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This paper examines the financially focused strategies now evident amongst institutions competing for space in the global higher education system. In their search for increasing financial self‐sufficiency, universities and other higher education providers are examined for their primary competitive strategies. The study provides comprehensive evidence of their cost and operating efficiency strategies, facilitated by increasingly pervasive financial performance accountability systems. The primary operational strategies of teaching and research are found to have been transmogrified into strategies of customised education and research that is primarily focused upon and measured in terms of its funds generation. These trends contribute to complex performance management and accountability challenges as universities’ senior managers balance their internal financial ambitions with the expectations of external stakeholders, while simultaneously projecting sanitised imagery through corporate public relations strategies.  相似文献   

高校财务绩效评价是运用科学、规范的绩效评价方法,对高校财务活动进行分析评价,为高校管理层提供决策依据.本文结合新形势下高校特点制定了财务绩效评价原则,详细介绍了高校财务绩效评价指标体系的构建,并进行实证分析.  相似文献   

2012年国家财政性教育经费占GDP比例达到4.28%,这些经费中对普通高等学校的比例达到22%,如此庞大的资金总量给高校财务管理带来了巨大挑战。同时,随着公众对教育经费关注度的不断提高,高校资金大量结余、“三公”经费过高、科研经费违规使用等问题也逐渐凸显。问题具有普遍性,问题的原因在于权力缺乏制约,因此应从根本入手,加强财权的约束,建立有学术监督的高校财务管理体制,保证国家教育经费投入的合理使用。为实现这一管理体制,应当建立专门的学术机构,从加强法制建设和队伍建设等方面赋予其监督职能;应当从预算宏观调控、预算更改、预算执行和决算等方面加强对财权分配和使用的监督。  相似文献   

Sohail Inayatullah   《Futures》2003,35(10):1075-1077

An effective higher education market should increase educational standards. For universities to fulfil this role, students need reliable information about the teaching on offer at different universities, but no such data are currently available. We define a measure of teaching that weights contact hours by their intensity and collect a new data set that allows comparison of teaching across universities and across three departments. No two universities offer identical teaching. There is large variation in contact hours and even larger variation in teaching intensity, across both universities and departments. We combine our data with existing data to investigate the relationship that teaching has with university and student characteristics. We find that how much teaching students receive is uncorrelated with tuition fee; that teaching has little predictive power in explaining student satisfaction; and that physics students consistently receive more teaching than either economics or history students.  相似文献   

周红玉 《新理财》2012,(Z1):90-91
穿着一身休闲装的杨嘉宏,看上去轻松随意,不知是因为临近春节,受到了节庆气氛的熏染,还是因为当当网终于平稳度过了惊涛骇浪的2011年。对于中国的电子商务市场来说,用惊涛骇浪来形容这一年,一点都不过分。  相似文献   

金融信息化与金融工程:金融创新的制高点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国际上金融工程(Financial Engineering)的应用快速发展,期货和期权等基础性金融工程产品交易额迅速增长,各类新型金融工程产品层出不穷。据统计,2004年全球柜台衍生品成交总额已达全球国民生产总值的19.7倍。金融工程的应用和发展从一开始就在很大程度上依赖于金融信息化,时至今日,其发展和应用更是无法脱离金融信息化的支持。金融信息化为金融工程的应用和发展提供了必要条件。反之,金融工程也对金融信息化的发展提出了更高的要求。不仅如此,金融工程也越来越广泛地被应用到电子金融产品创新之中。可见,金融工程和金融信息化关系密切,二者的结合将大大促进金融创新。  相似文献   

新建金融本科院校办学定位与发展路径选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何科学定位和选择正确的发展模式来培养高素质的金融人才,是新建金融本科院校谋划长期发展首先要解决的重大问题。从我国高等教育发展的总格局和此类学校的现实基础来看,必须摈弃“大而全”、“小而全”的办学思路,发挥传统优势、突出办学特色、提高人才培养质量,是今后新建金融本科院校实现长期可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

This paper explores the way in which ethico-faith-based rules act as a boundary object in constraining the process of financial innovation and engineering (FIE) in Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs). The paper examines how this faith-based approach is enacted in the FIE process amid different social worlds and groups that cooperate without consensus within IFIs. We contribute to studies of governance in faith-based organizations, by identifying the plasticity of faith-based rules that act as boundary objects in the governance of the FIE process. The plasticity of ethico-faith based rules allows coordination among local and global actors with intersecting faith-based values, logics, and interests. IFIs ensure that the products of FIE become an integral part of and as compatible as possible with the logics of global financial markets.  相似文献   

高校后勤服务中心财务管理创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校后勤服务中心是一个特殊的企业,创新后勤服务中心财务管理对提高后勤服务效益,促进高校后勤持续发展具有重要的作用。本文分析了高校后勤服务中心财务管理现状和存在的问题,提出高校后勤服务中心财务集中管理模式和制度创新。  相似文献   

2007年美国次贷危机的爆发,引起了全世界的广泛关注,并且在极短的时间内迅速发展成为全球性的金融危机,引起全球股价、大宗商品的价格和主要货币汇率等剧烈变动。进入2009年,金融危机对工业、制造业的影响也日益明显。金融危机如此广泛且迅速地蔓延说明了,经济全球化已经进入金融全球化这一高级阶段。从危机的开始到进一步发展,都与曾经在经济发展中扮演重要推进器这一角色的金融衍生产品脱不了干系。加强金融衍生品的法律监管,是金融全球化的必然要求。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the production technology facing computerized credit unions in Canada. A full system of translog cost equations is estimated in order to test for economies of scale, economies of scope, and other production characteristics in a multiproduct context. The regression results indicate that most of the credit unions in our sample experience significant increasing returns to scale as they expand their level of output. There is also evidence of cost complementarity or economies of scope in their mortgage and other lending activities. As a result, legislation which limits the ability of credit unions to grow and diversify will likely raise the operating costs of this important group of financial institutions. Additional structural tests of the most general translog specification suggest that none of the restrictive production conditions commonly imposed by other researchers using Cobb-Douglas and CES specifications provide a valid representation of credit union technology. The results of many earlier studies are therefore open to question.  相似文献   

随着教育管理体制改革的深入和教育事业的快速发展,高等教育领域教育经费来源渠道多元化、教育经济活动多样化趋势愈发明显,高校财务管理和会计核算工作面临更大的压力, 财务管理在高校内部管理中的作用日益突出.传统高校财务管理观念及方法已越来越不适应高校的快速发展,高校财务管理必须进行改革.  相似文献   

教育产权多元化背景下,由于教育产权的模糊性引发的问题层出不穷,“政教不分”、教育机构行政化色彩浓重、激励不足与“内部人控制”等问题普遍存在,直接导致财务风险严重。对此,提出了高校财务治理的基本框架,综合运用内部和外部财务治理机制,力图从教育产权的角度探索和解决高校财务治理中存在的问题。  相似文献   

高校财会部门作为对学校经济活动进行核算、监督和管理职能部门,必然与以“对经济活动的风险进行防范和管控”为主要目标的高校内部控制发生密切关系,在学校内部控制中具有其他部门不可替代的地位和作用。本文在分析高校财务管理、会计核算与监督同内部控制关系基础上,重点阐述高校财会部门在内部控制中的重要地位与作用。  相似文献   

泛长三角是我国最具活力的三大经济圈之一,正在形成世界第六大城市群,在吸纳全球资源的同时,对周边区域的辐射带动作用也日益增强.作为一家总行设在上海、身处长三角前沿的大型商业银行,交通银行长期以来一直高度重视促进泛长三角地区经济金融协调发展,高度重视通过提供优质高效的金融服务分享区域经济社会发展的成果.交通银行将充分发挥总部在长三角的优势,继续把泛长三角作为全行经营战略的重中之重,积极配合安徽加快融入长三角的进程,拓展新的合作领域,深化合作层次,提高合作质量和水平.  相似文献   

Many believe that compensation, misaligned from shareholders’ value due to managerial entrenchment, caused financial firms to take risks before the financial crisis of 2008. We argue that, even in a classical principal‐agent setting without entrenchment and with exogenous firm risk, riskier firms may offer higher total pay as compensation for the extra risk in equity stakes borne by risk‐averse managers. Using long lags of stock price risk to capture exogenous firm risk, we confirm our conjecture and show that riskier firms are also more productive and more likely to be held by institutional investors, who are most able to influence compensation.  相似文献   

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