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In the last few years ‘green’ movements, institutions and governments have forced many companies to improve their environmental performance. As a consequence of this growing interest in the environment, many firms established integrated relationships with their suppliers to design new ‘green’ products. Unfortunately, no model has been suggested to support the decision-maker in the selection of the most effective supplier from an environmental viewpoint. Hence, the objective of the paper is to design a conceptual approach that first identifies measures for assessing a supplier's environmental performance and, secondly, suggests effective techniques for developing the supplier selection procedure according to an environmental viewpoint.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a survey among 613 firms in the Dutch hospitality industry adopting a demarcation perspective. The paper illustrates that innovation in this service industry is much higher and more varied than regularly reported. It further indicates that innovation activities in ‘low-tech industries’ can be in place with less formalized forms of (service) innovation management. Finally, it is shown that a higher innovation intensity is associated with better firm performance. Based on this, some implications for managing innovation in the hospitality industry are discussed. Finally, some fundamental issues in the measurement of service innovation are raised.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate factors motivating travellers to continue knowledge sharing across four countries and how these factors vary among answerers, lurkers, and askers. We utilised structural equation modelling to analyze the data gathered from a sample of 6,803 travelers in four countries. Findings indicated that the influence of subjective norm, reputation, shared language, satisfaction, and commitment on continuance of knowledge sharing was greater in developing economies compared with developed economies. The findings also indicated that shared language and reputation enhancement are positively related to attitude towards users behaviour to continue knowledge sharing for answerers, lurkers, and askers. Knowledge demand is positively related to attitude for only lurkers. Moreover, travellers are most apt to continue knowledge sharing regardless of their original intentions in emerging economies compared with developed markets. This study aids practitioners to carry out specific targeted measurements and develop new marketing strategies to meet the needs of each segment.  相似文献   


This paper details the rebranding process undertaken by the UK co-operative movement and provides an understanding of the strategic issues involved in maintaining a coherent brand identity across a group of autonomous, independent societies. The methodology uses previously unpublished and archive material from across the movement. This is followed by a series of semi-structured interviews with Board Directors, senior management and individuals responsible for implementing the rebranding strategy. The rebranding exercise took almost ten years and the research identifies nine (non-discrete) overlapping stages. The paper argues that while many parallels can be drawn with the corporate rebranding literature, the need to achieve compromise and consensus combined with the independence of those participating creates issues not detailed in previous academic studies.  相似文献   

The global marketplace is resulting in an ever-increasing networked and digitalised landscape where organisations compete as integrated supply chains. This paper explores the impact that the digital networked environment has on the traditional shipping services industry. The research contribution has four aspects: (1) most research efforts focus on high technology sectors; this research emphasises the need for information communication technology (ICT) adoption in a non-high technology sector; (2) the research highlights the importance of ICT in achieving competitive advantage in the complex environment of shipping; (3) complexity principles are applied to the discussion on ICT; and (4) the link between ICT and the development of dynamic capabilities is created.  相似文献   

The severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world has caused consumers to think about environmental issues. Although green products are very important to environmental sustainability, the factors that influence consumers' purchase behavior of green products is unclear. This study aims to explore the impact mechanism of social media marketing on consumers' green product purchase behavior in the post-pandemic era. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study constructs an extended TPB model to understand the influencing factors of Chinese consumers' green product purchase behavior in the post-pandemic era. The empirical results of 489 questionnaires show that social media marketing, product knowledge and crisis awareness have a direct or indirect positive influence on purchase intentions. Perceived behavioral control and intentions have positive effects on behavior. The attribution of responsibility facilitates the relationship between intentions and behaviors. The results have important implications for enterprises’ sustainability strategies and provide a framework for investigating green buying behaviors in Chinese culture in the post-pandemic era.  相似文献   

Historically minded social scientists who analyse business and industrial development over time – including business historians – often deploy the term ‘industry’ as if its meaning were both self-evident and unchanging through time. This article uses the case of the international industrial gases industry over the course of 12 decades to demonstrate some ways in which a more critical and dynamic view of ‘industry’ – in combination with recognition of the imperfect overlap between firms on the one hand and industries on the other – enables better understanding and analysis of both.  相似文献   


Existing research on social capital has primarily focused on examining the outcomes of social capital, whether these are about individual, organizational or even societal outcomes. However, much research is still needed in terms of examining how social capital is created. We contribute to filling this gap by examining the ways in which social capital is created in urban communities in an emerging economy. Social capital, in this study, is viewed as being created as a consequence of an organization’s disruptive innovation. We analyse the context of Go-Jek, a rather newly established service firm in Indonesia, and examine how the disruptive innovation of Go-Jek’s service provision influences the creation of social capital in terms of social connectedness, trust, and shared understanding, in Indonesia’s urban communities.  相似文献   

This paper examines emerging market multinational corporations’ (EMNCs’) knowledge transfer (KT) in emerging markets using case studies of Chinese MNCs (CMNCs) in Africa. CMNCs are found to transfer “relevant knowledge”, existing knowledge reconfigured so that recipients can apply it more effectively with less effort in the new context. Relevance is ensured through recipients exerting ownership of the KT process, influencing what knowledge is transferred and how it is transferred. We summarise EMNCs’ KT process in a “relevant knowledge recipient ownership model”. The model contributes to KT theory by refining and empirically testing a new type of knowledge – relevant knowledge – and a new transfer model – recipient ownership – associated with EMNCs. It leads to a “relevance-based view” in which EMNCs’ competitive advantage in emerging markets is significantly enhanced by knowledge relevance rather than superiority. This contributes to a better understanding of EMNCs’ competitiveness in emerging markets as created from distinct characteristics of their relevant knowledge (applicability, assimilability, affordability) and recipient-driven transfer (selection, scrutiny and synthesis).  相似文献   

The separation of science resources and the manufacturing industry in China has given rise to R&;D alliances between R&;D institutes and sponsoring enterprises. As a result, R&;D alliance of various types has become a main route of technology innovation in China. Drawing upon relevant literature on R&;D alliance management, this research empirically explores the impacts of relationship pattern, control strategy chosen by sponsoring enterprises, and alliance members’ continuity expectation on alliance performance. Results show that motivation-based alliance control approaches, including proper allocation of alliance control rights, sustained strengthening of alliance members’ continuity expectation, and enhancement of mutual relationship and friendship among alliance members, are more effective than process or outcome control approaches for improving alliance performance.  相似文献   

Small Business Economics - This paper investigates the relationship between green/non-green technologies and firm growth. By combining the literature on eco-innovations, industrial organisation and...  相似文献   

With the advent of globalization, the track record of multinational corporations (MNCs) has been mixed at best in relation to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involvement in developing countries. This article attempts to cross-fertilize insights from the business-society and international business political behavior literature streams to identify relevant dimensions and contingencies that can be used to analyze the CSR of MNCs in developing countries and the extent of standardization or localization of their strategies. The article makes use of the new theoretical framework in the context of an interpretive research methodology to examine the CSR orientations of a sample of MNC subsidiaries in Lebanon. The findings reveal patterns of global CSR being diffused to developing countries, but also being diluted along the way in view of specific subsidiary endowments and host market characteristics.  相似文献   

Young consumers represent a powerful engine in the development of environmentally conscious population as well as a promising market for green products. Marketers and organizations are therefore increasingly developing strategic marketing campaigns and environmental education programmes that target the young consumer segment. This study aims to examine a number of rational, moral, emotional and self-identity factors that may facilitate or impede green purchase behaviour among young consumers in an emerging market, Vietnam. A paper-based survey was employed to collect data from university students, which yielded an effective sample of 289 respondents. Multivariate statistics revealed that most factors (i.e. knowledge, attitudes, personal norms, self-identity and perceived barriers) significantly affected consumer purchase of energy efficient appliances, except for subjective social norms and warm glow. From these findings, implications for marketers, policy-makers and other stakeholders engaged in promoting green products are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper explores the social dynamics by means of which market forces are enacted at the level of everyday consumption. In particular, it draws on Holt's (2002 Holt, D.B. 2002. Why do brands cause trouble? A dialectical theory of consumer culture and branding. Journal of Consumer Research, 29: 7090. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) notion that as ‘unruly bricoleurs’, consumers kick-start processes of market adjustment and innovation through improvising ways to negotiate the demands of daily life. In this way, consumers can become active players in realising new possibilities for identity construction and empowerment that involve the creative re-appropriation of marketer-based meaning. To investigate those issues, we turn to a virtual community in the empirical setting of car customisation. Over an eight-month period, an internet-based methodology generated textual observations of online posting activity on five internet newsgroups attracting those interested in the particular pursuit of car modification. Participants used those web-forums to share information, passions, and enthusiasms. Analysis shows that grounded aesthetics function as vehicles for creativity and the reworking of dominant market logics (Vargo & Lusch, 2004 Vargo, S.L. and Lusch, R.F. 2004. Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing. Journal of Marketing, 68: 118. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We conclude that online discussion threads offer valuable access to the emergent interplay of discursive resources in circulation among virtual communities and that this has implications for the conduct of environmental scanning. The paper illustrates how the discursive resource-base is nurtured, sustained, and transformed through various interpellations, including performing claims to prestige and self-defining distinctions, as well as constructing narratives of personal history and social dynamics.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):376-398
The literature relating to networks and organizational culture has acknowledged trust to be a valuable intangible asset. This article reviews the theoretical literature and the limited empirical research on trust in relation to business organizations and activity. Within this framework, the early history of Burroughs Wellcome & Co. reveals the importance of trust in building a cohesive organization and in establishing a reputation with the medical profession and with the trade. The study shows the construction of trust to have been an essential dimension in the company's growth to become the leading pharmaceutical manufacturer in Britain by 1914.  相似文献   

If social scientists take natural science as a model, they may err in their predictions and may offer facile ethical views. MacIntyre assails them for this, but he is unduly pessimistic about business, and in rejecting the separation thesis he raises some difficulties about naturalism. Aristotle’s views of the good life and of the close relationship between internal and external goods provide a corrective to MacIntyre, and in fact suggest how virtues can support social capital and thus prevail within and among firms in competitive markets. Aristotle’s views are not necessarily inimical to those underlying modern democratic capitalism, but they raise questions about the limits to the good life. The separation thesis misses the importance of addressing the questions with both empirical and ethical resources.  相似文献   

In modular assembly, car manufacturers can choose to assemble the modules internally or to outsource the units assembling the modules. These module assembly units (MAUs) can be located inside or outside the assembly plants. This paper analyzes the conditions provided for MAU performance by ownership and location, the constitutive dimensions of a MAU's organizational form. Based on a case study at Volvo and theoretical arguments, the paper shows that organizational forms provide different conditions for MAU performance. It is concluded that no organizational form is best and that different forms should be used. It is also concluded that companies must control MAUs, which influences how the conditions provided by different organizational forms can be utilized.  相似文献   

Despite its relevance to retailers, studies of consumers’ deal knowledge have been few. This study explores consumers’ deal knowledge before, during, and after the store visit applying a between-subjects field-study design with 1204 respondents. In particular, the authors investigate perception of deal price status, typical deal price knowledge, and deal-spotting ability. Results show reasonably stable knowledge of typical deal prices, while knowledge of deal price status and deal-spotting ability improves significantly during grocery shopping. Surprisingly, consumers’ deal knowledge is not conditional on purchasing a special thus indicating that most consumers, consciously or unconsciously, scan for promotion signals when shopping groceries. In addition, the results suggest consumers are not easily fooled, as the vast majority is able to spot ‘good’ and ‘bad’ deals, while also possessing typical deal price knowledge. Furthermore, the findings suggest that consumers store internal reference deal prices. Retailers are therefore well advised to consider mixed depth and creative discount patterns to prevent ‘perfect’ perceptions of typical deal prices.  相似文献   

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