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This paper studies intellectual capital in companies in Taiwan, China. Intellectual capital is an invisible, yet important resource for companies. The first aim of this paper is to provide a systematic investigation on how to measure intellectual capital. Results show that the coefficient of value-added intellectual capital is positively related to return on assets and market capitalization in both fix and random effects. Similar results are also obtained with dynamic panel data. Furthermore, innovation variables such as research and development expenditure are more accurate than structural capital in measuring intellectual capital. The author thus suggests that companies need to keep a close track of their intellectual capital and focus on internal information delivery to gain competitive advantage.  相似文献   

This study explores the intellectual capital performances of commercial banks in eight Asian economies by applying Pulic's value-added intellectual coefficient method (VAIC?). The results show that after controlling for the influence of loan quality (LQ), fund utilisation (FU), and Asian financial crisis, both physical and human capitals (HCs) are the main factors creating value for banks. From 1996 to 2001, banks in Hong Kong on average had the best intellectual capital performance while those in Thailand improved the most. Further analysis shows that the value-creating efficiency of HC is the major driving force of performance.  相似文献   

Intellectual capital (INCAP) emerged as a topic worthy of academic and practical investigations in the early 1990s while the research and practice of INCAP has not been popular in the hotel industry until recently. Very few measurement frameworks specified the value of INCAP in the hospitality literature. The purpose of this study is to develop a measurement scale (named hereafter the HOINCAP scale) to identify the dimensions and sub-dimensions of INCAP in the hotel industry. The three dimensions of HOINCAP – human, organizational, and customer capital – were verified through a second-order factor model composed of four, five, and six sub-dimensions. The HOINCAP scale shows strong evidence of reliability, convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity. The implications of the scale are discussed for future research and INCAP management in the hotel industry.  相似文献   

This study develops a theoretical model to explain the relationships among intellectual capital, research outcomes, and technology transfer (TT) performance, investigating the role of university TT offices (UTTOs) in the innovation process. The authors examined these relationships by sampling 49 Taiwanese universities within a 2-year period. It is concluded that universities with specialized UTTOs indeed promote TT performance (TTP) based on university–industry cooperation. Furthermore, the results indicate that human capital is positively associated with research outcomes and relational capital. The greater the amount of relational capital, which represents the degree of university–industry cooperation, the more significant is the positive effect on research outcomes and TTP. The more research outcomes are produced, the more academic research and patent technology will be transferred to industry.  相似文献   

本文认为,从货币资本运营为主向以人力资本运营为主转变是现代企业资本运营的重要飞跃和必然趋势;人力资本筹集是人力资本运营的基础,人力资本运用是人力资本运营的核心,人力资本收益分配是人力资本运营的必然结果,它们共同构成人力资本运营的基本内容。  相似文献   

张佑林 《商业研究》2005,(14):68-72
经济发展的实质是一个不断创新的过程,创新的主体是“观念人力资本”即企业家阶层,而其形成与传统文化所蕴涵的创新精神具有内在的渊源关系。建立在传统文化基础上的经济发展模型新构想,开创性地提出了“观念人力资本”的概念,而传统文化的创新精神是“观念人力资本”形成的源泉。  相似文献   


Professional service firms face particular human capital challenges. This study reflects on the distinctive characteristics of professional service firms through the concepts of knowledge intensity, low capital intensity and professionalized workforce. Based on in-depth interviews with 21 partners of Australian law firms, we provide empirical evidence on the war for talent challenges faced by professional service firms and in particular, law firms. The findings point to talent management challenges including reputation building and maintenance, employee autonomy, knowledge acquisition, revenue and profitability through internationalization, managing knowledge across borders, managing employee mobility, talent acquisition and retention, talent engagement, performance management and developing leadership capability. These challenges are important issues to be considered by professional service firms as they attempt to compete more effectively in global business contexts.  相似文献   

Given the nature and importance of Islamic banks in recent times, we can expect them to have significant intellectual capital anchored in their Sharia‐based knowledge and expertise. However, we know very little or nothing about how and why intellectual capital‐related information is provided in their corporate reports. We fill this gap in our existing knowledge of the field with a view to enhance relevant literature. As far as we know, this article is one of the earliest exploratory attempts to examine intellectual capital reporting practices of an Islamic bank. We have undertaken a longitudinal (2001–2015) case study related to the intellectual capital reporting practices of an Islamic bank. Key results include significant rise of intellectual capital reporting over time, dominance of internal capital‐related items in intellectual capital reporting profile and the dynamics of changes in intellectual capital reporting practices over time. Through an institutional theory lens, we explain that this is due to the changes in the external institutional environment and various intra‐organisational factors such as strong ethical culture, unique knowledge base (Sharia), and corporate governance regime.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the role of human capital in determining regional variations in firm births. It is argued that both the level and heterogeneity of human capital are particularly important for services. This is confirmed by an empirical analysis of data for sub-regions of Great Britain from 2001 to 2007 utilising ordinary least-squares and maximum likelihood models incorporating spatial effects. Other variables found to impact on the creation of new service firms are related to labour market effects, agglomeration economies and competition; there are also significant differences in the impact of human capital between services and manufacturing.  相似文献   

Ori Zax 《Metroeconomica》2020,71(3):496-509
Waldman shows that under the assumption that prospective employers observe whether a worker was promoted, but cannot observe his ability, the promotion policy is inefficient. In the current paper, we show that human capital acquisition made after the players (both worker and employer) observe the worker's ability reduces this inefficiency, even though such an investment is not optimal in some setups.  相似文献   

China's Belt‐and‐Road Initiative (BRI) is one of the most ambitious trade and development projects in history which intends to link Chinese multinational enterprises (CMNEs) to the Asian subcontinent, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe through two trade routes, land and sea. The project involves infrastructure development, human knowledge, and international relations to develop trade relationships. Increased competition along the two routes will see other governments taking initiatives to protect the business community in their nations; thus, adding barriers that must be overcome by CMNEs. The success of CMNEs in the BRI relies on the three components—structural, human, and relational—which are the three components of intellectual capital (IC). Through the use of IC CMNEs can assess their strengths and weaknesses. It will be the understanding of these strengths and weaknesses which will drive the success or failure of CMNEs.  相似文献   

王彬 《商业研究》2006,(10):34-38
随着知识经济的迅猛发展,经济的增长更直接地取决于对人力资本的运作和投资,所以要从知识型企业、人力资本的内涵和特征出发来分析有关人力资源的定价理论,从而得出结论:知识型企业人力资本应由市场定价。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how transboundary pollution caused by the pursuit of economic growth in developing countries affects the environmental conditions and life expectancy in these countries and in neighboring developed countries. We develop an overlapping generations (OLGs) model, which considers the environmental interactions between two regions representing the developed and developing countries. We consider two models that differ in their environmental interactions: one in which the two regions share an environment and the other in which they do not. By comparing the environmental qualities of the two models’ steady states, we show that the two regions sharing an environment may enter a trap characterized by both lower environmental quality and shorter life expectancy due to a free rider problem.  相似文献   

知识经济时代人力资源成为企业特殊的资产。将人力资源数量化,使人力资源表现在企业的会计报表中,并使其成为企业财务管理决策考虑的因素已成为必要。人力资源数量化,使财务管理决策模型得以修正,并使其更接近于企业的现实。人力资源数量化也使会计要素与会计平衡式发生变化,对传统会计产生重大影响。  相似文献   


This paper investigates the impact of human capital endowments on export intensity employing firm-level data for 29 transition economies. A particular focus is placed on comparing and contrasting Central and Eastern Europe countries (CEECs) with those from the former Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The impact of the share of employees with higher education, provision of on-the-job training, years of experience of the top manager and labour cost on export intensity is assessed. To test these relationships, Tobit and Fractional Logit approaches are adopted. The estimation results suggest that, overall, having a more educated workforce exerts a positive impact on the export intensity of firms in transition economies, the magnitude being larger for CEECs. Average labour cost, as an alternative measure, also turns out to exert a positive but stronger impact. Insufficient evidence is found of a role for training programmes and years of experience of the top manager.  相似文献   

Research concerning the influence of human capital (HC) on internationalization strategies typically highlights skills displayed by business executives. This article is one of the few studies that examines the values, attitudes, and capabilities related to the HC of international companies. Our study attempts to understand the role that HC plays in the international commitment (IC) achieved by family and nonfamily firms and whether the HC of family firms (FFs) can be considered a source of competitive advantage in pursuing an international strategy. Partial Least Squares method is used for analyzing data collected from 270 Spanish firms. Results show HC differs between family and non‐FFs and plays a crucial role in the international strategy of FFs. Specifically, professional experience, training, and educational level, the degree of market and industry knowledge, specific skills to work in international markets, and concern for employees are superior in FFs, resulting in the achievement of higher levels of IC when compared to non‐FFs. The results should encourage managers and/or owners of these companies to exploit and effectively govern specific human resource strengths when they enter and experience growth in other markets.  相似文献   


This research was motivated by the increasing number of foreign students and scientists who are in the United States on temporary visas and who are able to change their status to permanent immigrant. Origin countries, among them industrialized western European nations, are concerned about losing many of their best-educated and most talented citizens. This article modifies and extends a theoretical model of optimal human capital investment before and after migration to shed new light on the emigration/immigration of the highly skilled, and explores some possible implications for the study of the so-called ‘brain drain’ phenomenon.  相似文献   

We consider a tournament between two workers of different abilities who choose both human capital investment and effort. The employer can influence the workers’ behavior by determining the sequence of human capital investments, i.e. the training design. The workers can either invest simultaneously or sequentially with the favorite being the first mover or sequentially with the underdog as first mover. The results show that the outcome of the tournament crucially depends on the employer’s choice of training design and on the ability difference between the workers. If the two workers clearly differ in their abilities the employer will prefer simultaneous human capital accumulation. However, if the abilities of the two workers are rather similar the employer optimally chooses sequential human capital accumulation with the underdog being the first mover.  相似文献   

This research considers the financial services industry in Taiwan and investigates the effect of intellectual capital – namely human capital, organization capital and information capital – on new product sale performance based on cross-functional integration and co-production. The results indicate that intellectual capital, cross-functional integration and co-production have a positive effect on new product sale performance. Also, the results confirm the positive mediate effect of cross-functional integration and co-production on intellectual capital and new product sale performance.  相似文献   

我国的服务外包产业发展迅猛,虽然受到了2008年金融危机的影响,但中央和地方相关鼓励政策的相继出台,为服务外包行业的发展创造了良好的外部环境。我国的服务外包虽呈现着迅猛增长的态势,但也存在着专业人才匮乏、人才结构不合理的问题,针对这些问题,提出了培养服务外包人才的措施。  相似文献   

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