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Critical success factors for electronic commerce (e-commerce) have been a hot topic in both the academe and industry. This paper puts forward hypotheses on success factors for e-commerce of traditional companies first. Then, it conducts an empirical study on the Chinese publishing industry in order to verify the hypotheses. After testing the validity and reliability of the data, this paper verifies the hypotheses with regression analyses, and finally identifies factors impacting e-commerce success such as leadership, strategy, organization, management, IT, customers, comprehensive functions of website and customer-oriented functions. In addition, customers, strategy, IT and comprehensive functions of website are identified as the critical factors impacting e-commerce success. This research not only stimulates e-commerce research in China, but also has an instructional effect on the implementation of e-commerce so that Chinese publishing enterprises can increase the success rate of their e-commerce objectives. Translated from Xitong Gongcheng Lilun yu Shijian 系统工程理论与实践 (System Engineering Theories and Practice), 2006, 26(2): 27–35  相似文献   


This study examines the relationship between employee training and service quality in the hospitality industry. The study tested the impacts of perceived access to training, perceived benefits of training and perceived support for training on service quality in the hospitality sector. Survey technique was used for the data collection. The research participants were frontline employees and their customers. The frontline employees responded to the training dimensions, while the customers’ completed the questions on service quality. One hundred and twenty useable surveys were included in this study. This study reveals a significant relationship between the employees’ perception of the benefits of training, support for training and service quality. This study offers some important management and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test hypotheses about the role of demographic variables in differentiating attitudes towards learning and knowledge sharing and to explore individually preferred media for knowledge sharing and obstacles to knowledge sharing. The study of the 499 respondents working in international tourist hotels in Taiwan shows that the most popular approach that was used to share knowledge was a conversation medium, but that insufficient time was allowed for this to occur. The study concludes that a majority of the respondents, including top managers in the researched hotels, shared operational knowledge. The results here suggest that it could be helpful for top management staff to put more effort into sharing strategic knowledge for the creation of future competitive advantage, rather than engaging in daily routines, i.e. a more strategic focus for the whole hotel would improve long-term success.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess organizational climate in restaurants and to examine the impact of the individual-level characteristics of employees on organizational climate based on the well-known 17-dimension-framework. Survey questionnaires were distributed to more than 380 foodservice establishments in the United States. For the data analysis, 418 responses from managers and frontline employees were used. Principal component analysis, factor analysis, and analysis of variance were employed. This study indicated that age, education, work experience, title, and employee status impacted the organizational climate in restaurants. These results will be useful in developing managerial strategies to improve organizational performance in restaurants.  相似文献   

Even though a large amount of research has investigated how different factors impact new product performance in different contexts, little attention has been paid to exploring the drivers of new product success for businesses in Asia. This study therefore focuses on this issue by using a meta-analytic approach to aggregate the empirical findings of studies published before 2011. By controlling several contextual factors (product type, unit of analysis and time), the results from generalized least-squared analyses show that the predictor–performance relationships are stronger for Asian firms when the predictors are market orientation, marketing synergy, technological synergy, product advantage, product innovativeness, cross-functional integration, top management support, pre-development proficiency, technological proficiency, market potential and technological turbulence. In addition, the results also reveal that most of the performance effects of the predictors are different between low-technology and high-technology products.  相似文献   


This article deals with the process by which consumer complaint behaviour is formed. The general aim is to analyse the nature of this type of response to dissatisfaction, describing its development in terms of how it is influenced by a combination of several factors already researched in the literature. The most relevant contributions from the related theoretical work indicate that public and private responses (complaint behaviour) are the most common reactions of consumers when faced with a dissatisfactory experience. A group of determinants which influence these responses in different ways has also been identified. The main objective of this study is to analyse the relationship between the different determinants of complaint behaviour with the aim of identifying the variables which exert the greatest influence.  相似文献   

This study examines, for the first time, the influence of national culture and industry structure on customer loyalty in grocery retailing. Grocery retailers have a long and continued history of international expansion and it is vital to understand how loyalty can be nurtured in different contexts. Thematic analysis of focus groups conducted in the culturally and structurally disparate countries of the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka provide unique insights. Key differences have been identified around consumer preferences and perceptions of loyalty programmes and the key drivers of different loyalty types. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study investigating the relationship between the introduction of new management practices and the training provided by Australian enterprises for their employees. The new management practices investigated include teamworking, total quality management, lean production, business process re‐engineering and the learning organisation. The study involved a survey of human resource managers in medium to large size Australian enterprises. The study models the impact of the introduction of new management practices and the extent of training provision in the enterprises and on the form and nature of the training. The article concludes that whereas new management practices have a significant impact on training provision in enterprises, the effect is highly differentiated and that a critical relationship is the integration of training with the business strategy of the enterprise.  相似文献   

上司支持感对员工工作态度和沉默行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷调查法,以珠三角地区企业组织的485名员工为研究对象,探讨了上司支持感对下属的组织承诺和工作投入两种工作态度以及沉默行为的影响及其作用机制.结构方程模型分析的结果表明:上司支持感对组织承诺和工作投入均具有显著的正向影响,对沉默行为具有显著的负向影响;上司信任和心理安全在上司支持感与组织承诺、工作投入以及沉默行为之间均起完全中介作用.  相似文献   

For more than four decades, research has investigated the relationship between perceptions of organizational justice and employees' work attitudes. This study used two data sets to examine how perceptions of organizational justice influence marketing employees' perceived support and trust. Specifically, this study examines the role of perceived support as a mediator between organizational justice and trust. The results indicate that in Study 1 perceived organizational support (POS) serves as a mediator between procedural justice and organizational trust. Interactional justice is both a direct and indirect predictor of supervisory trust through perceived supervisor support (PSS). Distributive justice is related indirectly to organizational trust through PSS and directly to organizational trust. In contrast to the results in Study 1, distributive justice is an antecedent to both POS and PSS while procedural justice is related directly to organizational trust.  相似文献   

Prior research on cue management has dominantly focused on cues consumers use to infer product quality. Only a few studies have dealt with cues that allow consumers to infer category typicality. Connecting these research streams we show how different cues affect both product quality and category typicality assessments, how these perceptions interact, and how they influence purchase intention. Results of this conjoint experiment among 113 restaurant patrons indicate that typicality cues can also serve as inferences for quality, and that cues influence purchase intentions via their effect on perceived typicality rather than on perceived quality. Once a consumer has determined the usage situation and his inherent consumption goals, he is much more inclined to search for the cues such as table setting that signal the subcategory that is expected to satisfy these goals, than finding cues such as guidebook rating that are diagnostic of product quality (only). After carefully addressing typicality cues which are instrumental in stressing points of parity, brand managers can use quality cues to show the product's points of difference in a category.  相似文献   

学习兴趣是引导学生进行积极主动学习和持续性的内在动力,与被动的强制性学习相比,学生带有浓厚的学习兴趣进行学习能够使学生对基础知识的掌握程度更加牢固,此外,良好的学习兴趣还可激发学生学习的主动性.基于学习情趣的培养对学生学习的重要作用,在高校积极推进教学改革的过程中,学校在开展篮球体育教学活动的过程中,要努力培养学生的学习兴趣.本文对目前学习兴趣在体育教学过程中的培养状况以及怎样在篮球教学过程中激发和培养学生的学习兴趣提出了具体的改进措施.  相似文献   

The article reports research into the effect of music tempo and musical preference on consumer behavior in a restaurant. The research investigates the extent to which these two variables influence actual and perceived time spent dining, the amount of money spent, and outcomes in terms of enjoyment of the experience and future behavioral intentions. The results show that music preference provided a better explanation of actual time spent dining than tempo, although neither variable had a significant effect on perceived time. Time spent in the restaurant was the most powerful predictor of money spent in the restaurant. Finally, the outcomes of the restaurant encounter were found to be significantly related to musical preference, but the effects of music tempo were nonsignificant. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Diversity management is a means of managing customer and employee differences for the benefit of the organisation. This qualitative study considers how contextual factors influence diversity management implementation in different retailing environments. Exploratory research was conducted in three SBUs of a UK retailing group: the UK high street SBU, the US operations and the online SBU. Despite different cultural, legal and historical differences between the UK and US, these factors did not lead to significantly different ways of dealing with diversity in the UK high street and US businesses. Instead the extent to which individual differences were recognised was influenced by the selling environment and the SBU's size and structure. The paper recommends that retailers need to develop a ‘home-grown’ approach to diversity management that acknowledges their organisational context.  相似文献   

Perceived organizational support has a positive influence on the willingness of salespeople to use self-directed learning (SDL) projects. These SDL projects can be tailored to fit a salesperson's distinct learning needs, to increase performance, and to achieve the overarching goals of collaborative members of a marketing channel. Hence, it is beneficial for channel members to create a supportive learning culture that promotes the use of SDL projects by salespeople. Salespeople within the insurance industry play an essential role inside their marketing channel. Data collected from 392 insurance salespeople in over 170 firms is used to empirically test how perceived organizational support influences the use of two types of SDL projects. Salespeople encouraged to use elective SDL projects reported higher levels of performance than those required to use compulsory SDL projects.  相似文献   

This study examines how offshoring affects employers’ investment in training. Departing from the standard assumption in the literature that low-skilled jobs are transferred to developing countries while high-skilled jobs are still performed in the Home Country, we argue that whether a productive activity is offshored depends on whether its associated occupation is offshorable, regardless of its skill content. Our theoretical model suggests that the offshoring of productive activities involving offshorable occupations raises the wage rate for non-offshorable occupations in the Home Country, and thus reduces the incentive for firms to provide training in non-offshorable occupations. The effects of offshoring on training for offshorable occupations, however, are ambiguous. Based on two new measures of offshoring and data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (1989–2004), we empirically investigate the relationship between offshoring and employer-provided training in the United States. For non-offshorable occupations, we find that offshoring has a significant negative relationship with the incidence of training, but does not have much, if any, significant relationship with the intensity of training. For offshorable occupations, offshoring does not have any significant relationship with either the incidence or the intensity of employer-provided training. These findings are in line with our theoretical model.  相似文献   

This article analyzes one key characteristic shared by a growing number of industries. Specifically, their products and services are continuously monitored and evaluated by local third-party ratings systems. In this study, we focus on understanding the local drivers of restrictive age-based ratings in the motion picture industry and the effect of local ratings on a movie's performance at the box office. The results show that there is a significant negative relationship between restrictive ratings and opening weekend box-office performance. However, we find no significant effect with respect to cumulative box-office performance. In the second part of the study, we focus on the local regulatory system's role as a key driver of restrictive age-based ratings in the motion picture industry. Interestingly, the results suggest that the composition of the board that rates the movie plays a key role. Including pediatrics, psychology, or sociology experts in the evaluation board instead of only parents or laypeople has a strong effect and tends to lead to more lenient rating behavior. In addition, we find that larger ratings boards tend to be more restrictive than smaller ones and that industry representation is not necessarily associated with less restrictive ratings. Countries with cultures characterized as uncertainty avoidant, collective, and feminine also seem to be most lenient in their ratings. The implications of the results are discussed from both international marketing and public policy perspectives.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(1):89-100
This article focuses on entrepreneurs’ self-funding behavior in the reward crowdfunding context and its relation to crowdfunding success. Theoretically anchoring our discussion in signaling theory, we argue that self-funding sends similar information to that conveyed by quick-fix bootstrapping efforts. Accordingly, we hypothesize that self-funding behavior is positively associated with crowdfunding success as it can help alleviate uncertainties around a fundraiser’s intent and quality as perceived by prospective backers. To show this, we use a sample of 1,583 campaigns collected from Zhongchou, the largest Chinese reward-based crowdfunding platform, to test our hypotheses. Our results demonstrate that entrepreneurs' direct self-funding is positively associated with crowdfunding success. Moreover, this effect is partially mediated by the quality of campaigns’ content elements.  相似文献   

Many consumer goods firms have a wide brand portfolio. If these are not carefully managed, it can lead to brand proliferation, and result in complex organisational structure, lack of focus and resource constraints. Drawing on previous work on the role of leaders in effective brand management, this study explores the effects of organisational culture on brand portfolio performance. Based on a mail survey of consumer goods companies, the findings show that leadership, company vision, staff rewards, motivation and ownership are crucial to brand portfolio performance. Likewise, a brand orientation helps brand focus, coordination, and emphasises shared vision and the long-term orientation. This study contributes to the organisation-wide approach to brand portfolio management.  相似文献   

To examine the relationships between the training environment and employee responses to training provided by their organisations, 105 managers employed by different 12 Australian organisations completed measures of the personal aspects of organisational commitment, job involvement, self esteem, and personal control, as well as of the organisational aspects of social support from work, social support outside work, training incentives, training resources, and training needs. The trainees also indicated how motivated they were for the training, and how they judged the quality of the training provided by their organisations—the two outcomes of the study. Eight of the 10 relationships between the organisational aspects and outcomes were significant, but only three of the eight relationships between the personal aspects and outcomes. It is argued that the results suggest that it is how organisations go about managing training, especially how many resources they provide, what training incentives they make available, and how much the training is needed that counts, rather than the personal attributes of the trainees.  相似文献   

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