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This paper examines the incorporation of higher moments in portfolio selection problems utilising high-frequency data. Our approach combines innovations from the realised volatility literature with a portfolio selection methodology utilising higher moments. We provide an empirical study of the measurement of higher moments from tick by tick data and implement the model for a selection of stocks from the DOW 30 over the time period 2005–2011. We demonstrate a novel estimator for moments and co-moments in the presence of microstructure noise.  相似文献   

This article investigates the portfolio selection problem of an investor with three-moment preferences taking positions in commodity futures. To model the asset returns, we propose a conditional asymmetric t copula with skewed and fat-tailed marginal distributions, such that we can capture the impact on optimal portfolios of time-varying moments, state-dependent correlations, and tail and asymmetric dependence. In the empirical application with oil, gold and equity data from 1990 to 2010, the conditional t copulas portfolios achieve better performance than those based on more conventional strategies. The specification of higher moments in the marginal distributions and the type of tail dependence in the copula has significant implications for the out-of-sample portfolio performance.  相似文献   

We formulate a mean-variance portfolio selection problem that accommodates qualitative input about expected returns and provide an algorithm that solves the problem. This model and algorithm can be used, for example, when a portfolio manager determines that one industry will benefit more from a regulatory change than another but is unable to quantify the degree of difference. Qualitative views are expressed in terms of linear inequalities among expected returns. Our formulation builds on the Black-Litterman model for portfolio selection. The algorithm makes use of an adaptation of the hit-and-run method for Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. We also present computational results that illustrate advantages of our approach over alternative heuristic methods for incorporating qualitative input.  相似文献   

The Markowitz portfolio optimization model, popularly known as the Mean-Variance model, assumes that stockreturns follow normal distribution. But when stock returns do not follow normal distribution, this model wouldbe inadequate as it would prescribe sub-optimal portfolios. Stock market literature often deliberates that stock returns are non-normal. In such context the Markowitz model would not be sufficient to estimate the portfolio risks. The purpose of this paper is to expand the original Markowitz portfolio theory (mean-variance) via adding the higher order moments like skewness (third moment about the mean) and kurtosis (fourth moment about the mean) in the return characteristics. The research paper investigates the impact of including higher moments using multi-objective programming model for portfolio stock selection and optimization. The empirical results indicate that the inclusion of higher moments had a considerable impact in estimating the returns behavior of portfolios. The portfolios optimized using all the four moments, generated higher returns for the given level of risk in comparison to the returns of the Markowitz model during the study period 2000–2011. The results of this study would be immensely useful to fund managers, portfolio managers and investors as it would help them in understanding the Indian stock market behavior better and also in selecting alternative portfolio selection models.  相似文献   

This paper develops a computational approach to determining the moments of the distribution of the error in a dynamic hedging or payoff replication strategy under discrete trading. In particular, an algorithm is developed for portfolio affine trading strategies, which lead to portfolio dynamics that are affine in the portfolio variable. This structure can be exploited in the computation of moments of the hedging error of such a strategy, leading to a lattice based backward recursion similar in nature to lattice based pricing techniques, but not requiring the portfolio variable. We use this algorithm to analyze the performance of portfolio affine hedging strategies under discrete trading through the moments of the hedging error.  相似文献   

This paper examines portfolio strategies that incorporate individual and systematic higher-order moments, within a stochastic optimization framework with uncertain mean and covariance. Using weekly, daily, and 30-minute interval data on Chinese commodity futures, we show that incorporating higher moments into portfolio strategies generally leads to better performance. The systematic fourth-order moment, among all systematic moments considered, can lead to the most robust, and a relatively large, improvement in investment performance, while the contribution of individual moments to the improved performance depends on the data horizon. We also find that adding higher moments brings superior performance in more cases for 30-minute-interval data than for other low-frequency data, suggesting that our strategy most likely performs best in 30-minute-rebalancing investments.  相似文献   

This article presents a new credibility estimation of the probability distributions of risks under Bayes settings in a completely nonparametric framework. In contrast to the Ferguson's Bayesian nonparametric method, it does not need to specify a mathematical form of the prior distribution (such as a Dirichlet process). We then show the applications of the method in general insurance premium pricing, a procedure commonly known as experience rating, which utilizes the insured's claim experience to calculate a proper premium under a given premium principle (referred to as a risk measure). As this method estimates the probability distributions of losses, not just the means and variances, it provides a unified nonparametric framework to experience rating for arbitrary premium principles. This encompasses the advantages of the well-known Bühlmann's and Ferguson's approaches, while it overcomes their drawbacks. We first establish a linear Bayes method and prove its strong consistency in nonparametric settings that require only knowledge of the first two moments of the loss distributions considered as a stochastic process. Then an empirical Bayes method is developed for the more general situation where a portfolio of risks is observed but no knowledge is available or assumed on their loss and prior distributions, including their moments. It is shown to be asymptotically optimal. The performance of our estimates in comparison with traditional methods is also evaluated through theoretical analysis and numerical studies, which show that our approach produces premium estimates close to the optima.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a realistic framework that investors can use to optimize hedge fund portfolio strategy allocations. Our approach includes important aspects that investors need to address in the real world, such as how limited resources can restrict the ability to conduct multiple due diligences. Additionally, our approach is not based on a utility function, but on an easily quantifiable preference parameter, lambda. We need to account for higher moments of the return distribution within our optimization and approximate a best‐fit distribution. Thus we replace the empirical return distributions, which are often skewed or exhibit excess kurtosis, with two normal distributions. We then use the estimated return distributions in the strategy optimization. Our dataset comes from the Lipper TASS Hedge Fund Database and covers the June 1996‐December 2008 time period. Our results show in‐ and out‐of‐sample that our framework yields superior results to the Markowitz framework. It is also better able to manage regime switches, which tend to occur frequently during crises. Lastly, to test our results for stability, we use robustness tests, which allow for the time‐varying correlation structures of the strategies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether risks associated with time-varying arrival of jumps and their effect on the dynamics of higher moments of returns are priced in the conditional mean of daily market excess returns. We find that jumps and jump dynamics are significantly related to the market equity premium. The results from our time-series approach reinforce the importance of the skewness premium found in cross-sectional studies using lower-frequency data; and offer a potential resolution to sometimes conflicting results on the intertemporal risk-return relationship. We use a general utility specification, consistent with our pricing kernel, to evaluate the relative value of alternative risk premium models in an out-of-sample portfolio performance application.  相似文献   

This article proposes a novel approach to portfolio revision. The current literature on portfolio optimization uses a somewhat naïve approach, where portfolio weights are always completely revised after a predefined fixed period. However, one shortcoming of this procedure is that it ignores parameter uncertainty in the estimated portfolio weights, as well as the biasedness of the in-sample portfolio mean and variance as estimates of the expected portfolio return and out-of-sample variance. To rectify this problem, we propose a jackknife procedure to determine the optimal revision intensity, i.e. the percent of wealth that should be shifted to the new, in-sample optimal portfolio. We find that our approach leads to highly stable portfolio allocations over time, and can significantly reduce the turnover of several well established portfolio strategies. Moreover, the observed turnover reductions lead to statistically and economically significant performance gains in the presence of transaction costs.  相似文献   

Option prices vary with not only the underlying asset price, but also volatilities and higher moments. In this paper, we use a portfolio of options to seclude the value change of the portfolio from the impact of volatility and higher moments. We apply this portfolio approach to the price discovery analysis in the U.S. stock and stock options markets. We find that the price discovery on the directional movement of the stock price mainly occurs in the stock market, more so now than before as an increasing proportion of options market makers adopt automated quoting algorithms. Nevertheless, the options market becomes more informative during periods of significant options trading activities. The informativeness of the options quotes increases further when the options trading activity generates net sell or buy pressure on the underlying stock price, even more so when the pressure is consistent with deviations between the stock and the options market quotes. JEL Classification C52, G10, G13, G14  相似文献   

While univariate nonparametric estimation methods have been developed for estimating returns in mean-downside risk portfolio optimization, the problem of handling possible cross-correlations in a vector of asset returns has not been addressed in portfolio selection. We present a novel multivariate nonparametric portfolio optimization procedure using kernel-based estimators of the conditional mean and the conditional median. The method accounts for the covariance structure information from the full set of returns. We also provide two computational algorithms to implement the estimators. Via the analysis of 24 French stock market returns, we evaluate the in-sample and out-of-sample performance of both portfolio selection algorithms against optimal portfolios selected by classical and univariate nonparametric methods for three highly different time periods and different levels of expected return. By allowing for cross-correlations among returns, our results suggest that the proposed multivariate nonparametric method is a useful extension of standard univariate nonparametric portfolio selection approaches.  相似文献   

Using a direct test, this paper studies the month-of-the-year effect on the higher moments of six industrial stock indices of the Hong Kong market. We also examine the portfolio effect on skewness and kurtosis across month of the year to see if such an anomaly exists. The empirical results support a weak month-of-the-year effect in higher moments of stock returns. Using a complete sample of all possible combinations for each portfolio size, we show that portfolio effect varies across month of the year for both skewness and kurtosis. In particular, our results show that diversification does not necessarily provide benefits to rational investors when the stock return distribution is non-normal, even though portfolio formation can reduce standard deviation. In June, August and October, diversification across industrial sectors results in a more negatively skewed and leptokurtic return distribution, which is not preferred by investors with risk-aversion. Two (one) possible explanations for the portfolio effect on skewness (kurtosis) are also provided. Our empirical results add new evidence to the existence of anomalies in the Hong Kong stock market. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We formulate and solve a risk parity optimization problem under a Markov regime-switching framework to improve parameter estimation and to systematically mitigate the sensitivity of optimal portfolios to estimation error. A regime-switching factor model of returns is introduced to account for the abrupt changes in the behaviour of economic time series associated with financial cycles. This model incorporates market dynamics in an effort to improve parameter estimation. We proceed to use this model for risk parity optimization and also consider the construction of a robust version of the risk parity optimization by introducing uncertainty structures to the estimated market parameters. We test our model by constructing a regime-switching risk parity portfolio based on the Fama–French three-factor model. The out-of-sample computational results show that a regime-switching risk parity portfolio can consistently outperform its nominal counterpart, maintaining a similar ex post level of risk while delivering higher-than-nominal returns over a long-term investment horizon. Moreover, we present a dynamic portfolio rebalancing policy that further magnifies the benefits of a regime-switching portfolio.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretically sound portfolio performance measure that takes into account higher moments of distribution. This measure is motivated by a study of the investor’s preferences to higher moments of distribution within Expected Utility Theory and an approximation analysis of the optimal capital allocation problem. We show that this performance measure justifies the notion of the Generalized Sharpe Ratio (GSR) introduced by Hodges (1998). We present two methods of practical estimation of the GSR: nonparametric and parametric. For the implementation of the parametric method we derive a closed-form solution for the GSR where the higher moments are calibrated to the normal inverse Gaussian distribution. We illustrate how the GSR can mitigate the shortcomings of the Sharpe ratio in resolution of Sharpe ratio paradoxes and reveal the real performance of portfolios with manipulated Sharpe ratios. We also demonstrate the use of this measure in the performance evaluation of hedge funds.  相似文献   

We model the risky asset as driven by a pure jump process, with non-trivial and tractable higher moments. We compute the optimal portfolio strategy of an investor with CRRA utility and study the sensitivity of the investment in the risky asset to the higher moments, as well as the resulting wealth loss from ignoring higher moments. We find that ignoring higher moments can lead to significant overinvestment in risky securities, especially when volatility is high.   相似文献   

This paper discusses an improvement of the Parameter Certainty Equivalence method in portfolio selection. Specifically, we derive methods of portfolio selection that are superior to the Parameter Certainty Equivalence method from the viewpoint of maximizing expected utility. We additionally derive such a method from the Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

Deep hedging     
We present a framework for hedging a portfolio of derivatives in the presence of market frictions such as transaction costs, liquidity constraints or risk limits using modern deep reinforcement machine learning methods. We discuss how standard reinforcement learning methods can be applied to non-linear reward structures, i.e. in our case convex risk measures. As a general contribution to the use of deep learning for stochastic processes, we also show in Section 4 that the set of constrained trading strategies used by our algorithm is large enough to ε-approximate any optimal solution. Our algorithm can be implemented efficiently even in high-dimensional situations using modern machine learning tools. Its structure does not depend on specific market dynamics, and generalizes across hedging instruments including the use of liquid derivatives. Its computational performance is largely invariant in the size of the portfolio as it depends mainly on the number of hedging instruments available. We illustrate our approach by an experiment on the S&P500 index and by showing the effect on hedging under transaction costs in a synthetic market driven by the Heston model, where we outperform the standard ‘complete-market’ solution.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new theoretical approach for developing hedging strategies based on swap variance (SwV). SwV is a generalized risk measure equivalent to a polynomial combination of all moments of a return distribution. Using the S&P 500 index and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil spot and futures price data, as well as simulations by varying the distribution of asset returns, we investigate the dynamic differences between hedge ratios and portfolio performances based on SwV (with high moments) and variance (without high moments). We find that, on average, the minimizing-SwV hedging suggests more short futures contracts than minimizing-variance hedging; however, when market conditions deteriorate, the minimizing-SwV hedging suggests fewer short positions in futures. The superior posthedge performances of the mean-SwV hedged portfolios over the mean-variance hedged portfolios in highly volatile or extremely calm markets confirm the efficiency of the mean-SwV hedging strategy.  相似文献   

We carry out a comprehensive investigation of shrinkage estimators for asset allocation, and we find that size matters—the shrinkage intensity plays a significant role in the performance of the resulting estimated optimal portfolios. We study both portfolios computed from shrinkage estimators of the moments of asset returns (shrinkage moments), as well as shrinkage portfolios obtained by shrinking the portfolio weights directly. We make several contributions in this field. First, we propose two novel calibration criteria for the vector of means and the inverse covariance matrix. Second, for the covariance matrix we propose a novel calibration criterion that takes the condition number optimally into account. Third, for shrinkage portfolios we study two novel calibration criteria. Fourth, we propose a simple multivariate smoothed bootstrap approach to construct the optimal shrinkage intensity. Finally, we carry out an extensive out-of-sample analysis with simulated and empirical datasets, and we characterize the performance of the different shrinkage estimators for portfolio selection.  相似文献   

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