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This cross-sectional survey of 12 age groups in the Canadian urban population detected age differences in consumers' value orientations. Thus, Canada's changing age structure will probably be accompanied by a shift in value orientations - the collective result of value orientational changes as a person ages. Because personal values determine the types of services that are important to a consumer, this shift in values will alter the demand for several kinds of urban services and facilities in the next 20 years - in particular, fine restaurants, movie theatres and family theme parks, as well as for many kinds of health-care facilities.  相似文献   

By using social media, many companies try to exploit new forms of interaction, collaboration, and knowledge sharing through leveraging the social, collaborative dimension of social software. The traditional collective knowledge management model based on a top-down approach is now opening up new avenues for a bottom-up approach incorporating a more personal knowledge management dimension, which could be synergized into collective knowledge using the social-collaborative dimension of social media. This article addresses the following questions: (1) How can social media support the management of personal and collective knowledge using a synergetic approach? (2) Do the personal and collective dimensions compete with each other, or can they reinforce each other in a more effective manner using social media?

Our findings indicate that social media supports both the personal and collective dimensions of knowledge, while integrating a social collaborative dimension. The article introduces a framework that classifies social software into four categories according to the level of interaction and control. With certain tools, individuals are more in control. With other tools, the group is in control, resulting in a higher level of interaction and a diversity of knowledge and mindsets brought together. However, deploying and adopting these new tools in an organizational context is still a challenging task for management, owing to both organizational and individual factors.  相似文献   

略论计划生育服务网络的发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济条件下,不能简单地将计划生育服务机构视为医疗卫生条件的重复建设.作为一种特殊的卫生资源,计划生育服务机构应积极、主动适应市场经济体制和新的形势,改革现行管理体制,尽快引入竞争机制,逐步形成计划生育服务机构之间、计划生育服务机构与医疗卫生机构之间、国内机构与国际机构之间在避孕节育、优生优育、妇幼保健等相关领域全方位竞争的格局,进一步落实"控制人口增长,提高人口素质"的基本国策.  相似文献   

This study focuses on legacy writing and the development of the life‐history business (e.g., family ghostwriters and writing workshops). A theoretical model is proposed to study the underlying mental processes that lead the elderly to consume such services. This model was empirically tested on a sample of 392 individuals aged from 60 to 92 years. Results highlighted the following: the role of generativity and death preparation reminiscence on identity preservation issues in later life, the strong desire to contribute to collective memories (i.e., to reach people outside of the family circle), and the social nature of the consumption of services that could be considered as a means of sharing emotions. The results of this study will lead to a more in‐depth understanding of consumer behavior regarding the transmission and preservation of the self at end of life, and may also help service providers to improve their products and services.  相似文献   

In 1981, in a Harvard Business Review feature, we described a marketing condition which we called "unmentionability" and, through a series of case studies, showed how it could frustrate the marketing of a wide range of products and services, despite the fact that many of them need to be actively marketed. AIDS and the massive anti-AIDS promotional campaigns that it spawned have dramaticaly accelerated the pace of change and created a new environment in which products, services, concepts and ideas that were previously regarded as unmentionable can now be marketed openly and explicitly. The marketing climate has changed profoundly and, although not always for the better, the added freedom and punch that the AIDS campaigns have engendered in the marketing world, have been eagerly accepted by those who feel it can enhance their marketing programmes.  相似文献   

刘恒科 《商业研究》2020,(4):139-145
现行法律和政策关于家庭承包经营制下农户享有完整收益权的规定,以维护农户土地利益和提升农地经营效率为目标。集体所有权的价值功能在于为集体成员提供平等的土地保障,但是,承包关系长久不变,使得农户分享土地利益代际代内不均等;集体不得参与家庭经营收益分配,加剧集体公共服务的供给不足和家庭承包经营的低效率。从集体所有权的成员受益权能有效实现的视角出发,需要更新立法理念和制度设计,确认农民集体基于农户公平分享集体土地利益而行使的农地利益调节权,以及农民集体基于农户共享集体公共服务利益而行使的必要收益权。  相似文献   

The allocation of scarce health care service resources often requires trade-offs between individual and collective outcomes (e.g., when some individuals benefit more strongly from a given policy than others). Based on construal level theory, one would expect that consumers cognitively represent the individual and collective outcomes of an allocation policy at different levels of abstraction and that they evaluate allocation policies more positively when there is congruency between the cognitive representation of the policy??s focal outcome and the spatial and temporal distance inherently present in the policy??s decision context (e.g., allocation decisions on a future policy). However, we hypothesize that this congruency effect can be overruled by a high vested interest mindset that is activated by an individual??s recent personal experience with a health care service provider. Since a high vested interest mindset increases the relevance of the allocation policy implementation for the individual because s/he perceives strong personal consequences, we propose that for consumers with recent experience the evaluation of an allocation policy that focuses on individual outcomes is higher than that of a policy that focuses on collective outcomes irrespective of the spatial and temporal distance in the decision context. Results of a hypothetical experiment among a representative sample of the general population confirm the congruency effects in the new domain of health care service allocation policies, and provide support for the proposed overruling effect of the activation of a high vested interest mindset by recent personal experience on spatial and temporal distance.  相似文献   

以南京紫金山国家森林公园为调查地,对城市森林游憩者行为特征和满意度调查问卷研究显示:有着高等教育背景、较为稳定的工作和中等以上经济收入的当地中青年居民是城市森林双休日登山游憩的主要群体;游憩者到访城市森林的频率较高,更在意双休日和节假日的个人情感效益和社会文化效益;在城市森林公园中的花费不多,游憩支出受收入的影响不大;游憩者已具备一定的生态保护意识但还有待加强;游憩者对城市森林的景观质量及景区环境满意度较好,对基础设施、管理和服务的满意度不高。  相似文献   


This article investigates the relationship between the sharing of domestic tasks in dual-earner mixed-sex couples and the use of paid domestic services. Using results from a small-scale survey of the domestic outsourcing practices of employees of a large service-sector organisation in the UK, we find that in households: full-time working by women and presence of younger children is positively associated with the use of paid domestic services; there is no association between the gender division of traditionally female domestic tasks carried out within the couple and use of paid services; but in contrast, greater male involvement in traditionally male and traditionally gender-neutral tasks is positively associating with using paid domestic services. These findings tentatively suggest that a new arrangement may be emerging in which some couples address a heavy workload and a desire for a less traditional division of domestic labour by men participating more in close-ended domestic tasks and outsourcing the more time-consuming tasks traditionally undertaken by women to paid-service providers.  相似文献   

When cultures interact within the family, consumption decisions take on meaning beyond simply who is the decision maker. The usual compromises all spouses face are amplified when one spouse is displaced from another country. Interviews and observation are used to examine the lived-world of bi-national (where spouses are from different countries of origin) and mono-national families. Key themes emphasize how members of families insert their cultures in navigating consumption decisions and reconciling preferences. Using food consumption as context, findings reveal the extent to which individual partners relinquish part of their personal cultural identities to gain a synergistic collective identity at the family level. In discussing strategies of acknowledgment, negotiation, accommodation and unification, implications are drawn for family decision-making, family identity and consumer–brand relationship theory.  相似文献   

我国农村土地集体所有制中的主体虚位与对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李曼  张松松 《商业研究》2004,(3):137-138
农村土地集体所有制的创建是对土地国家所有和农民个人私有的一种折衷 ,但这种设计的一个重要假设便是“农村集体”能够成其为一个完备而坚定的主体 ,但实践证明这种假设不能够成立 ,我国农村土地制度改革必须纳入到物权化的轨道上来 ,而且要在期限上还原农村土地的本来价值。这样的要求最终应该由引进“永租权”制度来解决。  相似文献   

Four hundred and eighteen randomly selected South Australian women answered 18 opinion statements about women's roles, as part of a general postal survey. The results showed that most women supported equality between the sexes, the importance of parenting and mother roles, and physical appearance. However, there were many statistically significant differences between members of demographic groups; generally younger and more-educated women favoured equality more, and valued motherhood less for personal fulfilment than older, less-educated women. Women in paid employment placed less value on traditional domestic roles and more on equal pay than those not so employed. The relationships of these findings to recent changes in women's roles within and outside the family are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse the evolution of productivity in the service sector for the Spanish Regions during the period 1986-94. The study environment has been limited to marketed services. Within this group of activities, we set out an analysis for different branches of activity - credit and insurance, transports and communications, and other marketed services. The methodology used includes tools such as data envelopment analysis to measure technical efficiency, the Malmquist indexes to determine the evolution of the productive change and the break-up of total efficiency into intra-sectorial efficiency and composition efficiency. The results at a national level show a tendency to drop of total efficiency until 1990 and a later recovery until the end of the analysed period. This evolution is explained by the behaviour of the composition efficiency, while the intra-sectorial efficiency maintains quite a uniform growth in this period.  相似文献   

王锐  熊键 《商业研究》2003,(6):125-129
个人信用征信是解决我国目前信用缺位、维护市场经济秩序的有力手段。我国加入WTO的服务贸易特定义务承诺对国内个人信用征信业的长远发展产生了较为不利的影响 :由于我国对消费者个人信息隐私权保护立法的缺失而创设的行业经济租可能导致大量的寻租活动和巨大的社会成本。为了使我国建立伊始的个人信用征信体系能得到较全面的法律基础支撑、与国际惯例接轨 ,需要以立法的形式保护消费者的个人信息隐私权以使个人信用征信业的外部成本内在化。  相似文献   

Typically, nonprofit and public institutions offer their customers services as opposed to manufactured, marketed, tangible products. Marketers in the not-for-profit and public sectors must be aware of the ways in which traditional, product-bound marketing tools must be changed to accommodate the unique nature of services. This paper considers how measures of customer satisfaction are inadequate to capture satisfaction with services especially in the situation typical to nonprofits where the customer (purchaser) of the service, is a different person from the consumer (user) of the service. This customer-consumer differentiation is necessary because it appears that in the case of high involvement services in which the customer is not the consumer, inflated satisfaction ratings occur when conventional measures are applied. It is argued that these ratings may be caused by a desire to avoid dissonance or by a faulty attribution process, but whatever their cause, new measures of satisfaction need to be developed to accommodate the special nature of these services.  相似文献   

马克思"重新建立个人所有制"的思想是对共产主义社会所有制关系的科学设想,它是马克思主义政治经济学的基本理论之一,同时也是国内外学者讨论的焦点之一,尤其是对于"个人所有制"涵义的理解众说纷纭,莫衷一是。实际上,国内学者关于马克思重新建立个人所有制的争论焦点多数是针对译文的而非理论本身。通过对《资本论》第一卷德文四个不同版本及其中译版的考察可以看出,马克思"重新建立个人所有制"更应该理解为重新建立生产资料全社会共同占有基础上的"个人财产"。  相似文献   

本文认为,确认农村集体土地所有权是目前我国农民最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题。农村集体土地所有权主体确认是一个重要的理论和实践问题,需要综合考虑我国农村土地制度的历史沿革、时代特征、公平与效率、当代农民对土地的根本要求以及意识形态观念等诸种因素的影响。农村集体土地所有权应该确认给农民,这主要有五个方面的依据,即历史依据、效率依据、公平依据、现实依据和意识形态依据。文章提出,没有抽象的社会主义集体土地所有制,只有具体的社会主义集体土地所有制。将农村集体土地所有权确认给农民,并以"土地所有权证券化 土地经营权家庭化"作为农村集体土地所有制的有效实现形式,在实践上将给家庭联产承包经营模式注入新的活力,推动其进一步完善,促进农业生产力的发展;在理论上将对社会主义市场经济条件下马克思主义农业合作化理论的进一步发展作出新的贡献。  相似文献   

从宏观层面来看,FDI企业的技术水平总体高于国内企业,当劳动力由FDI企业转向国内企业或建立新企业从而引致技术溢出,而新企业的建立势必涉及到融资这一事实,本文认为融资效率高低在促进劳动力流动进而引起FDI溢出方面起着重要作用,融资效率的提高会提高劳动力由FDI企业流出建立自己的企业从而加速技术溢出的可能,意味着劳动力流动产生的技术溢出同时增加了FDI企业和国内企业的产出,即增加整个社会的边际产出。围绕这些问题,本文针对FDI溢出效应将放大金融市场对经济增长的影响的问题展开了一定层次的论证,结果显示:融资效率与FDI的联合作用并没有对经济增长产生显著影响,表明通过劳动力流动这一途径发生的FDI溢出从宏观层面上来看并不明显。  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly important in the healthcare setting to treat patients as consumers and measure their satisfaction with medical services rendered. As such, patient satisfaction should be considered an important output of a country's healthcare system, basically reflecting the stage of its development. The conducted study tested students’ satisfaction with the quality of service provided by student polyclinics. In particular, the study has analysed the impacts of personal relationships, promptness and tangibility on student satisfaction. The findings imply that all three factors significantly affect patient satisfaction, with personal relationships having the strongest impact. Such results suggest that healthcare providers should encourage their doctors to devote more time to their patients and show genuine concern for patients’ problems if they wish to improve overall satisfaction of their patients with the delivered services.  相似文献   

The sectoral shift from manufacturing to services is one of several potential explanations for increasing income inequality in the United States. This article reframes national-level explanations of rising inequality at the level of urban labour markets and assesses their relative contributions to levels and trends in metropolitan income inequality. We find that sectoral shifts, especially the rates of deindustrialisation and employment growth in personal services, significantly affect changes in Gini indices for the largest constant-boundary MSAs between 1980 and 1990. In addition, rising metropolitan inequality is associated with the trend towards self-employment and such supply-side factors as local education levels, changing family structure and immigration. The study provides mixed support for the mismatch and global cities hypotheses.  相似文献   

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