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随着国际贸易的不断发展,国家文化因素对它的影响作用逐渐得到重视。本文利用中国与31个国家和地区1995-2009年的贸易数据,引入Hofstede的国家文化维度建立中国对外贸易引力模型,研究国家文化距离对中国对外贸易的影响。研究显示,国家文化距离对中国贸易存在双重影响,作为整体变量,它对中国对外贸易有负面影响,作为组合变量,权力距离等几个维度对中国对外贸易有正面影响;此外,国家文化距离对中国进出口贸易的影响程度存在差异。  相似文献   

岳树梅 《商业研究》2006,(13):209-213
中国涉外税法与国际税收惯例及WTO的规则在经济全球化的进程中存在许多冲突,特别是在涉外所得税与关税方面,对于税收管辖权、税收优惠、防范国际避税、国际税收协定等方面的规定。分析涉外税法与国际税收惯例、WTO的一些规则及相互冲突等问题,并对中国涉外税法及适用进行相应的一些改革,这对于达到与国际税收惯例及WTO规则的协调很有必要。  相似文献   

高职高专层次的学生学习基础普遍较差,学习能力不足,而国际贸易是一门技术性、实践性很强的应用学科,因此学生普遍感到国际贸易课比较难,"听不懂".究竟怎样才能让学生更好地理解国际贸易相关课程呢?笔者在教学实践中发现,"具体化"教学是一个非常好的选择.本文详细阐述了国际贸易课采用"具体化"教学法的依据及开展"具体化"教学的主要方法.  相似文献   

This paper examines the trends and emerging issues in trade in educational services. It provides rough estimates of the size of the international market in educational services drawing on the limited data available in services trade statistics and data on foreign students in tertiary education in OECD countries. It outlines the current commitments for trade in educational services under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). It also reviews the implications of the on‐going GATS negotiations for further multilateral trade liberalisation in this sector. It points out that OECD countries have been noticeably reluctant to make proposals for further liberalisation of trade in educational services. One reason for this is the concern in many countries about the potential threats posed to cultural values and national traditions by growing trade liberalisation in educational services. Finally, the paper reviews some of the main policy issues arising from trade in educational services.  相似文献   

While the impacts of culture on international trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) have been much discussed, the influence of languages has been underappreciated in international business. We address this paucity by integrating literature from international economics, international business, Chinese business history, and linguistics to examine the transaction costs of languages. While we recognize that languages represent both a tool in international economic transactions and a vehicle to transmit cultural values, our results point out that this tool is employed differently in international trade and in FDI. Communication costs for both FDI and international trade show a hierarchy, with English the most inexpensive among major trade languages; however, we find that communication costs are much more important in FDI than in international trade. Herein, we offer practical suggestions corporations may implement regarding the matter.  相似文献   

我国已经成为世界贸易大国,但还不是贸易强国。大而不强既有客观因素,也有主观原因。客观上我国经济发展水平还比较低,主观上与我国外贸法律法规不完善、体制机制不健全、外贸政策不配套和经营模式比较落后等有关。当前,我国外贸正处在大发展、大变革、大调整时期,既面临难得的发展机遇,也面临严峻的内外挑战,要以巩固贸易大国地位、推动贸易强国进程为主要目标,以调结构、促协调、提质量为重点,加快外贸发展方式转变,优化外贸国际市场布局和国内区域布局,推进外贸生产基地、贸易平台和国际营销网络建设。  相似文献   

梅燕 《中国电子商务》2013,(18):158-159,161
针对信息化背景下复合型国际贸易专业人才培养的困境,将CDIO的工程教育理念引入到国际电子商务课程建设中.基于国际电子商务传统教学中的问题,从课堂教学和实践教学2个方面重新构建了国际电子商务课程CDIO教学模式.强调项目实践教学及探究式教学方法在该教学模式中的应用,可以通过大量实践教学来巩固学生所学的理论知识与技能,着重培养学生国际贸易实务综合能力包括利用网络平台获取商务信息能力、熟练操作外贸企业信息系统能力、了解电子商务在贸易实务流程中的应用并能熟练操作.  相似文献   

中国对外贸易优势——基于国际分工视角的再研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国对外贸易优势的研究要么结合国际直接投资,要么分析中国出口贸易的RCA指标。本文从国际分工的视角出发,运用国际专业化指标,探讨了中国对外贸易的比较优势。发现中国对外贸易的比较优势主要集中在消费品领域,2004年,资本品领域开始具备了一定的比较优势。中国对外贸易的比较劣势主要集中在半成品以及零部件领域。通过国别研究,我们发现,中国对亚洲国家和地区的对外贸易中,半成品以及零部件领域具有较大的比较劣势。中国对外贸易比较优势形成的关键原因在于加工贸易的贸易政策、外商直接投资企业的作用日益显著以及中国融入了亚洲生产网络等。  相似文献   

李嘉图的比较成本理论作为国际贸易理论不可动摇的基础,具有重要的理论价值。而新兴古典贸易理论的发展,为解释国内贸易和国际贸易提供了一个统一的理论框架。其核心在于该理论独特的分析工具:超边际分析方法。采用新兴古典经济学的超边际分析方法,引入交易效率和偏好,对李嘉图的国际贸易理论进行新的分析,可以得出很多有价值的结论。本文通过建立同时存在李嘉图外生比较技术差异和交易成本的新兴古典模型,探讨了交易效率和偏好对国际贸易的影响。为贸易政策的制定提供了理论依据。一国在制定对外贸易政策时,应从改变交易效率、偏好结构的角度出发,制定有利于本国的贸易政策,从而改善其外贸条件,进一步促进其国际贸易的发展。  相似文献   

目前我国已进入涉外知识产权纠纷高发期,这成为制约我国国际贸易发展的瓶颈因素。文章较为系统地分析了对外贸易中知识产权纠纷的特点,并深入分析其背后的原因,提出了政府宏观层面和企业微观层面化解涉外知识产权纠纷的对策。  相似文献   

技术创新与国际贸易之间存在着一种互动关系,在开放经济系统中,一国技术创新能力的提高不仅取决于本土技术研发,也受到外国技术溢出的影响。通过实证分析得出:改革开放以来,我国本土技术研发与贸易竞争优势间形成了良性的正向互动关系,但外国技术溢出却与我国制造业贸易竞争优势的形成有明显的双向负面关系。  相似文献   

WTO进口救济制度比较及对我国的建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反倾销、反补贴和保障措施制度是国际贸易中常见的贸易救济制度,又称“进口救济制度”。它们在各国外贸法体系中均占有重要地位,WTO法律体制也就其设制了具体的专门规定。面对入世后激烈的国内外市场竞争,国内企业和政府部门应更好地掌握WTO的基本规则,准确地应用三种措施保护民族产业。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,广西对外贸易快速发展,其出口贸易结构也发生了巨大的变化。目前,广西出口商品中以工业制成品为主,私营企业对外出口成为广西最重要的出口类型。广西出口结构仍然存在不少问题,如出口商品技术含量低、出口贸易方式单一等。为了优化出口贸易结构,广西需要加快产业结构调整,优化出口整体结构;积极开拓新兴市场,实施市场多元化战略;大力发展加工贸易,实现贸易方式的多元化;加大对中小企业的扶持。  相似文献   

基于对Antweiler所用回归方法的调整,以工业废水、废气、固废排放量为环境衡量指标,以1981-2007年的相关数据为样本,以净出口对GDP的贡献度等指标推算外贸对经济规模、结构和技术进步的影响系数,对典型高经济外向度地区浙江省的外贸环境效应进行了实证研究。结果表明,浙江省外贸发展所"引致"的规模效应显著为正(增加废弃物排放量),结构效应和技术效应均为负但不能抵消经济规模扩张所带来的正效应,外贸的快速发展是浙江省环境问题突出的重要原因。最后,分别对三种环境效应进行了成因分析并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

Studies on the impact of international investment agreements (IIAs), including bilateral investment treaties (BITs), on foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows have been inconclusive. This paper contributes to the debate about the effectiveness of IIAs using an original database that differentiates between investment agreements according to the quality of investor protection, and which covers a wide variety of trade and investment agreements signed and ratified in the Americas. We find evidence that in the least likely case of south–south FDI flows, high‐quality international investment treaties have a demonstrable effect on foreign direct investment inflows. Moreover, international investment agreements appear to be most effective in a context of deeper economic integration. That is, they work better when they provide higher quality protection to investors and when they are combined with other preferential economic integration agreements, such as trade agreements.  相似文献   

财富观的演进与对外贸易政策的变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,财富观的不同,即人们对财富内涵、财富来源的理解不同,是导致国家对外贸易政策差异的重要原因。财富观的演变是对外贸易政策演进的基本驱动因素。在某种程度上可以说,一国对外贸易政策演变的历史反映了该国主流财富观演进的轨迹。以生产资源配置全球化、消费全球化和经济制度全球趋同为主旋律的经济全球化是世界经济发展的基本趋势。随着现代信息技术、通讯技术、运输技术的发展,经济全球化还将进一步发展,任何拒绝融入全球经济的国家,其国民福利和财富的增长潜力都将受到很大损失。基于此,国际贸易自由化将继续发展,国际贸易政策在重复博弈的过程中将逐步趋同,但在不同产业间,国际贸易政策趋同的程度将有很大差异。  相似文献   

随着美国金融危机的出现和加深,世界经济增长放缓,国际市场需求减少,我国出口贸易和国民经济的发展面临巨大的挑战。为此,政府不断运用出口退税政策对对外贸易进行宏观调控,以实现贸易、经济和社会的平稳、较快和可持续发展。至今我国政府已经进行了8次出口退税政策的调整,具体体现在出口退税政策的调整背景、出口退税的税负主体调整、出口退税的税率调整等方面。  相似文献   


Geographical knowledge about foreign countries is considered to be a significant factor related to the successful marketing of goods and services in international markets-a not insignificant conclusion by experts given the sizable trade deficits run up by the United States in 2000 ($365 billion), 2001 ($346 billion), and 2002 ($435 billion).

Unfortunately, previous research has concluded that U.S. business school students-tomorrow's executives who will make decisions that will impact their firms' international operations-have inadequate levels of international geographical knowledge.

This article compares the geographical knowledge of U.S. business school students to that of business school students in four countries: Ireland, Israel, Mexico, and South Korea. The sub-par performance exhibited by the U.S. students and the impact of six independent variables on global geographical knowledge are used to develop a number of pedagogical conclusions designed to enhance the international geographical knowledge of U.S. business school students and students in foreign business schools and overcome the antipathy toward this subject matter that apparently exists within business schools and their various external constituencies.  相似文献   

浅议国际贸易学科研究领域与方向的拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国对外经济与贸易涉入的领域日益扩大,但国务院学位办和教育部研究生办及很多学校界定的国际贸易学科的研究和学习范围比较狭窄,主要局限于外贸及其与之有关的理论与政策,而对与外贸有直接关系且地位日渐重要的生产要素跨国流动等领域重视不够或不认为是其研究范围,学科名与专业名容易混淆,社会、学生、同行都有误解,影响对人才的培养与就业领域的拓宽,故有必要拓展它的研究领域和方向,将学科名与专业名互换或都定为国际经济与贸易.  相似文献   

Since the early seventies an increasing attention has been paid to the impact environmental polict nmight have on foreign trade. One of the most important issues is whether countries with relatively strict environmental regulations tend to experience a deterioration of international competitiveness and thus a fall in exports and a rise in imports, of the pollution‐intensive commodities or, on the other hand, benefit from the improvement in environmentally more sensitive industries. So far, most empirical studies have concluded that the proportion of environmental costs to the total production costs is still so marginal that environmental policies have hardly any effect on comparative advantage patterns and thus on foreign trade. One of the few exceptions is Van Beers and Van den Bergh (1997), who found that stricter regulations have some negative impact on bilateral trade flows between OECD countries. The aim of this paper is to show that tyhis outcome is partly due to model mis‐specification. The analysis id based on a triple indexed model and on its variants. It is found that, as soon as both the importing and exporting country specific effects are taken into consideration, the relationship between stricter regulations and foreign trade becomes statistically insignificant. This suggests that environmental costs do not have a real impact, neither negative nor positive, on foreign trade.  相似文献   

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