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This paper investigates the provision of financial services by banks as a two-stage production process involving three different basic activities. The first stage includes service activities, while the second stage comprises both investment-related and risk management activities. Financial services performance is assessed in terms of service efficiency and investment and risk management efficiency for years 2002–2010. The major empirical findings are that the Internet-primary bank is more efficient than most branching banks in deposit-raising activities, but with regard to investment and risk management activities, there are many brick-and-mortar banks that match the online bank performance.  相似文献   

我国商业银行碳金融业务研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"碳金融"是指服务于限制温室气体排放的相关金融活动。我国商业银行开展碳金融业务可以促进经济健康发展,推进商业银行经营战略转型并使其收入结构优化,培养商业银行良好的社会信誉。开展碳金融业务应健全碳金融交易法律法规,完善政策制度建设,制定操作性强的碳金融实施细则;培养碳金融业务方面的人才;加大银行对低碳项目的资金支持力度;增强我国商业银行碳交易中间业务创新能力;加强碳金融风险识别与防范。  相似文献   

In this study the researchers adopt two DEA methods – Banker-Charnes-Cooper and Super Efficiency – to investigate whether a bank's technical efficiency is significantly different when capital adequacy (risk) is specified compared with when capital adequacy (risk) is not specified. The information is obtained from 46 Taiwanese banks for the period 2000 to 2002. The Malmquist total factor productivity (TFP) index is employed to measure the impact of productivity change on the panel data. The empirical results from the DEA approach are summarized as follows: (1) Capital adequacy is proven to be an influential factor in evaluating the efficiency of banks. (2) The average efficiency scores of banks with high capital adequacy (>8%) are significantly higher than those of banks with lower capital adequacy (<8%). (3) The efficiency scores of banks with high risk capital requirement (above the average) are higher than those of banks with lower risk capital requirement (under the average). (4) Banks with both high capital adequacy and high risk capital requirement are superior in performance than all the other banks, while banks with both low capital adequacy and low-risk capital requirement performance are the worst by contrast. (5) Based on the Malmquist total TFP index, we find that bank productivity has not increased.  相似文献   

现阶段,随着商业银行面临的风险日益复杂,个人贷款存在的问题也日益突出.主要是:缺乏对风险管理的认识和识别体系,风险识别能力较低,尚未采用风险度量与管理的先进技术.同时,立法工作滞后,管理不到位,管理效率低.应采取有效措施进行风险管理与控制,引进西方银行风险管理经验,扩大商业银行业务范围与实现分散化经营,在政府主导下创立统一完善的个人信用制度,从而强化相关风险的规避,促进个贷业务健康快速地成长.  相似文献   

In this study, we adopt a stochastic cost frontier method to investigate the influence of off-balance sheet (OBS) activities on the cost efficiency of Taiwan's banks. We estimate and compare cost inefficiency with or without OBS outputs of 46 Taiwanese commercial banks during the period, 1998 through 2001. The conclusions of this empirical study are as follows. First, omitting off-balance sheet outputs in estimating the cost frontier function of banks results in an underestimation of bank efficiency by approximately 5 per cent. Second, large banks are associated with a higher cost efficiency and have an increased ability to develop OBS activities. This is consistent with Taiwan's regulatory policies, which focus on promoting efficiency in the banking industry of emerging markets. Banks with higher employee productivity are also more cost efficient. Finally, we observe evidence of economies of scale in both models with or without OBS specification in Taiwan's bank industry. Economies of scope between loans and OBS outputs are also observed.  相似文献   

We investigate the impacts of market structure and bank risk taking on the efficiency of Chinese commercial banks, employing a two-stage semi-parametric data envelopment analysis model. Our empirical results show that the intense market competition compels Chinese commercial banks to develop advanced technical experience and skills, thus improving their technical efficiency. Besides, the technical efficiency is positive associated with the risk taking. Since more risk taking implies a credit expansion of Chinese commercial banks based on the soft risk constraint, the improvement of technical efficiency may accompany an accumulation of banking risks in the current financial system of China.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,全球商业银行中间业务由于其本身具有风险小、收益高的优点发展迅猛,中间业务收入已成为商业银行的主要收入来源。而我国商业银行中间业务起步晚,收入比重低,品种少,创新能力不足,专门人才匮乏。随着中外银行的激烈竞争,我国商业银行在发展中间业务上必须尽快完善组织管理,强化产品开发,实施有效市场营销,优化服务手段,加强中间业务人才输入,从而真正从中间业务中获取利润增强银行整体竞争力。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的多元化发展,股份制商业银行越来越多,而中小型商业银行的迅速发展也造成了一些风险问题。烟台银行做为一家股份制商业银行,在2008年到2012年屡次出现管理层利用职务之便以权谋私的操作风险大案。主要原因在于烟台银行没有将操作风险作为风险管理的重点,岗位设置缺乏制约;没有严格的管理和执行制度,缺乏对交易的审核和披露等。我国中小型商业银行应加快提高银行对操作风险防控的意识,完善银行的内控管理;加强公司治理,审批负责人互相牵制;加大操作风险的科技投入,加快落实重要岗位轮岗制度,增强社会监督的作用。  相似文献   

监管层提出对"系统重要性银行"和"非系统重要性银行"进行分类管理的思路,表明在强化宏观审慎监管过程中,微观个体宏观审慎经营行为仍然起着重要的作用。新巴塞尔协议对于银行信用风险的监控和计量有了更加严格的规定,然而对于涉及到衍生品的市场风险只是强调银行要根据自身的交易业务进行合理评估,这样便使得衍生品的市场风险成为了银行整体风险中最不稳定的因素。本文基于极值分布、Copula连接函数和蒙特卡洛模拟理论,获得商业银行包括利率期货、利率期权、利率互换在内的单个利率衍生品的风险度量指标,如VaR,CVaR,EVA,RAROC,EC,并得到衍生品组合的风险度量指标,这些指标可以帮助商业银行更加清晰地了解自身的潜在风险。同时,商业银行在给定风险容忍度VaR下能得到各种衍生产品的最优配置,从而为银行的投资决策提供参考。  相似文献   

信用衍生产品的微观金融效率主要体现在信用衍生产品对商业银行和机构投资者金融效率的影响。具体而言,信用衍生产品对商业银行的资产业务效率和风险管理效率都有较大的促进作用;机构投资者在证券市场的投资方式将发生巨大改变。  相似文献   

城市商业银行异军突起,成为银行业发展最快的新生力量。为寻求长远发展,城市商业银行应进行战略成本管理。由于价值链分析是战略成本管理的核心,城市商业银行价值链中的战略环节包括研究开发、市场营销和客户服务环节,所以战略成本管理应围绕服务中小企业、实施金融产品差异化、开发战略联盟和发展网络银行四个方面进行。  相似文献   

VaR方法在我国商业银行市场风险管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国金融市场不断地对外开放,现有的风险管理方法已不足以应对日渐加大的市场风险,加强商业银行市场风险管理已经刻不容缓.通过运用VaR市场风险计量方法的基本原理,结合实例,从规避市场风险入手,对我国商业银行市场风险管理中的优势和局限性进行分析,得出VaR方法应当被作为我国商业银行实施风险管理和控制的必要程序,应创建并完善应用VaR方法进行风险管理所需的条件,即风险管理的数据信息化建设,建立合理的内部评级方法,风险管理的团队建设等结论,从而增强我国商业银行抵御市场风险的能力.  相似文献   

我国商业银行市场营销中存在的问题与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,市场营销在我国商业银行中刚刚起步,由于垄断式经营的惯性作用,形成了一种非理性的无序行为,有许多活动甚至脱离了市场营销的基本理念。这主要源于理论研究缺乏系统性,营销组织体系不健全,缺少专业营销人才及相应的营销策略与手段。我国商业银行要在日益激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,必须树立正确的市场营销观念,理解现代市场营销的内涵,培养造就一支高素质的营销队伍,制定竞争性营销策略,建立高效的营销服务体系,借鉴国外先进的营销模式,创造性地开展营销,对产品和服务进行全过程的市场营销,全面提升中国金融品牌的市场竞争能力。  相似文献   

Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the pressure for bank reforms has mounted as China ought to have fully opened up its financial market to foreign competition by 2006. Efficiency is key for domestic banks to survive in a liberalised environment, but it appears that the last hope for raising bank efficiency is through ownership reform. Whether ownership reform and foreign competition can solve China's banking problem remains to be tested. This paper aims to answer this question using a non‐parametric approach to analyse the efficiency changes of 15 large commercial banks during 1998–2005. We find that ownership reform and foreign competition have forced Chinese commercial banks to improve performance, as their total factor productivity rose by 5.6 per cent per annum. This coincides with the recent bullish Chinese stock markets led by three listed state‐owned commercial banks. Despite such encouraging results, we remain cautious about the future of Chinese banks, as the good results may have been artificially created with massive government support and the fundamentals of the banks may be still weak.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study of customer knowledge management (CKM) of Taiwanese service businesses in China. Over 600 questionnaires were sent out to the Taiwanese directors and staff in 150 Taiwanese service businesses in Kun-Shan City, China, with 322 valid responses included in the study. Four relationships were examined in the study: the correlation between CKM and organizational performance, between CKM and the learning organization, between organizational performance and the learning organization, and finally the effect of the learning organization on the relationship between CKM and organizational performance. Findings and conclusions are discussed.  相似文献   

二战结束后,日本利率政策基本经历了三个阶段的历史变革,每个阶段都对国内商业银行的发展产生了重要影响。日本商业银行在前两个阶段中经历了风险酝酿和危机爆发后,于第二个阶段末开始加强风险管理,使银行系统的稳定性得以提升。我国当前的利率市场化改革给商业银行发展带来了相对复杂的外部环境,日本商业银行风险管理的经验和教训对于我国商业银行加强风险管理建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

姚少华 《商业研究》2003,(23):72-74
现代西方商业银行根据不同利益主体权利和责任结构的不同主要分为两种比较典型的公司治理模式:以美、英为代表的市场主导型的模式和以德、日为代表的出资者主导型的模式。分析这两种公司治理模式下现代西方商业银行风险管理的特点,在借鉴的基础上提出了完善我国商业银行公司治理下风险管理的构想和建议。  相似文献   

中国商业银行运行效率和获利效率的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法对中国商业银行的运行和获利效率进行了研究,指出国有商业银行在提供金融服务效率上要高于股份制商业银行,但在获利效率上不如股份制商业银行,同时指出中国商业银行运行效率和获利效率不存在相关性。  相似文献   

商业银行信贷风险管理的粗糙集方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着金融市场的全球化及其波动性的加剧,商业银行信贷风险的管理受到国内外金融界广泛关注,信贷风险的评估更是成为研究的焦点。运用粗糙集理论,从信贷历史数据出发,对商业银行的信贷风险管理进行研究。研究的目的是找出蕴涵在历史数据背后的规律,力图为金融风险管理部门建立合理的评估体系提供理论指导,为商业银行的信贷决策提供依据。  相似文献   

我国商业银行在信贷管理手段、体制、控制制度等诸多方面与外资银行有较大盖异.管理权限过度集中,没有明确的贷款风险责任制,致使国内商业银行尚未有效建立以风险防范为核心的信贷长效机制,存在的不良贷款还没有完全化解,新增风险不断出现.应建全约束与激励相统一的信贷考核机制和综合信用评级制度;改进商业银行信贷管理体制,增加基层行信贷权限;完善信贷风险防范机制,实行严格的责任追究制度,保证商业银行更好地发挥其应有的作用.  相似文献   

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