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Given how important it is to provide superior value to customers and to maintain customer loyalty for a sustainable competitive advantage, the aim of this paper is to examine the relationships among relationship marketing components of – trust, competency, commitment, communication, and conflict handling, – relationship investment, relationship quality, perceived customer value, satisfaction and loyalty in an integrated framework in the Turkish retail banking industry. Unlike previous studies, this research extends the literature by analysing affective as well as cognitive dimensions in the same model with a holistic view by simultaneously examining the direct and indirect effects of the related concepts. The distinctive nature of this study is its evaluation of customer satisfaction and loyalty from the perspective of actual consumers. The research model was tested using data collected from 685 retail banking customers by applying structural equation modelling. The findings show that relationship marketing induces loyalty through relationship quality, customer value, and satisfaction, which are mainly provided by trust, communication, and relationship investment. Furthermore, relationship investment and relationship quality are the most important factors in the development of customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty. The emotional value dimension, which captures the affective aspects of perceived value, has the strongest effect on both satisfaction and loyalty.  相似文献   

This study seeks to explain the influence of several individual service capabilities and their interactions on customer relationship management (CRM) performance in the banking industry. Two samples are analysed (bank staff and bank customers) and an empirical study is carried out using a multiple interaction regression approach. The findings show the main effect of human resources, information knowledge and marketing knowledge, and their interactions (the dyadic and conjoint service capabilities) on the effectiveness of CRM performance. The interactions are compared with the main effects, taking an overall view of capability–performance linkage. The main conclusions suggest that the latter are far more important. These findings provide important information for banks, which need to build successful long-term CRM associations with their customers, to adapt in today's dynamic environment.  相似文献   

Customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the most popular strategies for an organization to satisfy its customers and obtain growth profits. Much attention of the research to date, however, has been paid to strategy, implementation, and organization performance, with the people dimension in CRM being under-researched. This study attempts to investigate the importance of people-driven processes of CRM in organizations and identify factors affecting the effectiveness of people-driven CRM processes. A multiple case study approach was applied and in-depth interviews were conducted with managers from four case companies to identify the factors influencing the people-driven CRM processes. Four dependency factors affecting the effectiveness of people-driven processes were identified, including customer emotional needs, customer involvement, employee capabilities, and organizational customer-oriented culture.  相似文献   

We apply the Gönül and Shi (1998) approach to the analysis of the optimal messaging and pricing policy mix by studying the past transaction patterns between a local supermarket and its consumers. We develop a dynamic customer relationship management model and investigate the relationship between customer utility and purchasing frequency by modifying the return function of the model discussed in Gönül and Shi (1998). In particular, we extend the analysis to consider a messaging and pricing policy mix, and we use a genetic algorithm in our empirical estimation. When applied to some non-seasonal products in a local supermarket, we find that our model is suitable and far superior to the one-stage model commonly used. Our dynamic model gives the optimal marketing mix strategies in different customer states and the results show that the firm could enjoy a 22% increase in profit.  相似文献   

Today, increased competition between organizations has led them to seek a better understanding of customer behavior through identifying valuable customers. Customers’ expectations about the price and quality of products and services play an important role in their selection process. In online businesses, competition and price differences between suppliers is high, so discounts will attract different customers. As a result, discounts and the frequency and amount of purchases can lead to better understanding of customer behavior. Customer segmentation and analysis is essential for identifying groups of customers. Hence, this study uses a model based on RFM called RdFdMd, in which d is the level of discount used to analyze customer purchase behavior and the importance of discounts on customers’ purchasing behavior and organizational profitability. The CRISP-DM and k-mean algorithm were used for clustering. The results indicate that using the RdFdMd model achieves better customer clustering and valuation, and discounts were identified as an important criterion for customer purchases.  相似文献   

Although there are a range of conceptual and theoretical studies about customer equity (CE) measurement and management in the literature, there are few empirical studies where these two concepts are examined together. This paper focuses on the need for a more synthesised approach and addresses calls for more research into this specific area of marketing management. A conceptual framework was developed that synthesises both customer lifetime value and customer relationship management from a customer equity management (CEM) perspective. The framework was used to empirically examine how four CE strategies, together with a firm’s use of the two types of customer data (aggregated and disaggregated), impact on CEM outcomes. Data were collected from 114 hotel managers in Australia and analysed through a decision tree methodology. The results show that hotels are utilising their CE strategies for acquisition purposes more than retention purposes (customer asset management), which overall appears to satisfice more than maximise their hotel’s capacity in achieving effective CE outcomes. The study’s contribution to theory is through empirically testing a framework that combines two discrete theoretical concepts in one study to provide insights to guide future research.  相似文献   

This study proposes a model to explain how web site characteristics influence customer e-loyalty and positive word-of-mouth (WOM) via relationship quality (trust, satisfaction, and commitment) in business-to-business e-commerce. Three hundred and twelve online services users of the Market Intelligence Center in Taiwan were recruited and structural equation modeling was used to test the research hypotheses. The result indicates that web site characteristics positively influence relationship quality. A follow-up post-analysis showed how five dimensions of the web site characteristics impacted relationship quality. In addition, both trust and satisfaction have a positive direct effect on e-loyalty, but not on positive WOM. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   


Customer relationship management (CRM) and innovation are widely considered to be valuable capabilities associated with competitive advantage. However, there is a lack of research demonstrating how they work together to produce performance advantages. This research investigates the mediating role of innovation between CRM and performance. The authors examine the direct impact of both CRM and innovation on firm performance. Moreover, they investigate the role of innovation as a mediating mechanism to explain the effect of CRM on performance. The authors use structural equation modelling to test the relationships among these constructs. The results support the direct impact of CRM and innovation on performance. Also, the findings indicate that the indirect effect of CRM on firm performance through innovation is significant. These results reinforce the view that developing close relationships with customers enhances a firm's ability to innovate.  相似文献   

This article explores how customer management decisions are made in the leading Nordic retail banks and whether these decisions are driven by mainstream analytical approaches to customer lifetime value available through the banks' CRM systems, or by rule of thumb heuristics. The results indicate that the use of managerial heuristics is surprisingly widespread and, counter-intuitively, that rule of thumb heuristic-based decision making frequently outweighs measures such as customer lifetime value with regard to customer management decisions. The implications are considerable because if successful banks are making widespread use of heuristics, managers and academics would benefit from understanding the conditions under which heuristic decision making can be more successful than an analytic approach. This understanding, in turn, may highlight a limitation of CRM systems and point to a more flexible approach to customer management decisions in which experience-based managerial heuristics modify data from formal CRM systems.  相似文献   

Relationship banking (RB) philosophy has become a topic of increasing importance in strategic marketing management. RB concerns inter alia the applying of customer-driven strategies using advanced information technology. This study investigates RB in the Greek banking industry overall and also under different ownership status (privately owned vs. stated-controlled vs. foreign banks). Based on a wide field of research during the period 2005–2006, indeed, we find that banks in Greece apply the philosophy of RB; however, privately owned and foreign banks implement RB strategies more systematically and effectively in comparison with state-controlled banks. The usefulness of our results is twofold: they satisfactorily justify the considerable growth of the private banking sector in the Greek economy and significantly enrich the service-profit chain of this specific industry.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study of customer knowledge management (CKM) of Taiwanese service businesses in China. Over 600 questionnaires were sent out to the Taiwanese directors and staff in 150 Taiwanese service businesses in Kun-Shan City, China, with 322 valid responses included in the study. Four relationships were examined in the study: the correlation between CKM and organizational performance, between CKM and the learning organization, between organizational performance and the learning organization, and finally the effect of the learning organization on the relationship between CKM and organizational performance. Findings and conclusions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the mediating role of customer relationship management (CRM) quality to better explain the effects of service evaluation variables (service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value) on customer loyalty. The study also investigates the moderating effect of brand image on these mediated relationships. The mediating role of CRM quality on the relationship between the service evaluation variables and customer loyalty is supported. Further, it is found that the indirect effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty via CRM quality is stronger when perceived brand image is high than when it is low. The results have implications for relationship managers, brand managers and scholars who use service evaluation and relational metrics to predict customer loyalty.  相似文献   

Research examining ways to prevent employee turnover has observed varied and often inconsistent findings, yet this remains a challenge to many firms, particularly call centers. This study therefore examines the impact of customer relationship management (CRM) dimensions on employee job satisfaction and intention to quit. A two-step methodological approach utilizing data from the Malaysian call center industry was used. The study conducted preliminary qualitative investigations (from literature and a focus group), and survey data were then used to test the conceptual model via structural equation modeling. The findings establish that a properly initiated and implemented CRM strategy will engender employee job satisfaction thereby resulting in significantly reduced intention to quit. The study identifies the key CRM dimensions that can be useful for call center managers in enhancing employee job satisfaction and averting employee turnover intentions. Implications for marketing theory and practice as well as areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relational factors and motivations of Chinese migrant consumers towards financial service providers in New Zealand. Using convergent interviews, a deeper understanding is developed of immigrants’ relational behaviour with service providers. These relationships with service providers are significantly influenced by traditional Chinese values and guanxi and relational embeddedness plays an important role in how they are developed. The research contributes a better understanding of the interplay between Eastern and Western cultures in service relationships among immigrant groups. A general theory of the Chinese perspective of customer relationship management is developed. The implications for how marketing practitioners manage their relationships with migrant customers are explored.  相似文献   

This study elucidates the causal relationships between service recovery, perceived justice, perceived risk, and customer value. Data were collected by questionnaires validated for reliability and validity. The findings were as follows: perceived justice is positively affected by service recovery, whereas perceived risk is negatively affected by perceived justice. Furthermore, perceived risk is directly and negatively affected by service recovery; perceived risk is also indirectly influenced by service recovery through perceived justice. Finally, customer value is affected by perceived risk. However, customer value is not directly related to perceived justice; customer value was found to be indirectly affected by perceived justice through perceived risk. Therefore, the path of this casual relationship is ‘service recovery, perceived justice, perceived risk then customer value’. Future studies may explore the influence of internal factors or dimensions of the forgoing variables on perceptions of customer value. In practice, hotel managers can refine the relevant service recovery approach and optimize financial investment to increase customer value.  相似文献   

Increased support from customers for Islamic financial services is very important to create resilience and competitiveness in the Islamic banking industry. By highlighting certain social activities, this paper estimates the role of Islamic banks’ CSR in influencing customer loyalty, both individually and through the integrated roles of image, trust, satisfaction, and reputation. These paths explore how CSR makes customers impressed, convinced, satisfied, amazed, and ultimately loyal to Islamic banks. The empirical analysis of partial least square structural equation modeling (n = 283) has shown that CSR directly and positively impacts loyalty. Indirectly, these two aspects have an insignificant relationship through the serial roles of image-reputation and satisfaction-reputation, but significant through the single role of reputation and the serial role of trust-reputation. This study has resulted in an updated prediction model of Islamic banking customer loyalty. The practical implication lies in the importance of developing CSR to generate trust and reputation which ultimately increase customer loyalty toward Islamic banks.  相似文献   

This paper recognises that customer loyalty is important for many competitive organisations, and that retail firms make investments to build and maintain loyal relationships with their existing and potential customers (e.g. loyalty programs). However, there has been little focus on the mechanisms by which these relationship investments operate to achieve customer loyalty. This paper examines one mechanism, namely customer gratitude, which works to make a firm’s relationship marketing investment a success or a failure. Using data from 1600 undergraduate students, this study empirically confirms the mediating role of customer gratitude between the customers’ perceptions a firm’s relationship marketing investments and customers’ perceptions of the value of the relationship with the firm. Further, a significant moderating effect of perceived benevolence on the relationship between customers’ perceptions a firm’s relationship marketing investments and customer gratitude was identified. For theorists, this customer gratitude model offers a better psychological explanation of how relationship marketing investments operate to improve the value that customers place on their relationships with retailers. Our research suggests that managers should invest resources to stimulate customer gratitude in order to build strong customer–seller relationships.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to empirically test the effects of high-performance work systems (HPWS) on employee attitude, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in health-care organisations. The proposed research model was tested using structural equation modelling for hypotheses, based on data collected from 196 pairs of employee–customer respondents in four selected hospitals with more than 500 beds. The results indicate that hospitals can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through efficient operations, employee engagement, and service quality. One of the key findings of our study is that HPWS in health-care organisations influence employee reaction and service quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify appropriate combinations between various types of commitment and benefit, to induce and enhance loyalty behaviours, such as customer retention, cross-selling, and customers' positive word-of-mouth, in a matured service market. The results show that functional and economic benefits have significant effects on customer retention through calculative commitment, while experiential and symbolic benefits significantly affect cross-selling and positive word-of-mouth via affective commitment. Normative commitment mediates the relationship between affective commitment and customer retention. The implications of these findings for loyalty management strategy related with service benefits and type of commitment are discussed. Limitations and recommendations for future research are also presented.  相似文献   

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