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唐洁  张景东 《珠江经济》2005,(11):22-26
粤台经贸合作已成为两岸经贸合作的重要一环.CEPA的实施加快了内地与港澳地区的区域经济整合,为粤台经贸交流与合作提供了新的机遇和挑战。本文旨在CEPA架构下对粤台经贸合作出现的新态势和特点进行剖析,进而提出了继续推进粤台两地经贸合作交流的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

通过调查研究粤台金融业务合作、合作机制、金融机构引进及合作的政策措施等情况,分析粤台金融合作的发展现状和特点。研究台企融资,深化经贸合作,促进全方位合作,建设金融强省以及金融合作的空间等因素对推动粤台金融合作的可行性。提出改善粤台金融合作政策环境和基础设施,鼓励金融机构合作,建设金融信息交流网络平台,培养金融人才等措施,以提升粤台金融合作水平。  相似文献   

广东与台湾的经贸合作萌芽于20世纪80年代,是祖国大陆最早与台湾交流合作的地区之一.随着广东经济的飞速发展,粤台贸易交流迅速扩大,同时又成为广东经济发展不可或缺的贡献力量.因此,研究两地贸易发展,对促进广东省经济发展和推动双方更紧密合作关系的有一定必要.本文通过总结广东省适合粤台贸易合作的优势,研究粤台贸易发展的阶段性和特点,分析整理出两地贸易关系存在的问题,并对此提出政策建议.  相似文献   

广东曾经是大陆利用台湾地区对外直接投资最多的省份,但是存在着项目规模小、企业扎根意识不强、科技含量不高、吸引研发中心和服务项目相对较少等问题.两岸签订E C F A后,将相互开放市场,台湾也将放宽投资大陆限制,更加推动台商对大陆的投资.广东要合理规划引资布局,加强高科技和现代服务业引资,强化与香港的联动作用,将粤台经贸合作推上新台阶.  相似文献   

<正> 一、厦门对台经贸合作与交流现状十几年来,厦门市遵照中央创办经济特区的宗旨,根据“和平统一、一国两制”的对台工作指导思想,突出对台战略地位,从各个层面大力开展两岸经贸合作与交流,以民间促官方、以经济促政治,努力为推进统一进程作贡献.总的来说,厦门对台交往有以下几个基本特点:(一)台商投资数量较多,台资企业已成为厦门经济的重要组成部分.至1994年底,全市共引进台资1111项,协议投资23.96亿美元;台资项目投资额1000万美元以上的有32项,最大项目达2.7亿美元;台湾“百家大企业”已有13家在厦投资;台资企业到资率和开工率较高,累计分别近50%和过60%,80%的企业在厦买地自盖厂房,作长期投资打算;台商投资技术层次不断提高,获准进入厦门高科技园区的项目有22项,全市申报专利的台资项目有130多项.目前,台资企业年产值占全市总产值近40%,产品出口占厦门地产品出口的50%,提供的各项税收约占全市税收总额的1/6,年付出的工资约占全市职工工资总额的30%.台商投资企业已成为厦门市国民经济的重要组成部分和重要的经济增长极.  相似文献   

目前,中俄经贸合作关系出现了两个明显的特点:一是结束了磨合期,进入快速增长期;二是经贸关系进入与政治关系平衡发展的新时期.这两个特点的出现,与两国经贸关系出现的新条件和战略意义的提升有关.这里就这两方面的问题以及如何推进两国经贸合作的新思路提出看法.  相似文献   

1. 建立闽台经贸合作区 为充分发挥我省对台交往最前沿的优势,可通过建立闽台经济合作区,加大对台对外开放,促进调整与优化我省不合理的经济结构.据统计,我省历年吸引外来资金(含港澳台资)投向第一产业占2%;第二产业占62.78%;第三产业占35.22%;投入农业、基础设施、基础工业和高新技术等产业比重小.  相似文献   

当前,黑龙江省对俄经贸合作面临诸多优势.主要有:中俄两国经贸合作步入了历史最好发展时期;双方经贸合作环境大为改善;两国毗邻地区的边境经贸合作再掀高潮;俄经济强势增长,投资环境逐渐改善;我国各级政府十分重视对俄经贸合作;振兴东北老工业基地带来巨大商机;黑龙江省对俄经贸合作的地方优势突出;大通道建设成效显著,服务能力和水平明显提高.我们应充分开发和利用这些机遇,推进对俄经贸合作的战略升级.  相似文献   

中日两国是互相极为重要的的贸易伙伴,日本是中国主要投资国,但黑龙江省对日贸易额在中日贸易中比重极小,甚至可以忽略不计.本文通过黑龙江省与日本贸易及日本对黑龙江省的投资情况,分析了黑龙江省对日贸易和日本对黑龙江省投资中存在的问题,探寻黑龙江省对日经贸合作发展方向,提出了对日经贸合作对策建议.  相似文献   

丁丁  侯贺良 《走向世界》2007,(13):38-41
10年来,鲁港经贸合作已经步入佳境.从某种程度上讲,香港已经是山东的第二大贸易伙伴,双方在各个领域的经贸合作都保持了良好的发展势头.鲁港经贸合作已成为山东扩大开放的重点.自2002年以来,山东省已经在港连续举办了5届鲁港经贸合作活动周,招商效果显著.  相似文献   

诉讼法作为一门传统的部门法,在面对当今社会环境侵害时,亦不得不更新,以对付日趋凸现的环境危机,而有关诉讼法在环境时代的应因措施则是以对超诉资格的放宽、被诉对象的扩大、诉讼费用预防方式的改进和集团诉讼的扩张为主要内容的。  相似文献   

张贵友 《特区经济》2007,224(9):247-248
本论文首先探讨了开发性金融的涵义,继而对开发性金融研究进行了综述;在简要论述融资难已成为县域经济发展的重要制约因素这一论断的基础上,论文对开发性金融推动县域经济发展作了逻辑判断。  相似文献   

深圳经济可持续发展与海水资源开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘砺 《特区经济》2004,(12):44-45
一、深圳水资源现状及其解决措施深圳是全国7个严重缺水的城市之一。深圳市人均淡水资源占有量从1979年的6000m3降至2000年的432m3,仅为全国平均水平的1/5,广东省平均水平的1/6,世界平均水平的1/22,处于极度缺水境况。深圳全市现在蓄水水库251宗,总库容5.62亿m3,正常蓄水4.22亿  相似文献   

This paper evaluates evidence relating to the belief, long held by tropical health workers, that schistosomiasis control would contribute significantly to economic development. The many attempts to estimate the macro benefits of control in terms of the ‘economic loss’ due to the disease are criticized for their emphasis on aggregate output benefits and for the unrealistic assumptions made in estimating the increment in, and marginal product of, efficiency labour units which might result from control. Micro research has so far failed to establish a clear empirical basis for the assumption that schistosomiasis seriously impairs labour productivity — but this may be attributable to sampling bias resulting in the exclusion of workers with severe disease.  相似文献   

There is an increasing realization, world‐wide and in Southern Africa, that conservation and development are compatible.

Because human communities in the less developed rural areas are dependent on a renewable group of resources, including soil, water and forests, it is imperative that land use systems that protect these resources are introduced.

The predominance of subsistence agriculture in these areas is the most difficult syndrome of under‐development. An overall rural development strategy is required that integrates human development with resources management Where the population carrying capacity of the land has already been exceeded, a process of rapid villagization/urbanization is required. Village/urban growth and agricultural development require a carefully co‐ordinated programme of land capability analysis and planning, as well as active investment in infrastructure and the introduction of appropriate technologies and institutions.  相似文献   

The changing perceptions among demographers concerning their roles as social and policy scientists are discussed in order to show their involvement in development efforts in developing countries. Although demographers regard development as a concept that has not as yet been adequately defined, the current view is that the variables, development and population, are inseparable, and that the explanation of trends for one of these cannot be sought in isolation from the other. The article concludes that demographers in South Africa regard development as the predictor variable in demographic trends. They are also of the opinion that the course of demographic trends will in future have an important influence on development trends.  相似文献   

Corruption is studied as a form of decision-taking under uncertainty and separate reaction functions are derived for the briber and bribee that shed light on the determination of the bribe. A typology of corruption is established drawing the distinction between extortionary, subversive and benign corruption and their effects on allocative efficiency are explored. It is argued that while the economic effects of corruption are likely to be unfavourable there may be circumstances where the converse holds. The discussion does not extend to the moral and social aspects of corruption.  相似文献   

In industrialized countries, the human needs and purposes to be served by science and technology are increasingly subject to greater social control. People in developing countries are also preoccupied with controlling choices in the development and application of technology - and the priceless ingredient in controlling their own destiny.The encounter between the more and less dynamic societies makes developing countries the targets of an ‘information bombardment’. Science, technology, values and organization - the ‘active ingredients’ in development - are all forms of information (a resource that is not merely renewable but expandable). The capacity of indigenous people to understand and manipulate the information flow - linking science (‘know what’) and technology (‘know-how’) to human values (‘know why’) and social authority and organization (‘know who’) - is consequently the key to the dynamics of ‘development’.  相似文献   

After commencing with a brief exposition of some salient characteristics of modern geography attention is given to the state of development thinking within the discipline. Various approaches to geographical studies of development are alluded to, whilst some major contributions are cited. This is followed by a brief discussion of the main research fields relevant to South African development issues. Some major research contributions are cited and a list of perceived deficiencies given. In conclusion it is stated that economic development always takes place within a spatial framework and always affects spatial structures as well as the man‐environment system. Geography, as a spatial science, is primarily concerned with these issues and therefore has a crucial role to play in development studies.  相似文献   

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