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On January 22, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China announced its business target of 2003. It said, in 2003, before the reserve for risks is appropriated, profit would be increased by 15 percent more than in 2002, or at the value of RMB51billion. Of them, the profit in the account would be RMB6.5 billion, and the amount of appropriations to the reserve and the written down value of financial deficit over the past years would be RMB44.5 billion. In 2002, the  相似文献   

Drawing upon the interaction approach, the internet marketing literature, and qualitative case studies, the paper depicts website communication strategies that match and mismatch different stages of business-to-business relationships. To achieve the match, the more the relationship is developed, the more individualized website communication should be employed. Mismatch situations that hinder a relationship can occur not only when websites are underdeveloped but also when websites are overdeveloped and too individualized, falling short to utilize sellers’ investments.  相似文献   

This study reviews the literature on multinational corporations’ headquarters–subsidiaries relationships, focusing on the role of the local context and its influence on subsidiaries in developed and emerging markets or countries. The author searched the literature using several terms directly related to these issues. The findings demonstrate that subsidiaries can only operate successfully in foreign locations by adjusting their policies to fit into the local environment because there are multiple contexts. Multinational corporations manage the local context by integrating their home behavior and that of the subsidiaries’ operating environments. A framework for identifying and managing different local contexts is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper uses robust econometric methods to estimate the determinants of non-performing loans (NPLs) with a specific focus on the role of the 2007–2009 financial crisis in explaining NPLs in the banking industry of Ghana. Findings suggest that non-performing loans are significantly affected by bank-specific, industry, and macroeconomic variables. We observed heterogeneity in the determinants of NPLs for sub-samples of the data. The effect of the financial crisis on NPLs is observed to be conditional on the level of credit risk in our sub-sample analysis. The results from the impulse response corroborate that of the regression estimation.  相似文献   

This two-part, mixed-methods study explored how and why small businesses engage in both philanthropic and transactional partnerships with community-based nonprofits (NPOs), and what business owners expect from their nonprofit partners. Findings from focus groups and a survey indicate that U.S. small businesses (a) are interested in a higher representation on nonprofit boards; (b) are more likely to support NPOs that focus on the local community’s needs; and (c) seek long-term, committed partnerships with NPOs to jointly address communal issues rather than one-time contributions or sponsorships. The study adds to the literature on nonprofit–business collaboration by applying the concepts of integrative (Austin, 2000) and communal (Cho & Kelly, 2014) relationships in the context of locally owned businesses and community-based NPOs rather than more commonly studied large corporations and national/international nonprofits. These findings also offer practical recommendations for the leadership of community nonprofits interested in enhancing their relationships with small businesses.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the criticism recently directed at Internet companies who have chosen to do business in China. Currently, in order to conduct business in China, companies must agree to the Chinese government’s rule of self-censoring any information the government deems inappropriate. We start by explaining how some of these companies have violated the human rights of Chinese citizens to freely trade information. We then analyze whether the justifications and excuses offered by these companies are sufficient to absolve them of moral responsibility. We argue that both justifications and excuses offered are insufficient. Wilfully abiding by unjust laws, albeit necessary to do business in China, should not trump moral actions that protect rights. “This is not something we did enthusiastically, or not something that we are proud of at all.”– Elliot Schrage answering questions from Congress regarding Google’s decision to censor its Internet searches in China Neil Haddow is currently finishing his PhD in philosophy at the University of Waterloo. His interests are moral and political philosophy at the theoretical and applied levels. He is the co-author of another paper forthcoming in The Journal of Business Ethics on age discrimination and automobile insurance. G. Elijah Dann presently lectures for the Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. He is author of After Rorty: The possibilities for ethics and religious belief (Continuum Press, 2006), and is editor of a forthcoming book on Christianity entitled, Leaving Fundamentalism (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2007).  相似文献   

Purpose: This research was aimed at attaining a deeper knowledge of how customer value creation can be improved in business markets. Although trust and commitment (as relational governance mechanisms) appear to have a positive effect on customer value creation, limited empirical evidence exists about the combined effect of the aforementioned variables on improving customer value creation. This article studies why trust and commitment are key precursors to improving customer value creation in commercial relationships among companies.

Methodology: Following a review of the literature, we introduce and contrast a conceptual model on a sample of 181 manufacturing companies located in Spain by means of a structural equation system.

Originality: The study of these causal relationships is relevant because it provides greater knowledge of the role played by the key relational variables of trust and commitment on improving customer value creation in business markets. These variables also have an important influence on the development and maintenance of a relationship in the long term and have been the focus of recent marketing research.

Findings: The empirical results reveal that: (1) distributor commitment is a direct and positive antecedent of value creation in a relationship, understood from a functionalist perspective; (2) distributor trust, the other relational variable, has an indirect effect on value creation through the distributor's commitment; and (3) this research does not tie in with previous studies that found that direct value-creating functions have a multiple-component nature representing a second-order factor.  相似文献   

Campaigning activities of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have increased public awareness and concern regarding the alleged unethical and environmentally damaging practices of many major multinational companies. Companies have responded by developing corporate social responsibility strategies to demonstrate their commitment to both the societies within which they function and to the protection of the natural environment. This has often involved a move towards greater transparency in company practice and a desire to engage with stakeholders, often including many of the campaign organisations that have been at the forefront of the criticisms of their activity. This article examines the ways in which stakeholder dialogue has impacted upon the relationships between NGOs and businesses. In doing so, it contributes to the call for more ‘stakeholder-focused’ research in this field (Frooman in Acad Manag Rev 24(2): 191–205, 1999; Steurer in Bus Strategy Environ 15: 15–69 2006). By adopting a stakeholder lens, and focusing more heavily upon the impact on one particular stakeholder community (NGOs) and looking in depth at one form of engagement (stakeholder dialogue), this article examines how experiences of dialogue are strategically transforming interactions between businesses and NGOs. It shows how experiences of stakeholder dialogue have led to transformations in the drivers for engagement, transformations in the processes of engagement and transformations in the terms of engagement. Examining these areas of transformation, the article argues, reveals the interactions at play in framing and shaping the evolving relationships between business and its stakeholders.  相似文献   

This study examines the constructs of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) versus small business orientation (SBO), their impact on small business performance, and whether these effects are moderated by longevity. A sample of 267 small business owners from 11 small–medium downtowns was used in structural equation modeling (SEM) testing of the measurement, structural and moderation hypotheses. The measurement confirmatory factor analyses models of the two constructs revealed that EO and SBO are unique constructs. Then a structural model predicting performance was tested. Finally, a two‐group model split on “below 11 years” versus “11+ years” demonstrated that the structural paths connecting EO and SBO to performance are not the same in these groups: for the younger group, only EO significantly predicts performance while for the older group, only SBO significantly predicts performance.  相似文献   

Based on the lessons learned from the last 50 years, statements are derived of which the authors claim that these will continue to be valid in future: Information technology in the banking industry supports business processes – selecting and designing processes will continue to decide about economic success in future. The necessity of handling a growing business volume will still be the major driver for using new information technology in the banking industry. It will be even more important than the aim of reducing costs by automation. Industrialization of IT will also change the use of technology in the banking industry. Hence, banks do not necessarily have to run their systems alone but may outsource services if required. The definition of the major business fields will significantly influence the banks’ IT strategy and, among other factors, will decide on the market success of a bank. Technological development will have an increasing effect on the banking business, will change it, and enable new business models. Successfully dealing with technology-induced changes predominantly depends on a company’s employees.
Matthias Büger (Corresponding author)Email:

Private banking,brand new to China's banking in- dustry,is currently faced with a bright future and a multitude of problems.It is a business full of risk, and for the moment,the country has not been prepared with respect to both the basic and institutional fields.For instance,the system to evaluate an individual's credit rat- ing has yet to be set up,and private banking can be easily used for money laundering due to the difficulty in obtain- ing a customer's true identity.China is still a green hand when compared to the government oversight and techno- logical operations of banks in the West.  相似文献   

To contribute to the debate on the role of social media in responsible business, this article explores blogger buzz in reaction to food companies’ press releases on health and obesity issues, considering the content and the level of fit between the CSR initiatives and the company. Findings show that companies issued more product-related initiatives than promotion-related ones. Among these, less than half generated a substantial number of responses from bloggers, which could not be identified as a specific group. While new product introductions led to positive buzz, modifications of current products resulted in more negative responses, even if there was a high fit with core business. While promotion-related press releases were received negatively in general, particularly periphery promotion (compared to core promotion) generated most reactions. Our exploratory study suggests that companies can increase the likelihood of a positive reaction if they carefully consider the fit between initiatives and their core business, while taking the notion of ‘controversial fit’, relating to the unhealthy nature of original products, into account. Further research avenues and implications, as well as limitations, are discussed.  相似文献   

Existing studies demonstrate that corporate social capital can not only enable a firm to gain access to heterogeneous information and resources, but may also facilitate the establishment of behavioral norms, communication models and mutual-trust platforms with stakeholders in its social network. As a result, corporate social capital drives organizational changes and has the potential to boost business model innovation. This paper recognizes organizational learning as a mediating mechanism that transforms corporate social capital into business model innovation. Using survey data collected from 164 Chinese firms, we tested the relationship between corporate social capital and business model innovation, as well as the mediating effect of organizational learning. Our findings clearly show how corporate social capital flows through organizational leaming efforts to business model innovation.  相似文献   

As brands solidify their place in social media environments, consumers' expectations have amplified, thus spurring the development of technologies to assist with the engagement process. Understanding the ways in which brands can preserve the one-to-one characteristics and intimate relationship qualities offered by social media while still meeting consumer expectations amidst the escalating volume of interactions has become essential. Drawing on the communications literature, this research proposes that parasocial interaction (PSI) theory may be used as a theoretical lens for designing successful social media strategies. Three studies, using a multi-method approach, provide evidence of PSI's role in the development of positive relationship outcomes. Mediation analysis reveals that this sense of feeling connected with the brand goes beyond the interaction itself and drives increased feelings of loyalty intentions and willingness to provide information to the brand. Evidence from this research suggests that these effects may not hold when consumers are aware of the possibility that the brand's social media response may be automated. These findings offer marketers theoretical guidance for fostering relationships in social media environments.  相似文献   

In the mid-nineteenth century, the Spanish and Italian steel industries were significantly less developed than those of the more advanced countries in Europe. From the mid-1880s, heavy industry in these two countries experienced considerable growth, particularly the steel sector, due to two very different strategies. In the case of Italy, state intervention was so frequent and significant that it has even been referred to as an early state capitalism. In Spain, on the other hand, the sector’s development was based principally on the private initiative. This article seeks to shed light on the interaction between government institutions and business organisations in the implementation of the development strategies of the two countries.  相似文献   

Relationship marketing has taken on a significant role in both retail practice and academic study. However, from the introduction of the concept of relationship marketing into the literature scholars have noted that relationship building may not be beneficial to all firms under all conditions. In this study, we investigate this issue attempting to gain a greater understanding of the value of relationship marketing activities across targets (i.e., customers and suppliers) and within contexts (i.e., competitive intensity and three elements of market dynamism) on a retailer's ability to develop the capability of market responsiveness. Our findings, based upon a sample of 172 small retailers, demonstrate that differences do in fact exist in the value delivery to retailers from relationships with different targets and across different contexts in which the retailer operates. As such, the results of this study extend the extant relationship marketing literature, refining our understanding of the value of relationship marketing. Implications for academics and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating influences of power‐dependence structure and environmental volatility on the relationships between supplier opportunism and its outcomes. Data were collected from 102 small retailers using a mail survey. The results of multiple regressions indicate that supplier opportunism decreases small retailer credibility/benevolence and long‐term orientation. Further, the findings show that the lower the small retailer dependence, the stronger the negative influences of supplier opportunism on small retailer long‐term orientation. Finally, the lower the environmental volatility, the stronger the negative influences of supplier opportunism on small retailer credibility/benevolence and its long‐term orientation. Marketing implications and recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the theory of virtue ethics and its applications in the business arena. In contrast to other prominent approaches to ethics, virtue ethics provides a useful perspective in making sense of various business ethics issues with an emphasis on the moral character of the individuals and its transformational influences in driving ethical business conduct. Building on Geoff Moore’s (Bus Ethics Q 12(1):19–32, 2002; Bus Ethics Q 15(2):237–255, 2005; Bus Ethics Q 18(4):483–511, 2008) treatment of Alasdair MacIntyre’s practice–institution schema, the paper discusses how individuals, as moral agents, can serve to promote virtuous business conduct and help foster a moral and ethical climate in the organization and in society at large. Using interview data from a broader study of the New Zealand wine industry as explanatory examples, the paper argues that while many companies’ sustainable practices are still largely market based, such excellent business practices are often driven by individuals’ moral and ethical pursuits.  相似文献   

In global competition, the Internet turned out to be the single and hegemonial infrastructure for communication. It has become the “nervous system” of today’s networked economy. While the first phase provided communication services, like e-mail, the WWW has established an interactive platform to allow easy access to advanced services. Now, in its “third” or cooperative phase, the Internet will finally lead to a ubiquitous informatization where business processes and applications become interleaved beyond the boundaries of enterprises. For this phase, many analogies to the emergence of the Internet can be observed.  相似文献   

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