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With the wide prevalence of the balanced scorecard, this study develops and empirically tests a model examining the relations between the customer perspective (relationship bonding tactics, perceived relationship investment, customer satisfaction, trust, commitment and customer behavioural loyalty) and the financial perspective (financial performance). A cross-departmental study in the financial services industry was conducted based on three consumer samples (department of Loans, Deposits, and Credit Cards) drawn from XYZ bank, one of the most famous banks providing merchant banking services in Taiwan. The results show that the customer perspective does have positively significant effects on financial performance, as proposed by the BSC (Balanced Scorecard) and SPC (Service Profit Chain). In addition, the findings suggest that customers purchase financial services according to their perceived relationship to investment retailers, with corresponding bonding tactics, which results in different levels of customer satisfaction and behavioural sequences, and is important in reinforcing customers' trust, commitment, repurchase intentions and corporate financial performance.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的发展,在企业管理中,财务管理的地位日益重要.企业从事生产经营的过程,也就是资金运动的过程,财务管理是对企业资金的管理,是利用价值形式对企业的生产经营活动进行综合性管理,抓好了财务管理,就抓住了企业管理的关键.企业管理应以财务管理为中心,财务管理是否符合企业管理的要求,会计信息的真实性、准确性、和完整性是否能够得到保证,对企业经营管理和决策水平起着重大影响.  相似文献   

This study develops and empirically tests a model for examination of the relations among service quality scales, relationship bonding tactics, customer satisfaction, trust and commitment, and customer behavioural loyalty in a relationship marketing system. This paper aims to test the relationship between perceived service quality satisfaction and relationship intentions, or, in other words, whether or not consumers will consider building long-term relationships with service providers on the basis of a single instance of perceived service quality. Based on three groups of samples from XYZ bank, one of the most famous banks providing merchant banking services in Taiwan, the findings suggest that financial products with different product attributes need different kinds and levels of service and relationship investment. The findings also suggest that there does exist a positive relationship between service quality satisfaction and perceived relationship investment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the linkage between working capital management and corporate performance for a sample of non-financial UK companies. In contrast to previous studies, the findings provide strong support for an inverted U-shaped relation between investment in working capital and firm performance, which implies the existence of an optimal level of investment in working capital that balances costs and benefits and maximizes a firm's value. The results suggest that managers should avoid negative effects on firm performance because of lost sales and lost discounts for early payments or additional financing expenses. The paper also analyzes whether the optimal working capital level is sensitive to alternative measures of financial constraints. The findings show that this optimum is lower for firms more likely to be financially constrained.  相似文献   

Television advertising for financial services accounts for over one-third of total financial services advertising expenditure, yet there is evidence to suggest it is not very well done. Given the difficulties advertisers have to overcome in terms of promoting an intangible product in accordance with tight restrictions on advertising content and format to a largely uninvolved audience, it becomes all the more imperative to study how viewers judge financial services commercials. This paper presents the findings of a study which seeks to establish which elements, if any, of a financial services commercial first make it likeable to its target audience, second motivate the viewer to seek more information about the service being advertised and, third, have an effect on the image the viewer has of the advertiser. Some interesting findings from the research point to the similarities between the emerging factors for viewers' affective reactions to fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and financial services commercials and the extent to which likeability mediates the influence which advertisement execution features have on subsequent behavioural intentions.  相似文献   

We analyse the relationship between institutional systems (configurations of countries with similar institutional characteristics) and firm performance. We use a large sample of firms from understudied countries to explore whether the performance impact of these configurations is the same (“equifinality”), whether this holds across different measures of firm performance (“Tversky effect”), and whether some institutional configurations better support foreign-owned firms. We find that it is possible to rank institutional systems according to their impact on firm performance, but the ranking differs according to the performance measure. Although foreign ownership on average confers performance advantages, the magnitude of the impact depends on the configuration. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the importance of institutional similarities across countries, and to the implications of these similarities for the theory of the MNE.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between productivity and customer satisfaction in marketing consumer services. It presents a conceptual framework that highlights four dimensions of productivity measurement: capacity, perceived quality, profitability, and satisfaction. One of the more distinctive aspects of this presentation is its analysis of productivity from the dual perspectives of both the customer and the service provider. A preliminary formulation of the productivity model emphasizes the high degree of interaction between the evaluation of performance from these two perspectives. A recent service innovation in the area of electronic funds transfer illustrates this framework.  相似文献   

In December 1996, the Canadian Government set up a Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector. One of the terms of reference of the Task Force was to make recommendations to enhance the contribution that financial services could make ‘...to the best interests of Canadian consumers’. To inform its approach to this aspect of its work, the Task Force commissioned research papers on consumers in the financial services sector, drawing not only on Canadian experience, but also on past and present developments in other parts of the world, including Australia, the United States and the European Union. The results of the international research were initially published by the Canadian Government Department of Finance in September 1998 as an appendix to Change, Challenge and Opportunity, the Report of the Task Force (Crown Copyright in this material is noted).1 It was felt that the papers on the situation in the European Union and some of its member states were of interest to a much wider audience, and the Department of Finance gave permission for publication as this special issue of the Journal of Consumer Studies and Home Economics, which invited me to be Guest Editor. I am especially grateful to the authors of three of the national country studies – Joop Koopman (The Netherlands), Rainer Metz (Germany) and Susanne Storm (Denmark and Sweden) – as well as to John Chant and Robert R. Kerton in Canada, whose imaginative approach to the work of the Task Force led to this study being carried out.  相似文献   

Turning skills into competitive performance is a difficult, long term process. An understanding of the firm's business needs has to be married to technical skills. Yet technology is often treated in a cavalier fashion by firms. Successful management fosters organisational procedures which can co-ordinate the incremental building of skills and experience with business need. This is "know-how".  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of the co-operative design, development, and implementation of an XBRL-enabled interorganizational system (IOS) by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, the Reserve Bank of Australia (central bank), and the Australian Bureau of Statistics to revolutionize reporting by financial institutions in Australia. The findings illustrate that the complexity of data consumption patterns drove increased interdependence within the financial information supply chain requiring the co-operative development of context sensitive data exchanges and commodity-like IT infrastructures. The paper concludes that the co-operative model to IOS development exhibited here is likely to be more suited to the development of systems for financial information supply chains than the hub and spoke model characteristic of IOS in other sectors. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research considers the financial services industry in Taiwan and investigates the effect of intellectual capital – namely human capital, organization capital and information capital – on new product sale performance based on cross-functional integration and co-production. The results indicate that intellectual capital, cross-functional integration and co-production have a positive effect on new product sale performance. Also, the results confirm the positive mediate effect of cross-functional integration and co-production on intellectual capital and new product sale performance.  相似文献   

提高企业财务管理质量的几点研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在飞速发展的现代企业中企业财务管理在投资、资金管理、管理模式等方面存在很大的弊端,本文提出了提高人员专业素质、强化资金的管理监督机制、将企业财务管理机构合并成一个企业处(科、股)等改革建议,以期为现代企业财务管理的改革提高一些参考意见.  相似文献   

Islamic Financial Services Industry (IFSI) crosses the age of 40 years, and sufficient empirical evidence exists to evaluate in light of the distinctive aspirations. This study fills the gap in the literature by evaluating the performance of IFSI in light of Islamic finance objectives—financial stability, equitable distribution of wealth and social responsibility; Shari’ah principles, and professional practices. Our investigation documents the achievements based on real accounting data from 23 countries, and the suitability of tools in practice to achieve the stated objectives by promotors of IFSI. Findings suggest that the objectives of IFSI have been achieved to an extent. However, visible contribution to the achievement of socio-economic justice is yet to emerge. Practical application of tools shows divergence (in spirit) from the original design, primarily to achieve integration and coherence with the prevailing conventional financial system. IFSI needs collaborative efforts to overcome the challenges at hand.  相似文献   

This study aims to link the knowledge-based view and the legitimacy perspective in order to explore the determinants of knowledge transfer and regulatory support. We then examine their consequences within a systematic framework drawing upon the institutional view. Examining a sample of 102 Taiwanese manufacturing firms operating in China, the study finds that both knowledge transfer from local suppliers and regulatory support from local governments help foreign firms to enhance their financial performance. The combination of trusting relationships with local suppliers, a foreign firm's knowledge stock, and agglomeration encourage local suppliers to transfer knowledge. Additionally, foreign firms’ knowledge stock is significantly related to regulatory support.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which access to credit, public financial incentives and tax financial incentives affect export performance using the EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-Unicredit data set, covering firms within Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary and the UK during the 2008 global financial crisis. The results show that firms receiving credit or benefiting from public financial incentives display higher export intensity and export a greater number of product lines compared to those that did not, especially in countries with better access to credit and/or financial incentives during the crisis. Further, firms benefiting from tax financial incentives show a better export performance compared to those that did not, regardless of the degree of access to credit and/or financial incentives in the country in which they operate. In addition, the effect of access to credit and public finance incentives on export performance is found to be size-dependent, while the effect of tax financial incentives is not. We suggest that governments should promote publicly funded financial incentives along with conventional schemes, such as R&D subsidies, to promote exports, particularly during a period of financial crisis.  相似文献   

Attention to the relationship between environmental management and financial performance has been growing. Research in this area has, however, tended to focus primarily on manufacturing industries. Our goal in this study is to analyze the relationship between environmental management and financial performance in the context of the service industry. Using a cross-sectional sample of 1,228 service organizations spanning a wide range of business activities, we test a series of five hypothesized relationships using both univariate and multivariate analyses. The results are robust across the dataset and show conclusively that environmental management does indeed positively affect financial performance in the service sector.  相似文献   

This study here examines the role of absorptive capacity as both a mechanism to identify and translate external knowledge inflows into tangible benefits, as well as a means of achieving superior innovation and time-lagged financial performance. Using path analysis in a sample of 461 Greek enterprises participating in the third Community Innovation Survey, this study demonstrates that external knowledge inflows are directly related to absorptive capacity and indirectly related to innovation. Absorptive capacity contributes, directly and indirectly, to innovation and financial performance but in different time spans. This study, therefore, contributes to the understanding of absorptive capacity's antecedents and outcomes by providing empirical evidence of longitudinal form that offers important research and practical implications.  相似文献   

The current study contributes to the institution-based view of internationalization that is contingent upon the home country development. We examine the differential effects of formal and informal institutions on emerging market multinational corporations’ (EMNCs) ownership strategies. Facing a large informal institutional distance that represents diverse cultural beliefs, EMNCs opt for a low ownership position that alleviates legitimacy threat, whereas a large formal institutional distance leads EMNCs to establish dominant ownership control. EMNC home market conditions, including market size and regulatory institutional quality, further explain the differential effects of institutional distances.  相似文献   

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