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张琳琬  吴卫星 《金融研究》2016,430(4):115-127
随着资本市场的快速发展,在风险资产回报率剧烈波动的现实背景下,考察居民风险态度关于财富的函数形式对于研究家庭资产配置和相关市场政策的福利影响有重要的意义。本文使用代表性家庭调查数据,首次通过构建绝对和相对风险态度的指标,系统分析了我国居民风险偏好与财富之间的关系。研究表明,居民的绝对风险厌恶系数是财富的减函数,相对风险厌恶系数是财富的增函数,从而拒绝了常用于经济学模型假设的常绝对风险厌恶(CARA)和常相对风险厌恶(CRRA)偏好。进一步,我们发现背景风险可能是财富对风险态度的作用渠道之一,财富的变化改变了投资者面对的背景风险水平,继而改变其风险厌恶程度和对风险金融资产的投资。这意味着平抑经济过度波动等控制背景风险的政策将有助于提高居民金融市场参与的积极性。  相似文献   

Multinational companies face increasing risks arising from external risk factors, e.g. exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices, which they have learned to hedge using derivatives. However, despite increasing disclosure requirements, a firm's net risk profile may not be transparent to shareholders. We develop the ‘Component Value‐at‐Risk (VaR)’ framework for companies to identify the multi‐dimensional downside risk profile as perceived by shareholders. This framework allows for decomposing downside risk into components that are attributable to each of the underlying risk factors. The firm can compare this perceived VaR, including its composition and dynamics, to an internal VaR based on net exposures as it is known to the company. Any differences may lead to surprises at times of earnings announcements and thus constitute a litigation threat to the firm. It may reduce this information asymmetry through targeted communication efforts.  相似文献   

缴费年限直接影响着养老保险基金的缴费积累与参保者的待遇水平。能够领取养老金的缴费年限由最低缴费年限和退休年龄框定,参保者在缴费年限上具有较大的自主选择权。本文根据城镇职工基本养老保险现行制度设计,运用保险精算方法,构建了基金支付风险精算模型,并依据该模型实证评估了缴费年限对养老保险基金支付风险的影响。研究结果表明:单方面提高最低缴费年限并不能降低基金支付风险,根本原因在于“长缴多得”的计发机制;退休年龄的延长确能降低基金的支付风险,“早缴费”、“长缴费”将是减少养老基金支付风险的重要举措,但需要辅之以最低缴费年限调整才能充分发挥延迟退休增收减支作用;同一退休年龄下,女性比男性获益程度更高,相应地对实现缴费与待遇平衡产生更大的负效应;缴费年限增加能够提高替代率,增强制度的保障功能;缴费比例降低以及退休后平均余命、城镇单位就业人员平均工资增长率、养老金增长率、个人账户记账利率以及平均缴费工资指数提高会增大基金支付风险。建议通过调整退休年龄辅之以最低缴费年限并进行参量调整以降低基金支付风险。  相似文献   

Measuring the risk of a financial portfolio involves two steps: estimating the loss distribution of the portfolio from available observations and computing a ‘risk measure’ that summarizes the risk of the portfolio. We define the notion of ‘risk measurement procedure’, which includes both of these steps, and introduce a rigorous framework for studying the robustness of risk measurement procedures and their sensitivity to changes in the data set. Our results point to a conflict between the subadditivity and robustness of risk measurement procedures and show that the same risk measure may exhibit quite different sensitivities depending on the estimation procedure used. Our results illustrate, in particular, that using recently proposed risk measures such as CVaR/expected shortfall leads to a less robust risk measurement procedure than historical Value-at-Risk. We also propose alternative risk measurement procedures that possess the robustness property.  相似文献   

We analyze the factors affecting farmers’ choice accounting for farm, farmer, and household characteristics as well as elicited risk perception and risk preferences. We consider three alternative hypothetical methods for assessing risk preferences to test the stability and behavioral validity of them. Our case study focuses on livestock farmers in the German region North Rhine-Westphalia. We find that risk preferences are context depending, i.e. differ across different fields of farm-level decision-making. Furthermore, our analysis shows that risk-averse farmers are more likely to prioritize on-farm risk management strategies over off-farm strategies. Moreover, higher risk perception, age, subjective numeracy, farm succession, farm size, and the proportion of rented land show a significant impact on farmers’ risk behavior  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the relationship between management control and risk management by investigating the use of risk maps in an inter-organizational project collaboration in the Norwegian petroleum industry. The various ways in which risk maps are drawn upon in the course of the project reveal sources of perceived ‘usefulness’ that are not primarily to do with increased attention toward early warning signals and the defensive production of audit trails, as suggested by previous research. Rather, the study shows how risk maps act as mediating instruments which allow distributed actors to adjudicate interests, build confidence in and associate with ‘the project’ and its progress over time. Drawing on social studies of science and technology, the study shows how the graphical representations of risk maps manage to engage the user and act as mediating platforms where ‘performances’ around the notion of risk can happen. The paper thus extends and complements existing explanations of the pervasiveness of enterprise risk management technology and discusses its interrelation with project management and inter-organizational controls. More broadly, the paper illustrates how the government of risk is related to mediating instruments and how such mediation happens in the interplay between text and conversation.  相似文献   

This paper aims at examining risk perception, worry and demand for risk mitigation in transport and to compare judgements made by lay people, politicians and experts. The results are based on three questionnaire surveys carried out during autumn and winter 2004. The first study involved a representative sample of the Norwegian population (n = 1716), the second sample a group of Norwegian politicians (n = 146) and the third a group of experts on transport safety (n = 26). Studies carried out previously (Sjöberg, 1998a Sjöberg, L. 1998a. Worry and risk perception. Risk Analysis, 18(1): 8593.  [Google Scholar], 1999 Sjöberg, L. 1999. Consequences of perceived risk: demand for risk mitigation. Journal of Risk Research, 2(2): 129149.  [Google Scholar]) have given support to the idea that consequences are more important for demands of risk mitigation than probability assessments. In the present study it is hypothesised that this may be because they are associated with worry and it is also proposed that worry relates more strongly to demands for risk mitigation than evaluation of consequences. The results of SEM‐modelling showed that worry was a stronger and more significant predictor of demands for risk mitigation compared to consequences and worry mediated the effect of consequences. Probability assessment was a totally insignificant predictor. In accordance with previous studies, the results showed that experts demanded less risk reduction than lay people and politicians. The results indicate that this is because they stress the probability more than the other two groups.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with price and rent fluctuations in predominantly owner-occupied residental real estate. It presents the owner-occupier household as a housing consumer as well as an investor. It conjectures that since risk and return are known to be positively related in financial markets, they might also be thus related in residential real estate markets. If that is so, neighborhoods that are known to yield high returns will be the ones less price and rent stable than low yielding ones.The Capital Asset Pricing Model is not helpful in explaining a possible risk/return relationship in housing markets. Its major assumption about portfolio diversification is contrary to the nature of owner-occupied residential real estate. An owner occupier household, by definition, holds one unit of the asset and acts simultaneously as an investor and consumer of housing. For the capital market investor, investment and consumption decisions are separable. Therefore, a new theoretical model of consumer choice is proposed. Tel-Aviv price and rent data during a volatile market period are used for testing the main risk/return conjecture as well as other related hypotheses stemming from the model. The findings lend support to the conjecture and shed light on possible spatial determinants of owners' risk.  相似文献   

We document a robust negative relation between operational risk exposure and bank capital levels for a sample of large U.S. banks under the Basel I Capital Accords. The results are consistent with the notion that capital-constrained banks increased operational risk exposure at the time when Basel I regulations did not require an explicit capital charge for operational risk. More broadly, our results show new channel by which financial regulations incentivize banks to shift their risk taking to less regulated risk areas. We focus on the case of operational risk because it went from a largely unregulated risk type to a major risk that accounts for about 25% of large U.S. banks’ risk-weighted assets.  相似文献   

国际金融危机对实体经济产生的负面影响越来越大,中国的城镇就业风险也随之加大。因此,有必要进行城镇就业风险研究,帮助政府把握各项城镇就业风险因素的影响程度,制定相应政策并实施城镇就业风险管理。  相似文献   

近年来,由于证券市场的风险骤增以及银行的违规操作,导致证券风险向银行风险转化或转嫁,成为银行传统风险之外的主要风险.银行盲目过度垒上市公司以及对券商的违规操作是证券风险转化为银行风险的主要形成路径,强化银行对证券业融资的风险理念、规范信贷融资行为、构筑风险预警机制等,才能有效防范证券风险转化为银行风险.  相似文献   

This article investigates the dynamic pattern of stock market relations between the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and two major stock markets: China and the United States. A GARCH risk decomposition model is developed to reflect the time-varying market integration. The primary findings of this study are as follows. First, the AEC is more integrated with the regional stock market than with the global stock market. Second, the movement in the AEC stock market is mainly driven by domestic economic situations. Third, external shocks only affect the level of integration of the AEC temporarily. Finally, international investors are able to significantly reduce unsystematic risk by adding an AEC market portfolio into their existing portfolios.  相似文献   

选取2007~2012年沪深 A 股上市公司的 CEO 为研究对象,探讨 CEO 年龄对上市公司市场风险和公司风险决策特征的影响。实证发现:CEO 年龄越大,其所在公司的市场风险越小。进一步研究表明:老年 CEO 主要通过低风险决策行为来减少公司的市场风险,即:老年 CEO 在研发上投资较少,其公司经营杠杆比率以及过度投资程度相对较低。这一结论对于我们更好地理解老年 CEO 的风险决策行为,及对不同风险特征的上市公司如何聘请不同年龄的新 CEO 具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

张冀  谢远涛  杨娟 《金融研究》2016,436(10):159-173
本文把风险依赖、一致性风险度量与投资组合纳入到一个分析框架中,结合Coupla-CVaR模型和Mean-var投资组合理论构建Mean-Copula-CVaR的投资组合模型,能有效同时解决风险度量中的一致性和依赖性关系。采用券商指数、银行指数和保险指数实证分析线性依赖和复杂依赖(Copula依赖)情况下金融机构资产配置的差异性和风险度量的充分性,研究结果表明,纳入Copula函数能够更为稳健和准确地预测投资组合的CVaR。然而,本文没有检验出不同形式Copula之间的差异具有显著性。本文的政策含义在于,忽视复杂风险依赖结构可能会造成风险低估,从而影响资产配置的有效性。  相似文献   

上市公司对外担保由来已久,其中积聚的问题也错综复杂.啤酒花事件虽然只是个个案,但它所暴露出来的问题却不得不引发我们作进一步的思考.本文主要对上市公司对外担保的现状、对外担保所带来的风险及如何遏制上市公司违规对外担保进行初步的探讨.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the empirical literature on risk shifting. It proposes a method to find out whether risk shifting is present in the banking industry and, if so, what type. The type of risk shifting depends on the group of debt holders to whom risk is shifted. We apply this method to the US banking sector in 1998–2011. To study the relationship between risk shifting and the 2008 crisis, the sample is also split into pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis periods. Our results suggest that the same type of risk shifting is present in the entire sample and in the pre-crisis and crisis subsamples. We find no evidence of risk shifting after the crisis. Furthermore, holding capital buffers seems to disincentivize risk shifting. This finding appears to provide support for the conservative buffer included in Basel III.  相似文献   

林宇 《投资研究》2012,(1):41-56
本文在金融市场典型事实约束下,运用ARFIMA模型对金融市场条件收益率建模,运用GARCH、GJR、FIGARCH、APARCH、FIAPARCH等5种模型对金融波动率进行建模,进而运用极值理论(EVT)对标准收益的极端尾部风险建模来测度各股市的动态风险,并用返回测试(Back-testing)方法检验模型的适应性。实证结果表明,总的来说,FIAPARCH-EVT模型对各个市场具有较强的适应性,风险测度能力较为优越。进一步,本文在ARFIMA-FIAPARCH模型下,假定标准收益分别服从正态分布(N)、学生t分布(st)、有偏学生t分布(skst)、广义误差分布(GED)共4种分布,对各股市的动态风险测度的准确性进行检验,并和EVT方法的测度结果进行对比分析。结果表明,EVT方法风险测度能力优于其他方法,有偏学生t分布假设下的风险测度模型虽然略逊于EVT方法,但也不失为一种较好的方法;ARFIMA-FI-APARCH-EVT不仅在中国大陆沪深股市表现最为可靠,而且在其他市场也表现出同样的可靠性。  相似文献   

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