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The aim of this paper is to examine the European Foundation for Quality Management self-assessment process in order to analyse the similarities and differences between two of the most common self-assessment approaches (questionnaire and workshop). Using a case study methodology, it examines whether the process, the success of this exercise, the difficulties, the benefits and the success factors are the same in these approaches, or whether they are conditioned by the approach chosen. The results show the difficulties, benefits and success factors in workshop and questionnaire approaches and the significant differences between the two approaches. This study is relevant to managers who are faced with making a decision on which approach to self-assessment should be chosen. Managers must select an approach to self-assessment, considering the characteristics and the quality management maturity of the organisation; the level of quality management understanding and the objectives and degree of decentralisation of the self-assessment. Managers should not forget the importance of their commitment in order to promote the process, the need to train team members in order to facilitate self-assessment and the follow-up as a tool to assess the effectiveness of the process.  相似文献   


A number of generic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation frameworks have been developed, yet no systematic framework has been developed to help HEIs orientate CRM strategy to align with university business strategies and stakeholder needs. This research iteratively develops the CRM Strategy Orientation Support (CRM-SOS) framework, which aims to support HEIs in orientating their strategic CRM system at the pre-implementation stage and align CRM strategy with the business strategy; thus, reducing the chance that HEIs will experience CRM implementation failure. To reach our proposed CRM-SOS framework, we employed Design Science Research (DSR) methodology steps by analysing UK HEIs specific CRM implementation case studies, conducting semi-structured HEIs-based interviews, followed by evaluation of the resulted framework by HEI Information Systems (IS) experts. We concluded with a new CRM-SOS framework for HEIs consisting of five stages. The framework can be used to personalise the stages until they fit the strategic outputs and match the top management KPIs. Although existing research agrees that intensive attention should be given to CRM planning, there is no consensus or developed framework, for use within HEIs, demonstrating how CRM strategy can be orientated to align with university strategies and customer needs.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a publication entitled 'Ethics Matters. Managing Ethical Issues in Higher Education', which was distributed to all UK universities and equivalent (HEIs) in October 2005. The publication proposed that HEIs should put in place an institution-wide ethical policy framework, well beyond the customary focus on research ethics, together with the mechanisms necessary to ensure its implementation. Having summarised the processes that led to the publication and the publication itself, the paper then considers whether following the now commonplace corporate practice of implementing a code of ethics is appropriate for such institutions. Drawing on both the empirical evidence in relation to codes in the business ethics literature and a consideration of the nature of the university as an institution, the paper offers an alternative suggestion for how ethical issues in higher education might be managed.  相似文献   

省直管县财政体制改革是深化财税体制改革的重要内容之一。财政的省直管县有利于促进县域经济的发展,增强基层政府公共服务能力,但不能期望仅此改革就能从根本上改变公共服务的基本状况。省直管县改革需要相应的行政管理体制改革与行政区划的调整。政府转型构成财政省直管县改革的持续动力。重构政府间财政关系,重建分税制财政体制亦需摆上议事日程。  相似文献   

E-government has now become a reality for the vast majority of developed countries and, as confirmed by recent EU studies, is also beginning to take root among the developing nations. The challenge that the majority of governments now must take up is not only to introduce a system of e-administration (the traditionally accepted definition of e-government), but also to work towards a system that will hail an era of e-governance or good government. For this to occur, public administrations must make a greater effort to implement e-government systems that allow fluid communication with the general public, thereby achieving a greater degree of participation; the key to success for e-government. This article looks at some of the major government portals to services for citizens in countries across five continents from the point of view of creativity. The analysis of how governments are using creativity to attract public attention to their sites is then compared to recent EU results on participation and depth of services.  相似文献   

The current economic crisis, unsustainable growth, and financial scandals invite reflection on the role of universities in professional training, particularly those who have to manage businesses. This study analyzes the main factors that might determine the extent to which Spanish organizational management educators use corporate social responsibility (CSR) or business ethics stand‐alone subjects to equip students with alternative views on business. A web content analysis and non‐parametric mean comparison statistics of the curricula of undergraduate degrees in all universities in Spain were conducted. The main conclusion of this paper is related to the Bologna effect in Spanish universities. Comparing our results with prior research in this matter, it is demonstrated that the main reason that explains the increase of CSR and ethical education in Spain is the Bologna process and its adaptation to the European Higher Education Area. Also, private universities in Spain are more likely to require an ethics course than public universities. Other factors, such as size, political orientation, or related to CSR chairs are not statistically explanatory of CSR and ethical education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between knowledge spillovers from universities and new business location in high-technology sectors. We focus on the contribution to new business formation through spillovers stemming from three main university outputs: knowledge-based graduates, research activities, and technological knowledge. We construct a new dataset with information on 604 companies and 63 universities in Spain and group the data across 36 geographical areas from 2001 to 2004 (144 observations). After controlling for several traditional cost factors and agglomeration characteristics, we find that university spillovers are relevant in explaining the location of new businesses in high-technology sectors in Spain. Further, our analysis draws attention to the relevance of graduates as the main source of spillovers, while research activities and university technology do not have significant effects.  相似文献   

In recent years, many universities have created entrepreneurship centres which offer a set of services to students, educators and professionals in order to promote entrepreneurial attitudes. The first part of this work focuses on describing a university entrepreneurship programme as a service business. The second part summarises the results of the empirical study, based on the Student Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ) questionnaire administered to 106 students at the Technical University of Catalonia in Spain who attended the entrepreneurship courses offered by the Innova Programme entrepreneurship centre.  相似文献   

Based on experiences gained in the frame of a networking scheme that involves universities from Latin America and Europe, this article addresses international technology transfer (ITT) of climate technology through networks bridging current knowledge and technology gaps between academia, businesses, authorities, and civil society. It is argued that higher education institutions (HEIs) can make a substantial contribution to a sustainable socioeconomic development in Latin America (LA) and at the same time reduce its social vulnerability to climate change impacts. Most research and development in LA is carried out in HEIs, not in industry. Consequently, research agendas are uncoupled from business needs, and university research remains largely uncommercialized. Further, spillover effects, which may benefit businesses in the home country, remain limited. This article raises some opportunities for Latin American HEIs to drive the improvement of local adaptive capacity through ITT and creation of the corresponding capacities, especially in terms of research and development, consultancy, and qualification of human capital in the field of climate technologies. It is argued that climate change poses many challenges to all sectors of society, and the improved international transfer of knowledge and climate technology may result in reducing social and economic vulnerability to future climate impacts in LA. Finally, some recommendations are given that may support current efforts to reduce the overall vulnerability to climate impacts through fostering the social and economic development in Latin America by means of ITT.  相似文献   

由于高校大量合并、自筹经费,引发了高校会计信息失真,个别高校甚至存在严重的会计造假行为,追踪其缘由,大部分是因为高校内部会计监控存在着问题。目前,高校应进一步明确会计事项相关人员的职责权限;会计基础工作必须要严谨,手续要齐全;尽快进行财产清查;建立符合高校的控制标准;引入外部审计;提高内控人员素质;充分发挥内部审计的监控手段;建立现代高校管理体制和监控体制相结合的模式;做到实施内部会计监控制度与贯彻实施《会计法》,并以《内部控制配套指引》相结合;积极开展事前事中审计。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to carry out an empirical analysis of certain factors related to dependence in Spain and additionally to study the intensity of the use of health resources by dependents. Age appears to be the main socio-demographic factor related to dependence, which confirms the need for measures to deal with the demographic changes taking place. Thus, providing services to cover long-term care could become an important instrument for social cohesion. Multivariate analysis does not reveal a strong link between the use of healthcare services and dependence that would justify the joint management of the two systems. This means that self-regulating management of dependence and healthcare systems may be adequate except in the case of severe dependency.  相似文献   

公共服务社会化是当代西方国家公共管理改革的重要目标模式。推动公共服务社会化发展的民主政治理据既包括多元民主理论,又包括参与民主理论。与两种民主政治理据分别对应的公共服务社会化其实具有不同的内涵。与多元民主相对应的是公共服务的市民社会化,这种模式中的人是利己的原子化个体,对公共服务的参与被视为保持自私自利的工具;与参与民主对应的是公共服务的公民社会化,这种模式中的人是具有合群天性的"政治人",对公共服务的参与则被视为提升公民美德的教育训练。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡引入高校管理以取代传统的、以财务指标为基础的评价体系,是高校管理体制的一次改革。通过对平衡计分卡的阐述,探讨高校引进平衡计分卡进行绩效评价的可能,为高校的绩效管理改革提供新的指导理念,以积极推进高校持续﹑健康﹑快速的发展。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of services in the world economy and the present trend toward internationalisation, the amount of research on the internationalisation of services is relatively small. Nevertheless, many service enterprises are currently trying to expand their activities at a world level. Many examples in services could be described through the strategic policies oriented toward this internationalisation. One of the means of internationalisation for any service enterprise is to take advantage of the world privatisation process, and to acquire a given company in a foreign market. In this case, the literature has been clear on the difficulties in incorporating any targeted enterprise within a multinational. In the process of internationalisation through external opportunities, one major element of success is clearly to be able to achieve radical organisational change in the acquired enterprise. This is specifically true in countries facing rapid transformation, such as transition economies. The purpose of this paper is to understand the influence of various change factors on positive perception of change, in taking the example employees' perception in services companies. The methodology of this research is quantitative, with the use of 369 questionnaires received from employees of 2 multinationals in Hungary (the survey was carried out in November and December 1999). One of the innovations of the research is to access the perception of organisational change in service enterprises from the point a view of employees, at all hierarchical levels.  相似文献   

Since the onset of the sovereign debt crisis, the crisis-stricken countries in Europe have been pushed to take drastic steps to consolidate their finances and reduce their budget deficits. Despite strong public opposition and largely damaging short-run effects, the countries have undertaken many of the internationally recommended/mandated reforms and spending cuts. In this Forum, authors from Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal report on the fiscal consolidation achieved in their respective countries — and the sacrifices that have made it possible. Furthermore, the authors detail what remains to be done to resolve the crisis.  相似文献   

论公共组织人力资源管理和组织创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓峰 《商业研究》2005,(12):56-57,104
公共组织的人力资源管理的能力和水平直接关系到政府的行政效率和社会活动效果。提高政府行政效率的重要切入点就是加强行政机构人力资源的开发与管理。通过人力资源管理方法的改善来提高组织效率。同时,为了适应社会环境的变化,创新组织形式也是提高政府行政效率的重要途径。  相似文献   

The traditional and emerging roles of the major research entities in the United States are reviewed. Particularly controversial has been the university's emerging role of applied researcher in addition to its traditional role of basic researcher. Private, for-profit research laboratories have vociferously objected to the funding of university applied research by both the federal government and private industry. The funding of university research by these latter two entities is then reviewed and discussed. In addition to the ethical issue of whether university applied research should be funded, there is apparently another ethical issue regarding how the recipient universities are selected. In essence, if the universities intrusions are merely into untended areas, the first ethical issue seems less serious. Such may be the case if private laboratories are not equipped to perform the research. Of course, the second issue of which university should receive the funding remains. The apparently strengthening ties between universities and private industry are then reviewed. Direct ties between universities and industry still account for a very small part of university research. But impediments to cooperation are melting away as universities market their services to private industry. The authors contend that the government encourages cooperative ventures between universities and industry. They pose questions for all sides and suggest further areas of study should these joint ventures continue as they seem most likely to do. Much of the literature has leaned toward criticism of these joint efforts. Martin Kenney, in the February, 1987 issue of The Journal of Business Ethics, offered one of the more extensive efforts in his criticism of cooperative industrial/university research. Kenney concentrated on the area of biotechnology research. The present article avoids specific areas of research and takes a broad view of these cooperative research efforts. It is less critical than Kenney of the cooperation between industry and universities. David E. Blevins is Associate Professor of Management in the Department of Management and Marketing, University of Mississippi. From 1962–1971 he was employed by Caterpillar Tractor Co. in various management positions including District Representative for four European and Middle East countries. He received a Ph.D. and MBA from the University of Illinois and a BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Missouri. He has published articles in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Product Innovation Management and Mississippi Business and has published three textbooks. Sid R. Ewer is Assistant Professor of Accountancy at Southwest Missouri State University. His areas of research interest involve public policy and ethics, and he has published in The Journal of System Management. He has spent eight years in state government as an executive for an educational agency, and, prior to state government Mr. Ewer was an executive for industry. He is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Management Accountant and Certified Internal Auditor.  相似文献   

Innovative and creative entrepreneurship support services at universities   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the context of entrepreneurial universities, new stakeholders and new roles for old ones have emerged. Accordingly, university entrepreneurship support services have to behave in a creative and innovative manner to actively support business creation at universities. This means that a common framework is necessary that includes the different stakeholders and goals, which gives a clear picture of the process of entrepreneurship encouragement and business development support (EE&BDS). We present a model for knowledge transfer and company growth within the context of entrepreneurial universities. This alternative integrative approach of the different stakeholders, actors, activities, tools, goals, and needs helps us to arrange and manage them in a better way. Our analysis allows us to show the role and relationships among the different university stakeholders and how this integrative approach contributes to the enhancement of the EE&BDS process for this institution.  相似文献   

将风险管理的理念与方法引入到高校重大事项的决策中,从维护学校稳定发展视角强调了高校决策活动中风险管理的重要意义。在提出高校重大事项决策应遵循的原则基础上,重点对高校重大事项决策的风险管理流程构建进行了探索,提出了科学合理地识别风险、对风险进行评估、风险应对以及风险控制的风险管理流程,为促进高校决策的科学化提供了有益观点。  相似文献   

建立合理有效的社会保障基金监管方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述中国社会保障基金监管的基本情况及存在的问题,分析我国社保基金监管存在法律和市场体系不完善、难以保障社保基金的保值增值、基金管理透明度低等方面的原因,结合国外社保基金监管方式的经验与教训,提出提高立法层次、强化监督力量、推进监管体系市场化以及建立完善的三方监管体系等切实可行建议,从而保障我国社保基金监管合理有序的发展。  相似文献   

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