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A higher growth rate of the service sector prices, rather than prices in the manufacturing sector, through time is known as cost disease in the service sector. This paper investigates supply and demand-side reasons for cost disease. First, we present an analysis of the supply side of the cost disease, when services and manufacturing play their role both in the intermediate and final demand. Second, we consider a CES utility function for the consumer, which is a function of two commodity services and manufacturing. The results indicate that there are two reasons for cost disease to occur from the supply side in an economy: first, when the growth rate of total factor productivity and technological progress in services is less than that in the manufacturing sector, and second, when the elasticity of substitution between labor and manufacturing input in the services production function is large and elasticity of substitution in manufacturing production function is small. From the demand side, the result shows that the cost disease occurred if the growth rate of the income elasticity of service is more than the manufacturing sector through time.  相似文献   

传统的考核体系以单纯的利润指标作为考核业绩的标准,但利润大并不代表业绩就一定好,引入经济增加值指标可以克服传统的业绩考核的缺陷。考核体系又称为银行经营管理的指挥棒,将价值管理思想融入银行,实现银行价值最大化是商业银行经营的最终目标,科学的绩效考核评价体系是实现这一目标的保障。因此,在商业银行建立以经济增加值为基础的绩效考核评价体系,是提升商业银行竞争力的重要举措。  相似文献   

Comparison websites, also known as aggregators, have become a prominent aspect of e-business. They enable users to specify their requirements and then select from a range of sellers usually ranked according to price. Comparison websites also appeal to sellers as they refine users who are then more likely to buy. This paper analyses comparison websites using Amit and Zott's value creation in e-business model, with a specific focus on the service sector, drawing on secondary material and case studies from the UK. The paper also outlines the limitations of the value creation model, implications for practitioners and outlines areas for future research.  相似文献   

Beyond the existing SERVQUAL-based research, the authors develop an alternative model of public service quality. The various sources of public service quality are explored and a new classification scheme formulated by using critical incidents technique. Four main qualities of public service are identified: process quality, outcome quality, design quality, and relationship quality. The findings suggest that the critical attributes of public service quality for customer satisfaction differ according to the types of customers in the public sector. Final customers (beneficiaries) give priority to the process and outcome qualities, whereas intermediary customers (social workers) have high regard for the design and relationship qualities.  相似文献   


Despite its acknowledged importance, there are few rigorous empirical studies examining Internet retail service quality. An exception is the development of the E-S-QUAL scale by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Malhotra (2005 Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. and Malhotra, A. 2005. E-S-QUAL: A multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality. Journal of Service Research, 7(3): 213233. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Whilst E-S-QUAL demonstrated good psychometric properties in the original study, the scale lacks external validation. This paper presents a reassessment and validation of the E-S-QUAL in the context of the Internet grocery sector. Data were collected via a web-based cross-sectional survey using self-administered questionnaires distributed to online grocery shoppers. A total of 491 usable questionnaires were received. The results show that there are potential discriminant validity problems with the Efficiency and System Availability dimensions of E-S-QUAL. Further analysis shows that a second-order, three-factor model of E-S-QUAL, consisting of Efficiency, System Availability, and Fulfilment, provides the best fit to the data in this study. Privacy is shown to be the least important dimension for the data set in this study.  相似文献   

Many government agencies have outsourced their information systems to software vendors. Firms in the information service industry have to realize the needs of customers in the public sector. This study investigated the causal relationship between users' perception and information technology acceptance. Empirical results suggest that the perceived value of users plays an important and mediating role in the causal relationship among social influence process, cognitive instrumental process, and intention to use.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines service productivity and complements prior studies by framing service productivity as consisting of a number of key constituents. Adopting a bottom-up approach we present an integrative model proposing that resource commitment is the core from which employee readiness and customer readiness flow. These inform service productivity, which, in turn, informs job security. Our empirical examination reveals that service productivity has an impact on perceptions of job security, while resource commitment has the greatest impact on both employee readiness and customer readiness. In developing our integrative model we provide a framework that other researchers can apply, particularly where the service is highly intangible or in the public sector where service providers are being increasingly challenged to demonstrate value for money.  相似文献   

EVA—企业业绩评价的新理念   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
EVA是西方近年来兴起的一种企业业绩评价方法 ,其目的是使公司的管理者能像股东一样行动 ,采取股东价值最大化的行动。在对EVA的理论渊源、EVA的计算、EVA的创新及存在的问题进行了评述的基础上 ,构建我国企业业绩评价系统 ,最终实现企业价值最大化的财务目标。  相似文献   

尚秀芬 《商业研究》2006,(6):99-100
优秀的企业经营者是我国的稀缺资源,是企业发展的主导力量,我国市场经济正处于起步阶段,对经营者的激励约束机制还不够完善,运用经济附加值的基本原理构建企业经营者报酬激励的模型,可以达到提高经营者报酬激励的有效性,改善企业管理和提高企业经营效益的目的。  相似文献   


This study investigates how different aspects of service quality could have effects on overall perception of service quality, perceived value, and service brand equity. Based on a survey of active users of mobile telecommunications services in Taiwan, we obtained the following findings. First, we found that empathy, network quality, reliability, and assurance, but not tangibles and responsiveness, have a significant effect on service quality and value perception. Second, the effect of overall service quality on brand equity is partially mediated by perceived value. Third, overall service quality has differential mediation effects on the relationships between specific service quality dimensions and perceived value. Finally, empathy and network quality have direct effects on brand equity. For managers, our study suggests the importance of identifying key service drivers for building strong service brand for high-tech service firms. The identification of key service drivers could then enable these firms to make strategic decisions on services investments. It also demonstrates the importance of the humanisation of technology for services firms. This study is original in that it explores the path from specific services qualities to service brand equity.  相似文献   

Findings reported in this paper provide improved explanation as to what factors are correlated with price levels across a large sample of 152 countries. The results are obtained from using a new set of variables called economic freedom indices, covering 19 years. Prior studies used income, trade openness, and productivity, which led to results with much less explanatory power compared to findings reported in this paper. We apply advanced panel data econometrics to obtain robust estimates of parameters, which, in our view, led to results with substantially high coefficient of variations close to 90%. The findings show that all the nine dimensions of economic freedom used in this study significantly account for the variations in national price levels.  相似文献   

Mitigating the effect of service encounters   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Although marketers believe that encounters with service employees are a major determinant of customers' perceived service quality and value, there is little empirical evidence that quantifies this relationship. This paper considers the role of employee service encounters, such as repair visits and sales calls, within a comprehensive model of customers' assessments of service quality and value. It is estimated with survey data that describe small business customers' ratings of a local telephone company. In contrast with marketing folklore, most employee service encounters do not affect perceived service quality, but they have a strong effect on perceived service value. By quantifying the effect of sales calls, repair visits, billing contacts and so forth, we find that service encounters frequently do not compensate for service failures and disruptions.  相似文献   


Traditionally, customer value has been examined from the perspective of the firm. New understandings of customer value from the customer-dominant logic perspective of services emphasise the need to move away from the service-dominant perspective and adopt a customer-based approach that considers value within the broader context of a customer’s lifeworld. This article explores how individual customers make sense of their participation in an extraordinary, commercially-driven consumption experience. A phenomenological approach is taken to understand the lived experience of these participants. The findings of this exploratory study reveal the highly complex nature of value in the experience in the chosen context of luxury driving experience days. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors, including ISO 9000 registration, that impact on corporate performance, in a sample of Malaysian companies. To achieve this objective, the annual reports of 162 companies (81 ISO 9000 accredited companies and 81 non-ISO accredited companies) were collected and a performance evaluation model was estimated. The results of the analysis revealed that factors such as ISO 9000 registration, return on assets (ROA), economic value added (EVA) and industrial category (INDCAT) determine corporate performance.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with how the insertion in international trade and global value chains (GVCs) of countries affects their capacity of attracting foreign mergers and acquisitions (M&As). To this end, we combine data for bilateral M&As and trade in value added for the period 2001–15 and estimate an augmented gravity equation. Results indicate that trade openness per se does not favour M&As. Nevertheless, bilateral free trade agreements, heterogeneity of destinations (sources) for exports (imports) of intermediate and final goods, and position and participation in global value chains are relevant for explaining bilateral M&As. Moreover, their role is significantly different depending on the level of development of the home and host countries.  相似文献   

The approach to the life-cycle theory has been used as an analytical tool of the firms' growth. Several researchers argue that organisations move across several development stages where different problems are found resulting from different management styles and priorities, and resources. This research aims to develop an empirical taxonomy of small medium enterprise (SME) growth in the service sector based on life-cycle and resource-based theories. The data were submitted to bivariate and multivariate analyses to develop and test an empirical life-cycle model. It was possible to conclude that the firms could be clustered in three life-cycle stages. Some implications and future researches are addressed.  相似文献   

This article presents a qualitative study exploring service employees’ experiences of quality–productivity tensions in the workplace, and how they cope with such conflicts. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 50 service employees. Content analysis suggests that organization-level conflict derives from the different channels that service organizations use to convey the importance of quality (e.g. training) and of productivity (e.g. rewards) to employees. During service interactions, employees experience conflict when standardization is violated and productivity is threatened. Our results demonstrate and explain employees' strategies for coping with the conflict between productivity and quality and with the ‘double message' they receive about these two goals. Many of these strategies are intended to ensure quality while maintaining productivity. We discuss the study's contribution to service science, and explain existing organizational mechanisms and processes for communicating the importance of quality and productivity to employees. Implications for service management are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the interrelationships between internal customer orientation (ICO), internal service quality (ISQ), and customer orientation (CO) to develop and test a conceptual model of the antecedents of CO in the banking sector. The conceptual framework consists of the following constructs: ICO, interdepartmental conflict, interdepartmental connectedness, ISQ, job satisfaction, empowerment, and CO. Moreover, 10 hypotheses were developed and tested using a sample of 202 banks. Reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis have been used to test the validity of the constructs, while the structural equation modelling has been used in hypotheses testing. The strength of the relationship between the constructs indicates that features of the suggested CO model including interdepartmental connectedness, interdepartmental conflict, job satisfaction, and empowerment are crucial to achieving business performance and CO. The results which emerged from our hypothesised model were found to support that ICO leads to ISQ and in turn CO. In particular, all variables show strong support for our hypothesised model, however, interdepartmental conflict was found to be a negative indicator. Findings suggest that the CO model can be deployed as a means of enhancing organisational behaviour to improve business performance.  相似文献   

在传统分层系统中,信息数据包首先在数据链路层进行数据包级的检错码编码,然后一个数据包对应一个信息分组在物理层进行符号级的纠错码编码,最后送入信道中传输。为提高系统的传输效率,提出了一种基于数据包合并的物理层与数据链路层编码的跨层优化方案,即数据链路层的多个数据包合并对应物理层的一个信息分组,然后进行纠错编码后再传输。通过理论推导得出了使系统传输效率最大的最优合并数据包个数和数据包长度表达式。通过仿真验证了理论推导的正确性,并与传统方案进行了比较,结果表明,该方案能有效提高系统的传输效率。  相似文献   

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