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This study applies the balanced scorecard in building a framework of wealth management (WM) banks' performance criterion and, using the Delphi method, a sub-criteria framework. The organisational performance of WM banks in Taiwan is evaluated by applying an analytic hierarchy process and sensitivity analysis. The proposed model can assist the banking sector in assessing the organisational performance of WM banks, making it highly applicable for bank managers.  相似文献   

战略绩效考核工具——平衡计分卡(BSC)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
平衡计分卡是个战略执行框架,可以解决绩效考核体系与战略脱节的矛盾。成功实施平衡计分卡需要强有力的领导和高层管理人员团队的承诺,员工密切关注这些高层经理是否完全相信并身体力行他们要求员工参与的行动。将平衡计分卡和能力发展与浮动薪酬相结合,可发展和完善平衡计分卡方法,以其设计企业的绩效考核体系,能够有效地保证企业目标的战略性实施。  相似文献   

In an attempt to overcome massive challenges to survive in today's global and volatile marketplace, companies are adopting newer management systems to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. The balanced scorecard (BSC) is one such approach which is gaining significant interest, especially within the small and medium size enterprises. This paper describes a BSC-based composite measuring approach to performance measurement and illustrates how the approach was used by a media outlet in Turkey as part of strategic policing initiative. In the paper, first, a BSC framework was adapted, and then a composite measure was developed thereon to assess the performance of the organization with regard to its strategic business objectives. The scorecard-based composite measure was built around a vision to create superior growth of aggregate value through outlet operations. It was found that by using the suggested framework, it is possible to identify and measure the cause-and-effect relationship of using an effective operations strategy, and to assess its impact on the company's competitive advantages. This research exercise confirms the validity and usefulness of the proposed methodology and offers managerial insights and guidelines for similar implementations.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to compare different approaches to the evaluation of economic performance in tourism. For the first time in tourism, this article simultaneously applies traditional productivity measures as well as parametric and non-parametric techniques to estimate efficiency and compares the results obtained. The empirical application is carried out on a sample of 567 travel agencies operating in Spain in 2004. The results reveal important differences depending on the methodology employed. Overall, none of the methodologies can be said to be better than the rest. These results highlight the importance of considering different approaches when evaluating performance in tourism.  相似文献   

当前,我国经济发展不断加速,信息科技发展较快,企业与企业之间的竞争日渐激烈。像过去那样,依赖竞价手段获得企业成功的案例已经难以见到。当前企业的竞争是综合能力的竞争,涉及诸如品牌、技术、人才、财务、规模、创新等各个方面。因而,过去的基于财务指标的绩效管理体系已经不适用于当前的大多数公司了。面对这样的实际变化,眼界开阔、资本雄厚的大型企业在绩效评价上已经做出了超前的改革。但目前无论在哪个国家,中小企业的数量抑或是对经济增长的推动都高于大型企业。因而,帮助中小企业适应如今的市场竞争模式,为其找到一个良好的绩效管理方式,帮助中小企业良性发展是当前经济发展的重中之重。而面对如此复杂的市场竞争环境,综合多个角度考量的平衡计分卡方法就是解决这一问题的最优解。但是一味地照搬照抄是不现实的,因而本文基于平衡计分卡的应用再结合我国中小企业的实际,分析了当前中小企业运用平衡计分卡的隐患,并提出相应的解决方法,希望为中小企业和平衡计分卡方法“牵线搭桥”。  相似文献   

现代供应链战略联盟是供应链节点上各个企业充分利用各自核心竞争优势相互合作来提高企业自身的竞争优势,实现整个价值链增值最大化的企业战略联盟。为了确保供应链战略联盟中的各个企业能够合理有效的分配利益以及获得利益最大化,就要加强供应链战略联盟的绩效评价。利用平衡计分卡这一工具,从联盟系统指标、客户指标、财务指标、业务流程指标和创新与发展指标等维度设计相应的评价指标,应遵循系统性原则、科学性原则、可操作性原则、战略导向性原则;能够适度反映企业战略思维和经营策略。  相似文献   

An efficient performance measurement system is essential for controlling, monitoring and improving service quality in governmental organisations. In this study, a new ‘government performance evaluating (GPE) procedure’ using a balanced scorecard structure integrated with a fuzzy linguistic scale is proposed for measuring and improving public service. The GPE procedure contributes the following: (1) integration of financial, citizen service and internal work processes as well as learning and growth perspectives in the evaluation procedure; (2) use of a fuzzy linguistic scale to convert the subjective cognition of managers into an information entity and (3) confirmation of improvement.  相似文献   


Business performance measurement and management (PMM) systems are often viewed as relatively recent phenomena, responding to the failure of historical practices which prioritised financial measures. But despite the considerable focus on these systems over the last 25 years, they have not lived up to their early promise. This article looks backwards to understand how practitioners managed their performance in the past. It focuses on two British multiple retailers between 1920 and 1939 and highlights not only the formal processes they adopted but also the role of the informal processes which shaped how they achieved their objectives.  相似文献   

Supply chain management (SCM) is essential for strengthening competitiveness, customer satisfaction, management performance, and achieving continued success. The development of effective measures of SCM performance is crucial to companies. Most corporations place considerable importance on SCM and the concept of balanced scorecard (BSC). Most studies, however, typically discuss SCM and BSC independently without examining their relationship. This study attempts to integrate SCM and BSC based on a thorough discussion of BSC measures in Kaplan and Norton. The main objectives of this study are to evaluate SCM performance using the BSC to thereby assess the business performance of many of Taiwan's industries that have implemented SCM. This study initially utilizes case studies; a research model and hypotheses are modified according to the case study findings. A questionnaire-based survey forms the second phase of data collection and data analysis. The research framework is analyzed and validated. Case study findings indicate that companies use varying degrees of SCM integration. Data analysis supports a positive correlation between SCM integration and BSC and a direct correlation between SCM integration and each BSC dimension.  相似文献   

While the adoption of e-commerce in the purchasing of leisure travel is gaining momentum, higher levels of adoption can be achieved if greater knowledge of the market for e-commerce is obtained. This research uses two variables, involvement with computers for leisure purposes and purchasing leisure travel over the Internet, as a means of segmenting the market with regard to the adoption of e-commerce in the purchasing of leisure travel. A sample of residents of a suburban borough of Lisbon (Portugal) was surveyed and hierarchical clustering was performed on 225 usable questionnaires. The four resulting clusters of residents that emerged were quite different from one another in relation to the adoption of e-commerce in the purchasing of leisure travel and in supporting the internal and external validity of the clustering procedure. One segment that has not been reported in the literature before was identified, comprising those who have moderate involvement with both innovations (the moderate enthusiasts). Moreover, the results suggest that individuals in this cluster may be stronger candidates for the adoption of e-commerce in the purchasing of leisure travel that computer fanatics.  相似文献   

现代企业都处在信息化组合环境之中,因而探讨信息化给企业带来的绩效可以转化成信息化组合环境下企业绩效的改善。为此,引入企业绩效评价体系框架,以平衡记分卡为组织评价指标,通过增量公式来计算信息化组合给企业带来的收益,以便企业在评价中发现不足,为企业绩效的改进提供决策支持。  相似文献   

企业实施战略管理会计的绩效评价体系探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王颖  殷筱琴 《商业研究》2005,(5):122-124
对传统财务指标评价进行了分析与探讨,提出实施战略管理会计的绩效评价体系应在财务评价的基础上,以价值增值指标衡量长期绩效,并增加非财务指标以全面衡量企业业绩。企业应借鉴其经验,完善自身的绩效评价体系。  相似文献   

科技型企业绩效管理一直是人力资源管理者关注的话题,特别是指标体系的构建更是绩效管理的核心.笔者从分析绩效管理与绩效评价的不同着手,引出基于平衡计分卡的关键绩效指标构建思路,结合科技型企业的主营业务类型分析指标体系的构建,以期通过对科技型企业指标体系的研究给同类企业以参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

Although prior research has examined the linkage between strategic orientation and new product performance, existing empirical evidence suggests exploration of the effects of a firm's internal factors on this linkage is required. This study aims to fill the marketing literature gap by addressing how technological capability moderates the strategic orientation‐new product performance relationship. This study measures new product performance as a two‐dimensional construct to avoid the oversimplified bias. Research hypotheses are tested using a sample of 121 information system product projects and a hierarchical regression approach is utilized. Results show that (a) technological capability strengthens the market orientation‐performance relationship and (b) technological capability affects the financial performance effects of market and technology orientations via market performance. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

平衡记分卡与层次分析法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李刚 《商业研究》2003,(24):95-97
平衡记分卡是一种有效的企业绩效测评方法 ,它采用了内部测评的视角 ,有助于联系企业战略和短期行为。在引入了数学模型层次分析法后 ,不仅成功解决了各绩效测评指标的权重确定问题 ,而且也使平衡记分卡成为了一个决策工具  相似文献   

The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and performance has received considerable attention from the family business literature. However, little is known about how EO, organizational parameters, and environmental characteristics act in combination to influence family firm performance. Drawing on the socioemotional wealth perspective, this study proposes a configurational model that considers the performance implications of EO, family management, and environmental dynamism. The empirical analysis indicates that the combination of family management, low EO, and low environmental dynamism engenders the best performance. The paper contributes to the family entrepreneurship literature by identifying the conditions under which EO leads to improved performance in family firms, and answers a recent call for more context‐based investigations of the performance effects of family managers. © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prior research indicates that an inverted U-shaped relationship exists between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance. This study argues that the inverted U-shaped relationship may depend on the level of market orientation (MO). A moderated hierarchical regression based on a sample of 307 non-profit service organizations reveals that an inverted U-shaped relationship exists between each sub-dimension of EO and performance. However, these relationships do not exist for each sub-dimension of MO. When both market intelligence generation and responsiveness are high, the relationship between innovativeness and performance will be in a linear form. Under the condition of high-market intelligence responsiveness, the higher proactiveness will lead to a higher performance level. These findings will better our understanding of the relationship between EO and firm performance.  相似文献   


This article, based in the body of strategic orientation literature, identifies and explores the practices of innovativeness, proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness that make up the strategic orientation implemented by subsistence entrepreneurs to improve business performance. A factor analysis was carried out using the data of 101 entrepreneurs, small artisanal business owners who operate in the subsistence markets in Oaxaca, Mexico. The results show that subsistence entrepreneurs notably engage in innovative and proactive practices, and, to a lesser extent, competitive aggressiveness. The research concludes that a combination of innovativeness with proactiveness is the most viable option for improving performance, whereas competitive aggressiveness impedes its development. Even so, however, it is still implemented by subsistence businesses in order to conserve their market share.  相似文献   

This study uses the strategic group theory to identify business strategies and competitive advantages implemented by Spanish hotels, which are grouped together according to three variables (size, chain affiliation, and category) and the degree of development of the different business strategies. An analysis carried out with the aim of checking the potential existence of significant differences in performance among the strategic groups revealed that the highest performance levels are achieved by larger-sized, chain-affiliated, and higher-category hotels as well as by establishments which base their competitive advantage on category and capacity or size and internal management.  相似文献   

We drew on the literature on ambidextrous organizations to propose that international new ventures (INVs) that concurrently pursue paradoxical pairs of strategies—known as the capability of strategic ambidexterity—can achieve superior performance. These paradoxical strategies are: (a) few investments and many countries, and (b) standardization and innovation. Our hypotheses were tested using data from 70 Canadian INVs. This is the first study that attempts to theoretically and empirically link ambidexterity and INV performance. Our findings suggest that INVs that are capable of pursuing and implementing paradoxical strategies achieve superior performance over those lacking such capability. Copyright © 2008 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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