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Volatility swaps and volatility options are financial products written on discretely sampled realized variance. Actively traded in over-the-counter markets, these products are often priced by continuously sampled approximations to simplify the computations. This paper presents an analytical approach to efficiently and accurately price discretely sampled volatility derivatives, under a general stochastic volatility model. We first obtain an accurate approximation for the characteristic function of the discretely sampled realized variance. This characteristic function is then applied to price discrete volatility derivatives through either semi-analytical pricing formulae (up to an inverse Fourier transform) or an efficient Fourier-cosine series method. Numerical experiments show that our approximation is more accurate in comparison to the approximations in the literature. We remark that although discretely sampled variance swaps and options are usually more expensive than their continuously sampled counterparts, discretely sampled volatility swaps are more prone to be cheaper than the continuously sampled counterparts. An analysis is then provided to explain why this is the case in general for realistic contract specifications and reasonable model parameters.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to propose a feasible, model free estimator of the predictive density of integrated volatility. In this sense, we extend recent papers by Andersen et al. [Andersen, T.G., Bollerslev, T., Diebold, F.X., Labys, P., 2003. Modelling and forecasting realized volatility. Econometrica 71, 579–626], and by Andersen et al. [Andersen, T.G., Bollerslev, T., Meddahi, N., 2004. Analytic evaluation of volatility forecasts. International Economic Review 45, 1079–1110; Andersen, T.G., Bollerslev, T., Meddahi, N., 2005. Correcting the errors: Volatility forecast evaluation using high frequency data and realized volatilities. Econometrica 73, 279–296], who address the issue of pointwise prediction of volatility via ARMA models, based on the use of realized volatility. Our approach is to use a realized volatility measure to construct a non-parametric (kernel) estimator of the predictive density of daily volatility. We show that, by choosing an appropriate realized measure, one can achieve consistent estimation, even in the presence of jumps and microstructure noise in prices. More precisely, we establish that four well known realized measures, i.e. realized volatility, bipower variation, and two measures robust to microstructure noise, satisfy the conditions required for the uniform consistency of our estimator. Furthermore, we outline an alternative simulation based approach to predictive density construction. Finally, we carry out a simulation experiment in order to assess the accuracy of our estimators, and provide an empirical illustration that underscores the importance of using microstructure robust measures when using high frequency data.  相似文献   

The transformed-data maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method for structural credit risk models developed by Duan [Duan, J.-C., 1994. Maximum likelihood estimation using price data of the derivative contract. Mathematical Finance 4, 155–167] is extended to account for the fact that observed equity prices may have been contaminated by trading noises. With the presence of trading noises, the likelihood function based on the observed equity prices can only be evaluated via some nonlinear filtering scheme. We devise a particle filtering algorithm that is practical for conducting the MLE estimation of the structural credit risk model of Merton [Merton, R.C., 1974. On the pricing of corporate debt: The risk structure of interest rates. Journal of Finance 29, 449–470]. We implement the method on the Dow Jones 30 firms and on 100 randomly selected firms, and find that ignoring trading noises can lead to significantly over-estimating the firm’s asset volatility. The estimated magnitude of trading noise is in line with the direction that a firm’s liquidity will predict based on three common liquidity proxies. A simulation study is then conducted to ascertain the performance of the estimation method.  相似文献   

This paper determines strike prices of discretely sampled variance/volatility swaps taking into account stochastic liquidity risks and the switching of economic conditions. We adopt nonlinear regime switching volatility to reflect how asset prices are affected by economic cycles, and market prices of assets are discounted according to the level of market liquidity. We then establish a risk-neutral measure under regime switching Esscher transform, so that analytical valuation of variance/volatility swaps can be completed based on the closed-form forward characteristic function. The limiting behavior of discretely sampled variance/volatility swaps is also considered through the investigation of pricing continuously sampled variance/volatility swaps. Finally, based on the results from numerical implementation, we confirm that the new model is very flexible in reflecting different influence associated with common real market observations.  相似文献   

Multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models are usually estimated under multivariate normality. In this paper, for non-elliptically distributed financial returns, we propose copula-based multivariate GARCH (C-MGARCH) model with uncorrelated dependent errors, which are generated through a linear combination of dependent random variables. The dependence structure is controlled by a copula function. Our new C-MGARCH model nests a conventional MGARCH model as a special case. The aim of this paper is to model MGARCH for non-normal multivariate distributions using copulas. We model the conditional correlation (by MGARCH) and the remaining dependence (by a copula) separately and simultaneously. We apply this idea to three MGARCH models, namely, the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model of Engle [Engle, R.F., 2002. Dynamic conditional correlation: A simple class of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 20, 339–350], the varying correlation (VC) model of Tse and Tsui [Tse, Y.K., Tsui, A.K., 2002. A multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with time-varying correlations. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 20, 351–362], and the BEKK model of Engle and Kroner [Engle, R.F., Kroner, K.F., 1995. Multivariate simultaneous generalized ARCH. Econometric Theory 11, 122–150]. Empirical analysis with three foreign exchange rates indicates that the C-MGARCH models outperform DCC, VC, and BEKK in terms of in-sample model selection and out-of-sample multivariate density forecast, and in terms of these criteria the choice of copula functions is more important than the choice of the volatility models.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a class of realized stochastic volatility model based on both various realized volatility measures and spot rate. It applies the realized stochastic volatility model (Takahashi, Omori, & Watanabe, 2009, and Koopman & Scharth, 2013) to the spot rate model with dynamic drift and level effect setups (RSVL). A jointly approximated maximum likelihood procedure is used to estimate this model. The simulation results show that the RSVL model can be consistently estimated and noise-and-jump-robust realized volatility measures improve the accuracy of the estimation. This study empirically investigates the Chinese interbank repo market with RSVL model, which manifested the advantage of taking the level effect and nonlinear drift into consideration. The noise-and-jump-robust realized volatility measures (e.g. subsample realized volatility and threshold pre-average realized volatility) decrease the volatility fitting error. The nonparametric testing suggests that the RSVL model with noise-and-jump-robust realized volatility measures has more power on forecasting excess kurtosis and fat tails and predicting dynamics of higher order autocorrelations.  相似文献   

Novel transition-based misspecification tests of semiparametric and fully parametric univariate diffusion models based on the estimators developed in [Kristensen, D., 2010. Pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation in two classes of semiparametric diffusion models. Journal of Econometrics 156, 239-259] are proposed. It is demonstrated that transition-based tests in general lack power in detecting certain departures from the null since they integrate out local features of the drift and volatility. As a solution to this, tests that directly compare drift and volatility estimators under the relevant null and alternative are also developed which exhibit better power against local alternatives.  相似文献   

This study examines the theoretical and empirical perspectives of the symmetric Hawkes model of the price tick structure. Combined with the maximum likelihood estimation, the model provides a proper method of volatility estimation specialized in ultra-high-frequency analysis. Empirical studies based on the model using the ultra-high-frequency data of stocks in the S&P 500 are performed. The performance of the volatility measure, intraday estimation, and the dynamics of the parameters are discussed. A new approach of diffusion analogy to the symmetric Hawkes model is proposed with the distributional properties very close to the Hawkes model. As a diffusion process, the model provides more analytical simplicity when computing the variance formula, incorporating skewness and examining the probabilistic property. An estimation of the diffusion model is performed using the simulated maximum likelihood method and shows similar patterns to the Hawkes model.  相似文献   

This paper develops a regression limit theory for discrete choice nonstationary panels with large cross section (N) and time series (T) dimensions. Some results emerging from this theory are directly applicable in the wider context of M-estimation. This includes an extension of work by Wooldridge [Wooldridge, J.M., 1994. Estimation and Inference for Dependent Processes. In: Engle, R.F., McFadden, D.L. (Eds.). Handbook of Econometrics, vol. 4, North-Holland, Amsterdam] on the limit theory of local extremum estimators to multi-indexed processes in nonlinear nonstationary panel data models.It is shown that the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is consistent without an incidental parameters problem and has a limit theory with a fast rate of convergence N1/2T3/4 (in the stationary case, the rate is N1/2T1/2) for the regression coefficients and thresholds, and a normal limit distribution. In contrast, the limit distribution is known to be mixed normal in time series modeling, as shown in [Park, J.Y., Phillips, P.C.B., 2000, Nonstationary binary choice. Econometrica, 68, 1249–1280] (hereafter PP), and [Phillips, P.C.B., Jin, S., Hu, L., 2007. Nonstationary discrete choice: A corrigendum and addendum. Journal of Econometrics 141(2), 1115–1130] (hereafter, PJH).The approach is applied to exchange rate regime choice by monetary authorities, and we provide an analysis of the empirical phenomenon known as “fear of floating”.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the Bayesian analysis of stochastic volatility (SV) models with leverage. Specifically, the paper shows how the often used Kim et al. [1998. Stochastic volatility: likelihood inference and comparison with ARCH models. Review of Economic Studies 65, 361–393] method that was developed for SV models without leverage can be extended to models with leverage. The approach relies on the novel idea of approximating the joint distribution of the outcome and volatility innovations by a suitably constructed ten-component mixture of bivariate normal distributions. The resulting posterior distribution is summarized by MCMC methods and the small approximation error in working with the mixture approximation is corrected by a reweighting procedure. The overall procedure is fast and highly efficient. We illustrate the ideas on daily returns of the Tokyo Stock Price Index. Finally, extensions of the method are described for superposition models (where the log-volatility is made up of a linear combination of heterogenous and independent autoregressions) and heavy-tailed error distributions (student and log-normal).  相似文献   

本文提出一个利用混频数据估计资产波动率的框架,该框架使用日内高频数据构造蕴含潜在发生概率的跳跃和扩散波动指标,以外生的滞后项进入回馈函数,既能充分利用样本信息,又能避免无限滞后期的回馈影响。在对沪深300指数的实证分析中,考虑一个跳跃对扩散波动具有非对称性溢出效应的双向波动率回馈模型。相对于基准模型,这一模型对数据的描述更优。分析结果显示,两类波动间存在正向回馈效应:跳跃向扩散的溢出导致自回归条件异方差(ARCH)系数存在两个区制且区制内的变异性明显;扩散向跳跃的溢出致使跳跃强度的自相关性在极端市场环境中出现强化。波动率回馈机制使得信息释放后价格反复调整变化,导致波动率高企;熔断事件折射出A股信息流质量差、融解效率低等问题。由此可以得出结论:相关监管和交易制度亟待完善。  相似文献   

This paper establishes the existence and efficiency of equilibrium in a local public goods economy with spatial structures by formalizing Hamilton's [Hamilton, B.W., 1975. Zoning and property taxation in a system of local governments Urban Studies 12, 205–211] elaboration of Tiebout's [Tiebout, C., 1956. A pure theory of local public expenditures. Journal of Political Economy 64, 416–424] tale. We use a well-known equilibrium concept from Rothschild and Stiglitz [Rothschild, M., Stiglitz, J.E., 1976. Equilibrium in competitive insurance markets: an essay on the economics of imperfect information. Quarterly Journal of Economics 40, 629–649] in a market with asymmetric information, and show that Hamilton's zoning policy plays an essential role in proving the existence and efficiency of equilibrium. We use an idealized large economy following Ellickson, Grodal, Scotchmer and Zame [Ellickson, B., Grodal, B., Scotchmer, S., Zame, W.R., 1999. Clubs and the market, Econometrica 67, 1185–1217] and Allouch, Conley and Wooders [Allouch, N., Conley, J.P., Wooders, M.H., The Tiebout Hypothesis: On the Existence of Pareto Efficient Competitive Equilibria, (2004), mimeograph]. Our theorem is directly applicable to the existence and efficiency of a discrete spatial approximation of mono- or multi-centric city equilibria in an urban economy with commuting time costs, even if we allow the existence of multiple qualities of (collective) residences, when externalities due to traffic congestion are not present.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the statistical properties of estimators of the parameters and unobserved series for state space models with integrated time series. In particular, we derive the full asymptotic results for maximum likelihood estimation using the Kalman filter for a prototypical class of such models—those with a single latent common stochastic trend. Indeed, we establish the consistency and asymptotic mixed normality of the maximum likelihood estimator and show that the conventional method of inference is valid for this class of models. The models we explicitly consider comprise a special–yet useful–class of models that may be employed to extract the common stochastic trend from multiple integrated time series. Such models can be very useful to obtain indices that represent fluctuations of various markets or common latent factors that affect a set of economic and financial variables simultaneously. Moreover, our derivation of the asymptotics of this class makes it clear that the asymptotic Gaussianity and the validity of the conventional inference for the maximum likelihood procedure extends to a larger class of more general state space models involving integrated time series. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of this class of models extracting a common stochastic trend from three sets of time series involving short- and long-term interest rates, stock return volatility and trading volume, and Dow Jones stock prices.  相似文献   

It is common practice to use the sum of frequently sampled squared returns to estimate volatility, yielding the so-called realized volatility. Unfortunately, returns are contaminated by market microstructure noise. Several noise-corrected realized volatility measures have been proposed. We assess to what extent correction for microstructure noise improves forecasting future volatility using a MIxed DAta Sampling (MIDAS) regression framework. We study the population prediction properties of various realized volatility measures, assuming i.i.di.i.d. microstructure noise. Next we study optimal sampling issues theoretically, when the objective is forecasting and microstructure noise contaminates realized volatility. We distinguish between conditional and unconditional optimal sampling schemes, and find that conditional optimal sampling seems to work reasonably well in practice.  相似文献   

Conventionally the parameters of a linear state space model are estimated by maximizing a Gaussian likelihood function, even when the input errors are not Gaussian. In this paper we propose estimation by estimating functions fulfilling Godambe's optimality criterion. We discuss the issue of an unknown starting state vector, and we also develop recursive relations for the third- and fourth-order moments of the state predictors required for the calculations. We conclude with a simulation study demonstrating the proposed procedure on the estimation of the stochastic volatility model. The results suggest that the new estimators outperform the Gaussian likelihood.  相似文献   

We propose a bootstrap method for statistics that are a function of multivariate high frequency returns such as realized regression, covariance and correlation coefficients. We show that the finite sample performance of the bootstrap is superior to the existing first-order asymptotic theory. Nevertheless, and contrary to the existing results in the bootstrap literature for regression models subject to error heteroskedasticity, the Edgeworth expansion for the pairs bootstrap that we develop here shows that this method is not second-order accurate. We argue that this is due to the fact that the conditional mean parameters of realized regression models are heterogeneous under stochastic volatility.  相似文献   

Fixed-income variance swaps became popular for investors to trade and hedge the fluctuation of interest rates after the recent global financial crisis over the past few decades, however, their valuations and risk management have not been studied sufficiently. This paper presents an analytic approach for pricing some discretely sampled fixed-income variance swaps under an affine-jump model with stochastic mean, stochastic volatility, and jumps. We employ a generalized characteristic function to derive the closed-form pricing formulas of these swaps, including two kinds of zero-coupon bond variance swap, Libor variance swap, and bond yield variance swap, to be precise. We also perform some numerical studies based on these models, which suggest that the fair strike values of these variance swaps are within a reasonable range regardless of estimation risk with data dependence and near-zero short rate regime. Our numerics show that the influences of varying sampling frequency and time-to-maturity on the values of these swaps are significant, and highlight the risks of specifying short rate model. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis on the key parameters finds that the risks of stochastic volatility and jumps play prominent roles in pricing these variance swaps under the near-zero short rate regime.  相似文献   

Modeling tourism: A fully identified VECM approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
System-based cointegration methods have become popular tools for economic analysis and forecasting. However, the identification of structural relationships is often problematic. Using a theory-directed sequential reduction method suggested by Hall, Henry and Greenslade [Hall, S. G., Henry, S., & Greenslade, J. (2002). On the identification of cointegrated systems in small samples: A modelling strategy with an application to UK wages and prices. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 26, 1517–1537], we estimate a vector error correction model of Hawaii tourism, where both demand and supply-side influences are important. We identify reasonable long-run equilibrium relationships, and Diebold–Mariano tests for forecast accuracy demonstrate satisfactory forecasting performance.  相似文献   

Measuring volatility with the realized range   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Realized variance, being the summation of squared intra-day returns, has quickly gained popularity as a measure of daily volatility. Following Parkinson [1980. The extreme value method for estimating the variance of the rate of return. Journal of Business 53, 61–65] we replace each squared intra-day return by the high–low range for that period to create a novel and more efficient estimator called the realized range. In addition, we suggest a bias-correction procedure to account for the effects of microstructure frictions based upon scaling the realized range with the average level of the daily range. Simulation experiments demonstrate that for plausible levels of non-trading and bid–ask bounce the realized range has a lower mean-squared error than the realized variance, including variants thereof that are robust to microstructure noise. Empirical analysis of the S&P500 index-futures and the S&P100 constituents confirms the potential of the realized range.  相似文献   

This paper develops a framework for measuring and decomposing TFP changes, within the parametric approach, by using directly the estimated parameters of a profit function. Two alternative relationships are derived for measuring and decomposing TFP changes via a profit function based on two alternative definitions of the rate of technical change, i.e., input- and output-based. Initially a long-run equilibrium framework is assumed and then the analysis is extended to the case of temporary equilibrium. The latter framework is applied to US agriculture by estimating a translog profit function and analyzing TFP changes during the period 1948–1994.  相似文献   

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