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Innovative activities, driven by a knowledge economy era, globalization, and pressure of global competition, have profoundly impacted local economies since the late 1980s. Relevant studies in the recent decade have gradually emphasized the increasing importance and continuous expansion of knowledge intensive business services in current economic development. This topic represents a major trend impacting industrialized economies. Therefore, this study elucidates the roles and functions of knowledge intensive business services as an area innovation system evolves. Exactly how technology-based firms and knowledge intensive business services interact with each other, as well as the roles of knowledge intensive business services, is also analyzed by examining how the area innovation system centered in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park in Taiwan has evolved. Results of this study demonstrate that knowledge intensive business services function in an intermediary role in the innovation system. These services enhance their customers’ capacity for specialization, subsequently improving their evolutionary capabilities and producing tangible innovative cycles.  相似文献   

近年来,湖北省与广东省服务业专业化水平均有提高,两省的服务业结构差异变化不大,趋同现象较明显;两省的服务业集聚现象亦明显,湖北省相对集中于传统服务业,广东省则相对集中于现代服务业;两省的生产性服务行业集聚均高于消费性服务业。为了进一步加快两省现代服务业的发展,两省应充分利用各自的人力资源优势发展现代服务业,加快两省公共服务行业的优化升级,加强两省中心城市服务业的辐射作用,促进两省服务行业的分工与合作。  相似文献   

企业物流服务外包决策动因及其关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当前,物流外包已逐步成为企业物流服务组织策略中的主要运营模式,也是企业实现其资源整合的有效途径。大力推进物流服务的社会化与专业化是国家《物流业调整和振兴规划》的主要任务之一。为了对企业的物流外包行为进行系统分析,首先搭建了企业物流运作的环境框架,提取出了影响企业物流外包决策行为的主导因素。在此基础上,通过对我国境内物流服务供、需双方实体企业的抽样调查分析,运用统计学原理及结构方程相关方法进行研究,明确了各项外包主导动因因素之间的基本关系,旨在为企业从多环境因素角度系统分析、统筹和指导其物流外包行为提供借鉴,也为规范市场的物流外包秩序提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to measure the concentration of tertiary activities in Europe. Usually, these sectors are depicted as ‘invisible goods’ by international economics theories. However, the expansion of the tertiary sector in developed economies, liberalisation and an increasing number of studies argue that services have a serious influence upon the economy, most notably in the field of economic geography. This study measures the concentration of tertiary sector activities, breaking this field down into 21 distinct sectors. This research shows that Knowledge Intensive Business Services are highly concentrated, and are becoming even more so. This result points towards the desirability of explicitly including these activities in New Economic Geography models.  相似文献   

A large body of empirical literature ascribes a high degree of responsibility by the service sector for the difficulties in lowering inflation in the Spanish economy in the 1980s and early 1990s. Despite the fact that most of the branches in this sector are characterised by their lower ability to increase productivity, service wages have increased at a similar rate to those of other activities that, however, have been able to generate constant growth in productivity. On the other hand, tertiary activities have been able to transmit the growth in wage costs to prices without this having significant repercussions on the amount demanded as they are more protected from international competition. In this context, the reasons why service growth is accused of being one of the key causes of price growth are understandable. Nevertheless, throughout the1990s, important changes have taken place due to the technological revolution of modern economies that have created a doubt that services are still for the most partly protected from competition. This article makes a comparative study of the evolution of wages in industry and services, finding initial evidence that tertiary wages are presenting in their evolution the lowest productivity of most of tertiary activities pressurised by greater competition, which is lowering the incidence on inflation of the sector and of the economy in general.  相似文献   

樊奇  唐强荣 《江苏商论》2011,(10):52-54
现代航运服务业是港口城市提升城市竞争力和集聚辐射能力的重要途径。在对现代航运服务业进行界定的基础上,对现代航运服务业的综合经济贡献进行了探讨,对现代航运服务业与区域经济的关系进行了分析,认为现代航运服务业不仅可促进港口城市经济结构的调整升级,而且可成为区域经济的增长级。  相似文献   

中国流通服务业影响力实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用多元回归分析方法,计量分析流通服务业对国民经济的直接与间接贡献,得出三个主要结论:流通服务业作为一个产业规模较小,传统方法的分析低估了流通服务业对经济增长的外溢作用;流通服务业对宏观经济的贡献力、对区域经济的辐射力、对上游产业的控制力以及对消费的服务力,使其在宏观经济中稳居基础产业地位;由于流通体制的制约和传导机制的阻塞,流通服务业对经济增长和社会发展的巨大作用还没有充分显现出来。  相似文献   

马风华 《商业研究》2011,(11):69-74
本文利用投入产出法对广东生产性服务业的产业关联效应进行了研究,发现广东生产性服务业发展速度缓慢,在国民经济中的地位逐步下降,生产性服务业主要为第二产业服务;广东制造业对传统服务业的中间需求不断下降,对知识密集型服务业的中间需求不断增加;生产性服务业普遍具有高附加值、低带动能力的产业特性,对国民经济的推动力普遍大于需求拉动力。  相似文献   

Many service classifications have provided helpful yet partial perspectives on the heterogeneity of services. This paper reconciles and integrates different earlier classifications into a new holistic typology of the service economy which is based on detailed statistical service sectors. Moreover, the paper assesses the empirical value of this taxonomy to capture the diversity of services development in time and space. A regional analysis of employment data in Germany provides evidence that knowledge intensive as well as business services follow very different sectoral and spatial dynamics than operational and consumer services. This typology yields differential insights in longitudinal and comparative regional analysis of the service economy.  相似文献   

集聚效应对中国城市服务业发展差异影响的实证研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
胡霞 《财贸研究》2007,(1):44-50
本文从外部经济、知识溢出和社会资本等角度分析了企业集聚、经济集聚状况、城市地理位置与城市服务业发展的关系,并利用分层线性模型(HML)检验了集聚效应对服务业差异的影响。研究结果表明:经济集聚程度对服务业生产效率有显著的正向促进作用,城市区位也对服务业生产效率产生显著影响。东部地区城市比中部或西部地区城市的服务业生产效率高,对服务业发展水平的推动力强;中部和西部具有同质性,二者对服务业效率的影响没有显著差别。  相似文献   

山东省仅在部分传统生产性服务业中有相对优势,经济增长对生产性服务业的依赖程度还不高,传统生产性服务业的贡献度高于现代生产性服务业。从目前来看,山东的经济发展主要是靠工业的驱动。按照世纪经济的一般规律来看,当人均GDP达到3 000美元之后,产业结构和消费结构都将发生重大变化,2005年山东省人均GDP达到20 096元,即将达到3000美元的水平。所以正需要生产性服务业成为山东主裁判长的新引擎。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of local knowledge spillovers on employment growth in the service sector at both the theoretical and empirical level. It is argued that, in addition to life cycle and tradability effects, spillovers in services are likely to be strongly influenced by distinctive service characteristics and labour-related factors, which impact on the channels through which spillovers are transmitted. Empirical models of employment growth suggest significant differences in spillover effects between industry and services and across public, private, business and personal services. In particular, many services appear to benefit from spillovers arising from a diverse local economy.  相似文献   

目前,我国总体上处于工业化中期,市场化攻坚期,国际化的深水期和城市化的加速期,用信息化助推工业化是必然选择。经济的不断发展,信息技术的迅猛发展,政策法规的逐步完善,衍生出大量的服务需求,拓展了现代生产者服务业发展的市场空间。在新的战略机遇期下,我国必须坚持以产品服务为基础,运用现代信息技术推动流通功能创新,为产品的生产和销售提供更优质的服务;必须以要素服务和各类专业服务为重点,构建现代生产者服务体系。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the development level of electronic public services by means of portal <www.e-guvernare.ro>, the single point of access for specific Romanian electronic public services. At the same time, a comparative analysis was conducted having as a purpose an emphasis on the evolution on eGovernement development in Romania within the period of March 2011–August 2012. The results showed lack of commitment of the public administration in Romania in using an entire force offered by the information technology and communication field in supplying public services.  相似文献   

Services play an increasingly important role in production, employment and international trade but are subject to substantially higher trade costs relative to manufactured goods. Knowledge of how these trade costs can be mitigated is important for facilitating trade of services. In this paper, we analyse the role of immigrant employees as facilitators of firm exports of services, a role that remains largely unexamined. We bridge the gap in existing research by drawing on new data for nearly 30,000 Swedish firms during the period 1998–2007 within a heterogeneous firm framework. The results have important policy implications. As the multilateral approach to facilitating trade is challenged and more countries are imposing measures to restrict the cross‐country mobility of people, policymakers may need to find new ways to promote exports of services. Our results indicate that immigrant employees spur firms' export of services activities: hiring one additional foreign‐born worker can increase services exports by approximately 2.5 per cent, on average, with a stronger effect found for skilled and newly arrived immigrants. Therefore, policymakers could leverage the findings of this study to implement initiatives that utilise high‐skilled immigrants to promote services exports.  相似文献   

No other industry in Australia has achieved a greater significance in economic development terms as mining. The mineral industries have built a national infrastructure throughout Australia for more than a century and Australia's minerals boom has produced generations of mining technology services (MTS) companies. This paper discusses the role of MTS firms in the transformation of the mining industry into the knowledge economy. Results from a study of Australian MTS and mining firms suggest that innovation results from the interaction of these firms through knowledge-intensive service activities.  相似文献   

This paper explores certain characteristics of Japanese professional business services (PBS). The aim is to develop an analytical typology consisting of the three dimensions – organizational linkage, service market, and competitive situation – for analysing the obtained empirical data. This typology has been developed in order to increase the understanding of how Japanese companies operate within this sector and also to examine the reasons behind the fact that Japanese business services seem to be marginalized in an international context. This typology could serve as a theoretical frame for comparing Japanese companies with western companies in future research. This research is based on empirical material collected in Japan in the spring of 2001, covering research institutes, general trading houses and insurance companies. Using the constructed analytical typology, the findings reveal that strong organizational linkages have generated a business service market where diversification of service supply within companies is common. However, there are strong indications of a changing business environment with increased competition and further specialization among business service firms. Furthermore, the findings indicate that Japanese companies have difficulties competing with highly-specialized and reputable western business service firms.  相似文献   

国际大都市的形成与服务贸易的发展具有密切联系。作为服务贸易基础的服务业过去和现在一直是城市经济发展的引擎。服务贸易自由化进程将给国际大都市建设做出关键的贡献。本文将首先通过历史和现在的一些实例分析服务贸易与城市发展之间的复杂关系,然后分析国际大都市服务经济的发展如何调整国际经济环境并在何种程度上与服务贸易自由化联系在一起,最后分析在国内外争夺"中心城市"的态势下上海"四个中心"建设应采取的战略。  相似文献   

目前,上海总部经济以及金融服务业均处在发展阶段,还不能对彼此进行有效的支撑。金融服务业的繁荣,在很大程度上依赖于发达的总部经济,金融服务业集群只有和总部集群产生良性互动,才能释放出巨大的能量,辐射全上海以及周边地区,并推动金融产业创新和金融产业发展。上海政府应从补贴和税收优惠政策、基础设施建设、商务区规划、制度完善和创新、人才培养与引进等方面发展总部经济,达到繁荣上海金融服务业的目的。  相似文献   

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