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根据海南省相关资料分析发现:旅游收入、入境旅游人次与GDP之间存在正向的长期均衡关系和双向的因果关系,旅游收入对经济增长的拉动作用低于入境旅游人次对经济增长的拉动作用。政府应充分发挥其市场导向作用,加大海陆空交通、港口等基础设施方面的建设,进一步加强对海南省物流、金融、电信等服务业的支持力度和规范管理,建立建全旅游市场经营的行业协会制度;企业应以社会和自然承载力为依据开发新的旅游产品,并融入文化要素,建立旅游产品品牌;同时,旅游企业要加强自身管理和市场竞争力的培育,吸纳并培养高层次的旅游管理人才。  相似文献   

西部民族地区旅游产业转型升级与创新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨主泉 《北方经贸》2010,(11):112-114
景区景点基础设施建设滞后、旅游产业链条断裂、市场秩序混乱、管理体制改革不顺、旅游形象整体营销乏力是西部民族地区旅游业发展存在的主要问题。应发展民族特色旅游,整合旅游资源,优化产业结构,加强区域合作,创新管理体制,创新营销模式,加大旅游招商引资力度。  相似文献   


The Delphi survey as an effective qualitative marketing research tool was designed to project the future Croatian tourism scenario from 2001 through the year 2020. It is predicted that Croatian tourism industry will grow and prosper substantially over the next decade due to increased tourist demand for non-traditional holiday destinations. There will also be a high demand for activity-based tourism and eco-tourism. Although the tourism demand projections predict positive trends in the coming term, it is subject to a host of uncontrollable factors which make long-term projections difficult and cumbersome. In view of the developments and changes, tourism industry operators and public sector planners need scientifically accepted projection bases for tourism investment and effective operational tourism decisions. In this vein, this research qualitatively forecasts the tourism market potential and identifies the most significant future trends in Croatian tourism and hospitality.  相似文献   

旅游市场已经完成了从卖方市场向买方市场的转变,市场的竞争日益激烈,旅游目的地要想做大做强旅游业,必须在旅游资源深度开发的基础上对旅游市场进行细致分析,弄清不同细分市场旅游者的需求特征,从而制定针对性的营销策略。本文以江苏省江阴市为例对县级城市旅游市场进行了细分研究,在整合目的地旅游资源的基础上,提出了针对性的营销方案,对促进江阴市乃至国内其他同类型的县级城市旅游业的发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

城市竞合发展正成为增强地区整体旅游业竞争力的重要路径。由于产品同构性、地域临近性、客源市场及规划定位相似等因素,海南省海口和三亚两市旅游业竞争激烈,忽视了合作的可能性及其潜在收益。在合理进行差异化目标市场定位的基础上,两市可以合作推进旅游管理创新,组建跨区域旅游集团,打造区域旅游精品、联合促销开拓客源市场,促建跨市域旅游服务体系等,共同提升海南"国际旅游岛"的竞争力。  相似文献   

近年来,旅游产品质量投诉问题作为业界热点而持续升温,困扰着旅行社业。究其原因,从表象来看,旅行社业竞争加剧导致的产品同质化竞争,引起了价格战,使旅游产品质量下降。深层次的原因在于随着中国步入信息化社会及消费者的日益成熟,传统的旅行社业服务模式已无法满足以顾客为导向的营销理念的需要。因此,要全方位变革旅行社业服务模式,将信息技术导入旅游产品的开发设计、建立适应市场经济特征的垂直分层的营销体系,以战略眼光创建客户关系管理系统。  相似文献   


The aim of this note is to understand how content relating to marketing and market research is distributed to and within universities. The focus of the study includes the behavior of all those in this market for information, namely suppliers (whether content generators, aggregators, packagers, or distributors of content) of marketing research, university staff, and students. The case study method was implemented to collect data. The case study focuses on UK Higher Education. Specifically, the authors use the case study of the newly developed Archive of Market and Social Research (AMSR) to explore how content relating to marketing and market research is distributed to and within universities. The research involved personal interviews with 15 librarian senior managers selected from 14 universities.

The interviews with librarians provided insight into how AMSR could be distributed to university libraries and how it could be accessed. The findings highlight the role of university academics in specifying the content of marketing and market research. They focus on ‘real world’ management problems to deliver research with impact and relevant teaching. Therefore, they need company and industry information and are more likely to use current sources. The study maps the process of acquisition of marketing and market research content by universities and identifies the different roles involved in this process. The study is in line with the emerging literature that focuses on the role of education in explaining the relevance gap in marketing research. The study contrasts between the situation in the university market and industrial buying and adds to our understanding of the complexities associated with the distribution of the marketing research material. The result is expected to be a much sharper focus for the marketing of the archive material, leading to greater use of recent high-quality market research by marketing educators, and changes to marketing and market research syllabuses.

This note provides insight into how suppliers (whether content generators, aggregators, packagers, or distributors of content) of market and marketing research should market to universities and ensure the use of their information resources by students and teachers and how they should. The findings of the study contribute to understanding customer needs and shaping a new service product proposition. In addition, the study provides insight into how university students and staff access and should access commercial research on marketing from the market research industry (in particular from the Archive of Market and Social Research) and use it in their learning, so that their knowledge will be more up to date and their employability will be increased. Adding several insights to the issue of distribution of marketing research material to universities. The paper relates to the marketing of information resources to universities, specifically to the work of the Archive of Market and Social Research, in marketing their information assets to universities, and more specifically the relationship between the “push” of suppliers, libraries, journal and textbook suppliers and information aggregators (such as EBSCO and JISC) and the pull coming from academic researchers and lecturers, who might use this information in their teaching and research. The present study can be seen as a classic case study of understanding buyer behavior, but in a modern world of information platforms, aggregation, and the digital economy.  相似文献   

菏泽历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,是我国著名的牡丹之乡、书画之乡、戏曲之乡和武术之乡。在旅游产业发展方面,菏泽市具有的优势是旅游资源比较丰富,历史文化积淀深厚,生态休闲旅游资源独具特色;存在的劣势是发展旅游业的意识落伍,龙头旅游资源季节性强;面临的机遇是文化旅游、生态旅游和休闲旅游成为热点;面对的威胁是来自国内、国际旅游市场的竞争压力。大力发展菏泽市旅游产业,应强化旅游产业意识和旅游可持续发展意识,制定科学的旅游产业发展总体规划,加强对旅游业的管理,提高旅游从业人员的素质,构筑旅游产业链群,开展多元化融资,加强区域旅游市场整合营销,促进区域旅游经济快速、健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

2020年新冠肺炎疫情的爆发和蔓延对我国旅游业造成了巨大冲击,但这只是阶段性的,不会改变我国旅游业敏感却不脆弱的基本预期和判断,疫情过后我国旅游业仍将极具韧性地呈现快速复苏势头。与2003年非典型肺炎疫情相比,2020年新冠肺炎疫情对我国旅游业的影响更加严重,一定要在高于非典型肺炎疫情影响的预估下,客观吸取非典型肺炎疫情时期经验教训,更加充分地考虑应对之策。对政府而言,既要充分加强危机管理,引导企业自救,强化政策支持,又要分预案、分区域、分市场提早谋划;对旅游相关企业而言,既要积极担当,为疫情防控贡献力量,又要积极开展经营自救,对疫情结束后旅游市场的需求变动进行分析和预测,为在产业复苏中抢抓机遇做好准备。此外,还要重视新冠肺炎疫情在创新应用、供需对接、旅游管理等方面催生的改革机遇,化危为机,推动旅游业进一步改革升级。  相似文献   

邝金丽 《商业研究》2008,(3):184-187
区域旅游整合营销是开发区域旅游资源、拓展区际旅游市场的主要途径,对于提高区域旅游业的知名度、扩大美誉度具有十分重要的意义。从区域内部营销资源系统、区域旅游传播系统和区域旅游管理系统三个方面看中原城市群区域旅游整合营销,其形象广告传播、公共关系传播、数字化传播、空间传播和旅游节事传播等区域旅游整合营销是传播之良策。  相似文献   

从总体上看,目前贵州省的旅游业还处于市场化和产业化的起步期,由于受观念、资金、市场和人才多个瓶颈的约束,景区开发与管理理念相当落后,基础条件和市场推广严重滞后于市场需求。贵州省旅游资源十分丰富,知名旅游景点较多,要实现旅游业大发展,实现旅游资源价值最大化的目标,必须进行深度的"开发、开放",尤其要尽快转变思维方式和经营理念,加大与东南沿海发达地区的合作联盟力度,引入外来资本,全面提升旅游业市场化和产业化水平。  相似文献   

红色旅游目的地产品类型与营销探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从目的地发展的角度,而不是从单一旅游产品的角度审视红色旅游是一个新的尝试。从目的地营销的角度看,红色旅游产品分为地带性旅游产品、线形旅游产品和场地旅游产品。目前的市场特征表明,红色旅游目的地的持续发展离不开市场化的目的地营销。红色旅游目的地营销应该综合运用品牌营销、网络营销、软营销、组合营销和协作营销等多种营销方法。  相似文献   

旅游整合营销内容范畴探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
整合营销传播理论适应了现代营销环境和市场需求的变化,对指导市场营销实践具有重要意义。旅游业与旅游市场需求有自身的特点与发展规律,旅游整合营销体系不仅包括营销"传播",而应包含更广泛的内容,至少包括旅游目的地公共营销组织整合、旅游行业部门优化整合、旅游产品开发整合、旅游品牌形象整合与旅游营销区域整合等。  相似文献   

杭州城市旅游休闲与国际接轨的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杭州旅游休闲业在迈向国际化的进程中,还存在着国际知名度不高、可进入性有待改善、产业适应性有待增强、城市配套服务不足等问题。因此,杭州旅游休闲业要真正实现与国际接轨,必须培育现代化的休闲理念,融合资源、深化产品,实施形象品牌战略,加大营销、公关力度,加强旅游休闲管理,引进与培养国际旅游休闲人才,营造良好的社会支持环境。  相似文献   

饶勇 《国际贸易问题》2012,(10):115-131
为提高服务业对外开放水平、加快出口导向型服务业的国际化发展,越来越多的地方政府将航权开放提上了议事日程。本文利用我国最早开放客运航权的试点地区,海南三亚1994年至2010年间的旅游业统计数据,采用动态计量模型分析并解释航权开放对旅游业发展的影响,得到以下结论:航权和签证等消费者移动壁垒的开放进程,应与出口导向型服务业的发展水平相适应,而不是"越快越好、一放就灵";当出口导向型服务产业尚处于粗放型发展的初级阶段时,过早实施全面开放政策有可能导致客源市场结构的低端化发展、粗放型发展模式的增强循环和产业国际分工地位下降等后果,因此航权开放的最优决策应是以产业要素升级和管理体制改革进程为依据,渐进、有序地逐步开放。  相似文献   

浙江省休闲渔业旅游市场需求实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者对传统的渔业休闲旅游概念有所扩展,涵盖了海洋、湖泊(水库)多种类型的休闲渔业旅游.对浙江湖泊型、水库型、海洋型休闲渔业旅游的居民进行人口特征、旅游偏好、出游方式、满意度等相关性因素统计分析,提出对休闲渔业度假旅游项目新建或改造的相关建议。此外,笔者用LOGISTIC分析方法,将近一年休闲渔业旅游参与情况作为因变量,得到了是否去当地旅游与关键特色、基础设施服务评价、常数成正相关,这对政府根据休闲渔业旅游目标市场制定有针对性的营销计划和降低营销成本具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

杨勇 《财贸经济》2012,(4):129-135
改革开放以来,中国旅游业获得了快速发展,产业聚集逐渐成为旅游业发展的关键驱动力,并造成了旅游业发展的区域差异。本文使用2000-2009年间省际旅游企业层面的面板数据,结合新经济地理学的有关理论,在考虑空间距离的情况下,构建了市场潜能和聚集密度变量,从市场潜能的角度解析了我国旅游产业聚集及地区差距的形成机制,并从旅游经济活动密度角度考察了旅游产业聚集对旅游企业发展的影响效应。本文实证结果表明,旅游市场潜能和产业聚集密度对旅游企业收入水平均有显著为正的影响,并且,要素密度也有效地促进了旅游企业收入水平的提升。本文的研究为中国旅游业空间集聚提供了新的解释视角,也为新经济地理学理论研究提供了一个基于发展中国家数据的实证支持。  相似文献   

绿色管理:饭店管理新主题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
面对世界绿色消费市场的蓬勃兴起,作为天然环保型企业的饭店业,迫切需要推行绿色管理,将可持续发展观念融入饭店经营的全过程和各个环节。实行饭店绿色管理,主要的手段是树立绿色理念、采用绿色技术以及开展绿色营销。  相似文献   

In the wake of catastrophic natural disasters and rising threats of terrorism, the hotel industry has been hit hard by declining revenues and increasing competition. To avoid such a downward spiral, the hotel industry should find remedies to make its operations lean and robust. These remedies may include: niche marketing, reduced debt ratio, increased profit margin, and continuous improvement of hotel service quality. These remedies, however, would be of no avail, unless the hotel management finds a way to compare its financial strengths and weaknesses against its competitors. In an effort to help the hotel management enhance its financial efficiency and price leverage in the increasingly competitive hotel industry, this article aims to develop a meaningful set of financial benchmarks that will dictate best practices and shape up a successful hotel business model. Thus, we propose a data envelopment analysis (DEA) that is proven to be useful for measuring the financial efficiency of various profit or non-profit organizations. Using the examples of first-class, luxury hotels in Korea, this article illustrates the usefulness of DEA for the continuous improvement of hotel business practices.  相似文献   

集安构建吉林省区域旅游增长极优势与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省要想实现旅游经济跨越式发展,必须选择和培育对区域旅游经济增长起带动作用的增长极。时下集安市具备了成为增长极的优势条件。当地政府应以市场为导向,高标准地构建集安市旅游新蓝图,大力实施精品特色战略。优化产业结构,加强行业管理,高质量地营造集安市旅游新环境。  相似文献   

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