合作能力;店长专业能力包括三项,即品类管理能力、卖场管理能力、门店营运能力.该模型可应用于连锁店店长招聘、培训、考核评价等方面,帮助连锁企业选拔、培养与考核店长,不断提高店长工作绩效,实现门店经营管理目标.  相似文献   

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